Doctor? He's Clearly Creepy!

Chapter 15: The first battle

With Lin Yi's consent, the soul lamp on the doorpost shook slightly.

The burn ghost then stepped up and walked towards the clinic.

With every step he took, he left a scarlet footprint, tearing a layer of slimy skin and pus to the ground.

A pungent burnt smell rushed towards him, burning Lin Yi's throat.


Looking at it up close is even more heart-wrenching.

Especially the pustules on the burn ghost's body, like lava bubbles, kept swelling and bursting one by one. A few drops of pus landed on the corner of Lin Yi's clothes, and a pothole was burned in an instant.

[Lin Yi san value -10]

This is too... disgusting!

Lin Yi's eyes jumped without a trace, but he remained calm.

The burn ghost stood in front of the counter, reached out and wiped a handful of sticky pus on his eyes, looked up at Lin Yi, and said in pain, "Doctor, I..."

However, before he could finish his words, he froze in place, his scorched eyes staring at the boss, staring at the face in front of him.

What kind of face is that?

The clean and white face, with sharp edges and corners like a sculpture, deep eyes, a charming smile hanging on the corners of his mouth, thick eyebrows, a high nose, and a beautiful lip shape, all exude nobility and elegance.

This...there is such a perfect face in the world!

The burn ghost subconsciously touched his face.

It was uneven and full of pustules, and even if it was lightly touched, it was sticky pus with one hand.

"It's so ugly! How can it be so ugly?"

"Why? How can you have such a perfect face, but I am this ghost!"

With just one glance, Lin Yi hit the burn ghost's heart, making him blazing with jealousy!

The twisted mind drove him crazy, a pair of bulging eyes stared at Lin Yi, and his hands scratched randomly on his face.

"I really want to have such a face!"

"Doctor, can you change your face to me?"

He scratched faster and harder with both hands, more than a dozen tumors and pustules on his face were scratched, and the thick serum splashed out with a squeak and smeared on the counter.

Burst... burst pulp? !

[Lin Yi san value -10]

"It's perfect! It must be fun to destroy!"

Suddenly, the burn ghost stopped scratching, and the corner of his mouth twitched, pulling it to the back of his head, revealing a bloody smile.

【Ding! The current crisis degree is 50%]

【Ding! The current crisis degree is 70%]

【Ding! The current crisis is 100%]

【Ding! The mission posted by Burning Ghost failed]

A cold mechanical synth sound resounded in his mind.

Lin Yi was stunned on the spot.

Mission failed again?

Why? He hasn't done anything yet?

[Burn ghosts are excluded and discriminated against because of their ugly appearance, their personality is extremely distorted, and they have great malice towards all perfect things]


Lin Yi cursed secretly.

At this time, he finally realized what it means to be "handsome dead"!

The burn ghost in front of him has completely lost his mind and wants to destroy this perfect face.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Lin Yi's face, very fast.

At that time, Lin Yi bent down and leaned back, and the fingers of the burn ghost brushed the tip of his nose, and the strong stench rushed toward him, making people sick.

"Fortunately, the physique has been increased to 8, otherwise the body will really not be able to respond."

Lin Yi rejoiced in his heart.

Now that the Burning Ghost was no longer his customer, he was also polite, took out the boning knife, and slashed the Burning Ghost's arm.


Even if it is a curling blade, it still cuts in half.

However, the skin and muscle tissue of the burn ghost have all pursed, and the knife did not harm him at all.

Instead, it inspired his ferocity.

The Burning Ghost jumped up, jumped on the counter, and pinched Lin Yi's neck with both hands.

quick! allow! ruthless!

There is absolutely no way to avoid it!

Lin Yi cursed inwardly.

Those leapfrog battles in the novel are simply deceiving.

The basic attributes are too different, and it is simply a one-sided crush.

For a level 3 burn ghost, he is like an adult facing a child.

How to do?


Just as Lin Yi was thinking about what to do, an iron hook suddenly shot out of the operating room, penetrating the burn ghost's shoulder blade.

The burn ghost who had just rushed forward was pulled back by a huge force and fell heavily on the floor.

"Stitching monster!"

Lin Yi's heart sank, and he quickly got up from the ground.

At this moment, there was a painful roar from the burnt ghost's throat, and he wanted to rush to Lin Yi again, tearing up that perfect face.

But the huge force behind him prevented him from getting any closer, and instead he was dragged and slid toward the operating room.




The burn ghost turned his head to look.

In the gloomy operating room, a tall figure was half squatting at the door, and his face could not be seen clearly, but the low and hungry voice kept echoing in the clinic.

"Then... what is that?!"

[Burned ghost san value -20]

The Burning Ghost struggled, trying to get rid of the iron hook, but the hook was firmly embedded in his shoulder blade and could not be pulled out at all.

He was dragged and kept approaching the operating room, leaving a long trail of blood on the ground.

Finally, the burn ghost was dragged into the operating room.

Several xenon lamps gave off dim light, finally letting him see the owner of the shackle lock.

It was a monster with a height of nearly three meters and a body full of sacks. The joints of his hands and feet were clearly sutured and stained with blood.

The only one left eye glowed green, looking at himself as if he were looking at another delicious food.

[Burn ghost san value -30]

Seeing such an ugly monster also made him regain some sense of reason.

"Isn't this a clinic? Why is there such a terrifying monster?!"


The suture monster stepped on the burn ghost's chest with one foot, and the palm-sized hand grabbed an arm and tore it violently.


The heart-piercing pain caused the burn ghost to make a sound like killing a pig.

He struggled hard.

Although they are both level 7 strange creatures, they are completely different in terms of combat ability.

He watched helplessly as the suture monster picked up his arm, stuffed it into his mouth like a popsicle, and chewed it crunchly.

[Burn Ghost Fear +100]


This monster can even eat such an ugly self.

Is this really a regular clinic?

Why would you keep a suture monster here?

Hearing the movement, Lin Yi came to the door of the operating room and frowned slightly when he saw the suture monster who was eating.

This was his first time fighting a strange creature, and the results were obvious.

The Burning Ghost is just a level 7 monster with no fighting ability.

If you encounter a powerful high-level monster like a starving ghost, I am afraid that you will die as an achievement.

"Upgrade! You must upgrade quickly!"

Lin Yi clenched his fists and thought to himself.

When night falls, there will definitely be a big terror, which is definitely not comparable to a burnt ghost. He must have enough self-protection power to do it!

dong dong dong!

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door...

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