Demon Emperor, the name of the element blaster Erjue, there are 66 in the world, all in the martial arts club or branch.

These 66 people represent the highest realm of male mages of the demon world.

The Demon Emperor’s second sense skill is called Doomsday Obliteration.

But the planet made by magic is false, the magic is limited, and the element planet is not too big.

One day, Lin Shuo came up with a whim when he set up joint strike techniques for the various teams. He asked the Voidwalker to open a different dimension, and then let the Demon King pull a planet over, and finally used elemental assimilation to turn it into a real element. planet.

Ahao was greatly shocked after receiving the design of the president, and then the Demon King’s troops and the dimensional troops practiced in the outer space of Arad, and successfully completed a new combination of skills.

However, the disadvantage is great, because it is necessary to open a space channel that can accommodate a planet and assimilate the elements of the planet, so the two troops will definitely be exhausted.

What are the consequences of exhaustion? Without the power to resist, coupled with the boss’s anti-injury mechanism, the Demon King will die after using up his skills.

Through Ahao’s description, the members of Da Liu’s team understood that they planned to kill the boss clone by suicide in exchange for the team’s dungeon clearance.

“You…” Da Liu burst into tears, letting his brother die in exchange for victory? Is it really necessary?

Ah Hao smiled heartily: “Brother Liu, don’t forget that we still have the resurrection medicine.”

“Uh…” The grief-stricken Da Liu stopped abruptly, and the man on the horse forgot about this, wasting Laozi’s expression.

“Okay! You are brewing as soon as possible, we will block the boss.”

Time was running out, and Da Liu immediately issued an order.

The Second Sense skill is the strongest attack that can be issued by the God’s Domain level, and its consequences are also very serious, and generally speaking, it will not be used easily.

Da Liu believed that with the team there, Ahao and the others would be guaranteed safe.

The Demon Emperor’s troops and the dimensional troops came to the rear, ready to start.

“Li Jian, it’s up to you.” Ah Hao said to Captain Dimension.

Erjue can only be used in the realm of the gods, and there are not many members of the demon emperor who have reached Erjue.

Dimensional captain Li Jian laughed and said, “You have to be as fast as possible, we will target star 7.”

The so-called star number 7 is the planet number specially prepared by the dimension for the demon emperor. After setting the space coordinates, the dimension troops can directly open the door of the dimension and go to the vicinity of the designated planet.

“The door of dimension! Open!!”

The members of the dimensional force shouted in unison, and a giant dimensional gate with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers and a width of about 20,000 kilometers was opened.

“Hurry up!! We can’t last long!!” Li Jian shouted loudly.

“Brothers, let’s go!!” Ah Hao led 65 demon emperors and jumped into the gate of dimension.

I don’t know where the world connected by the dimensional force is, but the connection point is in a galaxy group.

Star 7 is about the same size as the Moon, the moon of Mercury.

Don’t worry about whether Silent City can enter such a large planet. As mentioned earlier, the higher the Silent City is, the bigger the place, and the geographical scope of the Sanctuary is very large.

This is the top of Silent City. After breaking it, players can see the Demon World Continent.

It should be said that Silent City is compressed by space, and the interior is much larger than what is seen outside.

Big to big, summoning a moon-sized elemental meteorite could still blow up Silent City.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dying of curiosity, wanting to see what the boss of the Demon King team wanted to do, and followed them through the gate of dimension one by one.

In an endless starry sky, 66 demon emperors have come to a dwarf planet.

“Do it!” Ah Hao shouted loudly, activating the power of excellence, and his body grew rapidly.

The bigger the body, the more magic power it outputs, and of course, the faster it is consumed.

With both hands attached to the surface of the planet, the majestic magic entered the dwarf planet.

hum! ! !

The dwarf planet began to change, the original black and gray color became brighter and brighter, and then colorful elemental energy appeared.

The elemental energy is transformed inside the planet, making the sound of the elements tumbling.

“It’s okay!!!” Li Jian was sweating coldly on his forehead, his magic power was decreasing at a rate of 2%, and he had to keep replenishing MP.

The larger the dimension gate, the more magic power it consumes.

“Right now!” Ah Hao replied in a deep voice.

After a few minutes of output, the dwarf planet has been completely assimilated into a four-element planet, and now it is only necessary to pull it back to Silent City.

How to pull it?

This is a real problem.

Although the power of excellence can make the player’s body bigger, this elemental planet is like a powder keg that is about to explode, and it must not be easily touched.

It’s still in a delicate balance, by hand? That is looking for death.

If it is an ordinary dwarf planet, Ah Hao can kick it flying.

“All attention! Use the elemental chains, we will bring it back.” Ah Hao ordered very solemnly.


The 65 team members responded with equally serious expressions.

jingle! Dang! jingle! Dang!

A thick and long element chain flew out of Ah Hao’s hand, tying up the element planet.

The energy is the same, so don’t be afraid that the elemental planet will explode.

The audience held their breath, their eyes widened, and their faces filled with disbelief.

What’s the meaning? Are they going to bring the planet back to Silent City?

my day! Actually transformed a planet! Is this the God’s Domain player? love love.

The 66 demon emperors each held the chains and dragged the element planet to the door of the dimension.

The element planet is still rolling, and it is about to reach the critical point of explosion.

“.々 Brother Liu! Everyone quickly retreat!!” Elemental Planet is about to enter Silent City, and the team members can hurry up and run.

When Da Liu and the other team members looked back, they were immediately stunned.

My special code! Is this the new second awakening of the Demon Emperor?

A bright and colorful super planet is passing through the gate of dimension and coming to the sky above Silent City.

For a human, isn’t the moon a giant.

Without further ado, the members of Da Liu’s team immediately fled back.

The Demon Emperor’s troops came with the element planet.

The speed of Da Liu and others was very fast, Ah Hao saw the opportunity and shouted: “Release the chain.”

The elemental chains disappeared, the planet lost its support, and fell rapidly downward.

boom! ! !

The element planet fell from the sky with a heavy roar.

The planet smashed into the ground (Zhao Hao), crushing countless boss clones to death.

1! 2! 3!


boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded, and the giant element mushroom cloud that covered the sky soared into the sky, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire Luke’s laboratory.

The terrifying shock wave shattered the ceiling as high as hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and the drowsy continent in the deep space was revealed. The extreme super high temperature burned and distorted the space. The world had completely lost its color, and only the explosion resounded through the sky. sound and extremely dazzling white light,

A strong earthquake occurred inside Silent City, and the major units of the three Sanctuaries were all knocked to the ground by the sudden earthquake.

I rely on? What happened? !

The major teams of the martial arts attack group were blinded, mother, the surrounding elemental energy has been drained! Grass! what’s the situation?

And the live broadcast room of the perspective has been dead silent, and all the audience’s minds are blank, who am I? where am I? What am I going to do?

(Please ask for a monthly ticket).

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