Doctor CEO

9 Chapter 9


'I thought so, why else would he bring me. What am I thinking?'. (For now, the remaining conversation will be in dialogue form.)

Athanasia: When is it?

Noah: Tonight at 7 pm.

Athanasia: What?! I'm not ready, and I don't have any clothes to wear.

Noah: *sigh* Then after you finish all your work in the afternoon immediately proceed to the parking lot and search for my me or my car.

Athanasia: What are we gonna do?

Noah: We're going to buy you a gown to wear at the party of course.

Athanasia: Oh wait, how about I wear the dress I wore at the last party. Is that okay?

Noah: Are you kidding me you want me to be a laughing stock?!

Athanasia: Why would you be?

Noah: I have lots of money and yet I can't even buy my woman, clothes?! Lots of guests at this party attended the party we went to last time.

Athanasia: Fine.

Noah: Hey, don't put out a face that looks like you're gonna cry.

Athanasia: *whimper* 'Hey, I may be strong-willed, but it hurts when you shout at me. Especially when it's from the person I like' *blushes* 'The person I like'

Noah: I'll be at the parking lot at 5:30 pm.

And with that, I left the room with teary eyes and yet the things that I spoke in my head are still echoing in my brain. 'The person I like'.@@

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