Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King?

097 A mockery dedicated to the well-being of vain tranquillity, worthless salvation and vain, even t

Four days have passed since the night of the tragedy.

Flam and Milkit continue to explore villages around the Wang capital while searching for safe places.

Since leaving Wang Capital, the frequency of encounters with Kimaira has dropped dramatically, so we have not encountered any situations that would put our lives at risk.

Then you might think it's a “safe place," but it's not.

Crankla, a village that exists south of the Wang capital.

There was not a single survivor in this place with a population of about 300.

Like Wang Du, the villagers are breathless under Origin's mental contamination, and the dead manipulated by pieces of Kimaira roam.

Flam can kill a slow-moving dead person without a soul eater.

But no one would call this village, where hundreds of bodies roll, safe (...).

So far, the Flams visited several villages, but all in the same condition.

There were signs that the survivors had escaped, but where did they all disappear to?

"It's getting dark."

"You want me to stay here today? 'Cause I killed all the dead, and it looks like there's no Kimyra."

Even without pieces of Kimyra's flesh, it can never be said to be safe because the corpse can ghoul.

But it's much better than Nojuku.

There is food left in the house, and the bed is left unattended.

Though it is necessary to clean the dead bodies and blood trails in the room, it is also not something that I hesitate to touch now.

The two quickly took the landlord's remains outside, ready to stay, loaned the ingredients and started cooking side by side in the kitchen.

Not at a time like this.

This is when it's important to play the routine.

Otherwise, you will always be exposed to reality and your heart will be broken.

I haven't seen Gadio yet, who said he was going after him.

On the contrary, it has not yet been possible to reunite with the people who were supposed to have escaped Leach's mansion.

It's like to the world, it's just me and Milkit, feeling lonely.

No, if we can really be alone, maybe we should just do that.

Because if Origin doesn't exist in that world, I'm sure you'll be happy.

At the end of the meal, the two of us lay down in bed because we have nothing to do in particular.

In preparation for tomorrow, I must keep my health warm.

Walking all day is quite a heavy labor for Milkit.

So hold each other, touch each other, and after a while she falls to sleep better than Flam.

After observing its sleeping face, Flam also closes his eyes and lets go of consciousness.

But - no matter how much she slept, when there was a little noise outside, she woke up naturally.

The sound of something flying in the wind.

Occasionally audible flashbacks of houses.

And - someone's footsteps.

Lately, I was able to distinguish who I was walking just to hear it.

"Dead... were you there? No, I wonder if you've come this far from the other villages"

When you leave the room quietly to avoid waking up the mill kit, open the entrance to the house a little to see what it looks like.

If you're Kimyra, you should leave it, but if you're the one who's dead, you just have to get rid of it.

Quickly go outside, approach from behind, and drop your neck with the knife you got in this house.

The blade crossing is short, but if you let the planner conduct, you can make both breaks.

As he preyed, he threw a knife at the flesh pieces that crawled out of his wound to smash his anger.

When it's like using it at home, it becomes almost disposable due to oil and blade spills when you tailor the dead.

I don't feel comfortable, but if you look for a private house, you can find a few, so it's not a big deal.

When Flam, having finished his job, returned to his room and exhaled "Phew," he met Milkit, who woke his body.

"Sorry, did I wake you?

"Uh... Um, yes..."

Milkit responding sorry.

Did she also notice the approaching footsteps - Flam thought so and bit her lips gently.

In this situation, it is also natural not to put it to deep sleep.

I was hoping she could at least get some rest, but that's not convenient.

Flam shook her hand under the futon as she dived next to the mill kit.

"When your husband is gone, you wake up naturally"

"So you were up last night, too?

The mill kit nods with a crease.

Something similar happened last night.

At that time, Milkit should have stayed asleep even when Flam came back - I didn't know he pretended to sleep.

"I didn't want to burden your husband at all."

"Because you don't have to worry about it in that place. I'd rather you leaned over, I'm glad."

- At least in the meantime, I can think only of the mill kit without turning a blind eye to the extras.

Hunted down and unable to afford the flam leans deeper against her than before.

I realize I'm in a swamp I can't get out of, and then I want myself to have to go deeper.

She fell asleep again, hoping 'if I could stay with Milkit even in my dreams'.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next morning, the Flams, who had finished sourcing supplies in Crankla, go further south.

It doesn't specify a particular destination, but unconsciously, Fram may want to go to Patria, his hometown.

However, the journey is very slow as it is going south while stopping in various villages.

At this pace, when will we arrive in Patria?

Before that, I just want to rendezvous with someone I know.

Then after three hours of walking, he arrived at La Rancra, the next village.

The name is similar to that of Krankla because it was made by villagers who rebelled against the old village chief and left - Fram had heard of it, but he wasn't sure if it was true.

The population is about five hundred.

There are a number of wooden bungalows lined up and fields spread around.

It also appears that a large number of livestock were kept (...).

It's bigger than Krankla, but the atmosphere is very similar, and it's what I said it was in rural areas.

Most importantly, the villages around the Wang capital were created to support the lives of tens of thousands of people living in the Wang capital, so there are some differences, and they are all in the same countryside.

Flam, entering the village, gave his face to the smell of spreading death.

The more time passes, the more corrupt the smell begins to mix, and the hygiene deteriorates.

As it is, it will also be a matter of time before infectious diseases spread.

The village I stopped by before was similar, so it's not even a flam to stop my legs to this extent now.

Go further, kick the nearby dead and the wolf-based monsters that flock for dead meat, and get to the front of the church.

So she discovered the rear of the werewolf type Kimyra, staring at the closed church door.

Hold the mill kit immediately and hide yourself in the shadow of the building.

"Are you looking at something"

A little bit, maybe there are survivors left in the church.

But even though he's a werewolf type, he's an opponent he can't fathom in the flam right now.

Engagement can damage Milkit's body as well.

Trying to kill the signs so they wouldn't be noticed and walk away from the spot - the boy stood up so as to block the two of them from going.

"Sister, you're a hero Flam, aren't you?

In a small voice, the boy says.

Even such a country boy knows his face - and Flam flashed his face.

I didn't want to, but at some point, I became a celebrity.

From those eyes she seeks salvation, she does not turn a blind eye.

Milkit looks anxiously at the Lord like that.

"They're all running into church. There are about twenty of them. I'm the only one everyone missed through the little window behind me... if I were your sister, I could take that monster down, right?


An eye full of expectations is directed at the flam.

You can't possibly take him down.

But you'll be able to buy enough time to escape - by sacrificing yourself.

"We can't all die like this. Hey, help me. Hey, sister."

The boy grabs his clothes and hangs on.

My chest hurts.

I want to save if I can.

But I can't.

Such power is not in Flam today, so it should not be a sin to say no here.

Even he wouldn't tell us to save ourselves until we gave up our lives.

"Please. My mom and dad are over there too, all I can ask for is your sister"

A cold sweat appeared on Fram's temples before the boy who pleaded with tears in his eyes.

I can't, I can't help you.

I wish I could just say so - you swore you didn't care about anything but Milkit, and you reprimand yourself for being lost.

Still, it's like being plugged, not having a voice.

"... Master, let's go"

Then Milkit uttered a ruthless word.

If you can't choose the kind Lord, you have to say it yourself.

I don't mind being the bad guy.

If Flam can protect it, she'll be happy to buy it as much as the boy's grudge.

And pulled the Lord's hand, trying to leave before the boy.

They flam, but they leave the scene.

"Wait... if you have the power to fight, but you can help me if you're my sister, why are you going? Sister, you're a hero, aren't you? It helps us all, you're on the side of justice, aren't you?

I'm not on the side of justice or anything.

Fram has just fought for himself to live and to walk with Milkit.

To that end, we needed to fight the Origins and the Church.

Things have a priority.

If you have any leeway, saving it could be one option.

But now that they've been cornered, the twenty who wait in church for help are more than others at times.

For Flam, their lives are lighter than their own.

Light, it should be - I'm sure she would have experienced the same suffering, even if she wasn't a person called a hero.

That's a conscience for everyone who's a decent person.

Whether it's someone else, it's sad that someone dies, I want to help if I can.

That's what I think, a very natural sense of justice.

That puts pressure on Flam's emotions.


"... I'm sorry, I don't have the strength to fight that right now. So let's go."

Yes, we have to.

No matter how hard it is, you can't do what you can't, if you don't make it so clear, it doesn't matter how much life you have.

The boy's expression stains with despair.

Forsaken by his last hope, he can no longer but give up the lives of those in his hometown, including his parents.

But if it was the boy's position, would it be so easy to give up when he said "I can't”?

In a situation where you have to die if you stay like this, you can't just show your back and run away flam eventually - tolerated or something.

"How could... Huh! I'm telling you I'm gonna die like this! Why can't you help me when your father or mother says you're dead? Whoa!

The boy screamed.

Don't worry about Kimyra being right around the corner, from the bottom of your belly, raise your voice.

Sure, that way, we can force the Flams into it.

But where I got involved - three bodies, just to be added.

"Let's run, my lord!

- How easy it would have been if I'd split it enough to do so.

Feeling murderous, Flam jumped at the boy and pushed him down.

Her back is blurred by Kimyra's unleashed spiral bullet.

Seeing that wound, he said happily (...).

"Ah...... thanks, I knew your sister was a hero!

"Someone named you... Huh!

"Mill kit. Take the kid, get as far away from him as you can."

"But your husband!

"If this happens anymore, we have to do it!

At least the life expectancy of those who fled to church grew.

So what's up, even Flam was in such a desperate situation that he wanted to laugh at him with his nose - call and set up epic gear on the werewolf type Kimyra who showed up.

No weapons.

With a status inferior than before, we have to fight only the magic of inversion against weapons.


Chimaira, scattering an unpleasant squeal, approaches the flam with fierce speed.

First, just buy some time - I told her so, and she calmed down the first blow and rolled over to the side to avoid it.

Kimyra will land behind the flam and eject a spiral bullet.

Run trying not to stay too far away, and avoid that too.

The enemy leaps again and approaches her in an instant.

Flam's body reacted on its own to the scratch by his nails and glanced critically.

Its sharp tip blurs the tip of its nose.

She stays bucked and takes a distance.

"Flip it!"

And the moment his hands were on the ground, he activated the magic and inverted Kimyra's foot.

But the opponent flies, as if he were reading it, and ends up underdeveloped.

The next nail strike that rolls out quickly - just isn't going to be avoided.

I had no choice but to take it by hand.

As I knew, the shock is not bearable on both her legs right now.


The body is blown away, and Flam's body is slammed against the walls of a private house.

There is no sense of collision of the right half of the body, and the left arm that received the nail is numb.

The pain is weak, but the possibility of it being broken cannot be denied.

Kimyra quickly approached the flam where her hands could not be used well and she could not get up.

"Ugh... ahhh!

And grab that head, lift it up - to the walls of a private house, slap it.

"There is!?

Impact enough to break down the wall is transmitted to the brain as a vibration, shaking Flam's consciousness.

They won't kill her.

I guess you're going to hurt to the limit to take me to Origin.

Two or three times, there was a scratch on the back of the head of the flam and a lot of blood flowed out.

No matter how many areas you say you tend to bleed more, that amount is quite high.

Dyed the shattered walls red, but still Kimyra didn't try to stop them.

It's like clearing up the grudges that have been tricked so far.

"You wielded unilateral violence against a girl. Well, Origin sounds like a rotten bastard."

Kimyra obsessed with wearing a flam - on its head, standing atop a secluded private house, Linus' unleashed arrow loomed.

It binds the five arrows together, and increases the power. A saving blow.

Kimyra, who realizes its existence just before, glances around and dodges it.

At the same time the flam was opened and the body was thrown to the ground.


It's actually the magic of the wind - but when he jokes and tells, he flips with the arrows haggling past the enemy, now approaching the opposite side of his head.

The move, it seems, just couldn't be predicted even by Kimyra.

Five giant arrows pierce the head of a werewolf shaped bird.

But he couldn't stop moving when he destroyed his brain.

After all, if we don't do something about the core, which is the source of power, it won't be a complete todome.

"Burt Caron, I'm going special!

Burt, who was sneaking up, rushed all the way from the shadow of the building to the flam.

And stand before her, and set up a shield.

"Sealed Evil Wall (Iron Maiden) Heh!

The barrier he creates plays Kimyra's claw, which has returned from damage and launched an attack.

"Even if you are the use of the Origin God, I will not allow you as a knight to take your life without it!


Flam is just amazed at the unexpected appearance of the person.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Laughing at it - Linus' next shot was fired.

The next arrow will exceed ten.

Fly them toward heaven in unison, and send them down to their enemies like rain.


Kimyra feels the hostility that flies in and ejects the power of the spiral.

He shook his arms further and shook away the rain of the arrows.

Linus arrows that shatter and scatter in the air and turn into just pieces of wood.

But the magic that dwelled in fragments one by one turned all the fragments into murder weapons and poured them down on Kimyra.

However, their power is insignificant.

The flesh, fortified with an origin-core, is to the extent that slight scratches are engraved.

So Burt unlocked the sealed evil wall (Iron Maiden) and replaced the front and rear of the shield he had erected.

It's a very dumb picture, but as it stands, it's a necessary act to reverse (...) his solidified ideas.

"Breaking Wall (Blazemble)!"

That is the second move finally obtained by the clumsy Bart, born of Linus's suggestion.

It is a barrier that is originally deployed to protect itself, enclosing enemies and sealing movements.

More magical pieces of wood are also trapped together, chopping up the Kimaira who lost her escape.

One wound may be small, but an increase in its number can be a threat.

"Nice one, Bert!

When Linus praises, Burt gently clings.

By the cooperation of the two, the werewolf shaped body was being shredded slightly and its original form was being lost.

But when the wound is twisted and the hardness increases, it doesn't get that way.

Where a piece of wood did some damage to his entire body, Linus moved on to his next attack.

They concentrated their consciousness, and once they bundled pieces of shredded wood into one.

And when I reshaped into one big arrow - it spun, piercing into the chest where I thought there was a core.

Gyaaaa, and a sharp arrow digs through the swirling flesh as he makes a fierce noise.

Its tip pulled the meat to its core, but its destruction is impossible.

Ultimately stabbing the todome must be a flam that can use inversion.

"Now, do it, Fram!

Hearing Linus's voice, Fram, who was painstakingly connected to consciousness, rises.

At the right time Bart unlocks the barrier, plus Linus' arrow loses its magic, and returns to just a piece of wood.

The only thing left in Kimyra's chest was the open wound and the core behind it.

Before the wound whirlpool core hides, the flam reaches out...

"River...... monkey"

The magic of inversion, poured in.

Crystals with black forces swirling along with the sound of a pacifier crack, and Kimyra stops the activity.

At the same time, Flam fell on the spot.

◇ ◇ ◇

As a result, both the boy and about twenty survivors who were hiding in the church were helped.

I woke up. The Flams and Linus are thanked by them, and they hold me to 'That's a hero'.

But there's no way Flam could honestly be happy with that.

As much as the treatment, she zeroes in to Milkit and Linus in the absence of the villagers.

"Hopefully, we'll get out of here soon..."

At first I abandoned them and tried to escape, no matter what they thought over there, they were the worst comforters.

When Milkit approaches the laying Lord, he holds his hand silently.

Saved just a little, Flam smiles and exchanges his gaze.

No words, but that's all Milkit wanted to say to her.

"I heard the whole story... sorry, I don't know who's wrong either"

"I think even your husband knows about that. But... if Mr. Linus hadn't come, he might have been taken away to Origin like that!?

"Try it from that kid, he must have been desperate to protect his family. I had about the same thoughts, Milkit would have done that if I were in the same position."

"As such!

Milkit roughs up her voice all the time saying she's surrogate for Flam.

Linus, who can also understand her mood, shook her neck sideways with a reluctant look.

"... maybe this story is a parallel line everywhere, let's not. The question is, what do we do from here?"

"What do you mean?

"Mr. Linus, you're not very dirty about your body or anything. Maybe you found somewhere safe?

Linus is impressed with Flam's allegations.

"Oh yeah. You mean the Origin damage? That sphere of influence stays in the villages around Wangdu. If we went outside from there, even if we felt somewhat ill or had fallen humans, we hadn't even been out to the dead"

"Then what about Patria!

"Was it Fram's hometown? The southern border will be fine, for now."

Hearing that, Flam exhaled heavily.

The mill kit that leans in also smiles and rejoices as if it were about itself.

"But if you found a safe place, how come Mr. Linus and Mr. Burt are here on purpose?

Flam's question naturally gets there.

If you ran away, you shouldn't have bothered to come back.

"That's a survivor hunt. Ask the guy who ran away from Krankla about the guys who were stuck in Larankla. When I came here looking for you, Fram was fighting for some reason."

The timing was miraculous, but it didn't seem by chance that they came here.

"So you're taking the survivors from here to outside Origin's sphere of influence?"

"That's kind of hard when it's that number of people. Even if it's outside the influence, Kimaira can't move around all she wants and say it's perfectly safe to go anywhere in the kingdom. If I was moving outside, I'd smell a human from nowhere and come closer. So first, I'm gonna take them to a shelter near here."


Neck tilting flam.

There seems to be more survivors than I ever imagined there would be even such a thing.

"You've heard of a massive burial of ruins in the basement of the kingdom, haven't you? I use some of them instead of shelters."

"Are you okay with accepting twenty?

"The number of people is critical. What about Fram and the others? Once you go to a shelter or travel to an undamaged area"

"Now, I want to go far"

Flam responded instantly.

Milkit nods too.

In order to relieve this precipitated mood, we need to get out of Origin's influence first or we won't talk.

Even so, as long as there is a resurrected Origin, there is nowhere to escape.

"Oh well. Then I'll leave it to Bart. I'll send it."

"Thank you. But are you glad?

"What is it?"

"Didn't you come all the way back here to find Mr. Maria, not the survivors?

To point out sharply, Linus comes up with an awkward look like that.

"Did you find out?

"We found out."

From what he's done so far, I just think so.

But I guess I said I'd send the flam because I found it hard to find Maria in this situation.

"Now I'm gonna do what I have to do, and maybe Maria's out there, too."

"Things to do......"

Is that risking your life for others?

Flam doesn't know.

That's the first thing you can do with your spare time, and it shouldn't be until you truncate your convenience.

"Don't think too deeply about it. Heroes and brave men, you don't need to be imprisoned for that kind of mission. Don't do it like you want to. If you regret it, that's the right choice. I'm doing the same thing."

"... maybe, maybe"

If, at that time, I had truncated myself or Milkit's life and chosen to help the boy or villager - Flam would have been more distressed than he is now.

Between you and Milkit, you might even have been obsessed.

Turns out everyone was saved, congratulations.

Whatever the history, I guess I'll have to break it off that way now.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Linus,"

Where the story ends, Flam asks him what he's always cared about.

Somewhere in my mind, 'It's no use,' my sober self summons, but I ignored it and kept talking.

"Did you meet Mr. Gadio?

"No, I haven't seen him. I mean, I haven't seen anyone but Fram. What's wrong with Gadio?

"No... it's nothing. I just wish I'd seen you."

That's the answer I knew.

In a king's capital like hell, fight the echidna that took in the core... you should be safe, etc.

But I also existed in the flam, relying solely on the one point that no certainty of death had been obtained, that I did not want to give up 'still alive'.

That man must keep his word - and I still purely believe him.

Linus also shifts his gaze out the window lonely about whether he felt something in the cloudy way of saying Flam's words.

"I'm worried about you. All the time this guy is just a human being away. Including me and Fram. It's not that easy."

As I tell myself, that's what he said.

◇ ◇ ◇

Flam and Milkit leave Lalancla with Linus.

I say goodbye to Bart here.

Apparently, he and Linus rendezvous as soon as they left the King's Capital, and they've been acting together ever since.

They were formerly enemies to each other, but they seemed to do pretty well.

The deputy head of the Knights of the Church would mean a devout Originist, but I guess he wasn't as blind a believer as he was to worship Origins in this situation.

"Well, I asked you to deliver it."

"I know, with my shield, there's no problem"

"No, you, if you use that, you won't be able to move..."

"Hmm, I'll see what I can do about that!

I said, "I can't do this."

"You're the one who's going to die chasing a woman's ass."

"You don't have to tell me."

The two speak lightly, while fisting together.

Was the man's friendship sprouting?

Bart then proceeded northeast to the shelter that he was closer to here.

The Flams, on the other hand, aim to the south in the opposite direction as he and the villagers left.

"To your destination, if it goes well, it's a day."

"How did Mr. Linus get there?

"I was able to catch a carriage on the way out, and Kimyra didn't even attack me."

The people in the carriage would have been comfortable if Linus, a hero, and Bart, a church knight, had been escorts.

But whatever Linus was motivated to look for Maria, Burt often came back to dangerous places.

He seemed like a pitiful man in the battle so far, but maybe that's surprisingly a strong sense of purpose.

Are you saying that Dada hasn't even gone up to the deputy commander?

"Speaking of which, I heard it was a refuge, how many of those things really are there?

Milkit asks Linus.

"Oh, they originally decided to use it as a shelter in an emergency. It's ironic that Satooki was the one who developed that policy because he was deeply involved with the military."

Regardless of the means, he was a competent figure as a politician with that.

Linus thinks he could have made the kingdom more prosperous if he hadn't even stuck with the Origins and the Demons.

"Is that it? That means the military people are moving..."

"It's mainly the people who were captives that are moving. Almost everyone was safe, and after a while, they were resting for a while and keeping their health warm, so maybe they weren't affected by Origin."

Flam thinks of her (...) stretching out vigorously, pulling her cheeks together.

I guess helping evacuate means we're on our side now - but still, I don't want to see you if I can.

"But what about the shelter, the water, the food, and the toilet?

"The shelter is temporary, maybe it's not all there. So when you're ready, you're moving to a safe town..."

Until now, Fram had never seen humans in the military, including Henriette, working like soldiers.

But as far as Linus is concerned, they're firmly moving to save the lives of the people.

No matter how much I listen to you, I can't imagine Otilier seriously saving lives.

"Ma, before that, it's the evacuation of the Flams. I know you'll be spending the night in some village, but you'll be there tomorrow."

And the three of them walk out.

Fortunately, it will not rain until we reach the next village, and we will not be stopped by unexpected events.

The journey was smooth in itself.

◇ ◇ ◇

Saul, a town about ten hours southwest of Lalancra.

With a population of more than two thousand, the town flourished more than the surrounding villages thanks to a fruit called Fite, a specialty.

A phyte is a very sweet fruit of palm size, characterized by a yellow colour close to white, fine and juicy pulp.

It's just delicious and the price is quite high, hence it's a wealthy town for the countryside - but now it's turned into a stunning ghost town with no shadow to see.

I don't even see a shadow of the dead, disposed of by a military man who stopped by.

For the size of the population, is the smell of drifting corpses faint because they were away from the Wang capital and were less damaged?

There are also a very small number of burning private houses, and if most of them are cold, they may be able to live as they are.

At least, there's more hope than the King's Capital.

Nevertheless, if you walk, the bodies are rolling around there, and engaging with monsters for corpse meat is inevitable.

The three explore the town of Saul while gently retreating from the miscellaneous fish monsters they said were wolves and basilisks.

"Whoa, Fite." [incomprehensible]

"Is that okay, as such"

"Even Fram brought it up at home on his own, didn't he? By the time I get back anyway, it's rotten, and he says it's better to eat. Here."

That being said, Linus threw the yellow fruit from the dewstore over to Flam and Milkit.

It has a well ripened color and the aroma spreads just by keeping the nose close.

That's just a famous place, and it's a first-class product that's handled in one of those outdoor stores.

Looking at the price tag of the outdoor store, "I would triple it if I bought it in Wangdu......" Milkit blurs.

While the three of them skinned the phytes as they were, they look for a place to stay.

With dinner ingredients along the way, I procured something that seemed to rot even faster, and I also brought it to the inn where I found it.

And as usual, the mill kit and the flam line up in the cooking area and cook.

"In this condition, you've been deliberately cooking every night?

Linus asked Flam and Milkit.

He keeps his back on the wall and looks at the two of them working together amicably.

"When I move my hand, it distracts me."

"I said, if your husband feels any better with his meal,"

"Well, sure, I'm relieved when I get to a safe place and hit a good mess, too"

Meals are all that important.

In addition, for both of us, the very act of cooking was also an important ritual that reminded us of the days we could have spent in peace in the King's capital.

It may seem swallowing at first glance, but it is cheap if this alone keeps your mind at ease.

After that, Linus also enjoyed the dishes the two of us made while saying something.

And in preparation for tomorrow, when we each tried to sleep in another room - Concon, and I heard a small knock.

The three of them exit the room and head to the entrance to the inn where they heard a noise.

Knock opened for about a few dozen seconds and was repeated over and over.

Linus heads upstairs to the inn to find out who the visitor is.

"... what the heck"

And I fought.

It was a man who stood.

Besides, it's a face I saw.

His name is Hugue Panyan, and he is the man who was the Knight Commander.

But Bart says he was massacring the residents like crazy multiplied by the mess in the king's capital.

Henriette tried to stop it, but she escaped leaving it unattended because she was in danger of being attacked by Kimyra.

"Kimyra, huh?

Linus was surprised that the visitors were Hugues, not

No, that, of course, should surprise me that he's naked, but more impact is elsewhere.

That's the unusual shape of his arm.

First and foremost, it was huge.

It is over ten meters in size, rather enough to seem to have Hugue's body on his arm.

Furthermore, his arms were awesome as alive.

I can't confirm the details because it's closed to the darkness of the night outside.

But what you can see is the neck of a bird, the claws of a dragon, the tail of a lion, and so on.

They mix together to create the shape of a person's arms.

Seeing that look and remembering Kimyra first is probably not limited to Linus.

I don't know what it is.

But I can see why that happened.

Linus, who confirmed his appearance, returned quietly and promptly to the flam.

And ear to ear at her.

"It's Hugue, and he's using the core. We're gonna get out the back door."

Flam glanced in amazement and nodded, lifting Milkit's body.

Then go through the cooking area and out through the back entrance behind it.

I was going to get away with it - but naturally, he didn't miss it that easily.


Behind the flams that were running away from the inn, several buildings are destroyed.

I don't even have to check.

A numb-cut Hugue snuffed it off with his arm.

"Flam, crouch!

More Justice Enforcement (Justice Arts) activation.

His swinging arm creates an invisible blade that hunts the necks of the flams at the same time.

It is, as always, an outrageous intention to kill.

A ferocious blade passing the overhead critical of their crouched.

Stand up again and escape the Hugue at full speed.

"Oh, what the hell is that arm...!

Milkit's vision showed him naked and his “arms” stretching heavenly high into the night sky.

"It's not a good idea to impose, Hugue. Yes, mediocre I couldn't have been extraordinary if I hadn't done it, but now that I'm extraordinary, there's no reason to put up with it anymore, Hugue."

He crushes bumps and meaningless sentences.

"You didn't have a good chastity belt, Hugue. No, I'm glad, Hugh. Anyway, I like women, and I couldn't help but offend them if I had a woman of my choice at all. That solved the chastity belt, you're right to say that my faith was more on its way to that than to Origin. You bet, Hugue."

Even, a word no one understands.

"By controlling my desires, I lost sight of my normal self, and at the same time gained great power. But I can't offend a woman, I can't even get an erection, what's the point of such a life? Erection is life? No, that's nasty, Hugh. If you say so, desire is life. Oh, right, Hugue. So now I'm, I'm sure, a true Hug, hey - Hug?

And you were satisfied with the dialogue (...), he waved his arms down.

The two are already over a hundred meters apart.

Normally, it couldn't have arrived.

But his arm stretched out before touching the ground.

No, is it correct to say that it has grown (...) rather than stretched?

Fish, dogs, humans - more sections joined by parts of various organisms - attack the frams who turn their backs and desperately flee.

"Fly, Fram!

In keeping with the signal, Flam and Linus flew sideways.

Zuowoon - an alien arm that can be tapped between two avoided, as if to break the earth.

Also, the blade of purification (Scotch Maiden) was activated to match Hugue's attack, Linus was the magic of the wind, and Flam changed the leap orbit each with a gravitational inversion, aiming at his neck to avoid it.

"Chip, that's not good..."

At a glance, you can tell you're worse off than Kimyra.

Even a werewolf type opponent says he's struggling, but I don't think the battle will be fought with that one.

Then you should think, it's not a way to fight.

Whether or not we can escape.

I can't say for sure more than I don't know how far my arms range is, but if one of them is, one of them will get away with it.

And I don't even have to think about it because I'm likely to be safe.

"Fram, I'll be the one. In the meantime, you need to run!

"I don't like it."

Flam categorically refuses.

Gadio said the same thing and I haven't seen him yet.

I'm sure Linus will have similar results.

"I'm telling you, I'm not thinking about fighting that one. I'm just buying time. If Fram and I decide we've left enough, I'm leaving too."


"We were fighting like this, we're dead to each other! Let's split this place up, Fram."

How many more times should I split it?

Enough so far, even though Flam says he has killed his own heart.

But - I know, as much as Linus is right.

If you obey, you and Milkit can escape the Hugue safely.

Oh, isn't that a happy ending for all of us?

"... eh. Please, I will."

Saying that in remorse, Flam runs out with his back to Hugue again.

"That's fine," Linus smiled, gripping her bow.

"I haven't even seen Maria yet. I can't believe they're going to kill me for any reason!

Attacks don't expect damage and buy time thoroughly.

That's his specialty.

Help Flam, survive himself and reunite with Maria.

To fulfill that wish, Linus releases an arrow.

Hugue swung his giant arm back up like a whip.

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