The huge body of gluttonous fell to the ground with a bang, and this time the copy of Chang’an on the cloud came to an end.

Taotie is just one of the beasts, and there are three other beasts, including Qiongqi, Tingtu and Chaos.

At this time, they are still under seal, so the world of Han is safe for the time being. After all, it is temporary. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted it to be done once and for all. In order to eliminate all the beasts, he specially asked Lin Shuo.

Destroying the beast is no problem, but the reward must be given.

Liu Che agreed without hesitation, and said that he would do everything possible to collect treasures from all over the country in exchange for the opportunity of the martial arts club.

Chang’an City has been destroyed by many buildings, don’t panic, as long as people are still there, rebuilding or something is just a trivial matter.

Lin Shuo felt that this wave was enough, and the next three beasts were handed over to the members of the martial arts club.

Although the strength of the fierce beast is strong, it can’t hold so many strong people together.

After returning to the main world and setting a time with Xin Yan, Lin Shuo led the martial arts club back to the heaven.

This time, Chang’an on the Cloud has obtained hundreds of epic evil-repelling jade as a whole, and almost all of the five hundred people in the martial arts club can get it.

Other levels are naturally used to reward subordinates, and this Lin Shuo is handed over to Malaysian Monkey 13.

[Epic evil jade: Crit damage +50%, yellow word damage +50%, skill attack power +50%, 1-85 skills +2, active awakening skills +1. 】

[Epic Yurong: Lizhi +30%, 1-85 skills +1, skill attack power +30%, all attributes +200 points. 】

“…” This is the biggest gain this time.

Very cost-effective, not only improved the combat power, but also obtained a few gluttonous clones and main bodies.

Almost there, Lin Shuo rips apart the space and returns to the hell world.

The hell world is still cold and gloomy, but the dark temple is very different.

Now a city has been established here. Lin Shuo named it Wulian City. It covers an area of ​​about 800,000 square kilometers. In the center of the city is the Temple of Darkness.

Since it is not popular, it looks like a ghost town, although it is indeed for ghosts.

“See the Great Priest!”

After seeing Lin Shuo, the Hell Guards guarding the gate of Wulian City knelt down and saluted.

“Yeah.” Lin Shuo nodded coldly and returned to the Hall of Priests.

He’s not usually in hell, so a lot of the paperwork that he needs to handle is sitting on his desk.

Regardless of this.

Lin Shuo put a ray of Luke’s soul and the remnant of gluttonous into the Yunling Pond. After a while, the remnant will grow stronger and stronger, and eventually return to its original state.

The memory of the soul body will stay at the moment when the soul was deprived, so after Luke’s soul is restored, he can only remember the time he met with Lin Shuo.

After dealing with this, Lin Shuo returned to his desk.

The first document is the development of the Hell Corps.

The current Hell Corps has more than 200 million soldiers, and while Lin Shuo is away, they are already on the verge of conquering the eastern area of ​​Hell.

In addition to the expansion of its troops, the legion has also arrested many ghosts and gods. These ghosts and gods are rebellious and unwilling to surrender to the dark temple.

That’s right, if they want to surrender, it is estimated that they have already followed Jig, and they will not wait until now.

If so, there is no need to keep it.

Disperse the souls of the disobedient ghosts and gods, and then put the soul fragments into the Yunling Pond, so that the background of the Yunling Pond will become more and more, and the speed of recovering the remnant soul will be faster and faster.

The second file is for the Hell Rebellion.

The ambition of Langzi, the new high priest of the Dark Temple, is clear at a glance. He wants to conquer hell with violence, which makes many ghosts and gods unite and prepare to fight against the Dark Temple together.

These ghosts and gods are not very strong, and they have a lot of thoughts.

Lin Shuo sneered a few times when he saw it. The rabble united is still a rabble. There are many ghosts and gods in hell, but the one that can really make Lin Shuo contract is none.

The eight ghosts and gods are contracted by Jig, there is nothing to say, but there are only a few that Lin Shuo wants to sign.

Anduan, the fierce beast gluttonous beast, and the companion of taotie, the rest are not worthy.

The third document is the world of the underworld, which was sent by the king of the underworld, Usil, and the content is probably that the Twister of the Demon World will invite several worlds to participate in the Demon League.

If you were an ordinary player, you probably wouldn’t know what the Demon League would be, but Lin Shuo knew exactly what it was.

“Strange, how could the Demon World invite us to join the Demon World Alliance…” Lin Shuo squinted, rather curious.

The Demon League was originally a competition played by the six forces of the Demon World, and the champion was the news of obtaining the water of life.

This is the plot that will be triggered after the player goes to the Demon World.

Now that Lin Shuo is at full level, he still hasn’t received the system notification that the Demon World is open.

After all, Lin Shuo’s damage is ahead of several versions, so how can ordinary players catch up.

Lin Shuo really wanted to go to the Demon Realm, but to go to the Demon Realm, he had to pass through Silent City. If he went directly from Silent City, Held would probably suspect that he had a PY deal with Luke.

Because Silent City hasn’t been conquered by the player yet, if you suddenly climb up, no one will doubt it.

Come here, let’s go.

“Come on.”

tata tao…

“What’s your order?”

“Send this message to the underworld, and hand it over to the underworld king Usir.”

“As ordered!”

The guard took the letter and walked out respectfully.

In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome, but this is the communication between the kings of the two worlds, and there must be a form.

To put it bluntly, it looks a little more pretentious.

half a month later

“Submit or lose your soul!”

In the high sky in the west of hell, Lin Shuo exudes a mighty power, and his voice is shaking.

“The new Grand Priest is so terrifying…” A ghost and god’s tone was full of fear.

“It turns out that we are really a mob…”

“Too powerful! Jig is not as powerful as him…”

“Do you really want to surrender? I’m so unwilling…”


Half a month ago, Lin Shuo led the Hell Corps to fight in the north and south, and successively defeated the east of hell, the south of hell, and now it is in the west of hell, and it has almost been cleaned up.

“The great priest is mighty!”

“Long live the great priest!”

“Bah, will your scumbag curse your death?”

“sorry Sorry!”

“…” The Hell Corps was beaming with joy. The Great Priest was too powerful, and any enemy they encountered was not a combined enemy. Everyone was running around to occupy the territory, and they died of comfort.

At this time, a huge black cloud flew from the sky north of hell.

It’s a ghost in the north of hell!

The soldiers of the Hell Corps were on alert.

And then, to see their unforgettable life-long scene.

There are more than 100,000 ghosts and gods in the northern part of hell, and I saw them kneeling on one knee thousands of kilometers away from the Hell Corps, shouting with fear: “We see the great priest! !”

boom! The Hell Corps was in an uproar! I rely on! Voluntary surrender? The Great Priest was really blown away!

The ghosts and gods in the north put on masks of pain. Mom, the new high priest is too brutal. He killed all the way from Hell East Second Street to Hell West Eighth Street without even blinking an eye.

Hundreds of thousands of ghosts and gods have been killed in the hell world. If we don’t come to surrender, we will be slaughtered like this!

At this point, the hell world has returned to the Temple of Darkness.

(begging for flowers,,,).

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