I thought once I saw the end of the world, it was enough.

The wound that arose from being torn apart by a spreading hell in front of me was in the mood of being thrust in my fingers, stirred, and spread, even though the scabs were about to disappear in the last five years.

I want to go around and scream.

But I'm too frightened to even do that.

My mother was in front of me, eating a corpse that kept moving, still frightening.

My father watches the way he loves it and strokes my mother's head.

Chocolate looked at this one from time to time and said, 'Are you laughing?' He had a thin laugh on his face to cope with the silent pressure on his father.

The basement at this time of year is hot, humid and breathless.

But Chocolate even felt cold.

His body was trembling in small pieces, in his closed mouth, his teeth tiny and rattling.

How easy it would be if my consciousness would be interrupted like a dream.

But it doesn't end.

I can't escape.

Even if he escapes, there is no escape.

Because this is the last escape for Chocolate.

But I couldn't stand it, stealing my father's eyes and closing my eyes for just a moment.

- Cyril's face floated.

Chocolate shook her neck to the side and opened her eyes.

Then my father was looking at this one.

Eyes without emotions, without even blinking, still, still.

We've known each other a long time, you'll see.

My father must have spotted Chocolate now thinking of Cyril.

I'm being bullied.

And I'm trying to figure out how my daughter will atone for that sin.

Grab a fist.

The palms were drenched in seeping sweat.

Chocolate makes a smile, even as she desperately cramps her cheek muscles.

And - next to my father, I crouched.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... oh, mother... well, you're eating..."

Stinks that get even denser.

It's not just blood.

Dirty and yellow with red meat and blood mixes with peachy and still ragged fats, dark odors including excrement stuck in the intestines, which echo directly behind the nasal cavity, into the brain.

Chocolate bit her lips and nauseated.

"It's true, we need to look better"


"Take a good look."

"Mi, I'm looking..."

"You're not. Ugh!?

As his father eagled the back of Chocolate's head, he brought her face closer to his mother's limit.

A bloody monstrous face overrides the face of my once tender mother.

Even memories are anointed.

"Ugh... Ugh..."

"Look closely, Chocolate. Give me your favorite mother's face! Come on, saa!

"Father, stop... eh"

"If I were to say that, I'd be Cyrillic. Huh! Because of him, your mother, all the people in the city are dead!?

"I know, even me!

When Chocolate says stronger, now she pulls her hair away from her mother.

And my father put his face close to my daughter, far enough for his nose to hit him.

"Good. I'm glad, Dad."

Father who laughs less at.

With tears that seemed to overflow, Chocolate killed her heart and smiled frighteningly, "hehe... hehe..."

◇ ◇ ◇


When Cyril leaves the house, she speaks to Chocolate, who, as usual, stood there.


But there's something wrong with her.

Usually, she smiles so much that she gets tangled up with 'Cute Chocolate's picking you up today, too.'


Repeat, Cyril calling his name.

Still unresponsive, she stood in front of the chocolate, hitting her forehead and forehead.

"Nhi wow!?

Chocolate peeking in a weird pose.

"Oh, it moved. I thought you were out of magic and stopped moving."

"Who's Too Much of a Devil! Mmm... greet me normally, seniors."

"I did, but because Chocolate ignores it"

"... were you?

"Yeah, I've called you names a bunch of times"

I guess I wasn't really hearing you, Chocolate slowly drops her shoulder when she looks into her eyes and wonders if she's surprised.

But soon, when I whisper, "This isn't me," I gently slap both cheeks with my fingers and make my usual smile (...).

By the way, earlier whispers, if you're a normal person, are so voluminous that you haven't heard them.

I would have told you not to hear the chocolate either, but they were bad.

Well - I wasn't so upset because I felt Cyril thin either.

"In the meantime, good morning, Chocolate"

"Good morning, seniors. You can't fall in love with me because I look a little different, adulterous and annoying, can you?

"I don't fall in love"

"Instant Answer!?

Chocolate showing joking reactions.

Cyril was serious.

"But I'm worried."

"Oh no, seniors, look at this face. Is there an element that worries me? Well, if it's the only one, it's about whether I'm too attractive to be taken by a bad passing man -"

"That's not what I'm talking about."


Cyril's voice is colder than usual.

It seemed to compliment the chocolate trying to tear it up and deceive it.

"But it's really not a problem at all. Because earlier, I was just a little sleepy. I was a little late last night."

In front of Chocolate, who makes a hasty excuse, Cyril retrieves the communication terminal as she shrugs over the contents of the bag on her shoulder silently.

"Senior? Where are you trying to contact me? Are you going to stick me out to the army for a sin that is too beautiful? Huh!?

Cyril's chosen contact was Teachet.

"Hello, no... what the hell, no at this hour"

She obviously answers the call with a sleeping voice.

"Good morning, master. We're getting out of here, so it's time to get ready in time."

'Oh, I mean, you can sleep in half an hour. Big, half an hour.'

"Don't talk on the assumption that it will happen to us. Well, it's a temporary day off anyway, so you can get some sleep."



To Cyril's words, both Teachet and Chocolate make dumb voices.

"Chocolate and I are off today. At this scale, it's impossible for a master to spin the shop alone."

"What are you talking about, seniors, I need to rest till seniors anyway!

"Tell me why, tell me why"

You just woke up, Teachet asks Cyril in a clear tone.

Then she asserted, with a grand chest.

"I'm skipping."

Chocolate almost fell apart.

"Are you serious, Senior?!? Master, what's wrong with you? I'm fine, so stop it!

"Mm-hmm... that really has to be today? Next holiday or something. '

"It can't be anything but today"

'Well, okay. Then I'll put you on temporary leave for the right reasons, so you guys have fun. I'm going to get some sleep now. "

The call cuts off pussy.

Chocolate, concerned about the results, asked clinging to Cyril.

"Of course the master didn't allow it!?

"It was a pleasure."

"Such an idiot!

Shouting, the chocolate creeps into.

If you think about it normally, it's impossible.

"It's so appropriate that people change so intensely, of course! Because of the seniors, there were more employees at one time!

"All disciples are independent because they excel as masters..."

"Didn't they just pull you out because other stores have better conditions?

Cyril couldn't say anything.

But I don't care what the store is like right now.

Cyril and Tische were upfront, feeling the dangers of chocolate.

If Cyril, who looks at her most closely, says that today is a watershed, she can't refuse it.

Cyril reached out to Chocolate and said as she pulled up.

"Aside from the working environment, I got permission from my master, so you're going to ask me to go out with you today."

"To seniors...? What do you mean?



"Because I'm going on a date with Chocolate today"

In response to Cyril's words, Chocolate slapped her hand pounding,

"I see, date-- yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!?

Glancing, I was surprised at the exaggeration.

It's not just an impossibility or an act this time, it's a real reaction.

"Senior, how much did you fall in love with this chocolate girl so suddenly your date invitation is too bold!?


"I don't like it... but I don't. If seniors are okay with that, I am."

"Then let's go. Let's play as much as we want and forget all about it."

"But I can't believe I forgot that."

"Don't stick around, now follow seniors"

"Wow, wait, seniors! What am I going to do?

Cyril pulls Chocolate's hand forcefully and walks away.

I haven't decided where I'm going in particular, but I wasn't going to stop.

Because Chocolate's reaction was “vegan”, at least while Cyril was pulling him around so hard.

◇ ◇ ◇

And Cyril, not long ago, actively brought Chocolate around.

Even so, I haven't opened most of the shops in this time yet, so I'm almost just going for a walk.

"At all, I didn't think so many seniors were unscrupulous people"

"I'm surprised, too. He said he's been acting this far."

"How am I supposed to react to that... I can't even make fun of my senior at this rate anymore"

"I don't think I've been able to do that since the beginning."

"Gu... seniors are a pain in the ass, right?"

"The type you can't miss if you find weaknesses"

"It's dos!

"The chocolate that admires such seniors..."

"It's not an M." S! More to the point, a slightly nasty word like s or m doesn't apply to me -! S is S, but it's a super cute S!

"Shake it yourself...... I think Chocolate is more unscrupulous"

"I'm not guilty because I'm pretty."

"Then I guess I'm guilty. Because it's not very cute."

At that time, Chocolate stopped at the sieve.

Cyril takes a step forward, then looks back and looks at her.

"What's going on?

Chocolate doesn't have a smile on her face.

She said in a slightly lower voice than usual as she looked at Cyril's feet.

"Seniors... I think they're cute. You can take care of yourself, you make sweets well, and you have the courage to protect us if anything goes wrong..."

"Did you eat anything bad?

"Haha. I ate, maybe."

It was Cyril I meant to joke about, but Chocolate's expression sank even more.

This story is going to take a long time - Cyril suggests to her.

"Chocolate, why don't you just sit down somewhere"


The two headed to a nearby park and sat down next to each other on the bench.

"I think you've probably noticed that I took a day off from work because..."

"Did you look pale"

"Because it all seemed awful, including that. Not very much, but I didn't think I could force it to move."

"Oh, really?"

"Because chocolate is the type of person who doesn't like to lie"

"Seniors are just sharp."

"But my master noticed, too, a long time ago"

"... yes, you were"

To that, Chocolate seemed unaware.

Are you shocked, or are you frightened again, 'I'm a sharp master in a weird place on your pants'?

She leans over and shuts up.

And after a while, Chocolate exhaled, "Phew," and asked Cyril.

"Could it be, seniors, that your master asked you to take care of me?

"I took care of him without being told, then my master told me"

"Oh well... seniors, you said it. When I first started, I realized I hated seniors."

"Well, that much disgust rounded me up, I guess I got more interested than hurt going around"

"I was thrilled when you said that. I thought my heart would stop."

"Because it was a picture star?

"Yes. And I, I always thought they hadn't noticed. You've seen the brave too sweetly."

Bitter chocolate.

By contrast, the smile disappears from Cyril's expression.

She looks up at the blue sky and opens her mouth with her legs fluttering.

"Why not - can I ask you now?

"On the contrary, why didn't you ask me before?

"Because when I asked, it seemed like a hassle. Then I thought it would be easier to get along without asking."

"Hehe, you look like a senior. But you can't just not talk when you're asked."

Chocolate narrows her eyes and talks pompous.

"Five years ago, the King's Capital was in trouble because the seal on the Origin was broken or something. A lot of people died and a lot of people sustained indelible wounds. At the time, my family also lived in the King's Capital, so of course I got caught up in it - my mother died."

Cyril listened to her story silently.

"I loved my mother, but, you know, the color of my loved one's face changed, I stopped moving slowly, and I saw that it was getting cold... no, that's probably not all. The King's Capital full of corpses, the monsters flying around everywhere, the screams you hear from everywhere... it's all engraved into the back of your head, in a part you'll never disappear, and a little... what was wrong with you? Maybe he's still crazy."

That “weakness” has been the side that Chocolate has been trying to show Cyril.

In the beginning, it was because I hated Cyril, but not now.

I didn't want you to worry.

I didn't want my lies uncovered.

That's why I've been deceiving you.

"Having managed to escape from the King's Capital and survive, my father and I lived independently of each other, helplessly so as to devour subsidies that came down from the country. One day... my father started telling me this."

Once he bit his lip, Chocolate opened his mouth with a steady force on both hands he gripped.

"It was Cyril Sweetica who caused the incident five years ago," he said.

Cyril's expression doesn't move.

I'm just looking forward silently.

"I'm sure someone (...) told me. It's somewhat specific - it might be unpleasant to talk like this to a senior..."

"Talking about me reviving Origin and destroying the King's capital?


When Cyril flatly says off, Chocolate opens her eyes and is stunned.

It seemed as if he could see even the unbelievable.

But still, Cyril talks without being upset.

"You're right. In the public, I'm supposed to have fought Origin with Flam, too, but such a bright red lie. The truth is, five years ago that day, I used the power of the brave to transfer to the castle of the demon king to revive the Origin, and the king's capital was devastated because of it..."

"Apparently, what?

"It may sound like an excuse from the victim, but I - you barely remember what happened then. The equipment he gave me, Deeza, contained magic to manipulate me as I please, and that's why he used it."

"He was manipulated... So the seniors were rather fighting the heroes?

"Yeah. When I realized it, I was embedded with the Origin Core, and it was the power of the Origin side. If you think you've finally been freed and regained consciousness, the battle is in a good place - in short, it seems I was like a lass boss."

It is also natural for Cyril to speak plainly.

She hardly has a sense of reality.

All that remains are facts, guilt and only a few memories.

"So the seniors... you didn't think it was bad?

"I thought."

"The words are too light. A lot of people died, didn't they?

"I know."


"I think it's a sad event. But I can't be a party. All this time, everywhere I go, outside the mosquito net, apologizing, making amends, just waving my own life on the stick leaves me with nothing."

"Too selfish"

"I decided to live like that, so I had no choice."

"So who will be convinced!

"At least I'll be saved."

"Isn't it just one senior! I still have people who continue to suffer because of what happened that day!

"Bye -"

Cyril looks at Chocolate and mourns the unreasonableness she has descended upon herself and tells her to throw up.

"Satisfied if you name me the perpetrator, carry the hatred all over you, and die like a villain?


"The guy I thought was on my side betrayed me, manipulated me, turned into a monster I didn't even want to be, hurt my friends, and I didn't even get used to it after the fight was over. Still, you think it's all my fault that I should continue to use this life to make amends?

"Nothing, I'm not that far..."

"Once you name it, no one will be convinced you won't make it that far. Origin or Diza are no longer in the world. That's why so many people swallow that day's hatred and manage to stay calm. If the truth were spread to all, the emotions of those people would explode. Yeah, well, maybe some people do get saved by that. Perhaps there are those who feed their abominations and gain vitality. But even if that's reasonable as atonement - you know, I don't like it (...). Whatever the power is, brave people are pushed for a role, flirted with at will, and their bodies are made too. Besides, I can't believe I gave up my life to make amends. You know, I don't know what you were born for and what you've lived for. Why would I have to do that?


Hearing Cyril's true intentions without falsehood, Chocolate silenced.

If Chocolate is just a person (...) looking for a gateway to hatred right now after Origin's death, he would be blasting his anger here.

But she lost her word.

I'm not angry at my selfishness, I'm not mourning my irresponsibility, I'm just leaning over.

"If you try to be the people involved, you might think, 'Don't face the victim,' but I don't see myself as the perpetrator. Depending on the way you think, maybe it's the right, beautiful, brave way to live to make amends. But I'm not. I'm just a human being given the power of a brave man."

That's why Cyril, the moment she admits she's the perpetrator, will crumble.

If you're a normal person, yes.

It is your fault that tens of thousands of human beings have died, spend the rest of their lives atoning - and if they are forced to dedicate all their futures unilaterally, everyone is determined to sink into despair.

Of course I can't help it if it's karma.

But in Cyril's case, can you fulfill that?

There is no Origin, there is no Diza, so let Cyril make amends to lower the hoarding of those who suffered - what the hell is the point of such a method of erasure redemption?

"... I know"

pompous and in a fine voice, Chocolate said.

"I know very well that seniors are just people."

That's what I've felt in the days we've spent together.

There was no special brave man anywhere.

There you are, working hard on the crowd, out of hand with the crowd, angry with the crowd, joyful, and messing with it a little bit more than people, taking good care of it - that's not special, it was one woman.

"I should have approached you to clear up your resentment of seniors, but I can't believe you stopped hating me because of that... it's a good place to end up falling"

Chocolate says to himself in a mockery.

"I'm sorry I asked you such a question as to try"

"I was trying. I thought it was for real, including being angry."

"Half...... that was the real deal"

The world was devastated by Cyril's manipulation.

It's not like I can't remember being outraged as a victim just really caught up in her saying 'I'm a victim' flat out about it.

But on the other hand, I can understand Cyril's words.

If I were in the same position - I couldn't possibly shake my neck vertically when they told me to shoulder all my responsibilities.

"My mother found someone to hit her dead anger, and I yelled at her, not like that. Damn, everything is what the seniors say. I wanted to hate you. I wanted someone to bump this no-go rage. It's the same thing that my father, who was like a shell out, got better as soon as he resented his senior. I'm sure if you leave yourself to this emotion, it'll make you feel easier. Even if they argue that it's unreasonable, I feel I can arrange as much reasoning as I want for self-satisfaction. But if you try to be on the side of being bumped, you don't like that and deserve it, do you? It's normal to laugh."

Had Chocolate not forged such a relationship with Cyril as it is now, it would not have reached such a conclusion.

Her approach to revenge, as she put it, prevented her from fulfilling her revenge.

"I didn't think Chocolate had to be convinced. Because I do have a sense of selfishness, and from the victim's point of view, it would be an unacceptable answer. But... I'm honestly glad you swallowed that. Thanks."

Cyril said so with a gentle grin.

I thought that would be okay if I couldn't accept anything.

If there's going to be a crack between us that we don't want to repair, it's because there's no choice.

Cyril is not going to change her mind any more than she decided once.

But on the other hand, I understood that it would not be convinced by the victims involved in the tragedy five years ago.

That is why I am grateful.

against Chocolate being such an obvious, gentle junior.

"Senior...... I, can I continue to be a junior?

"I'm not the one who decides there. It's the chocolate that decides whether you stay right now or go away."

"If you don't hold back, you're leaving, what if I say?

"I'll drop you off softly"

"... isn't it terrible?

"Pfft, if you can make a joke like that, think I'm fine"

Cyril and Chocolate laugh at their usual condition.

There's no disturbing air there until earlier.

"Hey, seniors"

Chocolate stood up to the fence and said with her back to Cyril.


"Actually, I still have something to tell my senior."

And looking back, he talks with a smile, but with an uneasy look somewhere.

"Besides just now?

"Yes. I know I'm wrong, but I haven't been able to stop. If I talk to you, it's like I'm sure my senior will despise me. Even Chocolate's cuteness is beyond delusion."

I'm joking, but Cyril was guessing that was a serious topic.

"But be sure to tell the seniors... can I have a moment?"

"I care, and I'm anxious. Not now?

What I feel is a slight sense of impatience.

The fact that she talks at this time must probably be a topic related to “revenge” on Cyril.

In the first place, Chocolate approached Cyril and wondered how she was going to kill her.

No, I don't know if revenge is killing, but it must have tried to do harm in some way.

On the other hand, however, she had a mouthful of flam that seemed to have the same respect as the ordinary people living in Concilia would have.

I mean, I'm not trying to indirectly avenge the people around Cyril.

Only the target is the person.

But for that matter, there was nothing like Chocolate taking any action against Cyril at the moment.

Vengeance, then, is who, how the hell, and in what way did you intend to fulfill it?

"If it's true, we should talk about it right away, but I'm not ready for my feelings yet. If I prolong it... extra seniors will despise me though. But I figured..."

Chocolate bites her lips bitterly as she grabs her left arm with her right hand.

Perhaps just talking about her own revenge should have been a huge burden for her.

I don't want seniors to hate me - I'm pretty sure I have that thought too.

Apparently, from what happened five years ago, it is difficult to say that Chocolate's spirit is stable.

According to Halom, Chocolate was originally a darker girl.

Perhaps a few bright characters now are also what I was forced to make to get closer to Cyril.

It stained me while we spent time together, and now that's chocolate itself.

But the roots don't change that easily.

Brittleness, which is easy to shake and is likely to break in a mundane moment, would still survive.

If I make it impossible, I don't know what the negative effects will be.

Cyril swallowed the gushing desire all the way up and, for one thing, decided to wait for her to talk to me from Chocolate.

"Okay. Then can I just ask you one thing?

But it's not Cyril pulling back here without a clue.

There's something I really need to check.

"As far as I can tell"

"Who did Chocolate's parents hear about my past?

Only those directly involved in that fight should know that.

In such a Cyrillic inquiry, Chocolate shook her neck to the side.

"Can't you answer that?

"No, I don't. Like I said, I told you that story because you're my father. It's just... as far as talking over the terminal, they called me“ Doctor. ”And I think he's a man, because of the way his voice feels."


Put your hand on your jaw, Cyril, thinking.

Several faces have come to mind, but none of them fully fit the name “teacher”.

Deciding it was useless to think here, Cyril decided to take the story home for the first time.

But before that...

"All right, then."

Cyril gets up off the bench and lightly pays her butt with both hands.

"Dating, do you want to resume?"

"Heh? Do you still do it?

"It's time for the store to open."

"Yeah, but the seniors took me out to talk about it now..."

"No, it's not like that. That's the way it happened by accident, so it's because of me and I just thought I'd talk to you. Because fate is a date to revitalize chocolate."

"That's really my pace, seniors"

"There was a kid who advised me that I should do what I wanted."

"There are limits to that."

Chocolate took a hand that was stretched out like infidelity and held tight and left the park behind.

◇ ◇ ◇

Cyril and Chocolate played out all day long.

After lunch at a famous store, look around at clothes, accessories and groceries for unexpected expenses.

Even though we had enough lunch, 'cause this is a scouting of rival stores' excuses to try dessert buffets at cake stores.

I ate too much, and the two of us rested in the park for a while, and I said, 'The brave man is asleep -!' and being entangled in children.

Play chase with those children.

For once, we talked about going to see what was going on in our store, and when we saw the entrance, we saw 'Temporarily Closed because the Brave Skipped' and it was sticky, and the two of us laughed bitterly.

Not long after, when the sky was dark, Cyril decided to send Chocolate home.

"I had so much fun today. Sooo! Let's play again, seniors."

"Yeah, now we have to be careful not to eat too much"

"Haha...... you just overdid the cake buffet after lunch. I need to diet..."

"Well, I'm not fat with brave power,"

"What!? Isn't that too sloppy!

"Because it's a brave privilege"

"You said you weren't a brave man or something..."

"I'll take advantage of something else, don't you think the treasure is rotten?

"Nice, I also wanted a rare attribute that doesn't make me fat, not a dark attribute"

There's no way such convenient rare attributes exist - they can't be cut without them.

Even Flam's "flip” was completely useless until I met the curse weapon.

Shea's “dreams” can be called magic, even though she can't control them by herself.

If that's like a kind of bug for the world, it's not strange what kind of ability it has.

Well - that doesn't change the fact that Chocolate's attributes are dark.

"See you tomorrow, seniors."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow"

The two wave and break up.

Cyril stared behind her all the way through the house until Chocolate walked in.

There is no peeking through the window.

It's not even aimed at killing.

From now on, Chocolate, who has forgiven Cyril, has no choice but to watch over how she intends to face her parents - anxiety.

Now, not yet.

◇ ◇ ◇

Much of what the world says about what happened five years ago, or “four years ago hero Tan," is all about Flam Apricot.

But naturally, there are others besides her who suffered, scratched and survived.

On the balcony of the royal castle, a man with long dark hair who looks out at the sunset - Crosswell Matrices - could be said to be one of them.

He was a former S-rank adventurer and was employed by Reach at the time of the incident, traveling around the world to purchase goods (...).

And right now, he's hired by the state to be a researcher.

I mean, a position similar to Gene's or Eterna's.

Most of all, there was a huge difference in treatment between them, heroes, but they were definitely top notch elites nonetheless.

Gene, who incidentally wanted to pass, discovers the back of Crosswell staring silently and still at the sunset falling.

When he glances at his hair and white coat, he puts his hand on his chin and says, "Hmm," he approaches Crosswell to see if he remembers anything.

"Beauty shapes like yours, when lit by the sunset, don't be my next painting in the world. And when I line up next door..."

And side by side,

"It means that first and second places line up and the best paintings in the world are born. I can't help but think of someone who doesn't exist here."

That's what I said with a kime face.

"Yeah, why don't you ask Shea?


Crosswell does not have any expression on his neat face and stares at him silently.

Silence flowed between them.

The gap at that odd time is even in the dozens of seconds and eventually Crosswell shifts his gaze into the sunset again, still silently.

And finally, I uttered a pompous word.

"What can I do for you, Gene Intage"

No anger, no pity, with a pale voice.

"When I see something beautiful, I want to line up. It's beautiful. It's a natural thing for me to do."

"Don't be a little too narcissistic"

"I don't care if you blame me for that. That's what they think of me."

Huh, and to Jean, who laughs, Crosswell sighed for the first time there - "Huh," and showed emotional emotion.

"I want you to leave me alone. For me, time immersed in sentiment is as important as sleep."

It's so beneficial to talk to me.

"There's a big personal difference"

"Hmm... I have to incorporate that opinion when researchers as good as you tell me. So instead, can I just ask you one thing? It's called GiveandTake."

"I'm only gibberish."

"My presence is unconditional and take-away for others. So the question is..."

Irrationally for Gene not to say yes or no, Crosswell had lost his escape.

No longer, if I can get away with just answering one, I'll answer anything - I just have to think so.

Guess what he gave up...... no, in Gene's case. Regardless of such other convenience, he relentlessly threw questions.

"Crosswell, what are you working here for?

That was a rare and frank question that Gene had.

I guessed it, I imagined it, but none of it seemed to apply even with the brains of a genius.

Therefore, I had to ask him directly.

Crosswell became a researcher after being bought Adventurer Achievements.

When it comes to adventurers, it is generally considered a barbaric profession - which is now improving thanks to the flam - but the fact is also that there are many outlaw people who are dirty to money or don't even hate killing people.

In it, Crosswell has done exactly what he should also call a saint, such as donating his own earned income to an orphanage.

Most importantly, the orphanage is the kind of place he grew up in, so to speak, at home.

Other than that, though, he is a man who has accumulated such good deeds that he can be described as exemplary of an adventurer that he has caught a nominee in a place unrelated to his work or tried to save someone who was attacked by a monster passing by.

It's such a crosswell that Leach Mankathy spoke up.

He hired them under fairly favourable conditions as dedicated hunters for collecting rare items that were normally unavailable, such as some dangerous monsters and the legendary nuts that were said to be in an undisclosed land.

"I told Gene before, but I was outside Wang Capital at the time of the incident five years ago. It was just before I came back from the request. And then I realized something strange had happened."

"You set foot in the king's capital yourself."

Crosswell didn't run away.

To rescue even one of the people of the king's capital, he fought Kimaira and made way.

Many people will have been saved by him, including those who know that fact and those who do not.

"I saw hell there. This memory will not disappear forever. And I made up my mind, that such a tragedy must never happen again. To do this - we must continue to protect this country from external enemies."

Crosswell with his hands on his chest and talking hot.

I can't feel a lie or falsehood in that word.

"Is that all?"

"Absolutely. Disgruntled?"

"No, I don't think so - I wonder if a normal person would devote that much of his life to someone he doesn't know."

When Gene said, Crosswell broke his expression, "Phew."

"Keep as much narcissism as you can. No matter how good you are, it shouldn't be the only one in the same sense."

When I say so, I leave the balcony.

Gene silently dropped that back off.

And where Crosswell disappears across the stairs, he leaks himself.

"That's not what I meant. What I'm saying is the question of where (...)"

Naturally, that word would not have reached Crosswell.

Down the stairs, on the other hand, when he stops on the dance floor, he takes the rocket out of his inner pocket in white.

When I open the lid, there's a monochrome picture in there that I used to ask Welsey to take (...) with the magic of burn projection.

"... your brother will do his best until you laugh"

There was a picture of Crosswell and - hugging him, a twin-tailed girl.

◇ ◇ ◇

By the time Cyril got home, the sky was completely dark.

I'm home.

When I opened the front door, it smelled good for dinner.

It is a plain and valuable experience, as it usually returns after completion.

"Cyril, welcome back!

Ink rushes up to her, taking off her shoes.

"Welcome back."

"Welcome back, Cyril."

Even those in the kitchen heard Milkit and Flam.

Is Eterna working upstairs?

Cyril walks up to the house and down the hallway alongside the ink.

When she showed her face in the kitchen, she had half-eyed flams of potatoes.

Apparently, he's stumbling in the name of "taste."

Flam asked Cyril when he included the potato with his face out of his mouth in his mouth.

"You were early today."

"The store was closed."

"Heh? So where have you been?

"Dating Chocolate"

Cyril said, laughing jokingly.

Milkit deals with fire, so I can't look at it approximately, but it looks like I can't help but worry about the story.

"Finally, Cyril wants her too!?

Duh! and ink showing deliberate reactions.

No matter, I understand she's a joke too.

"Chocolate is a junior who's always picking you up in the morning, right?

"Yes. I'm trying to cheer you up because things are not right. Then it turned out to be an unexpected fact."

"Actually, she was Cyril's living sister!

"I was a lover in my previous life, or something..."

"I think I'd be disappointed if I could get a lot of hurdles up."

"Then talk fast. It bothers me!

"Ink, by the way... Cyril, what can we talk about here?

"Well, briefly, I'm talking about how you knew I was turning to the enemies of the Flams."


The look on Flam's face hardens.

Milkit also stopped her hand and stared worryingly at Cyril.

"Are you okay?

"That's right, even though Ella said she was making sure it never leaked!

"I know that too, but I can't help what I'm told."

"Hey Cyril, what's a guy called Chocolate, knowing that?

Cyril speaks with a worrisome gavel across her.

"... it's Chocolate's private, so around it. Yeah, but don't worry, it's nothing. You resent me, you hate me, at least because right now there's no (...)"

Fram was feeling something caught up in the rhetoric.

But Cyril herself perceives it as' done 'and says nothing.

Milkitt saw the look on Flam's face and made the same decision.

"In this case, what Chocolate knew isn't a problem in itself. What I want to know is who gave this information to Chocolate's parents."

"Are you a parent?

"That's what she said. That's why I don't even know the name or face of the person who told me. It's just that his father said," Doctor. "

"Doctor, is..."

"Like school, then medical magicians."

"I've heard some nobles call me that too!

To the three opinions, Cyril nods with a strange face.

"Maybe we should check to see if there's anyone in the area. Exactly me, too, if that story spreads in an unintentional way, then I'm in a bad position. Because there's so much more I can do, I don't know if I want to leave this city."

"It's obvious! I just think it's harassment of Cyril to let that story flow out on purpose, and I definitely need to find out who did it. I'll get in touch with Mr. Henriette and Sarah as soon as possible. Milkit, I'm sorry I'm in the middle of cooking."

"No, I'll wait to make something extraordinarily delicious so your husband can hang in there after this."


Flam glanced lightly against the mill kit and took his mobile device out of his shorts pocket and headed upstairs to his own room.

"Milkit, even after this (...), do you have any plans for Flam?

When Cyril asks, Milkit shakes her neck vertically.

"Your husband kept an eye on Concilia from morning to evening, but nothing happened, so he's planning to leave tonight."

"Good luck with that, Flam. I've been in hectic mode a lot since I got back, but my face gets crisp when there's a crisis in the city."

"Eh heh... that's cool..."

"It's like Fram dreamed of living in this city at will, so maybe he can't forgive those who disturb the peace."

That sounds kind of like a hero, but I'm sure he'll deny it.

'Cause I just want to live with Milkit.'

And so on and so on and so on.

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, at about the same time Kirill returned home, Chocolate was facing him in his father's room.

From the kitchen, I hear my mother singing her nose in an upbeat mood, preparing for dinner.

The only possible scenario in a happy home.

But if you separate one door, the full air changes all the time.

My father, sitting on the chair, spoke with a low voice to Chocolate, who said 'I need to talk' and visited the room.

"I thought you had something to say."

Chocolate is nagging, holding her fist tight.

I do have something to say.

That's coming up to my throat, but I'm not trying to move on from there.

Cowardice is sealing and disturbing her.

"If there's nothing, I'll go. My mother's waiting for me."

My father stood up and tried to pass by the chocolate.

"Ma, wait...!

She never stops grabbing my father's sleeve.

He stopped there too, not trying to push forward.

"Oh, you know... I... told Senior Cyril everything!

"... what?

"Something about your mother dying five years ago, or getting close for revenge! Well... until your mother came back to life... I can talk to her, but I don't. And I don't intend to take revenge anymore. That's how much I like my seniors, so I told them all... and I meant to... so. Um, so, the..."

My hands grabbing my shirt are graceful and my whole body is rattling and shivering.

Palms, temples, and cold sweats float on your back, and your breathing is rough as you chop it up.

I was scared.

Because if I told my current father everything, I didn't know what I would do.

But we have to talk.

That's because I thought I was the first step back on the right path, continuing to trick Cyril into committing the contraindication of "resurrecting my mother”.

If they refuse, that's fine.

That's the time, we have to decide.

Alone - no, I might just ask Cyril for help, but maybe now, because we should be able to go “forward" or “up”.

"... oh, Father"

Gather courage without.

Since there are few originally, it is not a large amount that I collected.

At best, in a few words, it is the mountain of Sekiyama that resists his father.

But I haven't even done that before.

All this time, because I just got flushed, leaned over, and hitched a ride on someone's rail.

For the first time, Chocolate makes its own choices.

"I... think I'm wrong. Senior said he was being manipulated. He said he didn't really want to revive Origin! That's the truth, I know it! Because that's what seniors are like! And the heroes forgave you, didn't they? Forgive me, being in that place meant there was just a reason to be forgiven! So revenge is wrong!


His father just looked down at Chocolat silently and silently.


My body stifles at that unreadable face of emotion.

My throat gets tight and I can't speak well.

But - if we stop now, I probably won't be able to say anything again.

Leave it to the momentum, without thinking later.

"Ku... revenge is wrong. And, uh... you know, it's wrong to bring your mother back to life until you kill someone! Absolutely, absolutely crazy! You can't be a real family if you're back to normal in this way!

Even Chocolate wanted to be immersed in sweet dreams.

I had a father, a mother, and I heard him cooking from the kitchen - and I've always admired him for that routine.

If I could, I wanted to go on with those days.

Guys, even if it was a little strange somewhere, because I thought it was better than crawling at the bottom of Naruto with my father.


As always, the father is silent.

Chocolate hits his gaze with him as he fights fear.

If I missed my eye, I thought it was a loss.

It is an act that symbolizes a broken heart.

I'm never going to retreat, for the sake of proof, not even one step behind.

"... chocolate"

Without changing her expression, her father called her by her name.

Chocolate shudders her shoulders tingly.

Then, the father laughs so gently, continuing his words.

"Right, your father would agree. Mother is not happy that she brought her mother back to life in that way. Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing."


I thought that was best.

But Chocolate never imagined that persuasion would succeed.

"Let's get this over with. Only a few more days - that's the only time your mother can live with reason. That's the last time you act like a family. Chocolate will forgive you for that, won't it?

"Yeah... I, too, because I thought"

"Right. But don't tell your mother anything. Because your mother doesn't think you're dead."

"Wow, okay..."

Finally, his father stroked Chocolate's head gently, leaving the room.

Left alone, she stands up on the spot.

"Accept it... you gave it to me? Your father convinced you of me?

I don't believe it.

But that's the truth that's happened here now.

If it wasn't a lie, it wasn't a whim or anything like that, and my father told Chocolate that as if he were a 'really sweet father'.

"Good...... right? Now, you've succeeded."

In all respects, we are moving on to an ideal development for Chocolate.

And then when my mother doesn't keep it (...), let's talk to Cyril.

So, sweet and gentle, bad dreams end.

◇ ◇ ◇

When Fram finished his dinner, he left the house with a water bottle and a lunchbox for evening meals made by Milkit.

Of course, I kissed you about ten times for not being able to sleep with you at night.

Still enough, but no chili, so I cut it up with the thought of a severance.

"I've been deciding what to do today."

Flam leaps through the Concilian skies in a pleasant breeze.

She flew all the way over the usual waiting point - the highest point of the line.

"A bright city... so much brighter than the previous king's capital."

It's no surprise that this is the opportunity to look across the city.

Well, people who can't fly have never been “surprisingly”.

"Magic trains run all over the city, airships fly through the sky during the day, but demons fly right around it, carriages run - it feels kind of chirpy. I wonder if this is what it's like on the way to transition. Or is this just special?"

There's not that much point in whining.

I'm just looking at the city and spilling what Flam felt.

Probably trying to fill the loneliness without Milkit with sound.

But eventually, when there is nothing left to talk about, Flam will continue to monitor him silently.

Occasionally, men in fights appeared in downtown, but mostly handled by guards, so there was no curtain for the flam to come out.

I don't want a big case to happen, but having nothing to do is even more boring than during the day.

I felt extra depressed when I thought I would have been embraced by Milkit at this hour originally.

"But well... it's a good thing I'm bored"

I'm sure that means peace.

If only the night would dawn - that's what I thought, Flam's gaze captures a single carriage.

Run down the boulevard, turn the corner to a smaller path.

So a soldier who was just watching nearby approached the carriage and started checking his luggage.

The merchant showed the load without any particular resistance, and the soldier, convinced, passed the inspection.

The carriage runs toward the residential area.

"... I wonder why you won't bore me"

I could have done it if I could, stupid flam.

That's something I can't help.

The only thing I've found is stuff, and it's just not funny.


Unlike when he goes, Flam flies like a missile towards a carriage, emphasizing speed.

And landed forward at a distance not to bump into it.

"Whoa," the merchant pulled the whip, hurrying to stop the horse.

"You surprised me. If you think of someone, aren't you the hero Fram?"

The merchant is a middle-aged man in a hunting hat, nothing particularly suspicious about his appearance.

But Fram had a killer look on his face, staring at him.

"What's wrong -... Dear Fram!? Is it real!?

The soldier who was inspecting his luggage earlier also notices the anomaly and approaches him.

Flam asked the merchant, not particularly reacting to him.

"Earlier, you were checking your luggage."

"Yeah, there shouldn't have been anything wrong. Hey?"

"Yes, the load was originally cloth. There's nothing like the Flam coming out."

The flam sighs with a heartfelt sigh of "ha" to the merchant, even more lumpy (...), holding his hand against the carriage.

Then he concentrated his magic in the palm of his hand, releasing it forward.

"Flip it. (Riversal) Huh!

The subject is the entire carriage load (...).

Replace the top and bottom (...) -

"Dear Fram, what the hell is this!?

An item that was loaded on top (...) goes under the plate (...).

On the contrary, an object hidden under the plate comes out on top.

It was something that was wrapped around with a cloth, “about the size of a human upper body”.

Did you react by touching the outside air? They are stuck on the carrier.

When Fram approached the carrier with a large strand, he forcefully tore the cloth that wrapped it and released the contents.

"Ha... ha-ha... ha-ha... ha-ha..."

What emerged was a human body with only the upper body, looking up at the void with vain eyes.

"Hih, hi, no!!

The soldier watching it slips away and falls into himself.

By contrast, the merchant who was exposed to sin never moved on the spot.

"I thought it was strange because there were multiple human signs from the carriage. Hey, what's this? What are you doing this for!?

When Fram pulled out the divine eating, he pointed his cut at the merchant.

Depending on the response, it can be truncated - it is an expression of intent.

Then the merchant, without moving his body, turned only his neck a hundred and eighty degrees and looked at the flam.


And laugh without power.

"No way... you're not human, are you?

When Flam says so, the merchant's neck goes further around - now also with a torso twist, turning five hundred and forty degrees.

And I saw her again.

Only my mouth peeled off (...) with my face.

"Long time no see."

Under the peeled skin, there was a mouth like a girl, different from that of a merchant.

His - No, her body is still obstinate.

Butterflies and whilst the skin and muscles make a ripping sound and seep blood out of your body.

"Hihihi, sashimi, no. Straw, straw, stay... come on, I'm sorry, I'm good... be... be, be"

As things stand, nothing emanates from him or does harm to his surroundings.

That's just twisting (...), peeling (...), wondering if the girl's flesh came out of it, it's also twisting and peeling again.

"Uhi... Hii no..."

Soldiers are incontinent.

I didn't want to get my hands on it worse than I know who it is, Flam, but that just doesn't mean I'm just watching any more.

Raise the god eater, gently produce the plana, and shake it down -


The sword moves you unleash are the Chi Sword Slash (Plana Shaker).

Although it is the first knight swordsmanship (Cavaliers), most enemies would have been blown away by a single blow if Flam had released it today.

"I, after all, can do well -"

When Kenzi was hit, something that was the merchant disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the carriage on which he was riding disappears, and only his upper body, twisted with cloth, rolls to the ground.

"Running away...?

But Fram didn't feel comfortable.

Was the plana shaker hit in the first place?

It also seemed like it just slipped through, but for one thing - I have to help those people wrapped in that cloth.

"Kick, disappear... consumer..."

And the mental care of that soldier.

Flam gently shakes off his right hand as he stores the god eater.

Then the magic of inversion put the people sleeping on the ground out of the cloth.

"Ugh... Ugh..."

"Ah, ah..."

The cutting surface of my body seems to be blocked, but I don't think I can live long with that body.

Continue, retrieve the mobile device with your left hand and contact Sailor immediately.

The call sounds.

Until his opponent came out, Flam was thinking, staring at the groaning victims.

(The face of the monster just now...... me, like I've seen it somewhere...)

Going back on my memory, I can't find an answer inside.

His face was distorted, and only a small part of it looked decent.

From all that information, it's hard to identify individuals.

But someone I've met before - that must have been for sure.

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