Doctor? He's Clearly Creepy!

Chapter 72: New Position: School Doctor

In the dim corridor, the lights flickered on and off.

The quadruplet sisters and the little boy were lying on the human flesh sofa and taking a foot bath, so comfortable that their nose was bubbling.

Bai Lan narrowed her eyes, and a scarlet light flashed in her eyes.

She remembered that the quadruplets on the first floor were game freaks, and the little boy on the second floor was a crazy dancer.

Now how... are they starting to take care of themselves?

Are they all broken?

But there is no aura of collapse found in them!

"Classmates, wake up, your principal is back!"

Lin Yi hurriedly stepped forward and shook the fourth sister.

"Hmm... Doctor, it's so comfortable~" Fourth Sister let out a murmur and turned over, not intending to get up.

"Doctor, didn't you say it? If you don't say it, I don't say it, the principal won't know." The eldest sister tilted her body and found a more comfortable angle to lean down.

"Doctor, I don't dare to take it out, I'm afraid you will cut off my feet." The little boy shrank his neck and let himself sink into the sofa made of black arms.

Lin Yi: ...

What are these tiger and wolf words?

Your principal is really back!

Lin Yi suddenly felt a gloomy look behind him, making him horrified.

He stiffened his neck, turned his head inch by inch, and met Bai Lan's scarlet eyes.

"Doctor Lin, what did you do to my students...?" Bai Lan's delicate face smiled brightly, and there seemed to be some emotion suppressed in her eyes, which made her subconsciously bite her pinky finger, but she didn't care about the dazzling blood flowing down.

Lin Yi: ! ! !

"Sister Bailan!" Lin Yi stood up, held up the monocle, and said calmly, "You know, I am a professional doctor. After my diagnosis, these students are more or less broken down. signs, this is a normal treatment!"

His tone was sonorous, his expression serious, his eyes sincere and convincing.

Except for the craziness...

Bai Lan walked to Lin Yi with graceful steps, with a coquettish smile on her face: "Oh, is it?"

"Then what does 'the principal won't know' mean?"

"Saw feet, what do you mean?"

At such a close distance, Lin Yi smelled the fascinating fragrance of Bai Lan again, but this time he didn't have the urge to peel off his skin and give it to her.

"Cough..." Lin Yi coughed dryly, took out the bottle of unknown creature's blood from the pocket of the white coat, handed it to Bai Lan, and said seriously, "Don't care about those details, look, when I gave the students a physical examination, Found what caused them to break down."

Bai Lan's eyes were instantly attracted to the bottle of strange blood.

She reached for it and uncorked the bottle.

Suddenly, an unbearable stench burst out, causing her eyebrows to wrinkle.

"what is this?"

The scarlet light in Bai Lan's eyes was hidden, and her eyes were fixed on the squirming blood in the bottle. Her memory seemed to have seen this kind of thing before.

"Hey... it smells so bad!"

Mai Xiaodou also came over with his nose pinched, glanced at the blood in the bottle, and said with a look of disgust, "Why does it taste the same as the mayor's house?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi and Bai Lan turned to look at her at the same time.

Being stared at by the two of them at the same time, Mai Xiaodou shrank his neck and whispered, "Well, I smelled this smell when I went to the mayor's house as a tutor."

Lin Yi was taken aback.

Is it the blood of the mayor?

According to the dark beggar, the mayor is a strange creature at the lord level.

No, no, lord-level weird creatures are not enough for the system to block keywords, even an old-fashioned lord like the one-eyed magic touch.

But Mai Xiaodou wouldn't lie.

If it really came from the mayor's house, why did he pollute these students in the school?

The mayor and Bai Lan have a holiday!

This is the reason Lin Yi can think of.

Ah, this... Now that you are helping Bai Lan to remove the pollution from the students, isn't she going to stand on the opposite side of the mayor?

No, this can open to me?

Lin Yi suddenly felt that he had lost a lot.

"Sister Bailan, there is... a grudge between you and the mayor?" Lin Yi asked cautiously.

"No." Bai Lan shook the blood in the bottle, her eyes became dangerous: "However, it will be hard to say in the future."

As long as I don't have a holiday before I come to school, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

His main goal now is to upgrade in the clinic, but he is not willing to be involved in the battle of these high-level strange creatures.

"What's wrong?" Bai Lan heard Lin Yi's breathing, and turned to look at him.

"It's nothing." With a serious expression on Lin Yi's face, he analyzed: "It's not certain that it has anything to do with the mayor. What if those evil wizards stole it from the mayor's house?"

"I'll investigate." Bai Lan put away the blood naturally, took out a purse, and said with a smile, "I knew it was right to ask Dr. Lin to examine the students, this is the medical fee, thank you for your hard work. Go for a run!"

"Sister Bai Lan talked about money, and then went outside. These students are very cute, and I like them very much!"

Lin Yi gave a gentle bow, this time was a good opportunity to refresh his goodwill.

"100 silver coins!" Bai Lan shook the purse and made a sinister jingle.

How much... how much? !

100 silver coins? !

He opened a clinic, picked up customers early in the morning, and refreshed coins in the system. So far, his wealth has not exceeded 10 silver coins.

She just took out 100 silver coins?

Can this woman... have a street and alley to do whatever she wants?

100 silver coins is enough for him to buy an excellent quality item in the mall!

Lin Yi suddenly felt that this medical examination was too worthwhile.

Well, not for the 100 silver coins, but because of the generous quest rewards, Bai Lan's favor, and the students' favor.

After all, how could someone from Talin bow down for five buckets of rice?

"Then thank you Sister Bailan." Lin Yi naturally reached out and took the heavy purse.

This weight... how delicious!

Wang, has your will ever come to this dark world?

"In addition to the medical expenses, this money also includes your salary." Seeing Lin Yi taking the purse, Bai Lan's smile brightened.

Lin Yi was taken aback, salary?

"I want to hire you as the school doctor. I wonder if you have the will?" Bai Lan threw an olive branch.

[Ding, congratulations, you got a new position: Happy School Doctor]

[Due to your outstanding performance in the school's general physical examination, you won the favor of the principal Bai Lan and won the position of school doctor]

【School doctor benefits】:

1. A monthly salary of 50 silver coins.

Second, under the protection of the soul lamp of the happy school, they can freely enter and exit any place of the happy school.

3. Permanently double the pain and fear of all student-like creatures.

Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

Regardless of the rest, the second benefit alone made his heart flutter.

This is equivalent to giving him a second shelter.

And compared to the happiness clinic, the school is safer. There are guards here, students in the building, and the principal Bai Lan. Unless there is a lord-level strange creature, there is no strange creature in Sunshine Town that can harm the school. he!

The only drawback is that the school has guards to monitor, and no strange creatures will come to give him optional tasks.

Well, you can usually trigger the task at the Happiness Clinic. If you encounter danger, you can run to the school. With the blessing of tap dancing shoes, it is enough for me to run to the school in ten minutes... Lin Yi agreed without hesitation: "Of course you can."

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