Irving Line, Lorain Foothills area.

“Your Majesty, this is the space crack.” Allen Wayne said, pointing to an oval red vortex not far away.

The general space transmission vortex is blue, and Alan Wayne has never seen red, but there is a similar thing in the universe, that is, antimatter energy that can destroy everything.

Lin Shuo’s eyes were like a torch, and his spiritual sense swept over, but there was nothing and could not penetrate.

“Have you found anything else?” Lin Shuo asked.

Alan Wayne, 30, with a cut-off head and bespectacles, is Peravien’s nephew and a staunch advocate of the emperor.

Allen Wayne raised his glasses and replied: “Yes, I have detected that the energy of this vortex has been expanding, and the speed is very slow, but it may reach a critical point in a few months to a year at most. point.”

“Then what?”

“Then there may be an antimatter wave, and the entire Arad star will be broken down into molecules by antimatter energy.”

“Your Majesty, this subordinate believes that it is necessary to dispatch all the physical engineers in the elytra of the Seven Gods. Perhaps this can quickly analyze the weakness of the vortex.”

The first time Alan Wayne encountered such a tricky thing, he was alone.

“Well, I’ll give you temporary command authority. There is only one requirement to call as many people as you want. If you can’t solve this vortex, find a way to open it.”

The whirlpool of the super-space war should not be solved. This is because the rules of the world are in operation, but if you can actively grasp the information of the super-space, you can prepare in advance.

For example, when will the super-space come, is it a super-space battle or a whirlpool, the monster can’t hang and so on.


After the time-space exploration is over, it will not come in a short time, Celia has also done it, and Lin Shuo has returned to the heaven.

three days later

The sky, the ground, and the sea are extremely busy on the Celestial Continent.

The manpower of the major forces arrived on Kronos Island one after another, ready to participate in Luke’s attack.

It wasn’t long before Andersen attacked the fortress, and another apostle came to the heaven, which made the civilians of Arad star heartbroken.

Our 13 li is also too much trouble.

Similar to the period of Andersen’s attack on fortifications, all the countries and major forces in the Arad Continent have come.

The Delos Empire sent two million soldiers and half a million non-human humanoids.

The Xu motherland sent an organization of qi spirits that the patron saint Lin Shuo wanted, and the leader was Xin Yan.

There are basically no soldiers in the Principality of Mar, so Skadi made a point and let the people from the West Coast Alliance go, which is actually a force of the Delos Empire.

However, the West Coast Alliance has been a little busy recently, because the city in the sky has fallen, and they are investigating it, and there are not many people coming.

The Dark Elf Kingdom suffered a bit heavy casualties last time, so no additional troops were sent, and several thousand people were sent to participate in the joint investigation team.

The Adventurers Guild is still those people.

The Violent Hunting Group also came from miscellaneous soldiers, not one of the hardliners. The hardliners were a faction headed by Sodros with the purpose of killing the apostles. How could they agree to Azera’s arrangement to rescue Luke.

No, Azeroth intends to find Luke before everyone reaches Luke’s laboratory and explain the situation to him. In short, the apostle can’t die anymore.

The Celestial Empire consists of about 1.2 million Celestial soldiers headed by Lieutenant General Nibel, Lieutenant General Feiyan, and General Commander Jacket.

This is all the fighting forces sent by Arad.

At this time, the official live broadcast room gathered a lot of audiences waiting, including the local people of Arad mainland.

The people of Arad don’t know why a live broadcast room with a black screen is so lively, anyway, it’s not too big of a problem.

“Why haven’t you started yet! I’m so anxious!”

“The forces of all parties are still gathering, you are in a hurry.””Mengxin asks, are you guys doing Senmo?”

“Dan Liliang.”

“My God of Light! What kind of live broadcast room is this? Why are there tens of billions of viewers on the black screen?”

“I’m going, are there so many people in Arad mainland?”

“…” The live broadcast room was so lively, laughing and scolding, all were anxious.

The headquarters building of the martial arts club at this time.

Everyone in the martial arts club has already set off, only Lin Shuo is still in the office, because Xin Yan came to look for him.

Xin Yan leaned against Lin Shuo’s arms and hugged his waist with a happy look on her face.

“Yan Yan, it’s time to go.” Lin Shuo was quite helpless, the battle was about to start, and the dead girl Xin Yan was not nervous at all.

Xin Yan squirmed and raised her head, Lin Shuo’s chin rested on her forehead.

“Long time no see, I miss you~”

“I’ll accompany you after the battle is over.”

“I do not want…”

Then, Xin Yan approached Lin Shuo’s ear and asked in a low voice and shyness, “I’m wearing the same clothes as last time… I’m going to…”


A few hours later, Xin Yan’s face glowed red and she was neatly dressed.

Lin Shuo: “…”

This girl is so active, not bad.

And the major forces of Kronos Island have already assembled, and they are about to vomit.

My God, why hasn’t the Great Priest Lin Shuo come yet? It’s time for lunch!

“Ding Dong! Global Announcement: Player Classic Double Happiness has created the Ninth Apostle Maker Luke Attack Team…”

coming! !

The eyes of countless players brightened, and the classic Double Happiness God finally appeared.


A space crack was opened above Kronos Island, and Lin Shuo and Xin Yan jumped out.

It’s finally here!

People from all parties breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was no joint operation this time, it was still a cooperation. The most important thing was that last time Lin Shuo turned the tide, and everyone subconsciously felt that Lin Shuo would not start without Lin Shuo. .

However, some people have different concerns.

Obes wrinkled his pretty face and looked at Lin Shuo in the sky aggrieved.

Why did that old woman Xin Yan appear with brother Lin Shuo? Damn it! Wronged to death me.

Of course, Alizee was also watching, she pouted, jealous.

Celia, who was peeking at the screen, gritted her teeth.

This smelly man! He just said he wanted to marry me a few days ago! Now with another woman!

fraud! fraud! Men are liars!

I’ve been thinking about you these days! Don’t let me see you again!

The flowers in Celia’s hands were ripped off piece by piece, her teeth gritted.

Lin Shuo’s appearance has been deeply imprinted in her mind, that handsome face, strong strength, and very domineering…

Maybe she didn’t realize something.

The team is established, and everyone in the martial arts attack group joins the group.

Everyone was ready, and Lin Shuo started straight away.

“Ding! Phase 1: Countdown to Destroying the Primordial Palace Mission…”




“The battle begins!”


The roar shook the sky, and all the members of the martial arts attack team rushed into the silent city frantically.

The Wulian Attack Team rushed into Silent City first, and the rest of the forces did not hesitate to attack.

In Luke’s laboratory at the top of Silent City, Luke looked at the picture of a million troops charging on the monitor, and his heart was a little strange.

It was as if he knew that he was going to die, and there was a sense of relief.

“In order not to let Herder see the flaw, it seems that I have to go all out.” Luke walked into the core laboratory with a stooped figure.

There are two machines there, one that releases dark energy and the other that releases light energy.

The center of energy transmission is two hearts, one light and one dark.

This is the light and dark heart, a mechanical heart that Luke has collected over the years to create two kinds of energy.

The energy of the Heart of Light and Darkness is too great, if used, Luke will be paralyzed for a long time even if he finally survives, and he may never recover.

Putting his heart away, Luke summoned the astrologer Rousselot again.

“Rousselot, are you ready?” Luke asked in a deep voice.

Rousselot replied respectfully: “Lord Luke, everything has been arranged according to your wishes, Princess Becky, His Royal Highness Goult, Princess Kabali and the others have entered dormancy.”

“Well, Lin Shuo will arrange for someone to pick you up when the time comes.” Luke nodded.

“Lord Luke…” Rousselot hesitated, she really didn’t want to see Luke die.

“Don’t talk about it, follow Lin Shuo well in the future, he is very suitable for you, hum.” Luke said with a smile.

Although Rousselot is his subordinate, he is not a cold-blooded person. He has long regarded Rousselot as a daughter after spending many years together, as well as Mistel and Habu.

But he can’t let everyone go, so the goal is too big, fortunately, the core programs of the Mistle and Habu sisters have been transferred out, and if there is a chance in the future, they can be resurrected again.

The big deal is to get them a mechanical body.

Luke’s mode of attacking is like this

From Silent City all the way to the end, the copy did not officially start until Luke’s laboratory.

There will be countless mechanical monsters on the way, which Luke has already said.

He absolutely can’t keep his hands, at least not on the surface.

How many hidden mechanical armies are there in Silent City? More than one billion, the worst can kill the Awakened, and the strongest is comparable to the Divine Realm level.

Of course, the really scary thing has to be the green-named boss, who are all in Luke’s laboratory.

Regardless of the mobs, the martial arts attacking team rampaged all the way and went straight to the laboratory.

The rest of the forces are responsible for cleaning up the mobs and preventing them from rushing out of Silent City and harming the heavens.

This probability is not high, because above the middle of Silent City is in the transfer space, but everything is always in case, and Silent City is so big, there will always be accidents.So it is necessary to invest so many troops.

Luke’s attack is divided into two phases, destroying the Palace of Primordial and destroying the Temple of Excellence.

The so-called Yuansheng Palace is a large-scale intelligent robot production base. The task needs to destroy the core device for the production of robots. You must know that robots are still being manufactured continuously. The output is 2,000 units per second, and 720 units per hour. Thousands.

As long as the Primordial Palace is not destroyed, the robots will always appear.

There are three palaces of origin, and the output exceeds 21 million per hour

The three places are the Sanctuary of Birth, the Sanctuary of Annihilation, and the Sanctuary of Spread, all located in Luke’s laboratory.

After that, we went to the Temple of Excellence where Luke was.

The martial arts attack group rushed to the front, and then encountered the first wave of monsters.

Composed of miscellaneous soldiers, the number is endless.

“Xiaoyi, make a way for us to blow up.” Da Mahou is the captain of the male mechanic at Aite on the team channel.

“Received!” Xiao Yi replied briefly.

He is one of the elites of the martial arts club and is a male mechanic.

“Ding! Received the order of the mechanical head (Xiao Yi), our airdrop support force has set off…”

“Ding! Received the order of the mechanical god of war (Umekawa Kuko), our airdrop support force has set off…”

“…” The male mechanic unit immediately used the summoning command.

crackle! !

The space cracked open, and small space battleships flew out of the space channel. Then, a large square of one-cubic-meter-sized robots flew down from the battleship and rushed to the locked position like rain.

boom! Boom! ! !

boom! Boom! ! !

“…” The summoned robot’s eyes flashed a rush of red light, and then the whole body was detonated, and a terrifying explosion of flames spit out.

The rushing monster was drowned in the explosion, and the horse monkey made a decisive decision and shouted: “Don’t stop, our purpose is Luke’s laboratory, and we will hand it over to the Arad troops behind.”


Taking advantage of the flames that devoured the army of mechanical monsters, the martial arts attacking team immediately accelerated and went straight to the upper floor.

Silent City and Sky City are similar, both are copies of layers up, the difference is that Silent City is bigger and bigger, and the more monsters it faces.

The most terrifying thing is that Silent City has been locked by the rules, and it is difficult to use the space to shuttle.


After leaving the male mechanic’s control range, some members of the Dragon Knights directly summoned the giant dragon, exhaling and blasting all the way, blasting a channel several kilometers wide from the monster group, enough for the martial arts team to pass.

Of course, the speed is fast, because there are too many monsters, the gaps that are blown up in the blink of an eye will be filled, and monsters will appear from all kinds of strange places.

In the martial arts attack group, the fastest ones are the assassins, shadow dancers, sword souls, blue fists, and martial arts.

Instead of acting with the large army, they ran out to play on their own.

Lightning dance! !

Wushen and Wuji rushed into the monster group, turned into blue lightning bolts, shuttled in a zigzag shape, and broke through the next point when the mechanical monster reacted.

The assassin turned on the sleep state, obtained the silver moon mode, disappeared without a trace, disappeared without a trace, turned into a top assassination killer, and disappeared in a blink of an eye without the monster being aware of it.

Sword Soul uses the Raptor Breaking Sky Slash. While charging at an extreme speed, the Sword Qi Tornado brought by the Raptor can kill many monsters.

Blue Fist, not to mention it.

The little monsters at the bottom are too bad, and they are useless except for a lot, and they are not worth staying in the martial arts attack group.

Their goal is only one, to reach the three sanctuaries and destroy the robot production line.

(begging for flowers).

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