Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 125 Beautiful Medical Representative

"Something's wrong?"

Chen Qiao unconsciously grasped the corner of Xu Qiu's clothes and said, "Teacher, what's wrong?"

"Are you sure she died of myocardial infarction?"

Chen Qiao seemed to have guessed something and said, "Teacher, do you suspect homicide? The police and forensic doctors have examined it at the time. There are no injuries on the body. The hospital has also diagnosed myocardial infarction as the cause of death..."

Xu Qiu pointed to the swollen heart that was cut out separately in formalin and asked, "Take a closer look."

Chen Qiao's eyes showed a hint of doubt.

But she trusted Xu Qiu very much, so she leaned down, almost sticking to the glass, and carefully observed the heart.

Four heart chambers, valves, etc. can be clearly seen on it.

At first, Chen Qiao thought there was nothing wrong.

Isn't this a normal heart anatomy?

But she forced herself to observe for more than ten seconds, and suddenly the heart stopped.

She saw that there was a layer of coagulated black blood attached to the valve and the myocardial wall.

And there was a small hole on the thick heart next to the left atrial appendage of the cadaver teacher!

Chen Qiao's pupils shrank suddenly: " could there be a hole?!"

This is not the manifestation of infarction!

"Old, teacher...what's going on?" Chen Qiao's voice was trembling.

Xu Qiu said lightly: "Needle."


"A needle, if electrified, can cause the illusion of myocardial infarction. After it is pulled out, there will be no trace on the body surface or the heart."

Chen Qiao's face was full of astonishment: "Then why did we see..."

"Look at the year of this cadaver teacher."

Chen Qiao hurried to the corner, where the production time of this cadaver teacher was posted.

Eleven years ago!

Chen Qiao raised her head suddenly, and felt a chill on her back!

She understood...

Formalin fixed the body,

After more than ten years of immersion, this small pinhole was finally enlarged...


How did this needle enter the heart?

If, as Xu Qiu said, it was really electrified...this is undoubtedly a murder case!

So, who is the murderer!

Chen Qiao

"Contact the dean first, then call the police."

Xu Qiu's voice sounded.

Chen Qiao nodded blankly.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that the teacher lying in the crystal coffin might have endured decades of injustice...

Chen Qiao's hands pressed on the counter, and her limbs were cold.

Under the bright light, the coldness was like a thorn in the bone, and it swallowed her heart in an instant.


After handling the affairs in the anatomy room, Xu Qiu returned home.

The follow-up was handed over to the hospital, school and police for investigation, and he didn't need to show up again.

"I actually became a forensic doctor..."

Xu Qiu thought of this and felt a little magical.

If he hadn't looked at it a few more times, he wouldn't have noticed the tiny pinhole.

Electric needle-this method of killing can only be thought of by people in the medical industry.

As for who the murderer is and what the truth is, it has been so long since this incident, and it is still unclear whether it can be traced back to the past.

Retract your thoughts.

It's time to start today's surgical practice.

My eyes fell on the countless neatly arranged instruments on the long table.

Xu Qiu's eyes showed a few regrets.

There are too few materials for practice!

For small blood vessel anastomosis, you can use the blood vessels of chicken wings.

For various extreme sutures, you can try soap bubbles.

However, there are still many surgeries that do not have corresponding practice materials.

For example, flap transplantation.

This operation can certainly cut the skin from one chicken wing to another chicken wing.

But the gap between this and human surgery is still too big.

However, at the moment, he can only make do with it.

Xu Qiu tore open the chicken wing he just bought.

After washing, Xu Qiu directly smashed the blood vessels below with a hammer.

Then he used a scalpel to cut the chicken skin.

Looking at the broken blood vessels below, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"This is difficult..."

After practicing for half an hour, Xu Qiu stopped and cut the chicken wings into flower pieces, preparing to fry them.

Born as consumables.

It can also be used as food when cooked.

It can't be wasted.

At this time, dong dong dong——

The door was knocked!

Xu Qiu hesitated for a moment and went to open the door.

Standing at the door was a strange woman with red lips, fair skin, a pair of narrow eyes with a bit of charm, and slightly upturned eyes.

"Hello, Teacher Xu, did I disturb you? I am Jing Jiahui. I have visited you many times, but you were not in the office. I just asked for your address."

This is a very intellectual woman. She took out a document from her briefcase and handed it to Xu Qiu: "Teacher Xu, this is the product information. Sorry to bother you!"

Xu Qiu saw the other party's identity and purpose.

This is a medical representative. The product she mentioned is probably a recently launched drug.

Xu Qiu did not let Jing Jiahui in, and blocked the door and said: "For work matters, let's talk about it in the hospital."

Jing Jiahui showed a begging expression and said weakly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't disturb your rest time, but this product is related to my work..."

Xu Qiu was unmoved.

Taking the initiative to show weakness and threatening with work, this representative has many tricks.

For a doctor who is dealing with a pharmaceutical representative for the first time, if a beautiful woman comes to his door and begs for mercy in the middle of the night, he might really fall into the trap.

But Jing Jiahui was wrong in that she used these methods on Xu Qiu...

Don't interfere with work, don't disturb rest, and don't rashly go to the doctor's home and disturb the other person's life.

This is the basic ethics of medical representatives.

Obviously, Jing Jiahui only regarded Xu Qiu as a small doctor and didn't even give him the most basic respect.

Xu Qiu naturally didn't buy it, and he made way.

Jing Jiahui was happy, thinking that Xu Qiu was inviting her in. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly saw all kinds of surgical instruments hanging on the walls of the house.

There were also a lot of anatomical illustrations.

Jing Jiahui's body immediately froze, and her confident smile froze in an instant.

Xu Qiu smiled and slowly closed the door.


Until the door closed, Jing Jiahui still didn't have the courage to step in.

That night, she replayed the scene from knocking on the door to closing the door countless times.

Suddenly I realized that the whole process of the first contact was completely controlled by Xu Qiu, and everything was under his control...

"This is a 24-year-old doctor?"

"Isn't it said that geniuses often have very low emotional intelligence? How could his mind be so terrible when dealing with people..."


The next day.

The news that Xu Qiu was visited by a medical representative spread throughout the department.

Everyone's expression was full of envy.

Medical representative...

This creature, in a sense, proves the influence and strength of doctors from another dimension.

If the banner of the patient recognizes the doctor's medical skills.

Then, the favor of the medical representative, even throwing himself into the arms of the doctor in the middle of the night, means that the doctor has already had a full status!

"Doctor Xu, she seems to have come to see you, but even if you are in the office, she will go to your house... Do you know why?" Chen Jia sat next to Xu Qiu with a box of washed grapes, picked out a few of the most beautiful ones and put them in Xu Qiu's hand.

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