Do not die

Chapter 303: Breaking the Dilemma

The spaceship merged into the strong wind layer, heading west with lightning speed.

Tens of thousands of miles traveled in an instant.

When the spacecraft broke away from the Gangfeng layer, it was already deep in Qinglin Peak.

Sensing the approach of the spaceship, "Ge Ping", who was wandering around the mountains, quickly came to an open area on the top of the peak and waited calmly.

Qing Yao controlled the spacecraft, gently hovering in the void not far in front of "Ge Ping".

Qingtang has stopped diagnosis and treatment, and the conditions of Qingzhan and Qingye who received her treatment have improved greatly. They are standing next to Qingtang, quietly waiting for "Qihuangzi" to diagnose and treat Qingfeng.

No one bothered to push.

The four of them waited quietly for a while, and "Qihuangzi" finally withdrew his palm from Qingfeng's forehead.


Qing Feng still sat there with his eyes closed, motionless.

"Huh?" "Qihuangzi" saw Qingfeng didn't move and made a nasal sound, as if he was confused.

If Qingfeng didn't move at the next moment, he should check again.

And at this moment, Qing Feng opened his eyes and woke up at the right time.

"Qihuangzi" nodded:

“There’s so much I can do, and you’re recovering well.

But then it's up to you. "

After giving a final explanation to Qingfeng, "Qihuangzi" escaped from the spacecraft.

The huge spaceship also shrunk in time, fell into Qingye's palm, and was put away by him.

Qingye said to "Qihuangzi":

"We plan to hand over all this mountain to fellow Taoists, and you have the final say on how to arrange and manage it.

I don’t know how it is with friendship? "

Seeing "Qihuangzi" looking around following his introduction, Qingye continued:

"This mountain has a radius of more than seventy miles. Although it occupies a small area, it is rich in spiritual energy. Without any arrangement, it has the layout of a third-level high-grade spiritual land. With a little arrangement, it can be built into a third-level mid-level spiritual land. The top spiritual place.

Moreover, this mountain spiritual vein is part of the main vein of Qinglin Peak, not a branch, and can continuously enjoy the worship of thousands of miles of spiritual veins.

As long as Qinglin Peak is in good condition, the quality of the spiritual land here can be guaranteed. "

“Although this place is in the hinterland of Qinglin Peak, we will remove all formation restrictions in this area, so you can arrange it according to your own wishes.

At that time, the sect will give you a special token. With this token, you can enter and exit the mountain gate at will without any reporting.

You only need to explain it when you want to bring other people in and out. "

Listening to Qing Ye's introduction, "Qi Huangzi" looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

But Qing Ye's words are not finished yet.

"In addition, considering that the layout of this mountain is indeed too simple, it will also take a lot of energy to arrange the formation alone.

We discussed it and decided that any materials that the Deacon Hall can provide can be provided free of charge for anyone to use.

If you need to arrange manpower, including Xuanxu, the entire Talisman Array Hall can be called upon at your disposal. "

After introducing all this, Qingye looked at "Qihuangzi" and asked:

"Are fellow Taoists satisfied with this arrangement? If there is anything that has not been considered, feel free to mention it and we will try our best to satisfy you as much as possible.

You don't need to be polite, we have already agreed that your future treatment in Qingxuan Sect will be directly comparable to the five of us.

If you have any needs on weekdays, as long as it is something Qingxuanzong can do, just give it. "

Through Qingye's introduction, Meng Zhou also came to his senses.

In such an arrangement, I am equivalent to an "ancestor of guest guests", and I am also one with a very high degree of freedom and strong independence.

If you want to spend time together, let's get together. If you don't want to, you can leave at any time.

Meng Zhou was still satisfied with Qingye's arrangement.

This was much better than he expected.

He initially made this request to Xuan Lin and Xuan Yu because it included the point of "complete independence". Upon closer inspection, this actually implied a condition.

That is, if he agrees to join Qingxuanzong, then the best way is to start from the outer edge of Qinglin Peak and select a suitable area for him to use.

This not only satisfied his request, but also was the most convenient for Qingxuanzong.

With this arrangement now, not only is the quality of the spiritual land better, but it is also more secure.

For Qingxuanzong, he also took greater risks - this was equivalent to Qingxuanzong opening his weakest belly to him.

Of course, Qing Ye said it boldly, asking him to treat Qingxuan Sect as his own home. If he needs any resources, he can directly access them. If he needs any other needs, he only needs to call him.

Saying this, in fact, behind the scenes is just a promise that the massive military merits in his hands can be exchanged and liquidated in this way.

"Very good, that's it...then I won't bother you anymore." "Qihuangzi" bowed his hand indifferently, and immediately regarded himself as the owner of this place.

Qing Ye was about to leave, but Qing Yao suddenly said:

"Fellow Taoist, I heard that you have a kind of spiritual tea with a very unique taste. I wonder if we will be lucky enough to try it?"

"Qihuangzi" glanced at him and knew that he probably had something to talk about. He stretched out his hand to lead the group of people into a nearby stone pavilion on the cliff.

The five ancestors took their seats one after another, and saw "Ge Ping" not far away standing slightly awkwardly outside the stone pavilion. "Qi Huangzi" waved:

"I don't need your service here. Go and take a closer look in the mountains."

After receiving the order, "Ge Ping" immediately said goodbye and left.

Arrangements were made for "Ge Ping" to be taken away, and "Qi Huangzi" quickly took out the spiritual tea cultivated and ripened with the marrow of the Green Lotus Sword.

Soon, the aroma of tea filled the stone pavilion.

Qing Yao, who offered to drink tea, looked at the tea soup handed to him. He drank it all in one gulp and thought about it for a while. It was not until he closed his eyes and felt the soothing pain that penetrated all his limbs that he opened his eyes to see. To "Qihuangzi".

"Fellow Taoist, do you think Qingfeng's previous actions were too reckless?" Qing Yao asked directly.

"Qihuangzi" was a little stunned when he heard the other party's clear and direct question.

But he nodded quickly: "It does feel a bit rash. The key is, I don't see the need to do this."

Even though Qingfeng had clearly been warned by himself, he still insisted on going his own way. "Qihuangzi" had already vaguely had this idea in his mind.

This thought became even more obvious after seeing the dignified "Five Elders of Qingxuan" in such a state of embarrassment under the roar of "The Shadow of the Statue of Lihen".

More importantly, Qing Feng's forced attempt not only made him embarrassed, but also truly alerted the dangerous existence.

It's a surprise.

And this would never have happened.

This is what he has in mind.

However, the matter has already happened, and he cannot pursue it.

What's more, he has no position to do so.

Therefore, although he still had some opinions on this matter in his heart, since it was over, so be it, and there was no need to mention it again.

What surprised him was that instead of mentioning it, Qingyao took the initiative to mention it.

In this case, he would not stoop to say perfunctory words, but said his true thoughts.

Qingyao nodded, but said something that surprised Meng Zhou even more.

"This time, it can only be regarded as a small trial. Next, we should make bigger moves."

Meng Zhou asked in confusion: "What action?"

"We want to completely destroy these three altars." Qing Yao said.

Meng Zhou was startled when he heard this, and looked at Qingye, Qingfeng, Qingzhan, and Qingtang. Their expressions were all very calm, without any signs of surprise.

Obviously, although it was Qing Yao who confessed this matter to him, the five of them had the same idea on this matter.

That being the case, it means that this is the result of their careful consideration, and they can see the pros and cons more clearly than themselves.

"Why?" Now, this is what he is most curious about.

This is not to say that these three altars should not be destroyed, but without more knowledge, this is really too "reckless".

Normally, they shouldn't be so reckless.

Not to mention that those who can cultivate to the peak of pill formation in such an environment as the Five Realms are cunning and cunning, but everyone should cherish their lives. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they should not take such risks.

Well, it's a last resort.

Meng Zhou suddenly thought about this word again.

Meng Zhou asked directly. Qingyao did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked directly at him. After a long time, he asked:

"Looking at fellow Taoist's age, he should be quite young, right? Are you really not in a hurry at all?"

No hurries?

Just as Meng Zhou thought this, he suddenly felt something in his heart and sighed: "What's the use of being anxious?!"

"Yeah, what's the use of being anxious?!" Qing Yao sighed.

“Among the five realms, the best spiritual vein is only the third level.

The upper limit of the spiritual materials and spiritual objects bred in it also stops at the third level.

In this world, there is absolutely no soil for people to go further.

Compared with other cultivators in the Five Realms, our ability may be pretty good, but it is still far from the level of being able to escape the environment of heaven and earth and achieve self-enlightenment. We must move forward step by step. "

“But the problem now is that we have reached the end.

Among the five realms, there is no ladder that can take us further! "

“After a lot of hard work, I have finally reached this point and am qualified to move to the next level.

But because of the limitations of heaven and earth, I can no longer go any further and can only sit back and watch myself grow old day by day.

Every time I think about this, I feel anxious. "

Having said this, Qingyao looked at the white-haired "Qihuangzi" again, shook his head and sighed:

"I really envy fellow Taoist monks for having such a strong mind."

Among the five elders of Qingxuan, he is the oldest, and I think he feels the most in this regard.

Judging from the appearance, even the vital energy and soul fluctuations revealed, "Qihuangzi"'s condition is most similar to him.

Qing Yao should feel that in this regard, the two of them have the most common topics.

Listening to Qing Yao's emotion, Meng Zhou, who was dressed as "Qi Huangzi", shook his head and sighed, looking like he felt the same.

Qingye and the four others also sat quietly without interrupting.

After a long time, Meng Zhou spoke again, "What does this have to do with destroying these three altars?"

Qingyao did not answer this question directly, but continued:

"This world is like a cage, blocking our way forward, and we cannot sit still and wait for death!

Since the world is like a prison, we must break the prison.

If the world does not give us a ladder to move forward, then we will build our own ladder! "

When he said this, his tone was half resentful and half heroic.

At this moment, Meng Zhou's whole body seemed to be lit up, and his eyes became extremely bright.

"Have you thought of a solution?"

"There are some ideas, but I'm not completely sure yet."

"What idea?"

Qingyao did not answer immediately, but looked at Qingye and the other four, as if asking, can I speak?

Having reached this point, what else could the four of them say? Qingye and the other four nodded helplessly.

Meng Zhou watched this scene silently, thinking that the attitudes of the five people on this matter should be somewhat different.

Qingyao is the oldest. No matter what plan they are planning, with every day that passes, his chances of success become slimmer.

If he is too old, even if he succeeds in creating a step by himself, he will not be able to step up.

The four Qingye brothers, who are relatively younger, are not as urgent as he is.

This is also an important reason why Qing Yao couldn't wait to reveal such secrets in front of an outsider like himself, even though Qing Ye was negotiating with him.

Qingyao asked: "Do you know about Cuiyu Lake and Sanchuan Plain, right?"

"Of course." Meng Zhou nodded.

No heavy hammer is needed to play the drum.

With Qing Yao's gentle touch, Meng Zhou suddenly had a wonderful realization that his soul was filled with happiness and light was shining brightly.

Qingyao didn't need to say anything, he immediately said: "Do you want to recreate the story of Cuiyu Lake and Sanchuan Plateau in Qinglin Peak?!"

What story is being recreated?

Of course it’s a spiritual vein upgrade!

Cuiyu Lake and Sanchuan Plain were originally only second-order spiritual veins, but now, they are all third-order spiritual lands.

Qing Yao had so many emotions just now, and now he suddenly mentioned these two place names. If he didn't think of it again, he would be really stupid.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou really wanted to pat his head.

"I am so silly!"

Why are you thinking of this level now?

Since the second-level spiritual veins can be artificially upgraded to the third-level spiritual land, and the first-level spiritual veins can also be upgraded to the second-level spiritual land, why can’t the third-level spiritual vein Qinglin Peak be upgraded to the fourth-level spiritual land? !

Therefore, the reasons for Qingxuanzong's upgrade of Cuiyu Lake and Sanchuan Plain, such as loosening up the Qingxuan Domain's cultivation world, providing more paths for casual cultivators to ascend, and recruiting more high-level cannon fodder, are all incidental. .

Its most important purpose is to accumulate experience for the upgrade of Qinglin Peak!

Qingyao nodded and admitted, saying: "Yes, we just want to follow the example of Cuiyu Lake and Sanchuan Plateau, so that Qinglin Peak can also complete an upgrade, from the third-level spiritual vein to the fourth-level spiritual land."

Meng Zhou sincerely praised: "Awesome, I never thought you had such a plan before!"

Qingyao shook his head and said: "But things are not that simple. Qinglin Peak alone is not enough to support such a layout."

Meng Zhou paused and nodded slowly.

Not all spiritual veins can be upgraded, which is not difficult to understand.

In Qingxuan Domain, the second-order spiritual veins that can be upgraded to third-order spiritual lands only account for about 20 to 30% of all second-order spiritual veins.

Although Qinglin Peak has a third-level spiritual vein, its quality has not reached the third-level limit.

How to solve it?

Meng Zhou's own Formation Dao attainment has already reached the third level limit. At this moment, he doesn't need Qing Yao's guidance at all, and he has completely understood it.

"You plan to use the entire Qingxuan Domain's spiritual and evil veins to support Qinglin Peak?"

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