Milkit and I had a really sweet day together, and it didn't last that long.

Back from the battle with Origin, Flam had a pile of important roles.

First, a party to celebrate her return.

Dressed with armor reminiscent of Cyril's gear, Flam was to be given praise by various nobles in a party venue that was once done gloriously decorated.

No matter, I'm not happy.

Is it at least salvation that Milkit was next door or that Ella and Slough turned their sympathetic eyes to me as I followed her?

By the time the party was over and back in the room, he was no longer around, and there was no energy left to hold his lover.

A few days later, a parade was held to celebrate the return.

The voice of the people, who showed no less liveliness than the king's marriage parade and who, unlike the nobility, delighted purely with the return of Flam, was not bad for her either.

Though mental fatigue is equivalent to a party.

Others say hello to the cathedral, show your face to the store, and get a title before you know it well, anyway, the event is on the horizon.

Fatigue can be doubled because all of them are unnecessary for Flam's casual life.

In the end, it wasn't until more than two weeks later that Flam got a decent free time.

Saila, who was telling me to rest, was just as smug a face as this awful thing, but it's not something I can stop.

Because that's how big the flam is for the kingdom.

◇ ◇ ◇


Flam's eyes open with a whisper.

It was already brighter out there.

I only remember sleeping like a dead man last night - but on my body, I feel the muck of a mill kit.

Apparently, she's holding the flam.

(No, it's not...)

I didn't hug you, I wanted you to hug me, didn't I?

Yes, the flam that reached the peak of fatigue caused toddler regression.

No matter, that's just how sweet I was - I uttered words that I would never say when I was bare, and Milkit attached to it without one disgusting face and spoiled me fully.

And as it was, he slipped into bed.

(I don't know how tired I am...)

I get stunned while I'm at it.

I need to show you my cool husband today for all the stuff he's been through yesterday.

That's what I thought, I opened my eyes at once.

"Good morning, sir"

A facial mill kit greets the flam.

A dazzling smile before that sun vanished in an instant, such as earlier determination.

"Oh, my God, Milkit"

Flam replies that way with a powerless grin.

And they brought their faces closer to nature, and exchanged their mouths.

◇ ◇ ◇

When the two of us went down to the ground floor, they were all already awake.

"Morning, Flam, Milkit"


"Good morning, 'cause I'm done with breakfast"

"I know, Mr. Eterna, it happened at this hour, and I can't help it."

Already the clock indicates after ten o'clock.

It's time to get ready for lunch in a little while.

Fram didn't expect breakfast from the start.

But Cyril takes the kitchen apron and says in a good mood.

"You want me to make you a hot cake? in an indelible amount at lunch."

"Are you sure?

"Sure, if that's what Milkit wants."

"Mr. Cyril, I'm not even going to cook alone anymore."

"Hehe, I'll make it."

Cyril seems to like to feed Flam his own dishes rather than to others -.

Because of this, I have seen him compete for Milkit and kitchen initiative several times since he came back to this house.

Well, more or less Milkit wins.

Anyway, Cyrillic's specialty is cake, not main dish.

"Flam, are you still on business today?

To the flam sitting in the chair, Eterna asks.

"No, I'm finally off today"

"Then let's all go shopping."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ink. Actually, I already have plans."

"Are you going somewhere?

That's what Cyril said from the kitchen.

Flam tells her back wrapped around an apron.

"Thought I'd go to the grave."

I have already visited several times in parades and ceremonies, but have not been able to speak calmly.

When I had the time, I was sure I would personally go hand in hand.

"Well, I'll see you next time."

Ink dropped his shoulder a little, but still didn't waste it “no choice”.


Eterna, on the other hand, has something in mind.

"What's wrong with you?

"No, anything...... or go and you'll see"



Mirkit laughs bitterly for some reason at the cloudy Eterna of words.

Flam, who can't read the intentions of the two of them, just leaned his neck.

◇ ◇ ◇

After cheeking Cyril's made cake, the two rolled out to town.

Across the street is the Central District, a heroic spiritual temple near the cathedral.

A tomb of people who lost their lives in battle had been built in that facility, which had been given a subtle name.

Aside from whether or not they want such special treatment, it was a process needed to rebuild the King's Capital - Slough said - to deify a dead hero and treat him as a kind of patron saint.

There should be more stopovers, that's what I guess.

Just Flam and Milkit walking through town, people shrug.

The gaze that can be directed is basically just favorable, so if you get used to it, there's no problem.

But they never realized that the fact that their hands were securely tangled and connected made that noise extra loud.

Walking five minutes, you arrive at the magic train station.

It was Flam trying to buy a ticket there, but in her case, they'll make it available for free on the face pass.

While I feel sorry for you, the two of you get on the train for free.

From there, even more than enough will arrive to the Hero Temple.

Walking takes forty to fifty minutes, so advances in technology just wrap your tongue around it.

Most of all, if Fram runs, he'll arrive earlier than that - but Milkit and I are also excited to enjoy the changed township.

Every day I don't know when I'll be busy.

While I had time, I wanted to keep my mind and body close to her longer, that's what Fram thought.

"Next in front of the Hero Spirit Temple, in front of the Hero Spirit Temple -"

An announcement using wind magic flows through the car.

Flam stepped down to the station, pulling Milkit's hand as he lowered his head to the people who cleared the way for him.

Also pass the ticket intact and go outside the station.

Across a wide road, there was a temple.

Big enough to look up, a pure white building - this was built during the four years it was rebuilt, so I'm surprised by the demonic technique.

However, it appears that it has not yet been completed, and some walls were covered with cloth and the sound of the craftsmen continuing their work was echoed.

Anything, he said the sculpture he plans to paint on the wall hasn't been completed yet.

They can't leave it to magic, just fine work.

"It's amazing to say that a building this big is a tomb"

"So that's how great they were."

When they said that, Flam had no choice but to nod.

Gadio and Linus, all the others - have aspired higher than Flam and challenged the threat.

They're just heroes no one can compare.

"... I wonder, too, if there will be a grave here when I die"

Fram said such dark words, unusual.

When I thought Gadios were asleep in the building in front of me, it came out naturally.

"Maybe there 'll be a more splendid building, right?

Milkit returns jokingly.

Then Flam answered with a pale grin.

"I hate it when you're too flashy."

"I don't think I can do that. Because that's all your husband has done."

"Hmm, annoying. Well, if Milkit will stay with me, I won't say."

"It's okay, I'll crawl and sleep under the same grave."

A mill kit that I proclaim while holding my fist all the time.

Does that mean it moves to stay with Flam even after death?

Seriously, that's about as obsessive as it seems.

Most likely, Flam will crawl in search of a mill kit in the same way.

The two, who separated the conversation, cross the road, holding hands.

The number of carriages and people that go out does not take a pull compared to the previous king's capital.

No, on the contrary, it could be more.

Concilia is a city that continues to grow in its current system.

Hundreds of merchants gather with whom they feel they have had a business opportunity, and thousands or tens of thousands of people seek work.

A problem that I think is a joke about "not having enough residence” is happening in reality - that was the situation.

So the number of visitors to the Hero Spirit Temple is also much higher than Flam had imagined.

Some come to visit this place as a kind of sanctuary and some as a tourist destination because their families worship sleeping tablets.

If a flam appears in such a place, confusion is inevitable.

As we approached the entrance to the temple, the guard and thought the soldier approached us in a hurry and guided us to another door.

Beyond the door, it looks like the office of the Hero Spirit Temple.

Fram happens to have eyes to eye with one man who was there on the spot.

The familiar plain but hard face - no doubt, it's former deputy head of the Knights of the Church, Bart Caron.

Looking somewhat older than four years ago, he opened his eyes when he saw Fram.

"Surprised, I didn't know you'd show up all of a sudden"

"Should I have contacted you?

"I'd like you to do that if possible. If all of a sudden the hero Flam shows up, the place will be a mess."

"... annoying"

I didn't know you needed to be contacted for just a visit to the grave.

'Patience till you calm down,' Fram told himself.

"But it's been a while, Fram Apricot"

"Mr. Burt seems to be doing well, above all."

I've been wrong a few times during parties and parades, but this was the first time since Flam came back to talk to me face to face.

"Are you captain of the city guard now?

"Oh, it was the Knights of the Church. I'm part of the Army now, too"

After the fall of the Wang du, the surviving Knights of the Church humans were integrated into the army.

Few said they disagreed with it.

Because the closer we were to the center of the church, the more disgusted we were with its corruption.

"When I think about merit, I don't think it's weird to be up there more."

"I said no, you're not my type."

"Sure, it feels better in the field."

"Right? That's what my men said, and they stopped me from getting promoted. People are going to cry because they have too much hope."

Burt shrugged his shoulders.

Can it be said that it is a good will to be fulfilled?

He seems satisfied with his current position, so I guess there are no problems.

"Well... the purpose would be the tombs of the heroes, wouldn't it? Then there's another route we can only take from here, let me show you."

"You have such a thing."

"In the first place, the tomb of a hero is not open to the public except on special occasions."

That was unexpected.

Flam came, and I thought anyone could see it at any time - which means that only stone tablets can be seen by ordinary people who come to the Heroic Spirit Temple.

"That's why it helps us to keep in touch in the future when we visit the grave. I'll give you the number of the device later."


Even so, I don't have a flam.

Milkit also did not possess' it makes no sense to have it without your husband '.

But if you're as good as Flam, you won't bother to buy it, you'll send it from the kingdom.

In fact, Eela had already completed the process and was preparing to hand it over.

Burt took Flam and Milkit to the door further behind the office.

Beyond that, there was an extended passage, not very wide, with a number of doors on the side.

The other side seems to be connected to the route of the table.

Moving further, I saw only a few luxurious doors ahead.

Open it and we'll go out into the wide aisle.

"This is where they use it as a passage on the day it opens to the public."

That's what Bart explained to me.

Because hardly anyone uses it today, the lights are not on and the road is dim.

No windows, voices and footsteps sounded well because of the enclosed cylindrical space.

Then from the back, another person's footsteps - it also approaches for more than one person.

"Oh, it's been a while, Fram."

"Mr. Keraina!

There was a Keraina figure, almost the same as four years ago.

Milkit, standing one step back from the flam, bows his head to her.

"That means that girl over there is Halom?

"Yes. You remembered me, sister"

"Well, because it's been weeks for me to say four years. And you've grown up."

"Growing up."

Harrom had gained even more girly clarity, as he once was energetic.

I'm eleven years old now, so I'm old enough, but the gap with her in Flam's memory is intense.

"And the child..."

Finally, Flam's gaze cling to Keraina's leg and moved on to the boy hiding behind her back.

Is my age around three years old?

At least not in Flam's memory, which means he won't likely be over four.

Then the boy, who felt Fram's gaze, quietly hides behind Keraina.

"I'm sorry, you're scared when all of a sudden someone you don't know talks to."

It was a flam that crouched and spoke in a gentle voice, but I just keep clinging to my feet and staring at this one.

"This girl, she says Tio."

Keraina said.

Flam looks up and gives a surprised look.

"What's that name..."

Tia and Gadio gave it to me.

"So you're Mr. Gadio's kid"

A slightly shadowy grin, nodding Keraina.

Guilt is - I guess.

Because my former friend's husband gave me a half-force hug and gave birth to that child.

But even the joy of being able to give a child to someone you like, it certainly is.

"Sure, you look like Mr. Gadio around your eyes"

He's an adorable kid, and he smiles when he hides behind his mother and clings to his feet.

But the eyes are not good for flattery, and the eyelashes are thick.

Well, I could say that's a good accent and it's even more cute.

"It was me, Tio-kun's dad's apprentice, wasn't it?


"Come on, Tio, give me a call."

Halom scolds you like a sister.

But Tio tied his mouth to the letter to and shook his neck as he sifted.

"Haha, what are you talking about because you're a disciple"

"I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar. I don't think I need to look like him to that point..."

"Mr. Gadio, were you familiar?

"When I was a kid."

An unexpected fact...... but I felt like I could figure out a little flam.

At least I'm not the type to talk to Frank to strangers.

"So maybe Tio will grow up to be such a lousy guy in the future, too?

"... eh"

Tio shakes his neck left and right as he sifts again.

"I've been rejected..."

"That's the time of year. Hey, Tio, why don't you at least let me hear your voice for a second?


When Keraina said that, Tio hid completely behind him, and he couldn't even see his face from the flam.


To its behavior, the mill kit inadvertently loosens the cheeks.

"Damn, if you stay put like that, you won't know if your sister gets mad at you again, will you?

"I'm more scared of your sister than your mother."

"Well, I'm just being normal."

Halom objecting a little shy.

I'm totally your sister.

Or because I'm only five years old and different from Flam, I'm unlikely to be able to treat children the same way I used to be.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Keraina and the others came to visit the grave."

"Try to come through once a week, we were just talking about Flam coming back today. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you soon."

"Right. I'm not at Mr. Gadio's, I'm not in this world, and I'm worried about you."

It's been four years since then, so I don't know if he's still looking at this world or if he's gone “next”.

"Well, we'll go first."

"Now you're going to play from us. Are you still using that mansion?

"Yeah, I can't say it's intact, but it's safe."

"Looking forward to it."

The Kerainas broke up with Flam waving their hands.

Milkit bows his head deeply and drops them off.

Plus Bart and I seem to have been exchanging words just a little bit.

After a mistake, after a while, Fram looked back at the Kerainas' backs.

Then Tio stares at this one.


Flam waved.

Late, Milkit waves equally modestly.

Tio then moved his mouth, "Bullshit," even though he was mostly.

"... kid, you're cute"


The two are perfectly boneheaded by Tio's charm.

"What would it be like to have me and your husband's child"

"Wouldn't that make you look so damn cute already, like Milkit?

"No, I think you'll be a very cute kid there, just like your husband"

Flam and mill kit that cannot give way to each other.

In fact, although they are two people who are likely to drown, no matter what they resemble.

"A child... a child..."

"When I grow up, I'm glad. Can't we do something with technological advances?"

"I'm also willing to do something with inversion..."

"Oh yeah, why is that so awesome!?

"No, it's a possibility, isn't it? I have everything I need right now, so I think I can do it... but in this case, I wonder which one will be born."

"Can you choose?


"Duh, the choice between both..."

To an uplifting talk,

"Hey, you guys."

A man's voice broke in.

It is Bert, who was listening to the conversation a little further away.

"I'm here, remember?

Flam replied to him with a blatant look.

"You haven't forgotten, have you?

"I was happier to forget there"

They no longer have anything to do with people's eyes.

Even if I care about that, I don't have the free time in Flam to become a celebrity at all.

"The grave is ahead of us. It's not good to keep you waiting. Let's go."

Bart walked faster than ever before.

Flam holds Milkit's hand and chases that back in a rushing mood.

Proceeding down the hallway, which was too wide for the three of us to walk, we saw the door again.

Its two open doors are so high and large that you can't see the whole thing without tilting your neck, with majestic sculptures throughout.

A closer look at the pattern seems to depict the battle between Origin and the hero.

"I don't know... I feel like a historical figure and I miss you a little bit"

The flam snaps.

"In fact, hundreds, thousands of years ahead and their names will remain. It'll be in the textbook soon."

"But... it's not“ history ”or“ past ”yet. At least for me."

The death is vividly remembered.

I haven't even forgotten how that feels when it comes to fighting Gadio.

Not the past, etc. - the death is in Flam's heart in the present system of progress.

"I'm sorry to say this, but maybe it's getting a little bit past for us"

"... maybe so. In four years, I think that's what happens. I'm sure, me too."

"Your husband..."

I feel a mistake in time.

But it is also true that we must not drag their deaths forever.

Perhaps they don't want it either, or they themselves, because they're supposed to be moving on to the next stage.

"We're gonna open it."


Exactly this size, you can't just push it open with your hand.

When Bart took the key out of his pocket, he plugged it into a small lid attached to the wall.

If you open it there, there's a crystal embedded inside.

With his hands on him and his magic pouring in, the door began to move, sounding a heavy bass in the hallway.

What was ahead of us when we opened was the white space.

Illuminated by the light that plunges through the ceiling windows, with the exception of the mural depicting the afterlife, it is full of pure white without a single stain.

It was such a sacred place that Flam refused to enter.

And there's some coffins lined up.

Maria's, Linus's, Gadio's, as well as Hellman's, and from his post-mortem achievements, Reach, Welsey, and Foyer were also buried in this place.

Fram's feet approach nature and the closest coffin.

Of course I can't see inside.

But perhaps the body isn't asleep in the coffin.

Whatever - because they left only the core and vanished.

"Mr. Linus, Maria. There was a lot going on, but I think the only reason I survived was because you guys had the power."

Therefore, all that remains is the relics of the two of us.

Still, if I put my hand on it and spoke up, I felt like I could reach them somewhere.

"Mr. Linus, needless to say, was very dependable... and Maria, after all, couldn't abandon herself, could she? So you've helped us many times."

The same goes for fighting Mother, and even Saila, alone, would have lost her life before she was reunited with Negas if she hadn't been here.

"We've been thinking about each other, but because of Origin... so now, I'm sure, we're doing well, right? Happy."

Death was a deal.

God and sin did not allow the two to be united.

Then we would have had to abandon the world in order to achieve mutual thoughts.

With that in mind - even at the end of the road, I felt like I could see a little salvation.

"Mr. Hellman."

Next, to his coffin.

"Thank you so, so much for risking your life to entrust me with God eating. Without that sword, I don't think I would have stood here today."

I still think so.

Hellman shouldn't have had to die.

That was not so much death by Origin as death by jealousy of one man named Werner.

Well, to put it that way - all the victims by Origin were people who didn't have to die.

His family, as well.

"I was glad you were nice when I was losing my memory"

I'm sure he treated his sister the same way he did then.

Silent, faceless, big body, very scary to look at nearby - but kind, strong, proud brother.

That's how it must have been admired.

"Please, on that side, live peacefully with your family"

I can only pray so.

He said he made it Linus, Maria, Gadio - but even Flam doesn't know if it's that convenient and the post-mortem world is full of happiness.

In this world, however, there are phenomena that people's will attracts and cannot explain.

Then - even convenience should have been good.

"Mr. Leach, Mr. Welsey, Mr. Foyer"

I moved to the next coffin.

They're positioned right next to each other so they can lean in.

Flam bit his lip as he grasped the name engraved on the lid with his fingertips.

"... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything"

Their death, too, was too much salvation.

There is no sin.

Even if Reach had regretted his own mistake, Flam doesn't consider it a sin.

You must have lived right.

Straight, clean, to uncover the truth, to save and enrich people.

Why did you have to die such a terrible way?

It was then that Flam felt most strongly the ugliness of Origin, the ugliness of a man named Origin Lerners.

"I just wanted to take care of you, but in the end, you could barely repay me while I was alive"

Even that house, which became the place to return, was given to Reach.

As well as gathering information by Welsey, there was a lot of relief from him being on his side.

"Because Origin has defeated it properly. So... at least now I'm glad that the despair you felt faded."

The truth they tried to uncover.

Beyond that, the root of malice.

It no longer exists in this world.

Although neither unreasonable suffering nor the reality of death disappear - Origin is now experiencing stronger, more intense, and more endless suffering than that.

So if the hatred of the Reaches has healed at all.

Hopeful observation, but Fram hoped so.

"Mr. Gadio."

And move in front of the last coffin.

"Thanks to you, I was able to come back this way."

If Gadio hadn't taught Flam knight swordsmanship (Cavaliers) even though he was dead, he wouldn't have beaten Origin.

The beneficence is so great that it is not enough how many times I have spoken it.

All the more so if you can't tell the person directly anymore.

"Did you meet Mr. Tia or some of his people? Now make yourself happy, Mr. Gadio."

His battle is over.

If it's over - there should be happiness ahead.

"Really... be happy from the bottom of your heart for what you've been through in this world, laugh"

In a cruel world, I've been worn out and lifted up, so the reward, if there's no salvation, isn't it a lie?

So Fram closes his eyes and prays.

I hope Gadio is laughing with his loved ones, even somewhere far away.

Where Flam exhaled and looked to heaven, Milkit rushed over.

And give him the hand plush he took out.


Still saying that in a trembling voice, Flam wiped away his tears.

But I can't stop wiping or wiping.

It is sadly decided how hopeful words you threw, if someone important dies.

Will this emotion eventually weather as well?

No matter how much flam, I can't resist the passage of time it takes me to get down on myself.

Then at least - just now, let's just cry as much as we can, let's just be sad.

I thought so.

"Who do you think it was, you guys?"

And then, if possible, the voice of a man I didn't want to hear sounds.

Fram sighed blatantly, "Huh," as he captured his appearance in sight as he entered through the door, which had remained open.

Tears are going to stop, too.

"I don't care if you look like that, you're the one who came into my address."

"Address? Gene, do you live here?

To Flam's question, Gene Intage answered by wasting his hair.

It is unnecessarily annoying that you are.

"I'm a human tomb named Gene Intage. Then there's no better place to live than here, is there?

With that said, he had a giggling, narcissistic grin.

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