Although I've strolled around for a while, no one suspects this much worn out flam.

Though I feel some gaze, few others have worn her other disguise, and because of this, they seem to think of it as an "undead monster disguise”.

Festival - That's what the man I met earlier said, what the hell are people celebrating?

But Fram had something to worry about before that.

"This is Wangdu, isn't it...?

I tried to walk a little from where I first stepped down, but I can't feel the shadow of it before.

One of the major factors would be the changing atmosphere of buildings lining the city.

Touch the wall of the house that leaned down the street.

There used to be a lot of brick houses, but now you're using a single rock - there's an atmosphere that reminds me of Seleid somewhere.

I didn't make it with people's hands, it seems I made it with magic.

But not all buildings are.

Some of them are of the same architectural style as the previous Wang capital, and even more like a mixture of the two can be seen.

The fusion of the two cultures - it was not hard to imagine that it was not only architecture, but also the great development of various technologies.

The Demons coexist with humans as a matter of course, and the people who walk try to talk somehow with the crystal plates in their ears, and the iron plates used by the aunt in the dewstores bake meat once sounds delicious with juju, even if they don't light it.

Looking up into the sky, a large ship was swimming in puffiness connected to an even bigger balloon.

Flam looked at it and remembered the flying dragon-shaped Kimyra that day, but she seems to be the only one who feels that way.

No - it's all limited to what she can see right now, so I'm not sure everyone is.

And going further, a car of iron passes right in front of you as you roar with Goovo -.

"Awesome speed. And an amazing crowd. I don't know how that works."

Much slower than a flam, but still too fast to be people's legs.

To see the distance to the walls, the Wang capital (tentative) seems to be wider than before and tougher to travel on foot.

Or, I can't even use a carriage on a daily basis.

I guess it's a device created as a solution to that - but I feel the flow of endless times.

Most of all, that doesn't seem as familiar with people's daily routines as it sounds.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whenever the train passes in front, they are cheering loudly.

Perhaps today is the first time that a formal disclosure has been made.

In line with the festival, it must have been prepared as one of the eyeballs.

"Everybody's fine."

Like other HRs, Fram said.

As far as this view is concerned, I can't feel the nail marks on Origin.

I'm just a little proud to think it was brought about by Flam's victory.

Most importantly, no one seems to realize that this miserably dressed girl is the hero at the moment.

"Is that it? Is this..."

Flam's gaze stops looking at the sign on the street lamp.

There - it said 'Mancassie Street'.

A little further afield are also placed objects with descriptions of this street.

When she rushes over there, she reads out the text.

To put it bluntly, Leach's will said that his estate was distributed to his blood relatives and servants, and all the remainder was donated to the King's Capital.

"Mr. Leach... I wonder if you knew this would happen"

If you get involved with Origin, your life is in danger.

It's about him, he's smart, you understand that - but you probably didn't even think about getting your family involved.

No, considering I was on the Satooki side, albeit temporarily, I would thoroughly kill my feelings and protect my family if the damage was done to my surroundings, maybe that's what I had decided.

In the end, that didn't happen.

The park facing the street was also named Mancassie Park.

Apparently, this is also the place made by Leach's donations.

Rather than a children's playground, it's a tranquil space that gives you a sense of the former East Side atmosphere.

One corner is decorated with three bronze statues.

In front of the central statue, Fram stopped his leg and stared at its face.

It's just a little bit cooler than the real thing.

But there was a good shadow, and it was obvious if anyone knew it, and it was a reach.

Next door is another statue of a beautiful foyer, plus next door is the figure of a beautiful girl Welsey.

At the same time as nostalgia, loneliness creeps up.

I couldn't even properly mourn them then, but were their bodies buried in a decent place?

"Time, it's gone by."

I feel extra like that when it's a statue.

The fact that it has become a person of the past, not of the dead - further inflates the uncut and the impatience.

"Even though breaking up with Mr. Leach and Mr. Wellsey is a thing of the past for me"

In fact, not a month has passed yet.

At death, I remember vividly.

Cruel, sad, and hopeless.

On the other hand, being statues, they are laughing happily.

It sounds like a lie somewhere.

But I hope he's laughing like that somewhere.

"I'll be back."

Flam speaking to the statue would be a freak from scratch.

But right now, fortunately, there are very few people in this park.

I guess we are all gathered at the event venues taking place throughout the Wang capital, as the announcements that resonate throughout the city tell us.

And in order to get to the West Side, you have to go through the boulevard where some of that event seems to be taking place.

Exactly. Main Street will be a mess in people, and it's hard to get out.

"What boulevard... there's more, isn't there?

That's where the question is in the first place.

Anyway, the city has changed so much that I can't even imagine what's going on.

I'm pretty sure there's such a thing as Mankathy Street in the Wang Capital.

You can jump up high and look around, but that's just too conspicuous.

Before that, Flam assumes his current location is East Side, but he doesn't even know if that's true.

Because the area where luxury homes used to be lined up now probably has a house where the average family lives.

"In the meantime, I guess I'll have to walk"

Honestly, I'm very weak.

The brain narcotics that were pouring out the more we fought have already lost their effectiveness.

What Flam is feeling right now is a constant headache, body weakness, and heart discomfort.

To tell you the truth, I want to fall asleep for the first time on this occasion - but it's still early.

If you're going to sleep anyway, it's better in that kid's chest.

"Phew...... ok"

Exhale loudly, slap your cheeks properly, and walk out of the flam.

In the meantime, she stepped into the alley and even headed west in an attempt to advance where there were no people at all.

◇ ◇ ◇

... and lost.

It is a trail.

If we go west appropriately, then we'll be close to our destination - that's what I thought, or the previous King's Capital actually was, but it's something that doesn't quite work out.

And Fram ran into some suspicious men.

"Ah? What the hell?"

It is a picturesque chimp.

Less than ten of those men are lined up and sitting in a pose that they can add even for.

Sitting in a chair looking great in the deepest part of it, with arms and legs, was a demon tribe.

"A man in the army...... doesn't sound like it, you just said a country man who got lost by chance"

He obviously looks down and observes the flam to lick.

That's an uncomfortable gaze.

"What do you say, Doctor"

"Whatever, it's decided to kill"

It is suddenly noisy.

I thought the Wang capital was at peace, but they still have bad guys lurking in these alleys.

"Um, I'd like to go to the West Side, which way do I go?

"It's a weather thing. You don't seem to know what's going on, country girl."

True, but when they call me Country Daughter Country Daughter, Flam doesn't feel very good either.

Besides, even she knows the situation.

Because I know - it's not a big threat, so I'm asking you to relax.

"I don't care. So can you show me the way? I don't have much time."

"Who do you think I am?

"Oh, who is it?"

"Huh, don't be surprised to hear it. I will inherit the will of Origin the Creator, the" Blood of God ”executive."

The moment I heard that, Flam's body was moving.

I can't force it.

But with this amount of miscellaneous fish (...), there are hundreds of them, but not impossible.

He enters his nostalgia at a rate that his opponent cannot recognize, striking a fist at each other.

"Gu... oh..."

Lightly, the demonic man collapsed.

"I don't know how long you've been doing this, but that's good enough already"

Humans who were keen followers of Originism, in fact, were already defeated by God in evil - and they wouldn't be convinced to say so.

It's not surprising that extremists have pioneered and created these groups.

Nevertheless, I didn't mean to admit it.

Sprouts or seeds, but if you want to get into the sight of a flam, crush it relentlessly.

It's not a mission, it's a reflex.

You shouldn't leave something like this behind when you say you're finally going to get to a peaceful routine.

"Nah...... the teacher, with a blow!? More than 5,000 magic S-Class!?

"Well, who is this guy... what is this woman doing!

"If you want to teach me the way to the West End and break it up, I'll miss you."

"We have the protection of Master Origin, there's no way we're going to lose whoever we're dealing with!

The man - pointed the gun firing mouth in his grip at the flam.

Without hesitation, pull the trigger, pampered! And the gunfire goes off.

Flam gently released the kick on the spot.

I didn't aim the bullet.

He scolded the place with his feet and dropped the bullet under the wind pressure.

Plus the wind pressure hits the guys, breaks the balance and puts the buttocks on.

"If so, stupid...... did you even use magic!?

And slaughter confused enemies instantly.

In an instant, he slapped a handknife into every man, pruning everyone's consciousness.

and everyone falls to the ground at the same time.

They probably don't even understand what happened.

"How to get to the West Side......"

In the end, I don't know.

Flam dropped his shoulder and left the scene.

"Ugh... pup..."

My body is shaking.

My shoulder hit the wall, slipped and collapsed, spitting a lot of blood out of my mouth.

"Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa, that could suck..."

I didn't mean to force it, but there's more rattling on my body than I thought.

Wiping her red-dyed mouth with the back of her hand, she walked out.

◇ ◇ ◇

I can hear the announcement from afar, in the ears of the flam, wandering down the alley.

"By the hand of a hero, mankind was made Origin's - and in the meantime the kingdom..."

Whether it is too far away or the hearing of the flam is getting worse again, the voices you hear are interrupted.

'But the people... lived, and here in Concilia developed more than... This development is based on the cooperation of the heroes who lived in this… and the Demons…'

Judging from the fragmentary information, it appears that Wang Du was given the name Concilia.

And it seems that coexistence with the Demons is working so far.

Nevertheless, not everything seems to be going well because there are examples of frigid populations like those earlier.

'The day… has been…………………………………………………………………. All of you - so...'

I can't hear my voice any more.

Fram slowly walked out, concentrating his consciousness on the sound.

"This magic guide train is also one of - the name of the Intage…… a hero and the development of this magic guide train… genius… In… What was taken from…"

I think I heard some disturbing words.

He's dead, and it's not so uncommon to take a name from a former hero.

"By the way, you don't have to choose his name."

One of these days I'm going to run wild without listening.

To the extent that I could think of such a thing, my body was calm.

If you just walk for a second, nothing seems wrong.

"That's called the Magic Train."

That's about all the information Fram got from that announcement.

At heart, we still don't know how many years have passed since that battle.

We need to get out of this alley for one second and head to the West End.

Flam with widened stride and increased speed.

Then she nearly bumped into the brunette girl who appeared from the corner.


An exaggerated flying girl.

When she looked at Flam, she put her hands together and said, "I'm sorry," she apologized mildly.

"Never mind. I'd rather ask than that, do you know which way to walk to the West End?

"I'm sorry, I'm actually lost, too,"

With her tongue out, the girl puts her head on.

Rich in expression, but more than that, Flam was concerned about her eyes.

They have strange colors.

It was a flam that often discerned the character of the other person by the eyes, but I can't read anything from the girl's.

It is a cropped, strange feeling.

"I've never walked around the King's Capital with a proper look. Oh, but I'm from Central Avenue, so maybe we can get closer to the West End when we get off the road we just passed?

Oh, thank you.

Two people who wave gently and break up.

But Fram had something to worry about, and he stopped there.


Turning around - there was no one there anymore.

Flam with an accidental bitter laugh.

I wonder how hurried you were, you seem to have run away full of energy.

"I thought it was similar... because of you, I guess?

I want to be reunited with my former companions. Maybe that's what it looks like.

But the girl earlier, she was clearly blind.

It would be different from who Flam thinks it is.

As I was told, Flam goes the way the girl came.

◇ ◇ ◇

Exiting through the alley onto Central Avenue, the number of people increased even further.

It is no longer even difficult to walk properly.

Flam leaning on the end of the road so that no one else gets blood on them.

As always, no one realizes that she is the hero who defeated Origin.

Now she is just a quality cosplayer.

"I thought there would be fewer people away from the Magic Train and their rails."

At least the Central District will be full of people everywhere they go.

But if you go through this, you'll be safe in the West End.

"But it doesn't necessarily mean the house where Milkit lives is in the West Side."

In the first place, maybe she's in this city.

For once, I may have forgotten about Flam already and done it happily somewhere.

"... no, no"

Flam, who immediately denies such an idea.

As much as I know her fondness for herself isn't like that, I already know.

Maybe even death can't separate the two of us.

So Milkit is in this city.

It's a place where Flam can tell, and he's supposed to be waiting.

That's incredible - Flam is also in a hurry with her.

"Well, then do something about this man's wave and pull it out -"

Flum in the mood, going into the street.

Though it would be nice to have tried to proceed bravely.


Lightly flushed and transported somewhere different from the purpose.

It's not like the flam is weak.

The flow is clearly faster than earlier.

"Hey, why all of a sudden, people are getting so dense!?

I was flirting with you knowing you were close to your destination without even having to make it. - It was in front of the church that I finally got there.

"Fuhi... this is... Church of the Central District, right?"

For the first time, I could run into a familiar building.

That's the church where Saila once lived.

Though it has been repaired considerably, whether it was damaged when the Wang Du was destroyed, the shadow remains clear.

There might be a Saila for a second - I thought so and peeked in for a try, but she didn't look like her.

Instead, the Sisters are rushing around.

This is the only crowd of people that will be indispensable to the injured and the sick.

Even without Sarah, I tried to observe if there were any other familiar nuns, but I don't even see that.

At the end of the day, I saw eye to eye with one of them, and I got awkward and ran off the scene.

Whatever you're dressed for, if you can mistakenly talk to an injured person...

"... then what's the trouble?"

Why don't we just delude ourselves in disguise and ask that nun the way?

What are you so scared of?

Are you afraid to know the facts?

"That's scary and obvious..."

I'm just as scared that my body will wear out and never move again.

It's like you're fighting two fears at the same time, and your mind wears off.

The truth is, you should ask someone sooner rather than later and know how many years it's been - if that's an inconvenient fact for you, it'll probably break your heart.

"What if no one remembers me"

Suppose only the name Fram Apricot remains and no one knows about themselves.

This is not the place to go anymore.

The whole world - so to speak - is like a different world.

The only hope now is that the statue of Reach wasn't that old, because if it's well maintained, it doesn't quite stop to be an indicator of how many years it's been.

"Nobody... if there wasn't any left"

It's not an impossible story.

At least, all the magic trains running around the city, the unusual buildings, the tools I've never seen - because they weren't there when Flam was there.

Is it possible, for example, that reconstruction and technological development go hand in hand?

If we do it normally, it should take quite a few years just to rebuild that worn-out King's Capital so far.

Twenty years with less quotes. - No, thirty years.

"If it was about that, we'd all be alive. But..."

Everyone I grew up with and myself as a child.

If you get older than your parents and children, you won't be the same as before.

There was a subtle sense of distance, and they lived their lives while they were gone.

I'm sure only Milkit will keep me waiting for the flam.

But maybe she'll pass away first, and I can't feel the same time and keep seeing the same scenery.

Though it may be a cruel thing to say, even if that's how you could live and reunite - nevertheless, distance is born.

"... I am"

I can't help it.

Whether you choose it or not, wait for it to come, but the results are already there.

Just the difference between uncovering the black box or not.

As Flam leaned over, he heard a loud cheer from the one on the boulevard.

At the same time, a blast of fireworks rings in the blue sky.

Nature and gaze point that way.


There's going to be a parade.

The voice I heard from behind belonged to Sister, who had eyes earlier.

"Ah... excuse me"

Out of awkwardness, Flam lowers his head without meaning.

Then the opponent put his hand on his mouth and chuckled.

"What parade is going on?

"This is a parade celebrating the King's marriage. Today's main event brought people together from all over the kingdom to see this."

"So many people..."

Exactly. From time to time, they're not flooded with enough people to fill the road so far.

Are you lucky or unhappy to be back today for Flam to fulfill?

"People will crush you as you go down the boulevard, so when you get into that right-hand trail over there, I think you can travel to where you can be seen"

The nun said so, pointing the way a short distance from the boulevard.

I guess it's the back road that only locals know, hardly anyone using it.

"Thank you, uh..."

I'm not interested in the parade - Nico laughs before her, and I can't even say no.

He was pushed back by a smile and Flam had no choice but to enter the back road.

◇ ◇ ◇

Because today is the anniversary, or is that the case again from time to time, it hasn't even fallen waste on the road.

Of course, he said he looked like someone sleeping on the street.

With exceptions like the earlier mysterious group, perhaps this place is safer than the previous King's Capital.

Flam makes his way down such an alley.

The boulevard, right next to you, says it's so crowded that just hearing the sound makes you dizzy, this one is quiet.

Occasionally they are different from people, but they all pass by with a determined and surprised look as to whether they have a high affinity for the dim alley and the flam outfit.

Keep moving forward and turn left at about.

Then I saw the boulevard filled with people.

Flam sticks at the back of it, stretches his back and peeks at the parade.

However, it seems that the parade line has not yet reached this point, and we can only see the path opened by the soldiers in a sloppy line.

I'd like to get to the West Side early, but there's no way I don't watch the parade any more than I've been here.

Besides, if the king means Slough - at his age, we can see how long it's been.

As people watched in the blessing mood, Fram waited for one, a carriage carrying the king in a tense face, to pass in front.

After waiting awhile, I did it and many large, luxurious carriages of wheels approached me.

The audience boils.

Apparently, the leading carriage has celebrities in it, not kings, 'Kah!' I also heard a yellow voice.

My heart squeals.

When I pulse hard, the pain runs because I'm hurt by a rundown.

She held her chest down in agony, her face slackened.

At the same time, anxiety strikes me, and I am attacked by the urge to escape this scene.

If it's someone Fram doesn't know who goes through here.

Even if I knew, if I'd been a bumpy old lady.

It will be a pleasure to reunite.

But the time we can walk together is too short.

I worked so hard to get this far, you should have the right to be selfish.

I don't want to say anything beautiful anymore.

Flam - hopes to walk the same time, the same stride, with the people he loves.

I held my hand firmly against my chest, and wished, 'May you not have gone far'.

And then the carriage plugged in front of the flam...


There she was, a little grown up.

He wears white armor and waves at the crowd.

Probably a parade, so I dare you to dress as a brave man.

But there is no smile on his face.

It's about Cyril, 'I'm not worthy of a parade' I must have said no at first.

"Decades...... after, no...?

Or have you stopped getting old with the power of the brave?

I don't know the truth unless I ask her in person, but now I need her to notice anyway.

"Ki, Kirill, it's me, it's Flam. Yikes! He's back!

Wave desperately, flam speaking.

But they are no match for people's bluffs, and they are stirred up.

Still, I whipped it on my heavy body and continued to appeal desperately.

"Cyril, hey! Keyreel chan!

I just look like a Shaggu fan - Cyril's gaze stopped at Flam.


I can't hear you, but my mouth opens.

His eyes were also opened and he solidified with a flashing expression.

But the carriage doesn't stop.

Frozen Cyril passes in front of the flam.

Then, without getting my hair in, the next carriage arrived.

Flam that goes on and swings his hand around and appeals.

I move around without looking at how my body is doing, so the recoil immediately pushed me.

"Oh, yabba... bubba..."

Blood overflowing from the mouth.

Of course, the people who were nearby are amazed.

Most people seemed to think it was such a performance that nothing had to be so tempered and cosplay - but thanks to it, Eterna, who rides the carriage, realized the presence of Flam.


I stared at this one at first, tilting my neck and staring at it,


When he finds out that it's a flam, he stands up on the cargo and shouts as he holds his finger.

But still, I can't hear you.

"E, Eterna. Huh!

Flam, who managed to get back together, waved more modestly than earlier.

She remains the same.

That was somehow something I knew, so I wasn't so surprised.

Keep it up, a carriage that's passing ruthlessly.

In both of them, I can't know exactly how many years have passed.

If you think so, the next carriage is coming.

Now it was Flam's turn to be confused.

"... to?

It was - Gene, who was on it.

Gene, who should be dead, is alive, joining the parade.

But unlike Cyril, he had no age change.

He smiles invincibly and looks at Flam, completely unchanged from that time when his life was scattered with suicide bombing magic.

"Hey, what, why are you alive?!?

You shouldn't have heard Fram, but if you did, the good looks would upset you anyway.

Keep it up, Gene passes by.

Now - Sarah and Negas showed up.

"Oh, Saila! Mr. Neigus!

Regardless of Neigus, Saila hasn't changed a bit surprisingly.

No, he's a little taller, and his face looks subtly grown up, but maybe that's because of the fancy robe he's wearing.

It's called Cyril, it's called Eterna, it's called Gene, it's called you two - I don't know how many years have passed since then.

Then Flam and Saila's eyes met, and there, the carriage stopped.

I guess you just decided it was impossible to continue the parade with the flam left unattended.

And he comes down from the cargo in a hurry and rushes towards the flam.

A deliberate crowd.

As they approached, the crowd of men broke at will, paving the way.

When we got here, there seemed to be some people in the audience who noticed a little bit about Flam.

As ripples spread across the water, the phrase 'Fram Apricot is back' passes on.

nature, and her expression was filled with laughter as well.

It's not anxiety or distress - joy and blessings that don't even need to be inverted have finally poured down on her as she continues to fight to this day.

"Flam...... what?

Cyril, who was fast approaching first, said in tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's me."

Flam replies yes while wiping the mess and the blood on his mouth.

"... really, it's a flam!

And she hugs Flam's body as much as she wants.

Fram also held back, and the two reunited from the bottom of their minds.

"Flam, flam! I missed you, I've been waiting, all this time, all this time!

"Oh, shit, you've been waiting for me."

I wasn't forgotten.

On the contrary - for a moment, I wonder if the time has not passed, much more than Fram thought.

Thus, questions arise about rapid technological developments, but the answer lies ahead of the gaze.

"Uh, I'm glad you're happy to see me again, but can I just ask?

"Ask me anything."

"That, what?

"Gene... right"

Cyril is also pulling her cheeks.

That must mean there must be some kind of trick.

"Not exactly, Gene."

"Back off?"

To Eterna's words, a flam to the neck.

There is no ink figure there.

I guess that's just how she couldn't have joined the parade.

"Tip is Shea"

"Oh, speaking of which!

Flam remembered to the lid.

Protect Shea and tell her that Gene was talking to her on her way back to the King's Capital.

At that stage, if I had used my dream abilities to create a calculus to resurrect myself.

"That, but that's..."

"Probably fits with Flam's perception. That's just a jean made out of people's imaginations, not in person."

"You can call me nascent Jean."

Put your arms together and say it out loud, Gene - for God's sake, Gene.

"Don't hesitate."

Cold and distant flam.

From him, I can't feel the same loathing as before.

That, if I say so, is like taking away the jeaniness from Jean, nothing. Flam didn't like him, but he felt unspeakably disgusted.

If I tell you, he's not a “genius” Gene Intage, he's a “hero” Gene Intage.

Though I guess Jean's purpose has been achieved at a time when the best brains in the world have not been lost, even if he has become someone else who resembles him.

"Hang on, you're back on a day like this."

"Pleasure is overlapping."

I show my teeth and laugh, and Zeion approaches me.

Seatum walking next to it, wrapped around the dress.

"To Zeion, Seatum, could that outfit be, like, a wedding?

Over time, the appearance of the Demons remains unchanged.

Shoulder to shoulder and side by side, the two look somewhere criminal.

"Oh, it's been four years since the proposal."

"It was right after the battle, and then we were busy rebuilding this city and coexisting demons and humans."

"Four years...? Oh, it's only been four years!?

Two people snorting.

"You mean you rebuilt that king's capital to this point in four years? Tools I've never seen. Because in the last four years, it's all!?

"As far as reconstruction is concerned, there is a great deal of cooperation on the part of the Demons. That's what happened when we intercepted Kimyra in Sereid, because if it was a simple building like a castle wall, no matter how huge it is, it can be made in a few days."

The Flams know that the Demons have built a wall covering the city in just a few days.

Are you saying that the technology passed on to the human world improved not only technology but also speed?

"And then, more or less, because of that"

That's what Eterna said, pointing to a fluttering Gene.

Indeed, if he works for the King's Capital at all costs, it is not strange that various inventions are born.

And now he's different from the previous Gene.

If people's imaginary statues of "heroes” Gene are good men who use their brains to save the world - there's nothing unconvincing about technological developments.

I didn't want to convince Fram if I could.

"I know what it's like to be distracted by that guy, but I hope you don't forget about us."

The next person I've spoken to is Saila with a full laugh.

He has a somewhat luxurious cane in his hand and wears a robe - rather than being worn on a robe.

"Fram, it's been a while!

"Saila, you're no different."

Look at her more intact than you can imagine, a relieved flam.

Saila, on the other hand, is dissatisfied.

"Oh, that's not true! I should have looked different and grown up compared to four years ago!

"For that matter, it doesn't look like you've changed a lot."

"I'll wear it!

It is convenient to wear.

But surely, I can't tell what's going on with my actual body in this rash robe.

"What about there, Mr. Neigus?"

"Saila is always legit lo...... ho!?

Sarah's elbow bursts on the side of Negas trying to say something.

The two seemed the same, and Fram was relieved.

"Elbow... firmly... is growing..."

"You make me feel the flow of time."

"I hope you don't feel that way!

A puffy, swollen saira.

Including that, it still hasn't changed much except for the outfit.

But as soon as his cheeks shriveled, he approached the flam with his lips tied to the letter to, and took his hand.

"Well, then, let's start treating you."


"Do that, treat your body. Quickly, in the cathedral..."

"Wait, Saila. He's got things to do."

Without knowing exactly what treatment it is, Saila's words are blocked.

And then I came forward...


I wore an unusually luxurious dress to makeup that was so temperamental that I accidentally blew it out - it was Eela.

"Why did you laugh?"

"No, because... uh, it's Elia, right?

"Right, bad?

"Not bad... but what's that outfit, you're disguising it?

The hem of the dress is long enough to drag it over the ground when it stands, lifted by a few servant-like women.

"No matter how you look at it, it would be a wedding dress!

"What, are you getting married?

"You think I'm a freak who wears this alone and joins the parade?

"No, 'cause the other guy... no way!?

From behind her, appears modest, crowned man.

I didn't realize at first because I grew a mustache whether it was to be majestic or not, but I recognize that face.

"... Slough?

"Long time no see, Mr. Flam"

My voice is sinister.

And the way you talk sounds.

He's probably the one who changed the most in four years.

"Uh, so, maybe Ella will marry Slough?

There's no other way.

"Become queen, you mean?

"That's what's gonna happen."

"Chimp's men, who were rotten in the West Side guild, are the queen..."

It is a level Cinderella story that is not quite even fiction.

"I've already told the people a lot about it, but I've solved it, so don't flirt!

They still told me.

Are you saying that Dayne's evil has not yet been forgotten from everyone's memory?

Or did the former subordinate make a commotion by approaching her to become queen?

Whatever it is, the month of four years still seems short and long.

I guess there are a lot of events that Fram doesn't know about before he does.

Flams that tend to lean down into thingies.

To her like that, Ella tells her in a frightened manner.

"I've been talking to you for a long time, but you don't want to talk about that kid? You should go see him first."

"I know. I don't want to, but I don't know the way!

"You can try going up on the roof, because that old house is what it is."

"I also don't like wanting to do that - hey, I can't seem to be helpless about my body, I walk, so it's the best I can do"

Sailor moves and reacts with tingling.

Negas took control of it.

Eela also narrows her eyes and gives a sad look.

Perhaps we all know the condition of Flam's body.

Honestly, Fram himself doesn't know what's going on in detail, so if he's bad, it's possible they're more familiar with it.

Saila's hasty attempt to take her to the cathedral may be a matter of contention for a moment.

All the more so, I have to go see Milkit soon.

Eela exhales immediately, "Huh," returning to her usual mean looking face.

And in a blurry tone, I showed Flam the way.

"Turn right at the penetration of this alley and you'll see Central District Church one of these days. Take the road all the way to the left and you'll get to that house."

"Thanks, it helps"

"Flam, am I going to send it?

To Cyril's suggestion, Flam shook his head sideways.

"I'll just get the feeling. I want to get to her on my own feet."

"... well"

She was a little lonely but seemed convinced right away.

And turn your back on your people and go for that house.

◇ ◇ ◇

The month of four years is too long.

Every day is like hell, first thing in the morning, my chest tightens every time I see a bed without the Lord.

Cyril, Eterna and Ink, who live in the same house, cared something about Milkit.

A little bit of that might ease your loneliness.

But if the root problem doesn't solve it, her feelings won't clear up.

Milkitt headed to his desk in his room and kept a diary.

Four years, since I've been separated from Flam, I've never been missing a day.

It was a habit when she came back that she started to be able to talk about what happened while she was gone - but the longer it lasted, the more the weight of those days hits the mill kit.

How long should I wait?

I'm prepared to wait for decades, but that's not why it's not hard.

Anyway, almost everything in my heart is still occupied by Fram.

The remaining mind is covered in blank darkness for the majority of it.

I am well aware that today is the day of the festival.

Naturally Milkit was also invited to attend, as it is also the wedding of kings and demons - but I didn't feel that way.

It's a celebratory seat for acquaintances, just attend a party that opens at night, but just rolled out into a floating city, it won't be easy to tame.

Milkit shelves his journal that day when he finishes writing a diary that doesn't have any particular content and spells out his love affair for Flam.

Then he walks straight to the bed of the LORD, fluttering, and falls from his face.

There's no more of her smell left.

But it doesn't change the fact that Flam was here.

That alone can be salvation for Milkit right now.

"I'm older than your husband."

With a grumpy voice, she said resentfully.

"We cook much better than before. I'm sure your husband will like it."

I dreamed of a day when I'd be back, and Milkit kept polishing herself.

Everything, just to please the Lord.

"And the accessory making has improved enough to be a sale. I can read books by myself."

Efforts have been made.

It's all for "one day I'll be back”.

But - how long will those days last?

No matter how praiseworthy or praiseworthy it is, there is no point if it is not a flam.

"So, your husband..."

Until today, Milkit seldom made weak noises in front of someone.

He replied with a smile, 'Because I believe I will definitely be back' if he asks me if it's okay if Flam isn't there.

But the truth is, when you're alone, you're always in tears.

Plump when you hold hands.

The joy of being beheaded.

Happiness when we hug each other.

Love when you talk.

Every time I remember - I think it's something I can't get right now, a sense of loss drags my emotions down to the bottom of my nagging.

The feeling of nausea is coming up, and the eyes get wet on their own.

There are tears that can't be suppressed by reason, and they stain the bed of the flam.

"Master... where are you, Master... eh"

Doesn't mean I looked.

There's nothing Milkit can do.

That's the hardest part.

I can't believe I'm just waiting - really, for days like torture.

As it sinks into the futon, I'm about to let go of consciousness.

Milkit woke up her body and shook her neck left and right to pay for her grief.

Tears dry soon.

Feelings will settle in time.

By the time the Eternas return from the parade, it will be completely back to normal.

I'm used to it.

It is natural because it has been repeated for four years.

As it was, now he lay on the bed of the flam, staring blurry at the ceiling.

Empty your mind, so that you don't have to think about anything sad.

Then - in the house, the sound of the intercom rang.

I installed a magic powered one about two years ago.

I haven't completely gone back to my usual mill kit yet, but I can't possibly not leave.

When she gets out of bed, she goes down to the ground floor with her nodding eyes and stands in front of the front door.

(Is it an invitation to the parade, I'm not in the mood to attend that hand event)

Even before I went out this morning, the ink invited me firmly.

It should change your mood, too.

In fact, if you go, you'll feel better, but at the same time, guilt creeps up.

I was wondering if I could just enjoy myself, even though Flam isn't coming back.

Same now.

If the ink asked you out, let's say no right away.

So determined, I reach for the door knob.

At the end of the open door...

"I'm home, Milkit"

An illusion, stood.


Mill kit staring silently.

Truth be told, I've seen Flam's hallucinations several times before, and that was a phenomenon that happens when I'm determined and tired - but I didn't expect that to happen now.

Rub your eyes.

Still, Flam didn't disappear.

"Maybe you're dreaming or something?

"Think, I will"

"Well, you'll see when you do this, won't you?

That said, Flam spread his hands.

Fluffy approaching, Milkit's body delivers into it.

As usual, I thought I'd go through and my illusions would disappear.

But the body stopped there, and Milkit did (...) feel the nostalgic scent of a mixture of body temperature, softness and a slight smell of blood.

"... ah"

My voice spilled.

"Uh, it's a mill kit. Yeah, there's no doubt about this feeling."


Emotions abound.

"Ahhh... ahhh... your husband...?

"Yes, it's Milkit's husband."

Two people staring at each other at close range.

Moreover, the illusion does not disappear.

"Are you there? Not a dream... properly, here..."

"I'm here. Because it's not even a ghost. Alive, standing on both feet, hugging about Milkit."

There were tears in Flam's eyes, too.

How long have you been waiting for a day like this to be embraced without fear of any threat?

"Dear Sir, Master..."

"Yeah, yeah, let's make sure as many times as we can. I'm Milkit's husband."

"Ugh... warm... your husband's, body..."

"Well, you're alive. Milkit's body is warm, and so is my heart."

"Me, all the time, this is what I do, in my dreams... so it's like a dream, but I don't dream... me, all the time, all the time... whoa!

I meant to remember clearly.

But when you can actually hug me like this, it's totally different.

I can't believe I remember - compared to reality, it makes me feel painful that it was something so light.

"Sorry I kept you waiting so long."

"... eh"

If I had listened to Fram's tears, I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Your husband. Ahhh!

I screamed.

Louder than I've ever let out in my life, as much as I can to spit out all of my emotions.

Still not enough.

This joy can't be expressed as much as a voice raised.

"Your husband, your husband, your husband. Ah!

Pushing his face against his shoulder, even Milkit keeps calling.


I have a response.

It's just that, I'm so happy I'm dead.

"Master...... Huh!


They call me names.

That's just it, I'm so happy my soul is going to be torn apart.

"Oshi Jun... Sama..."

"Yeah, Milkit"

There he is.

That's just it, I'm so happy I don't need anything else anymore.

"Ha... ahhh, uhh... I love you... my husband... I love you... eh"

"I love you too. I love Milkit as much as it's probably enough to bind the affections that we have all over the world."

"Then I love you more."

"I guess. I don't think I can beat Milkit's love."

Flam admitting to a light loss.

I already know painfully that Milkit's affection is uninterrupted.

But - now Flam doesn't just admit to losing.

"But I think I'm a good match right now. That's about all I've got on my mind about the mill kit. Much more stuck in the cucumber than before."

That's the strongest oral complaint I've ever heard.

No, probably any word, if it's what Flam emitted, it must be a critical hit on Milkit.

My hips are crushing and I'm about to collapse.

Then both arms of the flam will support your body.

I'm protected - I just think so, and I'm even less powerful in my body.

While I'm at it, I'm so in love that I'm impressed.

As they were held, their faces approached nature - the first time in a day/four years, they exchanged kisses.


"Phew... Mm-hmm."

Long, deep, mouth-watering to make sure we feel each other.

I can feel the other person's presence more clearly than hugging him.

“There you are,” he said, strong, strong.

My body temperature's up, my heart's pounding, but more than that - I'm more than impressed.

Nature and tears were spilling out of their eyes.

When the Shizukuishi flushed by the mill kit wets the chest of the flam, it naturally leaves the lips.

Stare with a swinging look.

Hopefully again, no. I wanted to repeat it as many times as I could without saying, but the limit of the flam is close.

Milkit, who perceived it with his senses, tells him that “this is all” is an important word.

"Welcome back, sir"

It was the gospel at the end of a long and long battle.

With a clear demarcation, the flam is finally free from everything.

And - life as a single girl begins.

My body leaned about.

Now it's Milkit's turn to support his body.

Vertigo, shake the frill skirt, but somehow hug it.

Flam nods his face at its chest and slowly closes his eyes.

"Sorry... I really need to talk to you about something more..."

"You can wake up, you don't have to do this anymore. I have as much time as I can."

"Oh well... yes, you do... then you sleep just a little. We'll talk a lot when we wake up."

"Yes, because I still have a lot to tell your husband too!

"... fun, huh? Milkit's... Talk..."

Flam lets go of consciousness and takes a nap.

The exhausted body finally took a break.

"Rest easy, my lord"

Nobody disturbs Flam's peace anymore.

Neither God nor man can bind her.

And then I woke up, and it started at that moment.

I've been waiting a long time, living in this city, casual days.

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