Do not die

Chapter 326 Investigation Skills

Bai Zhi easily accepted the ability setting that she could put her into the sea of ​​consciousness at any time.

Regarding this ability, she not only showed no emotion of disgust and rejection, but even a little bit - excited and throbbing.

This was something Meng Zhou didn't expect.

Put yourself in his shoes, if someone could do this to him, just thinking about it would make his scalp numb and he would not be able to accept it.

However, after seeing Bai Zhi's reaction, Meng Zhou was also very happy.

Then, Meng Zhou took Bai Zhi for a walk around Qiyun Peak and briefly talked about how he got it.

Let her have a basic understanding of her current situation, so that she will not be ignorant and ignorant.

"From now on, Qi Yunfeng will be left to you to take care of. You can do whatever you want."

The reason why Meng Zhou said this was because when he took Bai Zhi to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment just now, Bai Zhi would make one or two comments from time to time.

It can be seen that if she wants to use this place as a place to live, the current Qi Yunfeng is very unqualified for her in many aspects.

When she was in Aurora Cave before, Bai Zhi spent a lot of thought on transforming Aurora Cave into a more homely atmosphere.

However, she did not feel that investing time and energy in this was a waste, but rather enjoyed it.

In this case, Meng Zhou was happy to entrust Qi Yunfeng's management to her and find something for her to do.

Bai Zhi happily responded: "Okay."

Seeing that Bai Zhi's eyes were still on her, there was scrutiny and doubt in her eyes.

Meng Zhou touched his cheek in confusion and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Bai Zhi said: "What is your situation?"

"What's going on?" Meng Zhou was puzzled.

"This Qi Yunfeng was promised to you by Qingxuan Fifth Elder, right?" Bai Zhi.

"Yes, if they don't nod, no one else can take the lead." Meng Zhou said.

“That is to say, you are now on an equal footing with them who are standing at the peak of Dan Formation.

At least, in their eyes, you and they are on the same level.

If not, even if they break the sky, they won't be able to give you a Qiyun Peak. "Bai Zhi said.

Meng Zhou nodded: "That's true."

"But if you were still the same person and didn't change someone secretly along the way, then I should have watched you break through the tribulations and form the true elixir with my own eyes, right?"

Meng Zhou nodded: "Don't worry, I am who I am."

"That must have been ten...fifteen years ago, right? If you weren't lying.

Or, have I actually been in your sea of ​​consciousness for many, many years? "Bai Zhi said.

Meng Zhou smiled and said: "Where are you thinking? Of course I didn't lie."

"Then how did you do it? In just fifteen years, you grew from a newcomer who had just become a monk to a level comparable to the peak monks of Dan Jie?" Bai Zhi asked.

"I don't know... I just keep practicing and practicing like this." Meng Zhou said.

"Or are you the reincarnation of a powerful person?"

"No." Meng Zhou shook his head firmly, paused, and then added:

"At least, I didn't notice that."

Bai Zhi stared at Meng Zhou. After a while, she sighed, shook her head and said, "Forget it, I won't ask this question... I'll change it to another question."

"You ask." Meng Zhou said.

"Will you disappear suddenly?" Bai Zhi stared at Meng Zhou and asked softly.

When she asked this question, her tone was very light, but her thoughts were very heavy. Meng Zhou, who was so close, could intuitively feel the heavy weight.

Meng Zhou's expression also quietly became solemn. Without any evasion, he also looked into Bai Zhi's eyes and replied seriously and briefly:


Bai Zhi did not avoid Meng Zhou's gaze, but just looked at him, as if she wanted to see his true feelings through these eyes.

After a long time, Bai Zhi gently exhaled and said softly:

"I believe it."

When Bai Zhi said this, it was as if an invisible burden had been lifted off her, and her whole body became relaxed and light.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly pressed on her shoulders.

Bai Zhi looked at Meng Zhou with doubts and questions in her eyes.

"Now that we're talking about this, I have the same question for you." Meng Zhou.

"What?" Bai Zhi's eyes were confused.

"Will you disappear suddenly?" Meng Zhou asked.

Bai Zhi said in surprise: "What are you talking about? How could I suddenly disappear? Why should I disappear?"

Meng Zhou said: "You wonder why my cultivation speed is so fast, then have you ever thought about a question?"

"What's the problem?" Bai Zhi.

"The problem is not with me, or maybe the problem is not just with me, but you are also involved." Meng Zhou.

"Ah?" Bai Zhi seemed to be a little unresponsive.

"Think about it, the origin of our connection is you. Even my ability to absorb you into the sea of ​​consciousness only came about after you appeared.

Then tell me, is there a possibility that my specialness only appeared because of your appearance.

It was activated by you!

You doubt whether I am the reincarnation of the Mighty One. In fact, this question is equally appropriate for you. The person who is the reincarnation of the Mighty One is probably you! "

Bai Zhi looked at Meng Zhou blankly, listening to his analysis, her thoughts were confused and she was dumbfounded.

"Of course, it's also possible that both of us are reincarnations of powerful beings. That's impossible to say." Meng Zhou added after a while.

His serious look made Bai Zhi finally unable to hold back and burst out laughing.

"Are we both reincarnations of great powers?" Bai Zhi asked with a smile.

"It's not impossible. It's very possible that we were extremely loving Taoist couples before we were reincarnated.

Maybe I made an appointment to see you in the next life before reincarnation... It makes sense that you suddenly showed up at my door. "Meng Zhou analyzed solemnly.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Bai Zhi nodded solemnly in cooperation, but the corners of her eyes and eyebrows had a moving arc that could not be suppressed no matter what, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her pair of bright eyes that reflected Meng Zhou's figure.

At this moment, her thoughts were lighter than ever before, and it seemed that various pictures had been sketched in her mind along with Meng Zhou's words.

Bai Zhi also filled in the gaps and said: "However, before reincarnation, we might not have been lovers, but enemies of life and death... Therefore, I came to find you, probably for revenge."

Meng Zhou nodded in approval: "It makes sense."

Bai Zhi thought carefully and analyzed: "According to what you said, if I suddenly retrieve the memory of my past life one day, it is really possible that I will disappear suddenly."

Meng Zhou said: "Yes, if this is really the case, what should I do?"

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, thinking seriously, and then said: "It depends on whether you want me to disappear or not?"

"Of course I don't hope." Meng Zhou said without hesitation.

"But we are enemies!" Bai Zhi said.

"Then we can't let you go!" Meng Zhou said.

"You...what do you want to do to me?" Bai Zhi asked in surprise.

"You have nothing to do with this. All I care about now is how I can keep you here if something like this happens." Meng Zhou said.

Bai Zhi raised the corners of her mouth and said, "You are stupid. Isn't the method obvious?"

"what way?"

"Use your ability to take me into your consciousness, idiot."

Meng Zhou nodded solemnly and said, "This is what you said!"

Bai Zhi nodded: "Yes, I said so!"

At this moment, seeing Bai Zhi's tender affection exuding from the inside out, Meng Zhou said sorry in his heart.

Bai Zhi was immersed in this special fun, but little did she know that this was a hole Meng Zhou deliberately dug.

Of course, this was not a cunning arrangement on his part, it was just an idea that came into play based on Bai Zhi's words.

There was a smile on Bai Zhi's eyes and brows, and her eyes were still wandering around Meng Zhou, obviously she still had some unfinished thoughts.

Meng Zhou paused and asked, "Any more questions? Just ask!"

Bai Zhi thought for a moment, first looked at Qi Yunfeng nearby, then glanced at Meng Zhou, and then asked:

"On Qiyun Peak, do you want me to change my appearance and show myself to others?"

Meng Zhou was startled at first, and then quickly understood her true thoughts.

Now that I have moved into Qi Yunfeng with a new identity that is different from "Ge Ping".

Then, of course, she would have to make corresponding changes accordingly, and it would no longer be appropriate for her to appear in the image of getting along with "Ge Ping".

This is not a simple "husband singing and wife accompanying", this behavior itself has a special symmetry inherent in it.

Symmetry is beauty, asymmetry is imbalance.

If she didn't do this, Bai Zhi, who obviously had some obsessive-compulsive disorder in this regard, would probably be troubled to death.


Meng Zhou, of course, readily agreed to this.

For him, that's a good thing, too.

Bai Zhi's real body image is really too eye-catching, and it involves a huge secret.

——After returning from this trip, Meng Zhou was even more convinced of this.

Although Qi Yunfeng is already his own place, he is still within the Qingxuan Sect. Someone may come to visit him at any time. If Bai Zhi's true body image falls into the eyes of some interested people, it will be very troublesome. .

Bai Zhi thought for a while and said: "Then...what image do you think is more suitable for me to draw?"

Meng Zhou smiled and said, "Just make up your own mind. As long as you like it, I don't care."

Bai Zhi glanced at Meng Zhou inexplicably, nodded and said, "Yes."

As she spoke, she stretched out her jade finger and pointed lightly at the void in front of her.

Soon, an image of an old woman that looked familiar to Meng Zhou appeared in the void in front of her.

Meng Zhou had seen this image many times, and Bai Zhi often used this image template when she showed him her abilities.

Bai Zhi's fingers moved forward slightly again, and the image of the old woman was like iron filings attracted by a magnet, quickly approaching Bai Zhi.

In the process of approaching her, her image quickly became photonic and blurred.

Finally, it turned into a point of light and sank into the center of Bai Zhi's eyebrows.

As this light spot disappeared into the center of Bai Zhi's eyebrows, Bai Zhi's image quietly changed beyond recognition.

When all the changes finally stopped, a misty fairy who emerged from the dust, sucked the wind and drank the dew, turned into a hunchbacked old woman with chicken skin and white hair.

What's even more outrageous is that she grinned at Meng Zhou with a charming smile.



Meng Zhou wanted to convince himself, but in the end, he couldn't help but said: "How about... you change it?"

The old woman let out a frosty laugh.

"Why, isn't it good? I think it matches your current status very well!"

It is indeed a good match, the land belongs to the land and the land has its wife.

Although my body is old, my heart is still very young. I really can’t appreciate such beauty.

Finally, under Meng Zhou's hard work, Bai Zhi finally relented and decided to give him another chance.

This time, Meng Zhou no longer said "whatever", but actively participated in the design of Bai Zhi's new image.

In the end, he simply became the "design director" himself, while Bai Zhi was only responsible for technical implementation.

When Bai Zhi "changed" into this new image designed by Meng Zhou, Meng Zhou stared at her, speechless.

Bai Zhi looked at herself in the water mirror, and her eyes were a little blurry for a moment.

This new image is completely different from her real image.

At first glance, he doesn't seem to be very old, after all, his appearance and figure are there.

But if you look carefully, you can see that she is not young because of her temperament and charm.

Without the accumulation of time, this kind of charm cannot be brewed.

Time shows contradictory qualities in this image.

Meng Zhou is also looking at this special "work". Of course, he will not tell Bai Zhi that in the process of designing this image, he drew on a large number of character templates from previous lives with "ageless goddesses" and "the older they get, the more interesting they are."

At this moment, Bai Zhi put her hand on Meng Zhou's shoulder and asked with a smile: "What are you thinking about?"

"Miss you."

"I do not believe."


"You're thinking about my face now, right?"


"Yeah, what are you doing?"

(Ten thousand words are omitted here)

Bai Zhi held a medicine hoe with a bamboo basket hanging on it. She greeted Meng Zhou and left the top of Qiyun Peak, disappearing into the thick shade of the trees.

I don't know what she is going to do.

Meng Zhou had no curiosity about this. He just smiled and shook his head, then withdrew his gaze and continued to immerse himself in his own understanding.

Since returning from that trip at the beginning of the year, his daily life on Qiyun Peak has once again become simple and peaceful.

In terms of spiritual practice, there are only two things worth mentioning.

One is that in a recent retreat, the practice method of "The True Picture of the Bright Moon in the Vast Sea" completed the accumulation of small achievements and advanced to Dacheng.

[Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 4850/10,000

The true picture of Hanhai Mingyue +10,800, Dacheng 0.56 million/80,000]

That was the main takeaway from my latest retreat.

Another thing is that Meng Zhou has determined the current stage of practice goals.

There are many monks whose practice is just step-by-step practice, which is muddled, lacks independent opinions, and lacks real thinking.

Meng Zhou was different. His practice had a clear goal.

This can be specifically divided into long-term goals, medium-term goals, and short-term goals.

His practice plans are all centered around these clearly defined goals.

Short-term goals are the most flexible.

It may be a staged goal after breaking down the long-term goals and mid-term goals, or it may be flexibly adjusted due to the emergence of some new situations and changes.

For example, the short-term goal he has determined now is because the soul pool can assimilate the natal living poison and give it special characteristics and refine it through some related thinking.

"Using the special properties of the natal living poison after assimilation into the soul pool, we can establish strike and observation capabilities that can cover the five domains."

This is actually the follow-up to the original thinking about "Vision Network".

However, Meng Zhou has now basically abandoned the idea of ​​"Vision Network".

Not only is it too difficult to achieve, but while solving the problem, it gradually deviates from the core purpose, and instead falls into the barriers of knowledge formed by the cognition of the previous life.

In order to jump out of this pit, Meng Zhou decided to fundamentally abandon this idea and find a new way.

After these days of understanding and exploration, new ideas have gradually become clear.

While carrying out this enlightenment, Meng Zhou was also using this powerful life form to continue to cultivate the third-level high-grade natal living poison, and continuously poured it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Soul Pond to accept the infiltration. Assimilate, and then quietly fall into silence in the pool of souls.

As time goes by, more and more natal living poisons are soaked in the soul pool of the sea of ​​consciousness.

As long as there is a need, he can use it as material and use the method of knotting to transform it into the power that suits his heart.

Time passes, autumn passes and winter comes.

In a blink of an eye, it’s a new year again.

[Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 6050/10,000

The true picture of Hanhai Mingyue +10,800, Dacheng 27,200/80,000]

Bai Zhi built a simple stilted bamboo building next to the waterfall halfway up Qiyun Peak.

Except for a few pillars that are firmly pierced into the rocks, the entire bamboo building is suspended in the air. Sitting in the bamboo building, you feel like you are in the clouds.

With the waterfall and spring beside you, the sun shines on the splashing water mist, forming a colorful glow;

Sitting in the bamboo building by the window, I could see the pine waves up close, the spiritual birds chasing and playing in the jungle, and the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, sometimes relaxing and at ease, sometimes like raging waves.

In a trance, I really felt like I was in a paradise of immortality.

After leaving seclusion, Meng Zhou, who had just turned seventy-five, was invited by Bai Zhi to sit in this bamboo building and drink tea for the first time.

After drinking a cup of tea and looking at the scenery outside the window, Meng Zhou felt relaxed and happy and praised:

"With your skill, Qi Yunfeng's style has risen to several levels."

Bai Zhi smiled and said:

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. It's just a matter of adapting to local conditions. I just swiped it a few times and didn't put much thought into it, just to see what's new.

It's okay to come here to sit here occasionally, but if you come here more often, it's really just that. "

As she spoke, a wine jar suddenly appeared in Bai Zhi's hand, and she gently placed it on the coffee table, saying like a treasure:

"This time I mainly want to share this with you. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. Many of the raw materials are picked and made in the mountains. Give me a try!"

While Bai Zhi was introducing, she had already taken out two jade bowls and patted open the sealing mud on the mouth of the wine jar. A refreshing fragrance of wine hit her nostrils.

Bai Zhi held up the wine jar, and a line of green and translucent wine flew out of the jar and landed in the white jade bowl in front of Meng Zhou.

Looking at the white jade bowl filled with a full bowl of green and transparent wine, Meng Zhou couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Meng Zhou still didn't know how it tasted or how effective it was, but just by looking at the appearance, it was already very effective.

Of course, this color of liquid is easily reminiscent of high-quality venom, which can be ignored.

Meng Zhou picked up the jade bowl, came closer to smell it, and then took a sip. Then, he gently put the jade bowl down.

Without saying a word, he seemed to be reminiscing and still immersed in some wonderful aftertaste.

Bai Zhi asked expectantly: "How is it? How is it?"

Meng Zhou woke up from his thoughts, looked down at the wine in the bowl again, and finally nodded and praised: "The appearance is really good."

"What about the taste? How does it taste?" Bai Zhi asked.


A little sour, a little sweet.

It's also a bit bitter and a bit cold on the teeth.

It's like the juice squeezed out of an underripe fruit.

One drop into your mouth will leave an impression that will last a lifetime.

Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

"...There is still a lot of room for improvement." After a pause, Meng Zhou finally decided to tell the truth.

Bai Zhi listened and nodded seriously.

"What about its efficacy? How effective is it?" Bai Zhi asked again.

Does it have any effect?

Meng Zhou looked at the spiritual wine in the bowl and fell into deep thought.

I even speculated in my mind, could it be that my judgment standard is too high?

He thought about it carefully and finally said: "It is not so easy to get drunk. People who are not good at drinking should be able to drink to their heart's content."

Well, it seems good if you think of it not as wine, but as a wine-flavored juice.

Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

Although he had said it tactfully enough, Meng Zhou believed that the words were still in place and Bai Zhi should be able to understand what he meant.

Unexpectedly, after Bai Zhi heard this comment, she was not surprised at all and said happily:

"So, I'm really heading in the right direction?

…Zhu Qian whispered to me last time that the spiritual wine you brewed was delicious, but she didn’t dare to drink too much and couldn’t enjoy it to the fullest.

I made up my mind at that time to develop a spiritual wine suitable for female cultivators to drink. "

What you brew is not spiritual wine, it’s a drink, sister!

It’s drinks, drinks, drinks!

Say important things three times.

However, Meng Zhou had to admit in his heart that this was a direction that he and other spiritual wine masters in the past had ignored.

Brewing a jar of sour, sweet and astringent wine that is not spiritual wine?

This is not a question of ability. A spiritual wine master with normal thinking would not think in this direction at all.

This time, Bai Zhi seemed to really just want him to taste the spiritual wine she brewed. After receiving Meng Zhou's comments, she couldn't wait to leave without even finishing the pot of spiritual tea with Meng Zhou.

In her words, there are many unique spiritual wild fruits and exotic flowers and herbs in Qiyun Peak, and she still has too much work to do.

Looking at Bai Zhi's disappearing figure, Meng Zhou couldn't help but shake his head.

Ever since Bai Zhi was awakened from Qi Yun Peak, it was like being "released", becoming more and more wild, spending much more time wandering around than she spent quietly with him at the top of Qi Yun Peak.

It seems that Qi Yunfeng, who is "not very impressive" in Meng Zhou's eyes, is infinitely interesting and fresh in Bai Zhi's eyes.

Practicing seriously?

In Bai Zhi's words, when she walks among the green pines and bamboos, the cliffs and cypresses, listening to the chirping of birds and beasts, and the sound of pines and springs, it is like walking in a picture scroll all the time, listening to the sounds of nature. There is nothing better than this. Better practice.

Compared with picking up a paintbrush and playing with a few strings, as she is doing now, getting close to nature and integrating into nature will bring her closer to the true meaning of music and painting.

As for sitting cross-legged and meditating, refining qi and breathing in and out?

Bai Zhi said, do you need it? Do I really need to do this?

Isn’t it you?

One double practice can be worth several years of hard work for me.

Is there something seriously wrong with my brain that would allow me to take shortcuts instead of taking shortcuts?

Meng Zhou said that he had learned a lesson.

Since Bai Zhi clearly knew what she was doing, Meng Zhou naturally let her do what she wanted.

After Bai Zhi left, Meng Zhou faced the sea of ​​pines, waves and clouds alone.

While drinking spiritual tea, he checked several additional third-level skills in the skill bar.

"Introduction to Qianying Shuijing 0/07,500"

"Twin leaves entry 0/07500"

"Introduction to Fluctuating Light Shapes 0/07,500"

"Introduction to Photo-Gold Mirror 0/07,500"

"Introduction to Geohearing 0/07,500"

"Introduction to Colorful Shadows 0/07,500"

Among these skills, "Shadow Mirror" is a relatively popular third-level investigation skill.

It is an upgraded version of the first and second level water mirror technique.

At the beginning, Meng Zhou took Qingxuan and the Five Elders to Tianqi Mountain. When his spiritual exploration yielded no results and he did not dare to go underground rashly, Qingzhan used this spell to reveal to everyone the mysterious altar hidden in the space inside the mountain. In eyes.

Of course, I also used Qing Ye’s “lighting”.

What's special about it is that its principle is different from human eye observation and spiritual exploration. It uses the ubiquitous "water vapor" in the air as a medium to present things surrounded by water vapor at the other end on the water mirror at this end. superior.

Unless there is an absolutely waterless environment, this skill is very effective.

The other five skills, like the "Shadow Mirror", are all reconnaissance skills carefully selected by Meng Zhou, and they belong to the five systems of water, wood, fire, metal, and earth. If the colorful shadows are forced to be classified, then It can be roughly attributed to the light system.

Although they are all investigative skills, they each have different emphasis.

The "twin leaves" of the wood system establish a connection between two leaves that are extremely far apart, and the information captured by the spiritual leaf on the other end is reproduced on the spiritual leaf on this end simultaneously.

The disadvantage is that the information restored through the spiritual leaf reappearance is not as clear as what can be seen with the water mirror. The advantage is that the distance is farther and the detection method is more covert.

The "fluctuating light image" of the fire system will detect the information as if a burning flame illuminates an image on the wall. Compared with what is seen in the water mirror, it looks weirder, and the information will be distorted in the process of transmission. , deformation, distortion.

With the gold-based "Photographic Mirror", it can be seen that the detected information is directly displayed on any smooth metal surface, not limited to mirror surfaces, sword blades, knife blades, and smooth metal utensil surfaces.

The "Earth Listening Technique" of the earth element, as its name suggests, is the art of Earth Listening.

The distant information can be restored through the vibration of the earth.

The pros and cons are obvious.

If the vibration is severe and happens to occur on the earth, such as a fire eruption, a major earthquake, a mountain collapse, etc., the information on the other side can be captured and restored from an extremely long distance.

But if the vibration is not obvious, or even no vibration at all, then this skill will be ineffective even if it is close at hand.

The presentation method of "Colorful Shadows" is very similar to "Shading Water Mirror" and "Shading Golden Mirror", except that the medium changes from "water" and "gold" to "light".

The reason why Meng Zhou suddenly wanted to learn these investigative skills was because he was in the process of exploring and understanding the recent targets according to the predetermined plan.

Just as he was getting closer and closer to the final result, Meng Zhou suddenly realized that if he could learn more about existing investigative skills, the final result would probably be better than he originally expected.

After realizing this, Meng Zhou stopped the last step he was about to take, turned around, and made a surprise enhancement to his investigative skills.

In the past, because of the "Transparent Moon Mirror", Meng Zhou's ability in this area was basically ignored.

Now it’s time to make up for the missing lesson.

After this idea is clear, the next step is naturally to find enough suitable skills.

Except for "Shadow Mirror", the other five investigative skills are either relatively rare or relatively partial, and Meng Zhou does not have a complete version in his hands.

However, this did not cause Meng Zhou any trouble.

A direct communication technique was sent to the Deacon Hall. On the same day, Xuan Lin came to the door in person and delivered the jade slips recording the three skills of "Twin Leaves", "Shading Golden Mirror" and "Earth Listening Technique".

He also explained that Qingxuanzong did not have the jade slips with the "Fluttering Light Shape" and "Colorful Shadow" skills, but there was no need to worry. He only needed to give him ten days and he could send the jade slips with these two skills.

Six days later, Xuan Lin came to the door again and delivered the jade slips of the two skills "Fluttering Light Shape" and "Colorful Shadow".

According to him, the "fluctuating light image" was recorded on the spot after Qingye, who was out, was summoned.

The "Colorful Shadow" was coordinated from the Jinding Sect.

Without spending too much time, Meng Zhou successfully mastered these six skills.

After getting started, he will naturally work hard to gain proficiency. After he has cultivated these skills to perfection, and with various wonderful insights coming into his mind, he will naturally be able to do whatever he wants and achieve perfection.

"It's been a long time since I've had any serious leveling."

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou was still a little excited.

The practice started with "Shading Water Mirror". On the first day of formal practice, Meng Zhou was given a small surprise.

After one day of practice, Meng Zhou gained 12,000 experience points.

"Shading Water Mirror" has completed the accumulation of the entry stage and entered the realm of initial success.

If there were not only twenty-four hours in a day, Meng Zhou felt that he would still have room to continue to rise.

——Whether it is mana, blood, soul power, or the mental strength that worries him the most, there is still power left to move forward, and it is far from exhausted.

In addition, after practicing for a day, I gained 12,000 experience points. At the same time, the consumption of the demon's flesh and blood was also quite huge.

As the mastery level of "Shading Water Mirror" increases, the frequency of its execution becomes faster and faster, which allows him to gain more experience every day.

Although this also made the big demon consume more flesh and blood, Meng Zhou didn't care about it. Anyway, the Deacon Hall paid the bill.

Qingxuan Sect's other resources may be a bit tight now, but monster resources are available as much as they need.

Since the five elders of Qingxuan have made it clear that he can use Qingxuanzong's resources as he pleases, and he has such a large sum of military merit there, he will naturally not be polite at all.

After the stock of big demon flesh and blood is almost consumed, just ask the Deacon Hall to deliver it, and there is no need to worry about it at all.

After practicing this continuously for thirty days, Meng Zhou had perfected the "Shadow Mirror".

Then, Mengzhou started practicing the "Twin Leaves" non-stop.

This skill also only took thirty days from entry to perfection.

When Meng Zhou finished practicing his investigative skills and began a new round of seclusion.

Not only have he perfected the two skills "Shadow Mirror" and "Twin Leaves", but he has also completed the accumulation of the master's level in the skill "Shaking Light" and advanced to the grandmaster level.

"Fluttering Light Shape Master 27,500/240,000"

On the tenth day of April, late at night.

Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 6650/10,000;

Hanhai Mingyue True Picture +10,800, Dacheng 38,000/80,000;

In April, the wavering light is perfect.

In May, the photo-gold mirror was perfect.

In June, the Earth Listening Technique is perfected.

At the end of June, Rainbow Shadow completed the accumulation of Dacheng Realm and advanced to the Master Realm.

Colorful Shadow Master 45,000/120,000;

On the tenth day of July, late at night.

Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 7250/10,000;

The true picture of Hanhai Mingyue +10,800, Dacheng 48,800/80,000;

At the end of July, the colorful shadows are complete.

At this point, it took a total of seven months to investigate Meng Zhou's six methods: "Shading Water Mirror", "Twin Leaves", "Fluttering Light Shape", "Shading Golden Mirror", "Earth Listening Technique" and "Seven Rainbow Shadows". All skills are practiced to perfection.

In the process, he became more than just a proficient "detective expert."

In June, as Meng Zhou perfected the fifth investigative skill of listening.

In the soul pool, the shadow of the true form of the skill appeared for the first time in a long time.

And, five at a time.

The five true forms of skills belonging to the water, wood, fire, metal, and earth elements eventually formed a connected ring as you chased me.

Then, then, the true form ring connected end to end slowly disappeared in the soul pool.

The completeness of the five elements and all things body jumped directly from "92%" to "97%", which increased the completeness by five points.

In addition, the minor magical power "Transparent Moon Mirror" has also undergone tremendous changes.

The limit observation range has been increased from a radius of 600 miles to a radius of 1,000 miles.

While the capabilities of the "Transparent Moon Mirror" have improved, the abilities of these five investigative skills themselves have not disappeared. Instead, they have been further strengthened, and even "Transparent Moon Mirror" has appeared to a certain extent.

The so-called "transparent moon mirror transformation" is a concept coined by Meng Zhousheng.

Because when he used the skills such as "Fluttering Light Shape", "Twin Leaves" and "Earth Hearing Technique" again at this moment, while retaining their "original" skill characteristics, they all seemed to have a similar The mirror surface of the "Transparent Moon Mirror" allowed him to see the scene on the other side more clearly.

In this way, the shortcomings of information distortion, deformation, and distortion that come with the "Fluttering Light Shape" skill will be eliminated by more than half.

Another example is that the information conveyed by "Twin Leaves" and "Earth Listening Technique" are relatively vague. With the change of "Transparent Moon Mirror", many of these shortcomings have been eliminated at once.

And as the "Seven Rainbow Shadow" is completed, the true form of its skills also appears and disappears in the Soul Pond of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Although this did not bring about an improvement in the completeness of the "Five Elements and All-Seeing Body", nor did the ultimate viewing radius of the minor magical power "Transparent Moon Mirror" increase, the ability of all detection skills to "Transparent Moon Mirror" has been greatly improved. .

It's like the change from regular video to ultra high definition video.

And these gains are only incidental benefits after the skills are perfected. (End of chapter)

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