- - Quick, we need to help.

I don't know when it started.

I have always been impelled by something.

Come on, we need to help.

Who the hell?

I don't know.

But we need to help quickly.

The answer is not in me.

Only impulse and agony, however, were swirling around.

There is always a world in me.

Bright white.

Pure white.

Nothing, the world.

I've been running there the whole time.

There's nothing to mark, there's no horizon, I don't know how much I ran.

Still, I've been running all my life.

I know where to aim.

I know there's "he" ahead.

I have to take his hand as soon as possible.

I run.

I run.

I run.


- Oh, again.

A black stain seeped into the white world.

I'm wrapped in it.

- - Quick, we need to help.

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