He told Gu Xuan everything that had happened recently, and then Robin stopped.

“Captain, you haven’t shown up during this time, leaving everything to others to handle, your heart is really big enough, are you really so relieved?”

Robin is indeed very strange, since the battle of the navy headquarters, Gu Xuan has basically stopped appearing, and the affairs of the pirate group have been handed over to Rafaite and Bashas, and only when he encounters major events, he will express his opinion, and then he will house again.

Although she also likes to live such a day, but she feels that this is very inconsistent with Gu Xuan’s identity, Gu Xuan is now the four emperors of pirates in the New World, one of the four pirates standing at the top of the New World, how can he do nothing every day?

“Why don’t you worry?”

Gu Xuan got up, stretched his waist, and then found a comfortable position to lie down, and said leisurely: “What’s not to worry about?” Will they still betray me? In the eyes of ordinary people, they may not be good people, but we are people who have experienced life and death, they have given their lives to me, do you think I need to guard against them? Or did your previous experience make you have this strange psychology all the time? ”

Robin glanced at Gu Xuan dissatisfied, really which pot did not mention which pot, she admitted that she was fickle before, but that can’t be completely blamed on her, who let others be uneasy and kind to her.

“Besides, what do you think we got about all this we can have now?”

Gu Xuan sneered, and then made a domineering declaration: “All this is made by us, by me punching and kicking, it’s not that I boast, do you think that without me, would these Four Emperors Pirate Group still exist?” ”

“Of course not.”

Robin did not hesitate to answer directly, indeed, if there was no Gu Xuan, how could the Dark Pirate Group become the Four Emperors Pirate Group.

“So, do you get the idea? It’s all there if I’m there, and if I’m gone, everything is for naught. ”

“Like the Whitebeard Pirates?” Robin asked.

Gu Xuanleng paused for a moment, and then nodded: “Yes, just like them, but the white-bearded daddy is much more successful than me, even if he leaves, there are still so many people who are willing to live with his name, and I, if I die, I don’t know how many people in the pirate group will remember me?” ”

In the end, he smiled self-deprecatingly, he did not have the ambition of Lingyun like Whitebeard, nor did he have the pride of Whitebeard, so he commanded his subordinates by strength, means and majesty.

“Captain, you are humble.”

Robin expressed a different opinion: “I admit that Whitebeard is powerful, but I also feel that you are no worse than him, Whitebeard can establish the Whitebeard Pirate Alliance, but it took decades, and you, in just one year, have laid down the current territory, and on this basis, you are better than him.” ”

For Gu Xuan, Robin admired and appreciated from the bottom of his heart, admired Gu Xuan’s ability and strength, and was grateful to Gu Xuan for saving her.


Gu Xuan shrugged, he never thought of becoming a great person like Whitebeard’s father, because that was too tired, he was a selfish person, he just wanted to live comfortably, and by the way, he also lived comfortably with the people he cared about, as for other people, even if it was how the pirates under his command lived, what did it matter to him?

“But Captain, are you going to go on like this? You promised me to take me with you to find historical texts, and now you have only found some of them, and there are many that have not been found. ”

Robin didn’t care what forces and battles, she only cared about historical texts, she needed to know the blank hundred years of history, wanted to figure out what their O’Hara was destroyed for, and now the only one who could help her was Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan said lightly: “What’s the hurry, you can’t go around blindly without a clue, right?” I have arranged for someone to look for clues, but this is not something that will be found in a while, you wait slowly, anyway, you are less than thirty, there are still decades to live, take your time. ”

“Gu Xuan!”

Robin suddenly roared, which startled Gu Xuan, and sat up with an excited face, looking at Robin with a stunned face.

“What the hell is your name?”

Robin pointed at Gu Xuan angrily: “What did you just say? What is less than thirty? I’m only twenty-eight this year, it’s still early for thirty, let me hear the word thirty again, and I’ll spell it with you. ”

Why did you think it happened, but I didn’t expect it to be for this?

Gu Xuan shrugged, his face didn’t matter, he didn’t say anything wrong, twenty-eight, isn’t it almost thirty? This woman is usually very well-behaved, how to say age, she is irritable like this, but her angry and corrupted look is really a little cute.

Looking at the smile on Gu Xuan’s face, Robin’s angry teeth itched, this stinky man.

At this moment, suddenly the phone bug on the table rang, Robin’s face straightened, and he took the phone worm.

Gu Xuan didn’t lean his ears to listen, just lay down so quietly, and after less than a minute, Robin hung up the phone.

“Captain, the people outside say that someone wants to see you.”

“Someone wants to see me? Who? “Gu Xuan is a little strange, he doesn’t have many acquaintances, he actually found here.

“It’s your old friend.” Robin said with a smile.

“Old friend? I don’t have many old friends, let’s say, who they are. Gu Xuan asked.



Gu Xuan was very surprised, why did Jinping come to him at this time?

“Forget it, let him come to me.”

Robin soon walked over with Jinping.

“Jinping, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why do you have time to come to me today?”

Gu Xuan saw Jinping’s expression in a hurry, as if there was something urgent, and as soon as his thoughts turned, he immediately guessed a certain possibility.

Jinping was also very simple, and said directly: “Gu Xuan, this time I came to find you, I have something important to ask for.” ”

“If you can be in a hurry to become like this, surely it will not be your own business, or about Fishman Island?”

It is certainly impossible for a person like Jinping to ask for someone for his own business.

Sure enough, Jinping said: “Yes, it is still the matter of Fishman Island, I still want to ask you for help, now only you can help us, Gu Xuan, for my sake, please help with this.” ”


Gu Xuan sneered and said, “Jinping, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, last time you also said such a thing, I also helped you, but what is the result, you can also see, your king doesn’t like me too much to help you Fishman Island.” ”

He is not a licking dog, the last time he was sneered at by Neptune and was very dissatisfied in his heart, how could he help again, Fishman Island has nothing to do with him, and he doesn’t care if he dies.

“What happened last time was indeed our fault.”

Speaking of this, Jinping is also a little ashamed, the last time Gu Xuan came from afar, it was to take care of his face, but in the end, instead of getting benefits, he was sneered at by Neptune and was certainly not in a good mood.

“But this time, we really need your help, please help us with Fishman Island.”

“It’s still BIG· MOM? Gu Xuan asked.

There are not many big forces interested in Fishman Island, if it is an ordinary force, Fishman Island does not need to be so afraid to turn to him, so if it is not expected, it should still be with BIG· MOIM pirate group related.

“Well, it’s still BIG· MOM Pirates, they went too far this time, we really have no way but to come to you. Jinping said slowly.

Gu Xuan waved his hand and said, “Jinping, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but this matter, I really can’t help you, I have set rules for the pirate group, in the next period of time, the pirate group will not have any big movement, let alone with BIG· The MOM Pirates clashed, so I can’t help you with this, I can’t stop it. ”

Not only for this reason, he doesn’t want to help the Fishmen at all, although he is not the kind of extremist who is not of my race, and his heart must be different, but his impression of Fishman Island and Neptune is very bad, if it is to help them, with BIG· If the MOM Pirates make a big move, why should he?

Seeing Gu Xuan’s attitude was very resolute, Jinping’s face suddenly changed, and he said nervously: “Gu Xuan, this time our Fishman Island is really very sincere, we won’t let you help in vain, we will abide by the rules, and you can also pay more benefits, as long as you can protect Fishman Island.” ”

Gu Xuan still shook his head: “Jinping, you and I have a good friendship, if it is to help you, I naturally have nothing to say, but to be honest, I really can’t think of any reason to help Fishman Island, as for those benefits you mentioned, do you think I still lack it now?” ”

Fishman Island may be very rich, but don’t forget, Gu Xuan is now the new Four Emperors of Pirates, with a large territory, his income is already very amazing, how can he lack that part of Fishman Island?

Jinping was choked and couldn’t speak, but Gu Xuan’s family was telling the truth, and people really didn’t care about the small place of Fishman Island.

Thinking of the appearance of Neptune the king of Fishman Island before coming, Jinping also felt very speechless, and actually wanted to bribe Gu Xuan with benefits, I don’t know what he thought?

The last time Neptune sneered at Gu Xuan, he felt that he could get the support of the navy, so he would be so confident, but he never expected that the red dog came to chase and kill Gu Xuan that time, and he didn’t think about helping Fishman Island at all, and even Neptune promised benefits, and the red dog didn’t care.

However, Neptune did not care at the time, knowing that a few days ago BIG· The MOM Pirates came again, Neptune was particularly frightened, if it was the previous conditions, he might have gritted his teeth and agreed, but who thought that the other party actually made a more excessive request, Neptune was unwilling, and would send him out again to seek Gu Xuan’s help.

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