Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 18 Let me test Xu Qiu? I don't deserve it.

"Doctor Xu, my level... is really not good enough!"

The nurses around were shocked when they heard this.

Director Wang is well-known in the field of emergency medicine and has trained a large number of talents in the field of emergency medicine.

If his level is not up to standard, I am afraid that few people in Linhai First Hospital dare to say that they are capable!

Wang Ping did not care about the surprised looks around him.

He held Xu Qiu's hand, suppressed his excitement, and said: "The patient was saved. He had acute high-risk pulmonary embolism and was rescued within one minute of the onset!"

A stone in Xu Qiu's heart also fell, and he said, "It's good that he was saved."

This calm expression made Wang Ping a little confused.

Just listening to the conversation, Xu Qiu looked like a chief physician!

However, Wang Ping did not care so much. The more he looked at Xu Qiu, the more he liked him. He said: "Did the department arrange an outpatient clinic for you?"

Xu Qiu shook his head.

In large tertiary hospitals, almost all the outpatients are deputy directors and directors.

He is a resident doctor and is far from qualified to sit independently.

Wang Ping patted Xu Qiu on the shoulder and asked, "Can you see patients?"

"Of course."

"Okay, you can see patients this afternoon, and I'll let Wang Fan follow you to inspect. How about that?"

Xu Qiu agreed immediately.

He understood that Wang Ping was going to give him privileges!

Having an independent clinic is a sign that a doctor has established a foothold in the department and has a place.

It may take about ten years for an ordinary doctor to get to this point.

And Xu only took ten days from admission to now!



A senior attending physician carried his luggage, looked back at the No. 7 clinic behind him, and left reluctantly.

Wang Fan stood at the door and waved: "Brother, work hard, get promoted to deputy director, the new clinic is waiting for you!"

Senior attending: "I can be promoted to deputy director within a year, wait!"

He believed that he could definitely take back the No. 7 clinic.

Ten minutes later, Xu Qiu arrived here, and the afternoon clinic officially began.

The first patient was an eighteen-year-old female patient.

When she came in, she was pale, holding her stomach, and looked very painful.

"Doctor, I'm in pain~" The girl stared at Xu Qiu, and was completely intoxicated.

Wang Fan stood aside, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Damn, is this the treatment for a handsome guy to sit in the clinic?

Soon, Xu Qiu completed the consultation.

The patient complained of lower abdominal pain and abnormal bleeding in the lower body for three days.

She had no history of dysmenorrhea. The last menstruation was last month.

Next was the physical examination.

Xu Qiu asked the girl to lie on the bed and pressed her stomach.

"Oh, it hurts!" The girl cried out immediately.

Pressed clockwise around the umbilicus, and there was tenderness and rebound pain in the whole abdomen.

Percussion, no indication.

No mass could be felt.

These signs are not specific.

Appendicitis can occur, and various acute abdomens may also occur, and the specific cause cannot be determined at all.

When asked about sexual behavior.

The girl blushed and stammered: "I... I'm just a freshman..."

Just a freshman?

Some people spend more time than you do in their first year of high school.

Xu Qiu shook his head,

added a checklist, and said: "Go get an hCG test. Then do a B-ultrasound."

The girl pleaded: "I'm not pregnant, I just have a stomachache, can you give me some painkillers!"

Xu Qiu's stern expression flashed a hint of tenderness, and said: "Go get a checkup."

The girl, who was originally determined, was shaken all of a sudden, nodded dizzily and left.


During this period, Xu Qiu saw several more patients.

The skilled consultation process and experienced judgment surprised Wang Fan.

Is this really a resident doctor who can do it so easily?

The chief doctor is just like this!

At this moment, Wang Fan felt a little inferior.

Director Wang also asked him to assess Xu Qiu... He, Wang Fan, is not worthy!


Two hours later, the girl came back with the test report.

"Doctor, please help me take a look." The girl lowered her head and handed over two tests.

Xu Qiu took a quick glance.

The blood hCG value is 355U/L, while the normal value is 0-5IU/L.

As high as 355IU/L, it is basically certain that she is pregnant!

He quickly looked at the gynecological B-ultrasound.

No abnormal mass or gestational sac was found in the uterine cavity.

However, there was an abnormal signal mass in the ampulla of the fallopian tube!

"Ectopic pregnancy..."

Xu Qiu immediately gave a diagnosis.

Blood hCG indicates pregnancy. Ultrasound indicates a suspicious mass outside the uterus.

It can basically be determined that it is an ectopic pregnancy.

That is what ordinary people call ectopic pregnancy.

"I... How is it possible!"

The girl's face turned pale, her hands and feet were cold, as if she had suffered a huge blow.

She looked at Xu Qiu, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, and whispered: "Doctor, can you perform surgery on me?"

"No surgery is necessary."

The ectopic pregnancy has not ruptured, the gestational sac is less than four centimeters, and the hCG is less than 2000. At this time, conservative treatment can be used.

Xu Qiu wrote a list and said, "I'll transfer you to the obstetrics and gynecology department..."

"No, I want to stay here with you." The girl insisted.

Xu Qiu paused and said, "That's fine. Prescribe some methotrexate. If the drug treatment is effective, there's no need for surgery."

Methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug, mainly used to treat malignant tumors.

However, it can also kill ectopic embryos.

Compared with surgery, conservative treatment with methotrexate is less harmful to patients and is also the preferred method in clinical practice.

"Let's get hospitalized." Xu Qiu wrote a hospitalization order and ended this consultation.



Six o'clock in the afternoon.

The outpatient clinic is over!

Wang Fan dragged his heavy body back to the director's office to report.

"How is Xu Qiu's level?" Wang Ping held a pair of glasses in his hand, looking at the documents on the desk, and asked without raising his head.

"Director, I am not worthy of evaluating him!"


Wang Ping raised his head in surprise.

He guessed that Xu Qiu's consultation level would not be bad.

A person who can judge pulmonary embolism without even noticing it must have excellent comprehensive ability!


It shocked Wang Fan so much?

Is it so exaggerated!

Wang Ping curled his lips and said, "Wang Fan, you still need to practice your courage - from now on, you will be responsible for all of Xu Qiu's medical records. Is there a problem?"

"Ah... no problem..."

Wang Fan had a bitter face.

Medical records are inversely proportional to status.

The deputy director threw it to the attending physician, the attending physician threw it to the resident, and the resident threw it to the intern...

He had originally thought that after Xu Qiu came, he could reduce some of his burden.

He could push all kinds of troubles to Xu Qiu!

As a result...

His status dropped again!

And Xu Qiu -

Nurse +1+1+1

Female patient +1+1+1

Status +1+1+1

They are all human beings, but the gap is bigger than that between humans and dogs!

After leaving the office, Wang Fan was very depressed.

As a result, when he walked to the inpatient ward, the alarm suddenly rang at the nurse's station!

Something happened!

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