Doctor? He's Clearly Creepy!

Chapter 31: The Honored Guest

"You dare to threaten my wife and children!"

The man's anger threshold exceeded the limit, he squeezed his fist and was about to smash it at Lin Yi.

However, before he approached, a fist the size of a casserole rapidly enlarged in his pupils.


The Night King punched him in the head, his head burst open like a watermelon, and red and white substances splashed everywhere.

"You dare to threaten my boss?"

The Night King had a gloomy face, and his voice was like a dull thunder.

In front of the Night King, the 11th-level tyrannical ghost is as fragile as a blank sheet of paper.

The man's headless corpse collapsed, and blood splashed on the woman and the bear child, causing the mother and son to hug their heads and scream.

[Bear child san value -50]

[The sanity value of the arrogant ghost's wife -50]

" don't come here!"

"My son's biological father is the dean of Xingfu Primary School!"

The woman who was still arrogant and domineering just now screamed in horror.

Lin Yi: ? ? ?

He lowered his head and glanced at the corpse of the tyrannical ghost on the ground. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the blood flowing from the neck turned green.

Maybe some strange chemical reaction happened.

Lin Yi glanced at the shivering woman holding the bear child, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

It's coming, it's coming!

This kind of small, old, back-and-forth routine!

I think about it, Gou Sheng once said that in such a situation, you must kill people... No, kill ghosts and silence them, they must be clean and leave no traces!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi threw the chainsaw of the Bloodsaw Madman to the Night King, "This morning, have a snack!"

The Night King was overjoyed, took the chainsaw, and bowed honestly: "Thank you, boss, you are very generous, and you are a bodhisattva."

After that, he carried the chainsaw and dragged the mother and son who were horrified and mourning into the operating room.

He glanced at the woman who was dragged to the ground with a look of horror, his hands kept scratching the woman who was trying to escape, and shook his head sympathetically.

He doesn't feel any guilt. In this dark world, either you kill me or I eat you.

Even in the previous life, this mother and son are mice that everyone shouts and beats.

Bear children or something, the most annoying!

Maybe make a video, and it will be popular all over the Internet, plus a title with a booing head.

For example: "Mother Bear condones the trouble of bear children, which eventually leads to a family of three hiccups"

I just don't know if I can pass the trial...

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Just as Lin Yi had just returned to the counter, there was a sudden knock at the door.

He looked back, stunned for a moment.

Isn't this my friend and neighbor, Pig·Good Leek·Boss?

The door of the clinic.

The pig-headed demon lost the hostility of yesterday, and looked cautious and hesitant.

When he was talking to the beggar in the dark this morning, he gloated that the owner of this black shop had died at the hands of a lord-level monster.

Who knew that the beggar brought him a shocking explosion.

Not only did the owner of this black shop not die last night, but he broke the rules and opened the door in the middle of the night.

The most terrifying thing is that he actually took a strange lord-level creature as his patient and saved the life of a resident of Xingfu Lane.

Is this something a normal person can do?

So appalling!

Therefore, he followed the advice of the dark beggar and planned to have a good relationship with this black shop... No, Dr. Lin from the Happiness Clinic.

There is an old saying among human beings, that distant relatives are worse than near neighbors.

Although I didn't think about letting this Doctor Lin protect him, at least when he became abnormal, don't think about the first knife.

"Yeah, Boss Pig, what a distinguished guest!"

When the pig-headed demon's thoughts are flying,

Then he saw Lin Yi greet him, with a sincere and enthusiastic smile on his face.

Don't be fooled by him!

Don't be fooled by him!

Under such a harmless face of humans and animals, there is a thief's dirty heart hidden.

The pig head demon closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled stiffly: "Lin...cough, Dr. Lin, I'm sorry."

Because he was too nervous, his mouth was a little dry, and he could only cough twice to cover up his emotions.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, come in quickly."

Lin Yi warmly welcomed the pig-headed demon into the clinic.

As soon as he entered the clinic, the pig-headed demon's pupils shrank fiercely.

He saw a bright red bloodstain on the ground, and he who had handled many ingredients knew best what it was.

I don't know which poor little one was poisoned again.

[Pig Head Demon san value -10]

[Fear of Pig Head Demon +10]

"Let the pig boss laugh, there was a little accident just now."

Lin Yi found a mop, and while cleaning the stains on the ground, he asked:

"Is there something wrong with Boss Pig? My Happiness Clinic will serve you wholeheartedly."

Dedicated service...

These four words hit the pig-headed demon's heart at once.

He subconsciously recalled the terrifying scene he experienced yesterday, he couldn't help shivering, and quickly waved his hand:

"No, no, I came to Dr. Lin today to buy some flesh-and-blood recovery potions."

Lin Yi mopped the floor for a while, then slowly straightened up, glanced up and down at the pig-headed demon, and squinted, "Isn't it here to see a doctor?"


A chill rushed from the toes of the pig head to the back of the head, and the fluff on the top of the head blew up.

[Pig Head Demon san value -5]

[Pig Head Demon san value -10]


"I said the wrong thing? He won't kill me, will he?"

"Do I have to pretend to be sick?"

"Sure enough, he is a perverted doctor, so hard to serve!"

"What to do?! What to do now?!"

The pig-headed demon froze, roaring in his heart, his brainstem the size of a walnut was about to explode.

【Ding! The pig head demon has released an optional task to you: Buy Flesh Recovery Potion, task reward: Basic experience value +100, copper coins +300]

Hearing that buying potions can also trigger the quest, Lin Yi immediately put on a professional smile: "Buy potions, boss pig, you have to wait a while, the flesh and blood recovery potion needs to be prepared on the spot, don't you know it's okay?"


Seeing Lin Yi's smile, the pig-headed demon breathed a sigh of relief and carefully wiped the cold sweat from his cheeks.

In just a few minutes, he felt like he had walked through the gates of hell.

But he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and said with a dry smile: "Don't worry, Doctor Lin, you can arrange it."


How can today's pig-headed demon talk so well?

Are you convinced by my superb medical skills yesterday?

Lin Yi thought firmly in his heart.

Sure enough, learning a skill well, even in this dark world, is very popular.

After he returned to the counter, he began to prepare the Flesh Recovery Potion.

All the medicines that were prepared just now were smashed by the bear child, and it hurts to think about it now.

The pig's head magic board sat upright in front of the counter, like a primary school student, not daring to catch a breath.


But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the operating room.

He glanced at it subconsciously, and his expression suddenly froze.

I saw a head suddenly stick out in the dark operating room.

It was a woman, her face was extremely pale, her makeup had already been spent, and her already hideous appearance had become even more terrifying.

The woman clasped the door frame with both hands, her face was full of fear, she stared straight at the pig-headed demon, and shouted tremblingly:

"help me……"

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