Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 373: Xu Hou lost? ? ? [Thank you! Goodbye! I owe you 9,000 words]

Chinese Valentine's Day has just passed,

Guangnan West Road Administrative Office, Guizhou,

The afterglow of the setting sun disappeared into the horizon.

In the city of Guizhou,

Next to a fairly lively and bustling street,

There is a two-story restaurant. A large plaque hangs on the front door of the restaurant, with the three characters "Saifan Tower" engraved on it.

Under the wine bar in front of Saifan Building,

A very strong young man was looking curiously at the entrance of a wealthy family diagonally opposite the restaurant.

Someone was coming out of the door carrying a thick bamboo pole, preparing to put it on a bullock cart and take it away.

At this time,

A man with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and small eyes, about as strong as this young man walked out of Saifan Tower: "Xiao Duan, did you see anyone?"

The young man shook his head: "Brother Shen, I didn't see it!"

"Then what were you looking at just now? So fascinated?"

Xiao Duan pointed to the door of the wealthy family and said, "Brother Shen, what do you think such a thick bamboo pole is used for?"

'Brother Shen' thought for a while and said, "Maybe this family is building a begging house!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Duan's eyes lit up and he said, "Hey, it's really possible! Brother Shen, how did you come up with this idea?"

This 'Brother Shen' didn't know what he thought of, and said with a happy smile on his face:

"How did I come up with this? In Yuzhou, your sister-in-law and little sister from the Zou family had to worship every Chinese Valentine's Day! Your sister-in-law often shouted at me to build that thing!"

Xiao Duan nodded, glanced into the distance, and said:

"Brother Shen, do you think Uncle Xiong will come to our place? I heard that many people in Guizhou want to invite him!"

The 'Brother Shen' hesitated and said: "He must be here. If he didn't come, he would have refused!"

Xiao Duan replied: "But it's getting dark now, and I haven't seen anyone yet! Brother Shen, what do you think if we and Lao Geng go to the command of Tuo Xihou or Yongyi Hou and fight with real swords and spears? Why should I be so angry?"

"I heard someone say that the boy named Guo next to Uncle Xiong is under the command of Marquis Yongyi. In less than a year, he became the deputy commander of the first battalion!"

The 'Brother Shen' sighed: "Who says it's not the case! But your sister-in-law asked me, it is easy to perform meritorious service under these two princes, but how many people will die during the siege and field battle?"

A short paragraph of chatter.

"Now that we can use my brother-in-law's status as a member of the clan, we can find a military position here to recruit soldiers and train troops. It is already good! And"

'Brother Shen' looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he continued: "Furthermore, Ceying sent me a letter two days ago, saying that His Majesty intends to expand several armies in Guizhou. Let's establish a good relationship with Uncle Xiong. Maybe I can work under Viscount Xie in the future and become a commander!"

Short paragraph: "Huh? Viscount Xie? Brother Shen, you said so, the god standing behind this young uncle is the Xie family? But one is an earl and the other is a viscount."

'Brother Shen' shook his head and said: "Ce Ying said in the letter that this young uncle is engaged to the third daughter of the Xie Zijue family, and will be the brother-in-law of the Yongyi Marquis in the future. Xie Zijue's biological sister is married to the Zhongjing Marquis Zheng family. "

Xiao Duan nodded and said: "The Xu family and the Gu family are in-laws. No wonder there was a banquet before. The young masters from Guangnan West Road Shuaisi, Zhizhou and other families came."

The 'Brother Shen' continued: "Not only that, Lao Geng said that when he invited the people around my uncle to drink, I heard that he even visited Mr. Wu on Huainan Road and Mr. Shen on Jinghu South Road on the way!"

"Brother Shen, before we left, the team coach said that Xie Zijue had helped Master Shen! So what does Master Wu have to do with this young uncle?"

"Mr. Wu's brother is in the household department, and his sister, Mrs. Wu, is the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Yongchang. Maybe there are relatives we don't know about! Look, people are coming! Tell Lao Geng to come down!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Duan quickly looked over and saw a group of six or seven people riding over.

Xiong Yan and others came to the gate of Saifan Tower and got off their horses.

The 'Brother Shen' led the two of them to greet him with a smile, cupped his hands and said: "Shen Congxing, a humble position."

Xiao Duan: "The humble Duan becomes a potential"

The old Geng who came downstairs last said: "Humble job Geng Jiechuan"

"I've met my uncle!"

When the three of them were about to bow, Xiong Yan quickly stepped forward, held Shen Congxing's arm, and said:

"Brother and sister Shen are marrying Yuzhou Zhao Tuanlian, and they are relatives of the emperor! I don't deserve the gift of a big brother!"

Xiong Yan looked at the three muscular people and said: "I just entertained some business managers from the elders' families in Beijing. I kept them waiting for a long time. I will drink and apologize later."

Shen Congxing stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Uncle, I'm serious! If you can come, let me wait until my face is bright! Please come upstairs!"


Shen Congxing and Xiong Yan were talking while Lao Geng and Xiao Duan entertained Guo Zhui, Yu Zhi and others and walked upstairs.

Everyone took their seats in the elegant room facing the street on the second floor. During the banquet, local Guizhou delicacies and dishes imitating Bianjing Fanlou were served.

While changing glasses, Shen Congxing put down the wine glass in his hand and said:

"Young uncle, what you said is true! The most capable troops on Guangnan West Road, apart from the imperial troops under Xie Zijue, are the four thousand Tibetan soldiers commanded by Tianzhou's coach Shi Nongjing'an."

"After the Lantern Festival this year, we had several conflicts with Jiaozhi. Xie Zijue and Coach Nong cooperated with each other and won several games!"

Xiong Yan nodded and pondered for a moment: "I heard that this Tianzhou coach has married several wives?"

Geng Jiechuan, whose family has a tigress on the side, said with some envy in his tone: "My uncle is right. I heard that those women are the daughters or sisters of the barbarian chiefs around Tianzhou! Tsk~"

Xiong Yan looked at Lao Geng, smiled slightly and said, "Brother Shen, I also heard that two sisters from Nongjing'an were married to Prince Yong's palace?"

"Yes, Prince Yong has many heirs! Prince Yong's two younger brothers each took one as a concubine."

"So King Yong does have some power on Guangnan West Road."

Shen Congxing said: "Listen to what my nephew said, there is nothing we can do about it! Now the fight with Bai Gao in the north is fierce, and Jiaozhi in the south has repeatedly invaded the border. King Yong's marriage to him will be beneficial to me in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Xiong Yan nodded and said, "Brother Shen is right."

Looking at Xiong Yan's young face after drinking, Shen Congxing thought about the letter from his nephew Zhao Ceying and gritted his teeth and said:

"Viscount Xie and Coach Nong are facing Jiaozhi in the south. We are recruiting and training troops in Guizhou to help King Yong guard against various situations, so we are well prepared!"

"After all, Guizhou is an important land and water area on the way north from Guangnan West Road to the Central Plains."

Hearing this, Xiong Yan raised his wine glass and said with a much more friendly look: "Brother Shen, what you said is true! Please!"

Looking into Xiong Yan's eyes, Shen Congxing understood something and quickly raised his glass.

After having a drink, Xiong Yan looked at Xiao Duan's eyes looking at the big sword in the hands of the Xiong family's servant, waved his hand and said, "Let brother Xiao Duan have a look!"

Duan Chengqian was stunned, then stood up quickly and raised his glass: "Thank you, uncle!"

Lao Geng and Xiao Duan admired the big sword.

Xiong Yanze and Shen Congxing talked about the origin of this great sword.

Shen Congxing held the wine glass. After listening to Xiong Yan's words, his eyes were full of memories and he said: "Brother Jing, the fifth son of the Xu family? I remember that when His Majesty celebrated his birthday, my nephew went to the palace to celebrate his birthday and was bullied by Prince Yong. It was Brother Jing and Erlang Gu who helped him out!"

Xiong Yan was stunned and said: "Oh? There is still this matter!"

"That's right! It's a pity that my brother-in-law was afraid of being accused by the admonishers of hooking up with noble generals, so he didn't let my nephew go to these two brothers in the following years."

Xiong Yan said: "Master Zhao is keeping a clean mind and keeping his duty! Your Majesty and the Queen are also very complimentary!"

Hearing this, Shen Congxing raised his glass with some embarrassment: "That's what my uncle said!"

After having enough wine and food,

Xiong Yan and Shen Congxing went downstairs together.

Before parting, Xiong Yan said: "Brother Shen and several brothers are accustomed to doing things under Master Zhao Tuanlian. I will cause a lot of trouble for you in Guizhou from now on."

Xiao Duan and Lao Geng looked at each other happily, then joined hands with Shen Congxing in front and said, "Thank you, uncle!"

After saying goodbye, looking at Xiong Yan riding away, Geng Jiechuan came to Shen Congxing and said, "Old Shen, this Xiong family brother is only in his twenties. He is quite famous for his young age."

Shen Congxing nodded: "My wife said that there is no shortage of tigers and wolves in Bianjing, and there is no shortage of human spirits. How can I be chosen to come here and not be outstanding?"

"This young uncle naturally looks like this in front of us! If he is in front of a prince's son with the same status, he may look different!"

Xiao Duan said from the side: "What the Zou family's sister-in-law said has always been reasonable."

Shen Congxing patted Xiao Duan on the shoulder, and the three of them left here laughing.


The Hungry Ghost Festival is coming,

There are many vendors selling various kinds of artifacts on the streets of Bianjing. The shelves are filled with various daily necessities made of colored paper, including clothes, shoes and hats.

At noon (after 1:30 p.m.)

To the east of the imperial city,

In the streets near the palace wall,

Chai family,

Autumn Sound Garden,

In the hall of the house, Fuyi stood by the table and looked at Chai Zhengzheng who was sitting on the chair: "Girl, look at what I said, is there anything you want to add or delete?"

Chai Zhengzheng looked down at the account book in front of him and whispered: "Buy some peaches as offerings, and buy a few wooden combs to burn for Qingxue and the others, and buy the rest as you told them."

"Yes, girl!"

After Fuyi left the desk, Chai Zhengzheng took a deep breath, dispelled the sorrow in his mind, and continued to look at the account books of the store under his name.


The bead curtain hanging in the middle of the hall partition was lifted open, and Yun Mu walked over in a hurry.

After Chai Zhengzheng raised his eyes for a moment, he put down the brush in his hand and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong? Are you so arrogant?"

Yunmu came to Chai Zhengzheng and said anxiously: "Miss, when I went to Miss Wei's shop just now, I heard a customer saying, "Say..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Some guests said that Marquis Yongyi was defeated by the Baigao Kingdom's guard outside the Keyi Gate Pass!"


Chai Zhengzheng's eyes widened, he stood up, frowned and said anxiously: "Defeated? Is Marquis Yongyi okay?"

Then he said: "How could this happen?"

Yunmu sighed: "It is said that Marquis Yongyi was too underestimating the enemy after successive victories, so he directly led his troops to form an array outside Keyi Gate. As a result..."

"Before the formation of Marquis Yongyi could be completed, the defenders of Bai Gao Kingdom took advantage of the terrain and used their iron kites to attack the formation into chaos! Many people were injured!"

"I heard that Marquis Yongyi was also injured."

Chai Zhengzheng: "Is the injury serious?"

Yunmu shook his head: "This slave didn't hear it."

Chai Zhengzheng exhaled, sat back in his chair with a solemn expression, and said, "Marquis Yongyi made great achievements in conquering the land of Houqu before! Such a defeat should be nothing."

"What happened at this time, Yunmu, have you heard about it?"

Yunmu frowned and shook his head slightly:

"Girl, I rushed back as soon as I heard the news. I didn't even have time to inquire! I only heard that His Majesty's face looked very ugly when he went to court today! I don't think it's okay like you said, girl."

Chai Zhengzheng frowned and looked at Yunmu: "Why?"

Yunmu said: "Girl, because of this morning's court meeting, there are officials who participated in the performance of Marquis Yongyi because of this matter! I advise Your Majesty to call Marquis Yongyi back from the north to punish him! Some people also say that a mature and prudent veteran should be in charge of this matter. !”

Chai Zhengzheng: "Who will go instead?"

Yunmu: "I heard that some people are talking about changing to Duke An, some are asking Duke Ling to come out, and some are saying that Duke Han is very powerful."

Chai Zhengzheng shook his head and said: "How old are these people!"

"That's what the girl said! When they went to court, the two princes, Zhongshan Marquis and Jinxiang Marquis, recommended themselves to the court, but it seems that His Majesty didn't express much."

"Yunmu, where is the Marquis of Xiangyang? Have you recommended yourself, or has your Majesty mentioned the Marquis of Xiangyang?"

"I didn't hear you mention the Marquis of Xiangyang!"

After hearing this, Chai Zhengzheng's eyes were full of thinking, and he slowly sat back in his seat.

Rong family,

Return to the entrance of the snowy courtyard,

Rongxian, who was off duty, was wearing a Forbidden Army armor and was looking towards the courtyard.

Hearing his sister in the room say "Mom, walk slowly", Rongxian hurriedly walked a few steps outside the courtyard and hid aside.

Looking over his head, he looked at the figure of Mother Kong with a neat bun and a solemn face, disappearing at the moon gate with flowers. Rong Xian then walked out slowly, straightened his clothes, and walked into Huixue. In the courtyard.

"The young master is here!" A little envoy shouted at the door.

Rong Xian lowered his head and walked through the gauze curtain opened by the little female envoy. After taking off the hoodie on his head, he sat on a chair nearby and said, "Sister, what's the matter with calling me here in such a hurry?"

Rong Feiyan carried her back and brushed the paintings on the wall with a duster, while the maid walked out slowly and called all the little maids in the room out.

After carefully stepping out of the house,

Rong Feiyan then turned around, bit her lower lip and said, "Brother, have you been blocked by people from Duke Fuguo's family these past two days?"

Rong Xian curled up his lips and said, "As handsome as your brother and I, the Dou family will naturally not give up easily. Why do you care about me today?"

Rong Feiyan nodded towards Ningxiang, and the female envoy Ningxiang went to the side room and took out a small wooden box.

Seeing the small wooden box being placed on the table, Rong Feiyan said: "Brother, do you know what happened to Yongyi Hou Xu's family today?"

Rong Xian glanced at the small wooden box and nodded indifferently: "You said that Marquis Yongyi lost the battle?"

Rong Feiyan looked at Rong Xian solemnly: "Yes!"

Rong Xian said: "I know, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, it's not a big deal!"

Rong Feiyan frowned and said, "But, I heard from the female envoy that there is an uproar outside that Your Majesty wants to punish Marquis Yongyi."

Rong Xian glanced at his sister, then at the wooden box on the table, and said hesitantly: "Sister, are you going to deduct your brother and my pocket money again because something happened to the Xu family?"

Rong Feiyan said angrily: "Brother, let me tell you something serious! Why do you still miss your pocket money?"

Rongxian shook his head, took the herbal tea handed over by Ningxiang, took a leisurely sip, and said: "Little girl in the inner house, what do you know?"

Rong Feiyan: "Brother, what do I know? There's nothing I don't understand!"

Rongxian curled his lips noncommittally.

Looking at Rong Xian's look, Rong Feiyan said: "Brother, if you can tell me a reason, I. I will replenish your pocket money for this month!"

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