Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King?

136 It's Another Form of Happiness

Why is it just me?

Why only me?

I didn't want to be.

I wanted to be normal.

I just wanted to have a normal routine without the need for any special powers or dramatic life.

Everyone should have thought so.

Me, Flam, Maria.

In that sense, maybe, we were very much alike.

But we chose a different path.

Maria is dead.

As if its fate had been decided from the beginning, I'm sure she had packed it ten years ago, from the day her homeland was destroyed.

Flam survived.

Harsh fate, with a tough heart, on the verge of breaking again and again, but on your feet, on your feet.

At the end of the day, God even let him destroy it with his hands, saving everything and becoming a true hero.

What about me?

If you realize it, you're called a brave man, and that's how everyone treated me.

An individual named me doesn't exist there.

But only Fram treated me as his only friend with Cyril Sweetika.

I was saved by her bright smile, but as my heart became rough, that smile seemed annoying at some point.

Or you were jealous, and now you no longer even know why you thought so.

Well, I don't care why.

As a result, I betrayed Flam.

I broke someone who supported my heart without asking for anything in return.

Dumb scum.

You better die.

Even now, I keep thinking so.

I was still a “hero" and a "brave man”.

By the time I realized, that was already the case.

The joy of destroying the Origins, the grief of Flam's absence, the unity to rebuild a broken city.

None of which I could tame, and I have lived to this day in alienation.

“Stories” can also be made while doing so.

In that creation (...) based on the true story of the absent hero Tan - Flam crawling out of hell, I was to appear as her friend and hero in the face of Origin.

The two are united by a firm friendship.

We supported each other, rebelling at times, but working together to annihilate Origin.

Creation, but the humans and demons who live in the kingdom, really assume so.

That was probably the concern of those who actually took part in the fight.

Because if it were told that I tried to kill Flam about the Origin side, there would be no place for me in the world.

Kindness stains me.

But at the same time, I'm so miserable, I can't breathe.

That's too heavy a blame for “I" to accept.

So I dumped me.

It's not me - playing her stronger than anyone else (...) got away with a lie that was going to suffocate me.

People rejoiced in false heroes.

Words and deeds embodying the ideal, personality as told in the story and, of course, fan service are indispensable.

In fact, I think I was, at the time, the support of the minds of a few exhausted people.

That's why I'm not going to defend myself.

It is true that Milkit's heart was badly broken, and the fist she unleashed is an indisputable and legitimate right.

I myself, 'Did I make mistakes again', because I still feel like killing myself once in a while remembering.

The ideal is far away, and I will remain me forever.

It doesn't change.

I can't change.

Forever, like a flam.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Master, please wake up"


Flam to be rocked and woken up.

I usually react to Milkit's voice and I almost open my eyes right away, but I'm not too awake today.


Gulala, Gulala.

To the hard-to-wake flam, the shaking gets more intense.

"Ugh... uh..."

Last night, Milkit was slow to sleep with motivation.

I don't have any business anyway, and I'd still like to sleep if I could.


She won't let me sleep.

When Flam opened his eyes softly, they looked at each other.

"Good morning, master."

Smile and say, Flam replies to Cyril (...) in made-up clothes, even though he is distracted.

"... oh my goodness"

Countless hatena marks floating in the brain.

What happened and what happened was that Cyril was supposed to wear made-up clothes and wake up Flam.

And what is Milkit doing - Flam had no choice but to be flabbergasted before a challenge that was too heavy for the thought circuit as soon as he woke up.

◇ ◇ ◇

The dressed flam goes down to the ground floor, along with Cyril, who nicks and tangles his arms if he does.

In the dining room, Eterna is spreading the newspaper and the ink is closing in and peeking into its contents.

Milkit was - making breakfast in the kitchen.

The apron is as usual, but the clothes worn underneath it are not made-up clothes.

The smart pants style that Cyril prefers - she probably borrowed some personal clothes from her.

Because of that, the area around my chest is stuck.

"... Good morning, everyone"


"Flam, whoa!

When the uninterrupted flam greets him, Eterna and Ink return him as usual.

But Milkit is unresponsive.


Even if I speak up, I still have no reaction.

No - if you look closely, your shoulders are shaking.

If you come any closer, with a voice like a push kill,

"Phew, phew... ku... higu..."

"Hey, I'm crying...? Milkit, what's wrong, it hurts somewhere!?

"hey, anything...... oh man, sorry...... just kiddo, today is a day, kiril...... ohhhhhhhhhhh, flam, flam's... maid, so..."

"Oh... so, Cyril, it was that outfit"

For one thing, the mystery was solved.

Flam looks more like Cyril with a troubled face, and she has a similar look.

"Milkit, if that's all you need, I'm fine, right?

"Eh, that's good... that's good..."

Yes, the top of the line is the mill kit.

Cyril suggested to her, 'I just want a day because I want to talk to Flam carefully,' and from there, the two of us discussed it, worked out a plan, and that's what happened - but Cyril himself never said he wanted to be Flam's maid.

I guess what Milkit dared to recommend was that that's all that matters to her, the position of Fram's maid.

"Hey, Milkit."

Flam turned himself slightly more forcefully with his hands on Milkit's shoulder.

And with a gentle look, I look into her eyes in tears.

At that time, Milkit's eyes must have seen the Lord sparkling like a prince.

"Even if you're no longer a maid, me and Milkit are already a couple, right? That relationship never disappears."

"... may I call you that... you?

"Fine, but if they call me that, I'm going to be unable to let go of Milkit today"


Both arms of the flam drew Milkit's body.

The two hug each other closely with their bodies.

When we often enjoy each other's senses and body temperature, we now stare at each other at close range, exchanging “good morning kisses” that were not there yet today.

Not once, but more than once.

"That arm that even uses Cyril's maid clothes as an excuse to snuggle...... I'd like to apprentice too"

The ink rests his hand on his chin and burns the sight firmly into his eyes.

Eterna stared at her like that.

"Apprentice. Who are you going to use it for?"

"Who... well, hey?

Show your teeth and laugh ink.

Eterna turned her gaze back to the newspaper looking bad.

Cyril, on the other hand, wonders if she's upset about being left out of a mosquito net by herself - smiling and watching the exchange between Flam and Milkit.

No, rather than seeing the happy look on Flam's face, should I say?

Anyway, I couldn't feel the rotten desire to name “mistress” there, and Eterna glanced at Cyril and frowned anxiously.

◇ ◇ ◇

Cyril and Milkit then changed clothes and returned to their usual outfits.

The fact that Flam will be loaned to Cyril today remains the same, but Milkit will no longer grieve.

At the end of breakfast, Cyril just said,

"I'll be getting ready to go out, so you can have the flam. And I think the outfit should be easier to move around."

I said and headed to my room.

The flam, which is not yet completely swallowed by the situation, looks baffled and does the hot milk that the mill kit gave me.

"If you were going out, I wish you'd said it long ago"

"I'm sorry, I thought it might be better for your husband to enjoy it as a surprise"

"Milkit gave you a suggestion?

"We talked about it."

"Maybe Cyril and Milkit are close for the price?

"Yes, we'll talk a lot now, or we'll both go shopping together."

"Heh... an unexpected combination"

I heard you got beat up, so I thought I still had a crush on you, Flam.

On the contrary, however, the event may have worked positively for the relationship between the two.

"The shape is different, because it's the same thing I like about your husband. We're often excited about your husband's talk."

There's nothing more scary than your story about being made without you.

(It's exciting, 'cause it's not like fighting when you got drunk last time, is it? I don't know what Milkit thinks about that mistress...)

Of course, Flam doesn't have any intention of making Cyril his mistress.

It is a mill kit strand.

Apart from that, I like Cyril as a friend, and I wish every day I could live with her now would last forever.

But for that reason, I just want to be clear about what the examples say.

"Phew... well, I guess it's time for me to get ready too"

"Talk to Mr. Cyril, too, and we have lunch for you, so don't forget to take it"

"Thanks. Lunch doesn't mean hanging around Wang Du..."

"Appointments are pending, but it sounds like Mr. Cyril is going out for a picnic, right?

"That's why he said you'd rather be dressed up for easy movement."

Well, either way, I was going with the usual style.

Flam trying to take a seat and leave the room and head upstairs.

"Flam, wait"

Then Eterna, who came after her, called to a halt in front of the stairs.

"Mr. Eterna, what is it?

"I don't know what to say about this... about Cyril's mental state"

"I heard, just after the battle with Origin, it was terrible. But now..."

"After Milkit hit me, I locked myself in my room for a while, and I thought I was suddenly back one day. After that, it got as bright as people changed, and Milkit and I got along... so much so that she was more surprised at first"

"Are you trying to say emotional instability?

"It seemed to me so. So for once, I want you to be careful."

That sounds more like a concern as a cohabitant than a doctor.

Indeed, there are many parts of the flam that we do not know about Cyril either.

Even the smile now is likely to continue to endure on a piece of paper.

"Okay. I'm going to talk about what I can talk about, including around it."

"I asked. Probably because it's the only thing Flam can do."

That's what I said, Eterna going back next to the ink.

Even she will have troubles, but because of her sense of responsibility as an "elderly person," she can't help but worry about her surroundings.

Flam bowed his head slightly to her and once again headed upstairs.

◇ ◇ ◇

Flam and Cyril were dropped off by the cohabitants and rolled out.

Quickly Flam asks her.

"Where are you going today?

"... what is it?"

"No, no, you're just thinking, aren't you?

"That's not what I'm thinking. I wonder if I can think of a place I'd like to go that day, because I was wondering."


Not too no-planned, flam dropping shoulders disappointingly.

"Well, I can handle it."

Cyril giggled at the basket held by the mill kit as it loosened up.

There's no sign of her being forced to be a brave man in that look.

Nature as it once was when the two of us walked in the Wang capital, is constantly going on.

I know what it's like to be anxious about Eterna because it's been in this state ever since I pulled it off.

But Fram, rather than being emotionally unstable - he felt something like a blowout from her now.

"So Flam is somewhere you want to go, no?

"Hmmm...... even if they suddenly say so"

"Well, say the word that's been floating around"

"Cyril's Home"

"Ha, it'll take three days in the carriage. More than a week back and forth, if you monopolize so much about Flam, I don't think you'll have to shoot me this time"

With that said, Cyril shows off her "shush" and shadowboxing masterpiece.

Apparently, he's masochistic about Milkit beating him up.

No matter how much shadow, the Fist of the Brave was sharp and fast, and the wind that rolled rocked Flam's forehead.

"Hey Cyril, I have a good idea. It's gonna take you three days to get to your hometown by carriage, right?

"If you're unlucky enough to get caught in the rain, it could be four or five days"

"But don't you think I can get there in a matter of minutes?

"... me?

"Yes, me"

Flam pointed to his face.

In short, I don't know if I can say on foot - but that's what she claims if we make full use of that human secluded physical ability, we can go and visit Cyril's hometown even on a day trip.

"Actually, you haven't been able to move your body at all since you came back here. No, I don't think so either when I bust Origin or when she says she's taken full advantage of her current body."

"No, Flam. I don't think you can do that, do you? Sure, I don't know if you'll get there in a day or so if you walk all you can with my legs. But..."

"Things are a try, and let's do it. I don't really like this power, but I think it could be used for this purpose... you said Cyril's home, where nature is abundant and the air is delicious. I think Milkit's lunch would be delicious too!

"... Seriously?

"Seriously, too. Or is it inconvenient to go to Cyril's hometown?

"Yeah, I'm glad about that..."

"Then the decision! So just go outside!

"Wait, Flam, are you really going to do this!?


Cyril is pulled by a flam and taken outside the city.

They are just running, but their speed is overwhelmingly human apart.

The two walk sickly as they gather the gaze of the passers-by on the boulevard.

The destination, the West Gate, arrived quickly, and the guards, bewildered by the height of that tension, saluted and dropped them off.

The two of them out of the city walked down the street waving at people and carriages passing by, and took it to the side streets some way further.

To move out of sight.

Flam and Cyril joining hands to a bush where no one is - a scandal that reporters are likely to want, but fortunately no one around.

Or even if I were there, they would have spotted the signs right away.

"The question is, what does it look like to move..."

"Aren't you going to run?

"So... which will be Cyril's hometown?

"From here, it's in the southeast direction."

"I see a very large mountain..."

"There's an even bigger mountain on that other side, and it's beyond. The finals are an idyllic village surrounded by mountains."

"Then you have to cross the obstacle if you're going to run. In that regard, if you fly away, the obstacle is irrelevant"

"Fly? Oh, using the power of inversion?

"No, I'm not. That's hard to control, and I think there's an easier way."

"... you think?

In unclear rhetoric, Cyril feels the disturbing air.

But Fram has already decided to do it, and I'm not even going to hear her still.

"I'm scared when they do it all of a sudden, so can I just ask what I'm going to do first"

"For one thing, I'll hold Cyril"

"Okay, I can hold you"

That's called a princess hug.

With Flam's muscle strength now, it can only weigh as much as one human being would weigh against cotton.

The bag containing the basket or water bottle received from the mill kit is placed on the shoulder by the flam, and the hand-held Cyril turns both arms around the neck of the flam.

"I think Cyril would be fine with falling, but just hang on tight,"

"... hmm? Wait, Flam, so explain it in advance."

"Did you explain that? Fly (...)"

That's what I'm gonna say and start helping out, Flam.

At that point, Kirill finally realized what she was trying to do - but still, she wanted about the time to get her mind ready.

When Flam kicks the ground, Zudong! and even meteorites sound like they fell, with holes dozens of meters in diameter on the ground.

At the same time, the two bodies rose heavenly high and flew slightly over Concyria.

"Hiya, no, no, no, no, no!

Cyril screams unintentionally at the sudden rise in behavior.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Flam shouting in fear as well.

"Why are you screaming all the way to Flam? Ooh!?

"So, 'cause I didn't think you'd fly this far! Uh-oh!

The altitude still keeps rising.

Instead of the mountains I was seeing, I feel like I'm even getting over the height of the clouds, with no heart or thinning oxygen.

A normal person would be so unconscious of intense G and sudden barometric changes.

The rise stops just before it enters the stratosphere.

Two people whose altitude is stable and for one thing leaks a soothing exhale.

But the next thing to start is an amazing velocity freefall.


"Uh-oh, no, no, no!

Flam and Cyril fell flashly screaming.

The speed keeps increasing, pushing through the clouds and tearing the wind apart, which is what plummets down towards the ground like a real meteorite.

Screaming but confirming that there are no people down there, Flam leaves himself to gravity without slowing down as it is - Zuuuuuuuuuuuu! and this landed firmly on both legs while making another huge crater.

While the smoke was getting in, they were both...


and sighed loudly.

"Flam... that's right, it's bad for your heart..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that would happen either. But isn't that a great distance to travel?

Turning around, the king's capital was already invisible.

Or - it's over a mountain that was visible far away.

One more flight and you'll be right there to Cyril's hometown.

"I think we should do courier or letter delivery"

"Haha, you're saying that's the worst way to ride in the dark"

"I think it goes without saying"

As much as Flam himself shouts, Cyril's fears should have been more than what we felt.

"Now I'll tweak it and leave it about to jump over that mountain"

"I'm still scared enough, but I can't turn back now that I'm here."

Cyril said in a sigh mix, clinging to the flam again as she gave up half the time.

And another runaway - jump.

Now add or subtract force and rise to a height of about (...) jumping over the mountain in front of you.

Because I went through it once, or this time I never screamed.

Though, there was a lot of fear.

◇ ◇ ◇

More than enough to go through Concilia - we quickly arrive in the finals, the home of Cyril.

On her sudden return, all the villagers look surprised.

Soon they were surrounded and made a fuss.

"Hey, I didn't hear you come back all of a sudden, Cyril!

Did something bad happen in Concilia?

"It's a city over there, I knew the country air would be better suited for Cyril!

"Hey wait, the lady you came with is no way..."

"It's the hero Flam! Cyril's back with the hero Flam!

The teeth don't work anymore because it's what the noisy ones call up to the other wild horses.

"That's so busy. I thought Cyril's hometown was about the size of ours."

"No, I think maybe the people here right now are the majority of the village population"

The return of Cyril and the visit of Flam are just such a big incident for the finals to have a peaceful and relaxing time.

A group of men and women approached each other as they were trying to move forward with the wild horses.

"Father, Mother!

Cyril looked happy.

A skinny man with glasses is the father, and this again seems to be the mother of a skinny, sickly looking woman.

Although his face was more akin to Cyril in one way or another, Flam felt the atmosphere closer to his mother.

"Cyril, I'm surprised you're back without a word."

"That's right, it's a big case for you to come home, at least send me a letter or so"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't really going to come back, because Fram... I don't know... because he wants to come with a sense of walking"

Of course, Cyril's parents just think that's a joke.

Because there's no way you can come to a village in the back of this mountain with a sense of walking.

"Oh, Cyril, you were such a joke."

"That's the truth. Flam holding me, like this...... jumped over the sky and came over the mountain. You mean... yeah...... sorry, can you tell me from Flam because I can't explain it well?

"I think Cyril's description fits you more or less."

No matter how many heroes defeated Origin, you can't possibly imitate that - I normally think so.

My parents still don't seem to believe me, and I'm somewhat anxious to say, 'Why such a deceptive way?', 'Is it also some unspeakable circumstance'.

"Flam, I think it's faster to fly now"


I don't really want to imitate it to show off.

But more proof than theory, the Hundred News is only at first sight.

It's much quicker to show than to explain.

It's not a good idea to drill a hole in the middle of the village, so Flam decided to fly higher, vertically and anyway, even weaker than earlier.


Goovo - the body of a flam rising heavenly high, with only the power of both legs, as if it were a rocket.

Village people half-open their mouths about it and look up silently.

Where that figure is about the size of a bean grain, the ascent stops and falls as it is, following exactly the same path as the ascent.

Because of this, this time kill the impact, consciously not to drill holes in the ground - landing.

Stah, and when Flam put his legs on, the villagers said, 'Oh...!' I cheered and applauded.

"Duh, thanks..."

Shy, flam the top of your nose with your fingers.

"And well, here's the thing"

That's what Cyril told her parents.

If they actually show it, they can no longer only be convinced.

"It really feels like a walk, from Concilia to here..."

"You're just different in the city..."

Seems a little off recognition, but it would be trivial.

Where the explanation was in a paragraph, Flam was to be guided to Cyril's home.

◇ ◇ ◇

Cyril's room where her mother cleans and maintains it in its old state.

"You can sit properly."

That's what they say, and Flam lowers his hips over the cushion.

Having your own room seems quite a wealthy house in this village.

Probably better than Fram's house.

But rural dwellings are similar and nowhere near.

Flam looked around intrigued, remembering the nostalgia indoors overflowing with the smell of trees.

There's nothing to look at.

"I'm not. The same goes for pushed flowers and stuffed animals, but I was reaffirming that Cyril likes cute things."

"Well, isn't the house more flashy now?

"Sure, that could be it."

A lot of stuffed animals are currently placed in Cyril's room in Flam's house.

Unlike the old days when I cared about the whole Kuma thing, Cyril now has the financial resources.

"I'm in stuffed harem. Hey, what's Cyril like now?"

"I think that rhetoric is strange"

"Haha, I thought so too. But, hey, when I get home, my room stays clean."

"Flam's not leaving? You haven't even shown your family your face yet."

"I sent you a letter. When I get back to working as an adventurer, I'm going to save some money and go home with Milkit."

When he heard that, Cyril gave him a slightly dissatisfied look.

"I'm not flying home..."

"Ugh... Look, Cyril's been back a couple of times already, hasn't she? I... Look, I have an introduction to the mill kit and all that!

"Heh, I know. I just messed around a little bit."


Cyril shook her shoulders even more and laughed as Flam gave her a pitiful voice.

"By the way, this is the first time I've heard of you just now"


"Adventurer, I'm going to do it. I thought Fram didn't like to use his powers."

A flam that narrows your eyes and gives you a complex look.

"Why, because it's the power you took from Origin, honestly, you're a little disgusting. But it doesn't seem to weaken over time, and I thought we should make the most of it if we keep going."

"Looks like we could make some rough money"

"Yeah, I'll give Milkit the luxury."

"Milkit, I think you're in trouble."

"That kid won't like it. They might say," It's enough if your husband stays next door. "

"If you know, why not?

"Because you'll be properly happy to give it to me. Love, touch, time, anything you can do with money... because I want Milkit to taste all the happiness that can be given in this world"

It's not ideal or a dream.

Flam was seriously going to make it happen, and yet he had as much power as he could.

"You two... you look really good. You'd be happy to think of someone that much, and so can you think of someone that much. I'm sure there's only a handful of people in this world who can meet like that."

"Nfu, thanks"

"So it's nice to be able to honestly say 'thank you' again"

"Something about that praise, I can light it up..."

'Cause I really think so.

Cyril's eyes don't blink smiling.

It's something that looks so straight at Flam that she couldn't stand to distract herself first.

"Hey... Cyril, I've been thinking"

"Talk about the mistress you said when you were drunk?

"... uh, did you remember?

"Somehow. I also somehow noticed that Fram was bored to hear that statement."

"If I had known, I would have liked you to explain it to me."

"That's... because it's hard to cut out just because the topic is a topic"

"Though I know exactly how you feel."

Flam was the same.

That's why we've put it off until today.

I can finally hear its intentions - that's what she expected.

"Fram, why don't you go outside for lunch?

Before answering, Cyril mentioned that.

When I get molested, I worry extra about the sincerity of my mistress statement.

Could it really be that Cyril is in love with herself?

But it's odd, for example, to look at yourself and Milkit kissing and smile at Nico.

No, are you putting pressure on me by smiling the other way around?

again, 'hehe, I hope you enjoy it while you're at it' is it a wicked grin -

When all sorts of ideas come to mind in Flam's brain, they disappear.

I would have liked to hear that answer right now if I could, but I don't want to talk about it here, I guess I have feelings issues.

That's what I thought, and Flam shook his head vertically, "Okay," he said.

◇ ◇ ◇

Cyril showed me where she used to go, where she kept it.

"It's a place where no one comes but me."

That should be it, too.

Because that's the edge of a chopped cliff, and if you take a wrong step, it's like falling and dying.

With Cyril's physical abilities, he has no problem because he can land accidentally.

"If you weren't afraid of this, my jump wouldn't have scared you that much either..."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Not at all."

"I don't know, I'm scared for what I'm doing here... but that's a great view"

Beyond the cliff, there was a great panorama as far as I could see.

There is no obstacle that blocks the scenery, there are forests beneath the mountains, meadows beyond them and even the sea beyond them.

"I used to get confused here when something bad happened or I was about to be pushed into trouble."

"Cyril did?

"Yeah, that's surprising."

"But I do think there was one side to that"

What Flam remembers is the day he played in the King's Capital.

Not a brave, vegetarian girlfriend, she was an age-appropriate girl, unpretentious, not even strong, laughing and joking very normally.

That's why Fram thought we could be friends with her, too.

"You're the real me."

Sitting on the edge of a cliff, Cyril said as she looked far away.

Golden hair shakes in the wind, and the sight as if it were a single picture appears in front of Flam.

But it is not the brave or anything else that is depicted there.

She is a very ordinary woman who lives in the countryside on the run.

Fram was stiffened in love, but returned to me and sat next to her.

"Someone sat next to me here. I'm new to Flam."

"That's right. Even I'm actually freaking out."

Far beneath the puffy swinging feet, you can see the ground.

If I accidentally fall - I think I'll probably be able to land normally, but I'm still scared of the scary stuff.

"How dare you fly away from yourself when fighting your mother?"

"It's nothing like when you're fighting!

"Sure, Flam means Rin while you're fighting, it's so cool, like Milkit says, but you're usually like,"

"... because when I was fighting, I was pretty much impossible"

"I knew it... it is"

"I don't have Origin anymore, and I don't know, unless even the dumb bastards after Milkit come out, I don't know if I'll ever be in that state"

"It's hard, you said you couldn't do it"

"Yeah, it's pretty tough"

Flam called smudge.

Cyril then dropped his gaze and began to speak looking at the woods that spread at the foot of the mountain.

"You know, I've been beaten up for pissing off Milkit."

Flam was also asked by Eterna and I know that.

But I didn't hear it directly from him, so I didn't know it until now - but if Cyril said so himself, it would be different.

"... That's what I'm asking"

"I knew you were right. Then you know I've been stuck in my room ever since?

"Mmm, that's when they asked me to come with you"

"Then I guess it's quick to talk. I was jealous of Fram. I was jealous of everything, and I had to be like a flam, and I made it my own goal."

That's the story of the change of heart that happened to Cyril during the four years without the flam.

The admiration itself has always existed.

But again, it was at that moment when her presence became the biggest for Cyril when she was unilaterally saved and disappeared without even being able to speak properly.

"Even in front of irrational events, you bravely stand up and fight desperately to protect your loved ones - because, you know, you're the ideal brave man from wherever you look. So do the others. I think Eterna, Gadio, Linus, Maria, whatever, Jean, lived up to his philosophy."

There were a lot of “real heroes” around her, and that was normal.

The brave are the leaders of the heroes.

The role must be fulfilled without the unwanted relationship.

Yes - unconsciously, I guess Cyril assumed.

"But I had nothing. Policies, pride, that sort of thing. So I thought I'd have to work harder."

It's not like anyone has a reason to fight something that should conveniently be protected.

It's not something I can suddenly try to make.

That's normal, that's normal.

Heroes are more unusual.

But there were fewer normal people around Cyril.

That was the misfortune for her.

"Well, here's the result."

Cyril gripped her fist, smiling bitterly and making it look flamboyant.

What was ahead of me when I worked hard, Milkit punch.

Instead of having anything to gain from doing it, I was punched and my heart broke pounding.

It's not hard to imagine that the incident made a huge difference in her mind.

"Then think a lot while you're stuck in your own world. Think, think, think. - I didn't see how much you thought, what I should do."

In a dark room, all you see is darkness.

That feeling, with walls stuck in all directions, slightly resembling that view that Fram had seen hunted down to the bottom.

Holding his knee, he sinks further into the back as he tries to escape from it.

"We have to grow. The stronger I think I need to be... the more I conclude then that there is only one way to make Flam my goal. But Milkit told me it was a mistake. That's how we're going to waste our time walking around the same place over and over again."

On the trail, Cyril assumed that he would seriously stay like this for the rest of his life.

At the same time, it suits me to keep betraying my dear friend, Flam - even.

She became a mass of self-loathing, continued to self-deny, and continue to look for a different self than she is today.


"So, one day, all of a sudden, I realized,

Cyril laughs.

Freed from everything, from the bottom of my lighter heart.

"I did that, and it's all for nothing."

It could also be described as a revolution in Cyril's mind.

But until that time when he was found talented as a brave man and left his homeland, it was something he had done for granted.

One day they were off the road and going in a different direction.

"I'm not a good person. No matter how powerful you are, you're just one tiny person living in a country town."

You hate yourself because you have a gap with your ideals.

I have a self who decided first that 'this has to happen' and because the way it looks is so different from who I am now, I hate it, I try to keep it away.

Having high goals can be a good thing sometimes.

Or, if that goal is close, impossibility will not arise.

But Cyril set the ideal high - no, too far (...).

Even though Cyril has the virtue of being Cyrillic, throw it all away.

"Sometimes I can fool around, sometimes I can skip. It's not like he has a special personality, he's jealous of someone's success, and he doesn't like it. That was me."

I'm not who I could be.

For a second, it could be someone on the "can't” side, one way or the other.

Because although I am deluded by my talent as a brave man, I am not originally a hard-worker, nor am I serious.

But - I guess that's fine.

"I'm the only one. It's not like there's any decent people around you who can be decent to themselves. Then I realized that I just had to live the way I wanted to, not“ brave Cyril, "but as one person named Cyril Sweetica."

Cyril shows her teeth and laughs slightly at them.

From that smile, I could not feel the shaking of my mind like Eterna was worried.

She got over it herself.

"Surrounded by cute things, I make sweet things and eat them, and sometimes I go home and this is how I get confused in nature... that's what I do. I hope I'm not too strong - when I think about it, the world suddenly brightens up and my mind and body lighten up."

Live surrounded only by what you like.

That's as simple as being honest with your own mind - it seems, in fact, difficult.

Flam thinks that being able to reach that frontier is also a kind of strength.

If you have reached it by your own means alone, you need to,

"I'm me, others are others. If we break that off, we can honestly rejoice in other people's happiness, especially if that's someone we're close to."

"So... you've been nicking about me and Milkit?

"That's what I mean. Watching Flam seem happy makes me happy too, so naturally my face gets nasty. Oh, I thought maybe you were up to something?

"Not as much as planning, but I was freaking out what might make sense"

"I was just laughing..."

"Because Cyril tells me she's a mistress or something!

"Because that's a joke"

Cyril says so lightly.

"Oh, was that a joke?

"... No, I didn't at one time"


It is a dead and alive issue for Flam.

Because triangulation with someone who lives in the same house is not a laughable situation.

"I was lost in blood, too, because there was a time when I was confused. I'm not sure how I feel about Flam."

"Did you come to a conclusion?

"Yeah, it wasn't love"

"... well"

"Yeah, but I like Flam."

"Well, what does that mean?

"You want to see me happier nearby all the time..."

"Is that a friend?

"It could be just a little further than that. This is how we talk, we play together, and that's all I think is so much fun, because to me, it's just flam."

Calling me my best friend is also a little different.

The two of them didn't hold each other the words that could be said well.

"I guess I'm in trouble, this kind of thing"

Looking at himself at hand, Cyril said lonely.

Flam, on the other hand, looks up at the sky, dyeing his cheeks slightly.

"... even as I am"


"Kirill, it's so much fun to be with you, I think you're purely happy"

Hearing the answer, Cyril gave her face and let her cheeks down in relief.

If they refused, I'd give up and leave the house.

Even if you can imagine that Flam wouldn't do that, fear will remain as long as the possibilities remain.

But I don't need to worry about it anymore.

"Good. I was wondering what I would do if they told me I'd have trouble with that because I have a mill kit."

"There's... I think it's something to do with my lover being jealous or suspicious, but Milkit sent me out today with pleasure, and I think that kid's admitting about Cyril,"

'Cause you're one of those guys we talked about with our fists.

"Because it's too heavy to be a story!

In fact, it seems that Cyril and Milkit were able to break it down.

Having done so, that Milkit hit me in the face in front of the public is too exquisite to make a joke.

"So for now... please keep it up forever,"

While aware of his steadfastness, Flam offered Cyril his hand.

Then she immediately holds that hand and answers with an uncontrolled grin.

"This is who you can easily talk to even when you're a grandmother."

It's a distracting story about the future ahead.

But to wonder and flam, it was easy to imagine ourselves speaking as we do today, even in old age.

◇ ◇ ◇

Flam and Cyril ate Milkit's made lunch and went back to the village.

Afterwards, he greeted the village chief, went around all kinds of houses, and did heroic work, while being entertained as a “friend” at Cyril's house at night - calmly declining Cyril's parents' invitation to recommend lodging and returning home just as he had gone.

On an intense day for day trips, you can also see some fatigue on both faces.

But if you look at the night view you saw flying up higher than the clouds, that stuff blew up easily.

"Wow... I think I can reach the stars"

Cyril, who had also grown accustomed to height, reached for the sky, saying so.

No matter how high you fly, the stars are still far away, but the idea of trying to hold it seems to her, Flam smiles.

But with this view in front of you, you might even want to reach out to her.

The starry sky, which has nothing to block, is lit by innumerable lights.

"If I jump up and show you the night view while holding a customer like this, you're going to make money unexpectedly."

"Fram, if you say that now, it's ruined."

In exchange for such a joke, Concilia quickly approached - Cyril's, Flam day rental marked the end.

By the way, Mirkit apparently thought Fram would be back sooner, and he greeted the Lord with an enthusiastic hug when he got home - but such an exchange between the two, Cyril was smiling and watching.

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