Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 159 The whole hospital is shocked! The dean is panicked

In the syringe, the blood components have already settled.

However, the supernatant is still turbid!

Xu Qiu subconsciously took a deep breath, but was choked and coughed a few times. He immediately said: "Re-insert the tube and prepare for blood filtration!"

The blood in the syringe means that the patient is likely to have hemolysis!

That is, abnormal rupture of red blood cells.

If it is not corrected quickly, it will also endanger life!

The only thing to be thankful for is that

Xu Qiu observed the patient's complexion after turning on the light.

The skin is not yellow, which means that the damage to liver function is not particularly serious, which also means that the symptoms of hemolysis are still within the controllable range!

"Front and rear ultrafiltration, plus lavage plan!"

In the single room, cold sweat broke out on the heads of doctors one by one. This thrilling rescue moment made their adrenaline soar.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Qiu at the same time.

This unbelievably young doctor is calmly dealing with all emergencies at this moment. Listening to the rescue plan that was easily prepared, everyone seemed to have taken a reassurance pill.

"It's great to have Dr. Xu here!" The nurses couldn't help but sigh.



At the same time, the entire Linhai First Hospital entered an emergency state!

The medical department, infection control office, nursing, logistics, and even the ICU were immediately mobilized.

At the same time, the inpatient department, especially the East Ward of the Emergency Department, was cordoned off.

A large number of family members wearing protective clothing were disinfecting the ward.

"Open all windows!"

"Don't panic, everyone. The hospital is conducting an infectious disease control exercise. Please wear masks, open windows for ventilation, and cooperate with the hospital's work!"

Hearing this, the restless family members and patients relaxed a little.

Many doctors were worried.

Gas gangrene is actually not that scary.

It is an infectious disease after all. It is contagious, but the contagiousness is very weak.

For normal people without wounds and normal immunity, at most they will be tortured by the foul smell, and there will be no more harm.

Unless a piece of necrotic black tissue is eaten.


The reason why Linhai First Hospital was on high alert and even mobilized the entire hospital was that no one had discovered that this was a case of gas gangrene before!

Although the textbooks emphasized the principle of sterility over and over again.


In the real clinical practice, except for the surgical operating room, dressing changes in the wards, and even simple minor operations, are not strictly followed.

If a medical staff member has just treated this patient with gas gangrene,

and has not undergone strict disinfection and sterilization,

and then performs invasive operations on other patients...

Then, the consequences are disastrous!

In the fastest case, the infected wound will begin to necrotize, like ink dripping into a cup, and the limbs will turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within twelve hours, it can develop from onset to death!

Once such a situation occurs... this will be a major hospital infection accident in Linhai First Hospital!

It is precisely because of this that after learning the news, Wang Ping, He Hai and other emergency department directors immediately rushed over to maintain the overall situation.

"Go check who has been in contact with bed 21 immediately!"

"And the activity trajectories of these medical staff, contact with patients, etc."

"And the activity trajectories of family members!"

After arranging these, Wang Ping still felt uneasy.

He glanced at the medical records sent by the nurse, and the next moment, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his eyes burned with anger.

The first doctor: Fan Lei.

This is the patient Fan Lei admitted!

The patient who was admitted to the hospital without physical examination and was directly treated as tetanus was admitted by Fan Lei!

If it was tetanus, he did not remind the three family members to accompany him that night...

If it was gas gangrene, he would have found gas in the patient's left limb as long as he checked the individual, felt the crepitus, or made a plain film...


Fan Lei did nothing!

Or rather, he did all the wrong things!

Stubbornly admitted the patient to the hospital for tetanus, did examinations, and gave medication, and dragged it to this point today!

"Contact Dean Wang immediately."

"Also, call Vice Dean Pan!"

Pan Fuyou, in addition to being Fan Lei's backer, his main job is to be in charge of hospital infection.

As for contacting the dean, this is purely an unprovoked disaster.

As the dean, whatever happens in Linhai First Hospital, even if he is on vacation, in a meeting, even if he tries his best to save it.

But, as long as there is a problem, he must take responsibility anyway.

This is the price that the tallest person in a system must bear.


At the Hand Surgery Summit, the speaker was proudly introducing the most advanced finger replantation technology in the international community.

At this moment, Dean Wang Shengde's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He hung up the phone through his pocket.

But a moment later, the phone vibrated again.

After two consecutive times, Wang Shengde's face changed slightly.

He immediately walked out from the back of the conference room.

In the toilet, Wang Shengde picked up the phone, "What's going on?"

The director of the medical department on the other side said anxiously: "Director, the emergency department admitted a patient with gas gangrene, and it was not discovered until a day later. Now the patient's ward is blocked, and we don't know whether there is hospital infection!"

Wang Shengde's face changed, "Who admitted this patient? How can gas gangrene be diagnosed until now?"

"Fan... Fan Lei..."

Wang Shengde's eyes immediately darkened.

He was so angry that he couldn't breathe well, and cursed: "Tell Fan Lei to prepare for suspension, and tell Pan Fuyou to call me back immediately. In addition, quickly check his whereabouts - don't call the police, don't alert the media, I'll rush back immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Shengde suddenly felt a dull pain in his chest.

If someone really died, he, the dean, would probably have to be suspended. It might not take a few years to eliminate the impact.

More importantly, now that Linhai First Hospital has Xu Qiu, it is a period of vigorous development. This unprecedented hospital infection was caused by an extremely low-level medical error - this will deal a heavy blow to the reputation of Linhai First Hospital!

Wang Shengde didn't dare to neglect it.

He immediately booked the nearest flight, sent a message to his assistant, asking her to coordinate the follow-up of the summit, and then rushed back to Linhai First Hospital angrily.


In Linhai City, Pan Fuyou was stuck in traffic, and he was going to take his son home for lunch.

At this moment, the phone rang urgently.

He looked over and saw that it was the director of the medical department.

"I'm driving, Lao Qiu, what's the matter?" Pan Fuyou said casually.

Director Qiu's face was gloomy, and he said, "You're finished, your wife's brother is in big trouble!"

"Fan Lei? What happened to Fan Lei?" Pan Fuyou looked indifferent.

In these years, there have been many complaints about Fan Lei, but they were all minor problems, and he suppressed them all.

What else could it be?

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