Valentine's Day, it used to be on February 14th in this world, an event where women give chocolate to men.

There are various things about the confectionery company conspiracy and the day Mr. Valentine was executed, but I don't care about your entrustment if it comes from someone who actually participates.

Give it to a friend, a confession to someone you like. Then give it to them, or as an expression of love for your lover.

I was just using Valentine as an excuse and enjoying that kind of interaction.

Valentine's customs were spreading here in Concilia as well.

The trigger is that the literature was found more than the ruins of Tai Ancient.

But what was written there was at best about "the custom of giving chocolate to thinkers," and it didn't even say what kind of nori people were actually spending the day in.

So the way I received it varied from person to person.

Some made huge chocolate statues by thanking the "literature excavated from the ruins" part more than necessary, interpreting it as "chocolate is the medium that unloads God and is the day that you can only face a true God once a year", while others received it as "a day of curse where if you give chocolate to someone you like, you can twist that person's emotions and turn your feelings towards yourself" and made it with a full heart.

Of course, there are a handful of troublesome people like that, but there were a few people who thought it would make a lot of sense to do something about it.

That's no choice either.

Because cocoa is quite a luxury product in today's world, and chocolate made from it is not something that the general public can speak of.

◇ ◇ ◇

One day it was just February.

At the dinner table, Ink casually asked Cyril.

"There's no chocolate in Cyril's confectionery shop?

"I don't think it's just... how could you suddenly have chocolate"

"If you're a confectioner, you've heard of a Valentine."

"Uh, there you are. That too. A special ritual of giving chocolate to anyone you like, isn't it?"

"Do you have something like that?

Milkit is intriguing.

It was Eterna who answered that.

"Not long ago, they found it from literature excavated from the ruins"

"There's been a feature in a magazine lately, and it's a little bit of a topic, isn't it?"

Eterna nods to Fram's words.

"You did...... do you read those magazines too, my husband"

"While waiting in the guild."

The Westside Alliance now has all those magazines.

When I used to be thinly dirty, there were a lot of neglected books for men, either way.

"Yeah, it's that valentine, but I thought I'd give it to Eterna if I could,"

The hand holding Eterna's fork stopped perfectly.

And I look at the ink better with a slightly resentful eye.

However, it was obvious that the cheeks were slightly loose in the light.

"I think that's something you keep to yourself"

"No, I thought you wouldn't get it anyway. Rumor has it that chocolate has the effect of making people feel bad, so I was wondering if Eterna would push them down with momentum if I fed them."

"I'll talk nasty like that again..."

Red Eterna cheeks.

The two of us started dating in earnest, but, as opposed to Flam and Milkit, we seem to have a very clean relationship.

He's only kissed enough to count, and it's not enough as ink he's been shown the intense tangles between the two pioneers.

"Haha...... but as a store, it seems like you want to get it. I can make it into an eyeball."

"Sure, you need something like cocoa. Did you get it at Cyril's store?

Cyril sifted and shook her neck left and right to deny it.

"So far, there's no place in the kingdom to grow, so we have to find native trees in the south."

"Ugh, that sounds tough. Then I wonder if the adventurer will have a favor to ask for. I didn't care."

"Of course I think there is. If I find a tree, I'll get paid as much as a house goes by lightly."

Hearing that, Ink and Flam simultaneously gave a distracted voice as' hoe hee '.

"I thought I could give it to your husband, but that just doesn't seem possible..."

"It's okay, because Milkit's love always reaches me"

"Master...... thank you. But I don't love you enough to tell you how I feel."

"If I could tell you any more, I might break down, right?

"Still... what"

"Hehe, you really like Milkit about me. Glad."

"I'm glad your husband is happy with that, too"

Distance between the flam and the mill kit approaching nature with such an exchange.

In the first place, I could only assume that my shoulders were close enough to touch me at the point in the initial position of the chair to no longer kiss me from the beginning.

"I like you, Milkit"

"I like you too, my husband"

"Today's rice is also very good"

"Thank you"

"Thanks for everything."

"No, it's up to your husband to support me..."

"Is it not enough? I want to tell you more about how I feel."

"No, no... I'm better off, it breaks... eh"

Two people snuggling around repeatedly with shallow kisses without worrying about their surrounding eyes or anything.

It is now a routine tea meal for Flam and Milkit to enter the world of the two because of mundane triggers, and even Eterna no longer gets stunned as' here we go again '.

"Cacao... I hope it's falling there."

"Harder than winning a lottery"

"I don't have a dream, Eterna."

"Because I'm a realist. And there was no such thing as... the... ink is my lover, so don't worry about it"

That seems to have been the utmost courage for Eterna, stained bright red to her ears.

"Eterna... hehe, that's right"

Ink laughed all the time.

Cyril going on a meal with Pak as she sees how it goes.

But she hasn't reached anywhere.

I can eat as much as I want with a feeling of happiness full of this space - just saying that, I kept eating silently.

◇ ◇ ◇

The day after that, the guild rarely had the appearance of Eterna.

She's still making a living from magic research and drug development these days, but she hasn't lost her fighting arm.

After the fight against terrorists, she thought she still needed to sharpen her powers, and has become more and more eager to train before.

Both the magic of the water and the martial arts using fish-shaped spheres floating around are definitely sophisticated.

But that's not what I came to the guild for today.

"Oh, isn't it Master Eterna, how was it?

Maia at the reception counter speaks out a little surprised.

"I wanted to see your request."

"It's unusual, are you having trouble with your money?

"No way, this is still rich. I'm just wondering what kind of requests are out there."

"That's even rarer. Request for S-Rank... Oh, here it is."

The document given reads' Request for cocoa collection '.

"Similar requests are out in A- and B-ranks, but this one is the most rewarding one, isn't it? So far, no one seems to have received it."

"I'm really out... after all, for Valentine's Day?

"Dear Eterna, you're here to find out that. Yes, it seems that merchants and nobles all want cocoa beans, so much so that some of them ask adventurers to work without going through the guild."

Maia seemed a little in trouble.

Requesting adventurers directly is not illegal in itself.

The guild doesn't charge me a commission, so I'll make good money as long as I have Conne.

However, it is not uncommon for such requests to be very dangerous or for crimes to be involved.

And often, adventurers who take that kind of request have a lot of troubled children who behave crudely or lack ethics.

"Many adventurers have already left, and I'm worried that the area is not rough."

"The local area is chaotic... this could be an opportunity"

If Eterna's strength now, even if she was S-ranked, she wouldn't be lagging behind other adventurers.

I haven't had another month left until Valentine's Day.

I mean, Eterna's already behind at this stage, but still, it's not too late.

"No way, Master Eterna, are you personally looking for a cocoa, not a request?

"Well, that's the thing"

"To be given to Ink,"

"... well"

Shame, Eterna distracting from Maia.

Maia looked like she had no heart or a nibble.

"From what I've heard, getting a cocoa isn't going to be the raw material for chocolate. They have a number of cumbersome procedures, such as fermentation and drying."

"I know about that. Because that's what I'm good at."

"The locals don't know where they grow, so they have to start exploring the vast mountains."

"... maybe you don't want me to go?

"That's natural. It's just that people are killing people on the ground."

"Still, I am not going to give up. All right, if you won't tell me where you are in the guild, I'll do my best to get it out of those adventurers. There's a drunk there who seems to be doing just fine."

"Mm...... ok. The fact that Master Eterna, who is always calm, is told that much, must mean that he is prepared to be stiff. I'll tell you where."

"I should have done that from the start"

"I also have a responsibility."

To the dissatisfied Maia, the situation on the ground may be telling.

Still, Eterna didn't give in.

It's been awhile since Ink and I became lovers, but we haven't been able to do "love-like things" that would satisfy her yet.

or so, kissing or anything more is not Eterna's specialty genre, and no matter how much ink you expect it to be, it's hard to get close to it yourself.

So by attending these kinds of events, he wants to create a lover's appearance and deepen his friendship.

Eterna leaves the guild when she hears information from Maia about the area where wild species cocoa are native.

And once he got home, he packed his bags and drove a mysterious ride that resembled a long-footed ostrich, created by water magic rather than a carriage, to the spot.

◇ ◇ ◇

That afternoon - Cyril, who had finished her work, and Milkit, who was on her way shopping, made time and went home with her.

I'm home.

"I'm back now"

When you say that in unison, you should always reply to someone.

But only today, there's no response.

By the way, Fram isn't here because he's out asking for the guild, but there's got to be some ink.

Cyril and Milkit look at each other and snap their necks, and they rise to the house for a moment.

And what the two people who peeked into the living room saw - they swelled cheeks like balloons, ink and saira appealing in a grumpy manner, and Zeion looking at those two in a slightly troubled way.

Even though I know Ink and Sarah are close together, why is Zeion - Cyril and Milkit necking each other again at the same time?

"Oh, you're home."

Zeion, who noticed both of us, speaks up.

"Hi, Mr. Zeion."

"What's wrong with you?

"I'd rather hear it..."

When he scratched his head, the swollen saira suddenly stood up and raised her voice to bark.

"Negas left you and went away!

Plus the ink goes on.

"Eterna's gone too! Leave me alone, I'll open the house for a few days!

"... it sounds like something to do"

"Ha... I see what's going on, but why Mr. Zeion?

To Cyrillic's words, a mill kit that snorts and nods.

Then Zeion answers with more wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"Well, my daughter-in-law left for a few days."

"Mr. Seatum, is it?

"This is mass cheating!

"The three of us are getting together and doing something nasty -!

"Neigus must be pinched and deluded by the two Lori!

That's 100% unlikely, but both saira and ink seem as dissatisfied as that.

"But how did you all get out? Do you have any idea?

"I know you've been looking into what you've been hiding from me, but I'm not sure what you've been looking into."

"If you're going anyhow, I wish you'd taken me with you."

"Oh too...... no, I can't because you have a job. But if you're traveling, you and I should schedule a trip!

"Then I guess that means it's not a trip."

"I know I do too... then don't you think it's okay for me to talk about my purpose? You don't really know how to hide it."

The five of us think 'hmm' and twist our necks, but we still don't know what the purpose is.

"I don't think there's anything more important to Negas than you!

"Yeah, yeah, Eterna told me it was the most important thing about me too!

"Then you'll be fine, I'm sure you went looking for something for both of us."

"That's what I'm saying, but Milkit would miss Fram too if he wasn't around for days, wouldn't he?

"I should never be lonely and I can't sleep at night -!

"That's true... but there must be something I want to hide..."

"Look, both of you, stop it because Milkit's in trouble."

When Cyril gently laughs, Saila and Ink sit in the chair with their voices together saying 'yes'.

Two people who have grown up considerably compared to four years ago, but when it comes to their lovers, they seem to come out childish.

"But I'm surprised you didn't say anything until yesterday."

"Yes, I haven't heard from Mr. Eterna"

"I wonder where and what all three of us are doing..."

◇ ◇ ◇

Far south of Concilia, the town was.

From time to time, it is a place sometimes used as an aristocratic shelter, but it is basically so de country that it is no different from the home of Flam.

That's where the adventurers who sought cocoa were arriving, naturally there wasn't enough accommodation and there was a different sight outside the town lined with tents.

"This is also... I know why Maia didn't want me to go"

The number of people who have obviously crossed the capacity of the town.

It is not hard to imagine all sorts of problems going on: food, water, toilets, etc.

Of course, Eterna has been purchasing food, etc. in Concilia, assuming such a situation.

Water and toilets don't matter with their own magic.

If you feel like it, it's possible to use a water dome instead of a bed.

I don't use the facility so as not to bother the town as much as possible.

But in order to gather information, we still have to step in once.

"We're all in a hurry with no heart, and no expression on our faces. Very few of them are springing up with special needs..."

Eterna observes the inhabitants as they walk.

Anyway, if you're growing cocoa in this town, there's just talk about being native around you.

Special I guess it doesn't mean that the people who live here make money.

"Hey, isn't that Eterna Limbaugh?

"Seriously, are you even in a fight for such a big guy!?

Eterna's outfit still stands out.

It is no longer obvious because even he is wearing clothes like swimsuits and floats even mysterious objects.

"I hear there's someone else coming."

"Some demons do, don't they? Shit, I didn't take a B-rank request."

She listens to what she hears from everywhere.

From what I've seen of the town, I didn't think there was a big guy that far - but I guess when you're still an adventurer at that level, you're camping well prepared not to bother the town.

I mean, all I'm in this town right now is low-ranking adventurers.

You may not expect credible information.


So (...), or because, as Maia said, a lot of people have been asked not to go through the guild -

"I'm just loading up money, I can't let you out. I won't let you out!

"That being said, I already have a product..."

An adventurer who is likely to be in the former West Side can be seen tangling with residents.

"Hey, that's good, honey. We're in trouble. Just for one night, you can stay."

"I'm in trouble. We don't have room for that."

"The bed can be with you. We're not gonna do anything wrong, are we?

"No...... Huh!

"Huh," Eterna sighed loudly, putting a slight force on her left hand.

"Don't talk to me! I'm an A-rank adventurer, how easy is a store like this - what is this tentacle!? Pulled...... whoa whoa whoa whoa!?

"Don't be reluctant, it's just one night, okay? Say I'm gonna have a good dream. Brrr!? I don't know... what's going on in my face!? Whoo!!

Then from all over the town, I heard the chimps screaming and groaning, and some of them rose high in the sky and were blown out of town.

"I'm not here to do this..."

With that said, I just couldn't overlook it.

If I leave that alone, I'll make a bad impression of the city: Adventurer and Concilia.

What a flam. I'm literally flying around the kingdom trying so hard, I couldn't allow imitation to ruin it.

Then a woman helped by Eterna rushes over here.

"Thank you, that was helpful"

"Not a big deal"

"No, that's not true. And, uh... you're Mr. Eterna, aren't you? of heroes who took part in the Origin crusade."

"Well, that's what it's supposed to be for once"

"Wow, it was really real...... Um, can you shake my hand?

Eterna responds to a handshake with her mouth tied to a single letter.

It also looks like a bummer, but I'm not used to these fan services and they're just a little lit up.

"Thank you very much! Could Mr. Eterna be looking for a cocoa like any other adventurer?

"Yeah. I'm going to try not to strain this town as much as possible"

"If so... what information do I know, shall I tell you? I don't know if I can thank you for your help."

"If you could rather be taught about it to that extent, something cheap"

"That's good. Actually, it's what my kid was saying -"

It seemed to be a child's information, a very vague and out-of-the-box expression, but Eterna thus succeeds in knowing where Cacao is.

Even though I came to this town late, I was able to move one step further than the other adventurers.

◇ ◇ ◇

Based on the information obtained, she came to a mountain a little further from town.

"On the right side of Twin Mountains, in the middle of three of them -"

When you reach your destination, you'll have to search for cocoa trees by hand from here on out.

With both hands, the twat blocks the road. When it does, it cuts off and moves on.

On the way here, I saw several other adventurers, but not a single one seems to have reached this place.

It is evidence of this that there are no signs of people stepping into their surroundings.

"When I take it home, will you be happy..."

Neither would a lover waiting in Concilia expect Valentine to get a chocolate.

It may piss you off that you've left your house empty without even telling me why, but I'm sure you'll be more than happy.

Imagining that face, I got as much power as I could.

And when you magically cleave an entangled twat - it's in a slightly more open place than any other.

"There it is!

A large tree with only one fruit hanging (...) was there.

Find the cocoa of the petition, and she rushes out.

And reach for the cacao pod.



"... ah"


Three (...) bowled together there.

Everyone looks at each other in the face and opens their eyes.

"To Eterna, not Seatum"

"How did the two demons get here..."

"What, Negas to Mr. Eterna?!? Have you both been after cocoa?

That was a facial rash that everyone didn't expect.

It wasn't Eterna who left Concilia with her lover.

Negas and Seatum both went for this place for exactly the same purpose, and miraculously arrived at the same time.

And there's only one fruitful cacao pod.

I mean - only one of these can give a lover a chocolate.

"I'll make sure, but your aim is cocoa, right?

"Of course."

"Nothing else. Yikes!

"So you're not going to give it to me, are you?

"I can't because the ink is waiting in Concilia"

"I'd rather Negas give up on my boss privilege..."

"No, you don't."


Even when I say Demon King, before that, the two are childhood friendly.

There was no way it would have worked, such as boss privilege.

"But it would be awkward if Negas, one of his men, took it home, even though the Demon King couldn't get the cocoa. Conversely, if I only took the Demon King home and my men returned with their bare hands, they might point to the narrowness of the vessel as my boss. This is the best way for me to bring it home."

"Whether it's round or pointy, I decided to play chocolate with Sarah on Valentine's Day!

"Become - it's a speechless way to use chocolate for such a pathetic act!

Sheetum angry with his face turning bright red.

Seeing that reaction, it looks like Negas's bully switched on.

"Or so I said, aren't you going to play like that with Zeon? Sairel said it was pretty exciting."

"I normally give it to you! I mean, I don't live in Demon King's Castle, because there's no way Sairel knows that!

"I'll give it to you normally too, so at this point, Negas is disqualified"

"That's right! Valentine's Day is sacred!

"For me, it's a sacred thing to have with Saila!

"Ah! Oh, shit, you said it! You said it without covering it up!?

"Eh! Eh! What's wrong with feeling better with someone you like!

"Wow! Wow! You can't do that, Neigus. Oh, you're making filthy remarks where heaven sees you like this!

"Eh, eh, eh!

"Ahhh, no! We'll get a bee! Tell him something, Mr. Eterna!

"... n"

"You look so embarrassed you can't say anything."

"How ubb is it!?

"I can't help it, me and Ink still... because that's what I didn't do"

Seeing how the maiden Eterna reacts, the two harden up.

Especially for Negas, whose rotten life seems to be everyday.

"I didn't mean to say anything that would pull me off like that! Seatum looks like a crime in the first place, and his age to Selah is a complete crime. So it's weirder to be grand!

"The law is powerless before love! Look, Seattle, tell him something."

Beat the sheetum with your jaw.

But she put her index finger on her lips and, worried "hmm," asked Negas the other way around.

"To be honest, what do you think?

"What is it?"

"Was the person you liked young, or did you like them because you were young..."

"Huh? That's decided because Saila happened to be young! Well, I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't excited about my toddler shape or that I wasn't happy that you left me young when I grew up."


"I knew it was Loricon...... was actually after me too"

"Guidance, I may have been in defense, too."

"If you were a toddler, stop looking at me with your eyes like a woman with no vision! Because it's Saila! Saila, I love you and I'm excited!

Neigus elucidates desperately, but the hour is already late.

Eterna and Seatum were lagging behind in their attempt to physically distance themselves from her.

"Oh well, it's not as obvious as it sounds. Our purpose is not to argue, who will have the cocoa! If this happens, make up your mind in battle!

"You mean do it here?

"Negas also says reckless things. If it's a magical battle, you know I'm the strongest."

Good at it, Sheetum wins with no chest up.

In fact, if it's just simple magic, she's still the strongest.

I'll admit that - things change when it comes to action.

"I've been working out lately, too. I have a lot of experience fighting. Even if they're Demons, they're not going to be late."

"Pfft, I have the power of love. No matter what the difference in power, you will never lose!

"It's Loricon Power"

"Lolicon power, right?"

"That's why you're saying no!

It no longer reaches us both no matter what Negas says.

It is a fact that cannot be overridden, no matter how it is raised in the first place, so it is only natural that it is pointless where it is denied.

"But, Negas, if you fight here, the cocoa tree is in danger, and more importantly, you'll let other adventurers know where it is. If you leave this place, you may be taken away by the gap."

"Yes, it is."

"I think it would be a good idea to settle in peace."

"I agree with that, too. There's nothing good about being hurt inside each other."

More importantly, each partner waiting in Concilia will be saddened when he returns worn out.

And you should be angry at the lack of too much of a reason for that.

"Right...... ok, then let's make a decision. A one-shot battle without a grudge? Okay?"

"I know."

"I will definitely win......!

Each one can put his or her strength into his or her arms.

Eterna seems to come to battle with her right arm, created with water, either because she doesn't understand her own cut hand tag.

Seatum joins his hands in front of his chest as he prays to heaven, closing his eyes.

Neigus also showed a concentrating bare gesture as he grabbed his right wrist with his left hand, but in fact, even imagined a nasty act using chocolate with Saila, only to excite himself.

And at that moment when the wind that was blowing around stopped perfectly - the three of them moved out at the same time.

"Goo at first!

That timing hasn't slipped slightly, even though someone didn't show it to each other.

Three rolled out grips line up.

They pulled them once, and shortly afterwards, again, in the same way...


But surely stronger than earlier, protruding itself forward.


The two of you don't change shape.

And one person - Negas changed to a “choke” shape.


"Huh, I won"

"I won -!

Delightful Eterna and Seatum.

Neigus, on the other hand, remained choked, without a voice, and solidified without being slight.

"And then if you beat Seatum, Cacao will be mine."

"Brother, please wait, I will make sure to give you my handmade chocolate"


World War II is about to begin early.

Still, Neigus remained stopped.

My eyes are vain, I'm losing light, I can't feel alive.

But by the passage of time, the soul gradually returns to her body, and even if it does not respond, it is reminded of reality.

I wanted to think it was a bad dream.

I can't believe that chocolate play with Saila won't happen, that.

I also thought about the possibility of reproducing it with another ingredient straight away - for example, oyster sauce, but it's still not.

It's sweet, bitter chocolate, which is why it's a meaningful act.

- Never, I can't give in.

Even if you lose, you can't admit it.

Chocolate play must be realized by any means possible, whether they curse you for being evil, or point out the fact that you are a lollicon.

"... wait a minute, I figured we'd make this kind of important battle a lucky one shot battle!

Eterna and Seatum are not ghosts either.

Especially Seatum is a childhood tame for Negas.

At a time like this, he takes a big look at me for once or so...

"Negas is the one who called it a one-shot fight, right?"

- There was no way.

Rather, it is because it is childhood friendly that there is no forgiveness.

"Yes, yes. Besides, two fights is no different than luck."

"Yea! No, no, no, no! I want cocoa, too! I want to chocolate with Saira!

"I started wasting time..."

"You're the oldest looking person, don't say that like a child!

"Eww! I want to chocolate your toddler shape -!

"I will no longer cover up being a Loricon"

"It's a dong pull..."

Don't stop wasting your time when you're pulled.

Neigus stands here with such strong determination.

Well, if you put her on the other side like that, it's just a hassle.

"... hmm?

At that time, Neigus stopped moving on the lid and looked at the cocoa tree and snapped his neck.

"Hey, now... that tree, didn't it move?

"It's no use trying to distract me by saying that"

"That's right, there's too much evil! Come on, Mr. Eterna, we're gonna settle this!

It is a werewolf boy state.

But Negas is never trying to fool the two of us.

Really, I saw the tree moving.

Besides, it's not on that level that the trunk rocks or anything, it's a mess and a bend.

"No, it's not, it was really working! Look, look, look! You're in a different position!

Eterna and Seatum looking at the shaved trees because Negas is so desperate.

Then the trunk of the tree twists like a dance.

"... moved"

"You're moving."


More than I've seen with my own eyes, I just have to believe.

Confused Eterna released a light water cannon as she pointed her index finger at the tree.



Obviously the beastly voice echoes around.

"Something rang."

"I didn't think the trees would make that sound."

It's not a phantom, no doubt the tree rang.

Moreover, Eterna strengthens the magic a little more than earlier.

"Aquavalet, Aquavalet"


I no longer need to think about it.

What I thought was a cocoa tree was not even a plant.

"That's a monster."

"Besides, he's attacked and his heart only seems happy"

"You're a perverted monster."

As a plant, I'm just happy to get water, but I just seemed happy from wherever I saw it.

Eterna stops the magic and sees how it goes because it was disgusting for her.

"Does that mean... it's not a cocoa tree?

"No, I don't know. It's possible that only the fruit hanging over there is real."


The fruit flips upside down, protruding pointy fangs and intimidating the three of them.

"Sounds like pseudo-bait to bring in prey"

"You mean I was hooked up properly!?

"Oh no... Cacao... Love Valentine with your brother..."

"The delightful face of ink..."

"A Paradise of Women's Body Platter with Sarah......"

Three depressing people.

In the meantime, the monster - "Cacao Torrent” - has fled somewhere.

But there's no difference between a dangerous monster that lives in a place where children get close too.

Around blind, Eterna drops a sphere of water from the sky, crushing it and destroying it.

I felt like I heard a slight interrupter scream, but to that extent, I don't feel clear.

"What shall we do now?"

"Do you want the three of us to work together to find it?

"But when this happens, it's really suspicious that the cocoa trees are native, isn't it?

There are only rumors that there are cocoa around here.

The rumor could also be based on earlier sightings of Cacao Trento.

So it's no use looking any further - it suddenly fell out of the sky as the heavy air enveloped them.

It was the flam that showed up shaking the ground.

She came before the three of them, holding a tree that somehow pulled out of her roots on her shoulder.

"Ah! If you thought you were gone from Concilia, were all three of you here? Ink, saira, and Mr. Zeion were in trouble, weren't they?


"Why are you here!?

"I mean, the tree you're holding, maybe..."

"Oh, is this it? At Eela's request, she asked me to find cocoa trees to grow around Concilia. Oh, I'm“ nil ”on my time progression, so carrying it won't hurt!

There were a number of reddish-brown cocoa pods that the Negas had ugly snatched from each other until earlier.

It's traded for as much as a house builds for just one thing, so with this much quantity, I might be able to buy a castle or so.

But it's not the price that matters.

It is the fact that as long as it takes, we can have the ideal Valentine's Day for the three of us to think of.

They rushed to the flam and surrounded themselves.

"Hey guys, I'm scared of my eyes...?

"Fram, please, I want you to grace the cocoa"

"I want to love you with my brother!

"Female Body Platter Paradise!

"A little on...? Uh, you want to make chocolate, huh?

Kokukoku and three people shaking their heads vertically over and over again.

"It's what I was asked to do, I can't say anything... I'll ask Elia,"

While being pushed slightly by that desperation, for one thing Fram decided to return to Concilia and try to negotiate.

◇ ◇ ◇

Eela split the cocoa amazingly light.

Subject to giving her some finished chocolate as well.

It was then two weeks later, the day before Valentine's Day, that I actually made the chocolate.

Rent the kitchen of the store where Cyril works and use Cyril as a mentor, it was done.

Joined were Eterna, Seatum and Neigus, as well as Flam and Milkit, and where they had heard from, where Otilier appeared.

"Am I not joining you on the day you show your feelings for your beloved? It's like death!

"You're still exaggerating, Mr. Otilier. By the way, where did you hear about today?

"Oh, Fram, don't you know when I'm going to show superhuman ability?

"Are you Mr. Henriette?"

"Yes! This is what my love for my sister can do!

Apparently Henriette told me.

By the way, lately she has always been this tense thanks to her decision to marry her sister.

"Well, there's plenty of cocoa mass, so it's okay to have more participants"

"I'm sorry, Cyril, but I'm busy and I even rented the kitchen."

"I'd rather thank Fram. I think I can arrange chocolate for Valentine's Day."

Cyril is said to be tasked with making chocolate to be arranged in stores tomorrow.

I guess I'm going to go ahead with that work in parallel as I make it with the Flams.

Cyrillic laughing fun but pretty tough.

Many days I usually come back late, and Flam was reminded that the confectioner was a physical battle.

But Cyril has confidence in her strength from the beginning, and she has a more lively look than she did when she was traveling - she must really be able to do what she wants to do.

"So let's get to chocolate making. I'll explain the steps as I demonstrate, so take a good look!

Even today, my eyes sparkle when I am taught to make sweets that are my specialty.

The facade of working on chocolate making while being taught by a rapping Cyrillic sometime.

"I want to make my heart... gorgeous and loving as possible......!

Somehow Seatum tried to stick to the heart,

"Good luck, Sheetum..."

Soon Leetus will be peering from the shadows, and no matter how he sees it from anywhere, he'll only look like an evil spirit.

"Mm... this is unexpected..."

You think too much about the ink. Eterna is surprisingly clumsy,

"How do I make chocolate to apply to the human body?

"... Huh?

Negas is troubling Cyril with strange questions,

"Sister! I'm offering you a piece of me. Wow!

"What are you doing, Mr. Otilier!? Because chocolate is not something to put blood in!

Otilier is running wild to make Cyril even more in trouble,

"Look at this, god-eating chocolate!

"Wow, that's cool, sir!

"Milkit is round to Orthodox."

"Yes... because this shape is better... you eat it with your mouthpiece and roll it with your tongue... it's easier to do, isn't it?

"Is that what you want?

"... Yes"

"So now what?

"Ah, your husband..."

Flam and Milkit were snooping around as usual - but you think that's why you stuck to completion and made it to Valentine's Day safely?

So below is a look at each person on Valentine's Day.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Why, Eterna likes me..."

"... that's how I get right on track"

"You've decided to ride! You spent days trying to make me the chocolate I give you? Thirty years beyond...... no, I think I'll keep bragging around until I die"

"Don't exaggerate..."

With that said, Eterna looks happy without a heart.

She looks emotionally thin all the time, but as we spend time together, she turns out to be actually quite expressive.

Ink thought about Eterna, she looked like a child, but she was a parent, an adult and cool - but lately she was starting to think she was' out-of-the-box childish and cute '.


"... I don't understand why you look at me there and laugh"

"Uh, it's not in Eterna? It's like a moment when you're just gonna be happy watching me."

"It... there may be"

I don't need any words in particular, just watching makes my chest warm.

Ever since I became a lover - no, ever since before, I've had that experience.

"That's the way it is now."

"Then you can look at it, but as far as I'm concerned, I want you to look at the chocolate."

In front of the two, there is a cubic chocolate placed on a plate.

Eterna's researcher substrate was out around the length of the four sides neatly aligned and beautifully squared.

"Sure, I'd like this one. I'm just making chocolate to watch. Do you think Eterna's coming to mind? I wonder if you've been doing some fine work thinking about me, or something."

"I want you to see the chocolate itself... and if you can, I want to know what you think of eating it"

"Yeah...... I don't want to eat either. But wasted?

"Food is born to be eaten"

"I'm not talking about existential! For me, this isn't just a treat, it's like a black diamond, so to speak! Gemstone gift from Eterna! I mean a substantial proposal!

"Because the proposal will be right in time"

"And I need to talk to you about this - and now, Eterna, what...?

"When the ink is sixteen, properly"

I blush, and blush ink all at once.

But Eterna is also a loser and a bright red.


"Because the ink is hard to eat"

"... ok, I'll eat"

The ink pinches the black diamond a little, first a clump.

Apparently Eterna's chocolate made was pretty bitter, but strangely it felt very sweet.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Now, Saila, here's some melted chocolate"

"Do you have one?"

"It's a problem, what would I do with this!


"Saila, go ahead!

"Apply it to your body and make it lick!

"Ping-pong, ping-pong! It's all because of you!

Saying, Neigus sticks his finger in the chocolate without me.

And with a good look, I pulled it out and showed it to Sarah.

"So let's go through the fingers first"

"Are you serious?!?

"You've thought about romantic ways to give it to me, too? But that's not how we are anymore, is it?

"If there's a gap, you're being annoying."

Only when we're alone, but there's always someone in touch.

On such a daily basis, Sarah was also completely immersed in it.

"That sort of thing. So be like us and do it the way you want."

"I didn't know you were going to use the chocolate you got because of that..."

"Yes, go away."

"I was offered a finger full of chocolate with or without it. I don't know what else to do with Negas."

With that said, Saila is a norrinoli.

When she opens her mouth, she puts out a red tongue to show off to Negas and tangles it in her fingers.

As it was, he licked and squeaked as he made a deliberate noise.

"Chiuuuuu... Chiuuuu, I can... eh"


"Hmmm...... ohhhhhh. I'm asking for a replacement."

"Yes, two, then."

With more fingers, pinch or pull a wet tongue.

Sarah's eyes gradually moisturize, and the leaking voice becomes more colorful.

Has Neigus been switched on, too, and the smile that floats is so luscious.

"Hap... can... eh, ahh... mmm... eh"

"There's still plenty left, so let's have some fun tonight"

◇ ◇ ◇

"Hold on... at least take me with you. I know how strong you are, but I was just worried."

Saying, Zeion crouched in and gazed at the sheetum sitting on the couple's bed.


She was really shy.

But Zeion is not angry about anything else.

I'm simply worried, and I understand her thoughts that made me desperate.

"But I was glad that you wanted to do that and give me the chocolate. Amongst others."


On Seattle's head, a big, warm hand is placed, pompous.

I've been protecting her since I was a young girl, my favorite hand.

That feeling alone makes my mind more at ease than anything else.

"I gave it to my brother because of the chocolate, and I thought I could give it back a little bit...... you brought it over sugu, me"

"You owe it to the couple, you just have to stick your chest up and get whatever you want"

"It's hard, I'm humble"

"You don't really say the humble one, do you?"

When Zeion laughed, Sheetum was also caught laughing.

In that expression, there is no darkness left until earlier.

"Um... it's time to have some chocolate?

"Oh, right. I feel like it's a waste, but it's time to eat it."

"Bye -"

If you pinch the chocolate with a small hand compared to the Zeion, you get close to him.

"Yes, uh..."

And with a slight red cheek, Seatum looked like a newlywed couple and carried the chocolate to her husband's mouth.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Oh well, did Otilier make this for me? I'm really glad."

Receiving the chocolate carefully packaged in a red box and red ribbon, Henriette was honestly pleased.

But at the same time, I have doubts.

Since the proposal, Otilier tends to run wild with something.

Because it was surprising that she would put it in such an orthodox wrap and give it a common sense size chocolate.

"I'm happy for your sister, and Otilier feels like she's going up to heaven. By the way, does your sister know what chocolate ingredients you give her at Valentine's?

"Isn't that cocoa or sugar...?

"Of course it is, but to show your loved ones the depth of your affection, the old people put in their own blood and hair."

The moment I hear that, Henriette's cheek snaps.

"No, that's..."

"The Blood Slaughter Rule (Genocide Arts) is one of the bonds that connects me to your sister."

"No, Otilier, wait, I don't think that's right, do you?

"My love for my sister can't just be expressed in chocolate! Don't worry, sister. I'm not going to bleed out here because I think your sister is in trouble, I've been preparing a blood magazine (blood cartridge) for a long time now!

"Because even regular chocolate is enough and enough love is conveyed. Huh?"

"I'm going to put plenty of this as a chocolate flavor accent right now and put my fluids in your sister's body! You pour fluid into it! By doing so we are united in further affection... Sister? Why are you grabbing my arms? Why are you trying to stop me!?

"I want regular chocolate!

Until now, it was Henriette who had said something and respected Otilier's will, but I couldn't stand it all today.

No, I know what it's like to think that blood is connecting us.

In fact, even Henriette has been licking Otilier's blood, which turned out to create her dependence now.

So I'm not in a position to deny it either - minus that, simply, chocolate and blood don't taste right.

"... right. I lost track of what I did."

"Good. Do you understand me, Otilier?"

"If you did put blood on it, it would cause problems with the taste."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right"

"You're about to taste blood first! Sugar...... no, honey might be good too. Anyway, I need to try different flavors!

"Why does that happen? -!?

Henriette's cry persists.

After that, she managed to eat chocolate normally.

◇ ◇ ◇

"That was harder than I thought."

"Yeah. You make it so hard to do things right, so Cyril is amazing after all"

"That's a professional confectioner. I can't lose, either."

"Ooh, the mill kit is on fire"

"... but now, I need to focus on eating this. Because your husband picked up the cocoa."

"It's almost a mill kit I made."

"So that's the crystal of our love"

"It's like a child."

"Ugh, when you say that, it makes it harder to eat...... why don't you take care of it for the rest of your life?

"Haha, as soon as I take it, it'll get worse. Because of this, and you two should eat together, right?

"Right. Food was born to be eaten, wasn't it? Then I'll..."

Milkit reaches for chocolate, saying something like he heard somewhere.

But before that, Flam pinches it.

"No, this time I will"


Usually, the mill kit tastes it and the two of us taste it.

Food is no longer only a pretext for kissing, but that is their daily routine.

"Huh. Hiya."

But today, I changed my taste, and Milkit eats the chocolate that Flam pinches with his lips.

Well, the result of kissing doesn't change, so it doesn't seem to make a big difference from others' point of view, but it doesn't seem so to us.

"It's always from your husband... you make me very nervous"

A mill kit that puts its hands on your chest and tries to calm down the beating beat a little bit.

Like every day, the two of us are snuggling, but they're still thrilled every time we hold hands, kiss and hug each other.

It's like a newlywed, whispered couple.

After a moment, the concept of fatigue may not exist in Flam and Milkit.

"Well, here you go."

Milkit's face approaches the flam.

Then overlap each other with open lips and taste one chocolate with each other's tongues.

This is a room for two.

The time is past twenty o'clock.

The other residents are spending time with their respective partners, and Cyril seems to be going out somewhat nicely with her colleagues in the store.

I mean, I won't get in the way.

So naturally, "just enjoy the dessert after the meal" doesn't stop the act.

"Phew... chocolate, it's gone"

When the chocolate in your mouth stops melting, it naturally leaves your face.

Flam immediately puts a circular chocolate in his mouth from the top of the plate and makes it look like a mill kit with it on his tongue.

Then she eats like a greed and exchanges kisses until it's gone again.

"Ha hu...... and how many more, are there left?

"There's still five of them, but it's the real deal since the chocolate's gone."

"Well, if you don't eat it all soon, hey"

Later in the night, the dates changed, and even after Valentine's Day, the sweet atmosphere filled the room never disappeared.

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