Do You Think You Can Run After Reincarnating, Nii-san?

Lesson 10: There's Only One Way To Be Saved

Spending a day at the Royal Castle of Lowe, Elvis assembled in a room addressed to Elvis at night.

"Hey, Prince. Are you glad I bothered you? I thought you had something to do with the princess."

"Whoa! Bergson! Nasty towards Your Highness......!

"Heh heh. Big figure, innocent. We're already eighteen, right? It's normal."

"Tell me to give up time and place!

"Forgiveness cheats on me because I'm so tough."


Gawayne quickly pushed silently.

Elvis and Azerea look 'ahhh' and see Ruby.

That's Ruby, too, gave the expression 'Shit' and rushed into follow-up.

"As, well, there you go! Blah, it's a common story about noble women surrounding their mistresses besides their husbands! I'm glad you found out he was like that before we got married!?


"If it were you, you'd make a mistress too! So come on, come on!

"... you think you can do that to me"

"Think.................................... wow"

Hehe, and Elvis leaks a laugh.

"Then why don't we have Mr. Ruby for you? Mistress."


"Fine, that! Anyway, your wife isn't even a gala, is she?

"You guys don't say shit! Who is the mistress of Park?"


"... Ah already!! It was my fault! Don't be depressed because I apologize! You're the only one who's strong enough to get hit!!

"Wow. Mr. Ruby apologized"

"I may not have seen it before"

"You guys......!

Laughter in luxurious rooms.

That was it, and the four of them lowered their hips to the dizzying place.

Elvis is the edge of the bed.

Azelea and Gawayne are equipped chairs.

Ruby walked over the carpet.

That's the real deal from here.

"... Your Majesty just heard the results of the meeting of experts."

Elvis turns off his mouth fire.

"In conclusion, no effective Dimkuld infiltration method emerged. Anyway, if it's just breaking and entering..."

"The whole Dimkurd thing is a device of Jack's bastard's spirituality."

Ruby, an infiltration professional who worked as a dedicated intelligence agent for the Knights of the Kingdom of Laes for the past seven years, says.

"If you're just going in, you're not even using the prince's [disputed kingdom] to break through the front, but that'll catch Jack's [nesting penetrating wing] fast.

Human beings can't really do anything when they're floating in the universe. "

The other three nodded all together.

That hasn't changed since college, Jack's spiritual horror.

If they float, it's almost over.

There was also the power of "The Sword of Ahika," which was his arm at the time, and the anti-jack measures by the college students mostly began by keeping him away from them first.

"The infiltration of Dimkuld is absolutely conditional on 'Jack's guy not noticing'. It's hard to get to him.

If only I could kill him, I'd say the prince would bash him from a distance, just like before. "

"Our aim is not just to defeat you, Jack. It includes listening to him. To do this, we need to get close to him."

"Wow, there it is."

Azelea put her hand on her mouth.

"At least spring a little faster in time...... When Dimkurd was taking away the mines from everywhere, he could have infiltrated them..."

"Dimkurds are rarely close to the ground today. It would mean that the goal of self-sufficiency in that floating area has been set."

"That's an incredible story, too. We're supposed to have a small population now, but I can't believe we can cover everyone's food support in just that much territory..."

"Rumor has it that the new farming method introduced by the example 'scientists' is a rare tool, overflowing with food more than anywhere else on earth.

Well, when it comes to agriculture, every other country has a defiant advantage. It also feels natural. "

"An unruly advantage?


To Elvis, who expressed interest, Ruby began to explain.

"Dimkuld is flying through the sky, moving around. That's what Advantage means."

"Why would that be advantageous in agriculture?

"Think about it. What's the most troublesome thing about doing farming?

"... a pest? Or sick?"

To Azelea's whining, Ruby shakes her neck to the side.

- It's the weather.


Elvis gave a hazy voice.

"Dimkuld can move......! So......!

"That sort of thing. Normally, land cannot be moved. And the fields. So depending on the weather's mood, it can be unproductive or abundant. There's nothing I can do about this. Normally.

But how's Dimkuld? I can move around freely. Then you can go to a sunny place when you want it to be sunny and a rainy place when you want it to be. The speed of Dimkuld's flight is sufficient.

Actually, it's the same as manipulating the weather. So the fields of Dimkurd can always beat out the best yield "

"That's just against the rules... I think all the world's traders will cry and envy you."

"And Jack's guy, if you want to do it, it's a rain cloud. You can blow it off by force. Even if you run into a storm, it won't be a big problem."

Elvis remembered one end of Jack's power that he saw the other day.

About that time when I completely absorbed Elvis' mirage sword and liberated it towards the sky...

Elvis was also going to reload the drill desperately the past seven years.

But... I'm sure Jack will far surpass himself now.

How did we make a difference so far when we were supposed to be mostly mutual in college?

What did he think and build himself up that far......

"When you think about it like this, it's like an ideal place, Dimkuld..."

To Azelea's whining, Ruby flaunts his shoulder.

"There are weaknesses, though. If Jack dies, it's all over."

"Right...... If the effect of [nesting permeable wings] expires, Dimkuld has nothing else to crash. I don't suppose anyone will take the place."


Elvis says as he ponders.

"The College has been working for decades... If the spiritual excitation system and the others are diverting that bond mechanism, there must be some means to perpetuate the effectiveness of spiritual art."

"There is. The point is, I'm not alive. We need to get ice pickled. Can you handle this?

"Ice pickling... no..."

Azerea shook her hand tightly.

Jack... goes to eternal sleep to survive Dimkuld.

That's... to Elvis, I can't forgive you.

Before we do that, we must have everything told….

"Actually, this is quite a story, too. The fact that we have the technology to keep humans alive forever means we can monopolize Roost forever. Lust, who is said to be alone or not to change his power."

Elvis got hacked.

"If Roost dies, the Spirit's Book Spirit moves on to someone else again... No one knows where to go, even with exceptions like mine. [M] So no country could keep Roost forever."

"Yes, but not if you can keep Roost alive all the time.

Of the 72 pillars of spirits, not all are always inhabited by humans, but nevertheless, if we collect and preserve each and every one of them, one day we will have them all.

Just one pillar, that idiot, has the power to let the land float, right? Try 72. No one in this world knows how to do it.

When that happens... Jack's guy, he's not a 'king'. It's gonna be God. "

Serving 72 Spirits...... God of the world.

It should only have existed in mythology. That emerges in reality......

"Jack Lieber's purpose is... or is that it?

Gawayne shrugged with a tough face.

"Having all the Spirits in your hands and reigning as God..."

"I don't know. I don't know that much. First of all, I'm not sure if the Spirit Book Spirit really has 72 columns.

Look, you're here, right? Bifronce, Baal, Asmodeus, even suspicious. "

"I don't mind calling the Spirit 'the guy'... but it sure is. Historically, unconfirmed spirits exist in several pillars…"

Hearing the name "Bifronce," Elvis' consciousness accidentally retraced into the past.

I was chasing Jack, a criminal with the same name.

And that day, seven years ago, someone named 'Evil Spirit King' at the Spiritual Academy's First Fighting Ground...

In the end, I didn't know who it was and it was serious.

You probably know that, Jack, who went across that door, and Phil, who's dead...

And the other one.

Ever since the collapse of the college, he's disappeared, he'll be the only one (...)......

"You're out of line."

Pan, and hit his hand, and Azerea took the rudder of the topic.

"Anyway, there's no point bothering me here any more. I've got enough rest, and I think we should leave tomorrow and go after Dimkurd."

"It's inefficient, but that's the only way. It might come down to the ground on some kind of clap.

What about the prince? If you leave your children behind before you leave, another night... "

"Perseverance, Berg."

Gawayne tried to yell at Ruby.

At that time.

Unexpectedly, the night dawned.

"... what?

The four turn to the window simultaneously.

From the gap between the closed curtains, the light was shooting in.

"Ah, morning...?

"Stupid! We still have hours at dawn!

Elvis and the others rushed over to the window and opened the curtain.

Outside the window, it was as bright as midday.

Looking in the direction of the shadows stretching, Elvis battles.

"... go...!?

He opened the window, rode himself out, and looked up into the sky.

In the middle of the blue sky.

In Jomtien.

There was a giant sun.

"Heh... what the...!? When did it get daytime!?

"Chi, no... no. It's only night! Look closely! There's the moon over there!

Azerea, riding herself out the other window, points to a point in the sky.

There was a round moon, albeit nagging.

Not the position you can see while the sun is there.

In the first place, today wasn't supposed to be a full moon.

"So, what is that sun!? What the fuck!!

"Big... There's twice as much sun as there is!

"- I tell you pathetic people still tied to the ground."

Somewhere, my voice echoed.

It was a lower voice color than I remember, but Elvis had an instinct to figure out whose it belonged.

"Mr. Jack......!!

The shadow of Dimkuld is not in the sky.

Still, the voice echoes the whole world whether it is the power of one of the spirits that is gathering seventeen pillars.

"I will not visit you at night any more than this. Because my" purifying sun "shining in Jomtien will burn down the old fortune you cling to without leaving any shards."

My voice was pale.

As if to do a determined task.

"Let's take a look at the evidence - look at the highest places on the ground where you crash."

"Highest place......?

Elvis' gaze turned to nature and a place.

A shadow that softens thinly near the horizon.

The highest elevation on the continent, the Spiritual Peak Conjord.

Just in the heart of the continent, and if it is not so much a peripheral land, its summit can be reached from anywhere.

"And burn it in your eyes - destined to wait for you."

It was a moment.

The sun that appeared in Jomtien emitted a strong glow.

A few seconds later.

After a twitchy silence.

The spiritual peak, Conjord, which was faintly visible, vanished.


Elvis doubted his eyes.

But it came after a few more seconds. Plus, I can poke reality at it undeniably.

Dust waves.

An impending, visualized impact over the horizon.

By the time I saw it, the roar had stung my ear earlier.

- Go-o-o-o-o-o-o!!

I didn't want to think about the identity of that sound that shook my body from its core, if I could.

But I have to understand.

This is the sound of that spiritual peak collapsing -!

Then, coming from the horizon, that dust...

"Everybody get down - ugh!!!

Screaming, Elvis nodded under the window.

Immediately after, the window frame blows hard.

A storm blew indoors and luxurious conditioning bounced around walls and ceilings.

Feathers splashed from pillows swirl around the room.

This is a shock.

The impact from far away has reached this point beyond a distance of dozens of kilometers.

Such a shock.

Spiritual Peak Conyold didn't just scrape the summit a little bit.

It collapsed completely.

Even the clouds are far beneath the eyes of a giant peak, the whole thing......!!

The shock stops, I stand up and look out the window.

The Jomtien Sun is still alive.

Even with so much devastation, it should be noted.

"As you can see."

The voice of the demon king echoes in the world.

'Now, that's just a small part of what freed me.

The "Sun of Purification" that shines over your heads bursts completely in a few days, burning down everything on earth with heat beyond lava and wind beyond storm.

Let me assure you - no one can survive. '

I couldn't even speak up.

When people truly feel the power to destroy the world, they cannot escape...

"But let us give you respite and opportunity"

The voice was no longer equal to that of God.

'As long as certain conditions are fulfilled, I will gladly accept you into my Sky Devil's Land. In that way, let us promise to save ourselves from the scourge that strikes the earth.

That condition means only one thing - '

Like dripping yarn from heaven.

The Demon King brings desperate hope.

- It's about being a man.

At first, Elvis did not immediately understand.

A man?

That's all?

No... just, no way.

Only one thing, on that condition alone, did he pronounce the death penalty on half humanity.

'Against you ladies, we have only prepared the way of doom. Wait for the last day.

Gentlemen, throw away your wives.

Throw away your lover, mother, daughter, sister, sister.

Love and love abandon everything on earth and go up to my Dimkurd.

Just one thing.

That's the only way for you to be saved. '

A tight laugh in Elvis's mouth......

To say so irrationally, I had to laugh.

"That's a lot of extreme male inferiority, Mr. Jack..."

Regardless, this is not such a story.

This is a denial of the species Humanity.

With both men and women, humanity has connected its descendants so far.

He tells us to deny it from the bottom up.

Is there any other hostility?

What, how far, for what?

Turn to the enemy, Jack Lieber -!!

'Follow the shadows of my territory, men.

In heaven, I await the day I can meet you all - '

As it turns out, my voice crushed.

Instead, the end of the world began.

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