Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 230 If you dare to mess with me, I will bite you off!

The patient's bilateral epididymis was obviously swollen.

"Reproductive tract obstruction?"

Xu Qiu was a little confused.

This place was infected with inflammation and caused the vas deferens to be blocked, but it is not common.

"Are you..." Xu Qiu gave a meaningful look.

The man nodded and said regretfully: "Before getting married, a buddy of mine took me to find a prostitute for the only time and got gonorrhea.

At that time, I didn't dare to tell my wife, so I avoided her and didn't have sex with her.

In those months, I went to a private clinic for treatment by myself, spending more than 40,000 yuan, taking medicine, injections, electrotherapy, enema, acupuncture, massage, and all kinds of treatments. Later, I felt that the number of saplings coming out of the saplings became very small, so I went to a big hospital for treatment..."

My buddy, the only time, these elements are complete.

Xu Qiu nodded.

He suddenly asked: "Do you mean that you haven't found one in the past few years?"

The man hit the wall with his head a few times: "Actually... I have found one, but not many."

Xu Qiu probably had the answer.

Initial diagnosis: gonorrhea caused inflammation of accessory glands, and subsequent irregular treatment led to further damage to the reproductive tract, which then developed into obstruction.

"Blocked... blocked?"

The man was shocked and said hurriedly: "Can it be unblocked?"

"It depends on the specific condition. Even if it cannot be unblocked, sperm from the testicles or epididymis can be taken for test tubes."

The man seemed very embarrassed.

Children are one thing, and not being able to be a fighting chicken is more desperate.

"Will it be transmitted to the child?"

"Can I still become a big tree if I fail to unblock it?"

One question after another jumped out of his mouth.

Xu Qiu gave answers one by one.

"After the treatment, it is not contagious, and the second-generation test tube needs to wash and screen sperm, so there is no need to worry about infection."

"Surgery has risks."


After more than ten minutes of conversation, the man finally sighed deeply, wiped his tears, and said in frustration: "I will never go out to find someone again."

Xu Qiu did not respond.

He had heard too many confessions, and the patients would only regret "Why did it happen to me?" and never think that they really did something wrong.

However, this is a family affair between the couple.

"Prepare for hospitalization. After adjusting your physical condition, you can arrange a recanalization surgery as soon as possible..."

After Xu Qiu signed, the patient also left with the limited skin.

"It's half past five."

Xu Qiu glanced at his watch.

I thought there would be unlucky people with broken roots, and the system's predictions did not seem to be 100% accurate.

After dealing with this patient, Xu Qiu was hungry.

Back to the 37-square-meter office, he grabbed a few handfuls from the snack tower and filled his stomach.

He was about to re-read the research materials on artificial blood vessels, when suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded from the corridor.

"Doctor Xu, something big has happened!"

Liu Susu's call sounded.


In the emergency department, at the door of the toilet, Xu Qiu saw the man again.

At this moment, he was leaning against the wall, his lower body was covered with blood, and in the toilet next to him was a limited white skin.

Of course, it has now become a rare red skin.

"Pick it out and clean it quickly."

Xu Qiu stepped in and organized everyone to rescue it.

During the process, he learned the whole story from the nurse.

Soon after coming out of the observation room, the couple quarreled.

The woman was fiddling with the man's mobile phone at the time, not sending a red envelope at all, but opening the phone and turning on the speaker.

Therefore, the woman heard the conversation between Xu Qiu and the man clearly.

After coming out, the woman was so angry that she killed the man.

Xu Qiu didn't expect that after going around in circles, the unlucky guy was right next to him.

"Who, who is going to pick it out!"

Wang Fan had just finished his meal and came to join in the fun, but found that no one was willing to approach the urinal.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wang Fan at the same time.

"Damn, pick it out!"

Wang Fan sighed.

He was a little used to it. He was the one who cleaned the feces in the ward, and now he is also the one who finds the lost bird.

"Should I send it to the urology department?" Wang Fan asked.

Xu Qiu shook his head.

He has been waiting for a long time for the amputation surgery.

"Go and clean the wound and prepare for the operating table." Xu Qiu said.

"Brother Xu, can you still connect this?" Wang Fan was surprised.

The testicle inside can be cut and the penis outside can be connected. Xu Qiu is really an all-rounder!


Emergency consultation was held.

Emergency Department, He Hai, Xu Qiu attended the meeting.

On the urology side, a director came, and the department flower Qin Qiyin.

"It can be replanted eighteen to twenty-four hours after the rupture. It happened in the hospital. There should be no big problem to connect it back..."

The director of urology thought for a moment and said, "But the problem is that it has been soaked in the urinal for so long. I don't know how contaminated the end is. Can it still be used."

Xu Qiu called Wang Fan.

Xiao Wang is also experienced. After cleaning, he disinfected, rinsed and soaked with antibiotic saline, rinsed the dorsal artery of the penis with heparin saline, and also treated the central artery and corpus cavernosum.

Wang Fan picked up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the person who went to the toilet does not have uremia. It can still be used. I have stored it in the refrigerator."

Xu Qiu was silent.

If he guessed correctly, the constant temperature refrigerator would usually be used by these guys to store Coke...


After hanging up the phone, Xu Qiu announced the news: "The end is fine."

Everyone was obviously relieved.

If the operation is confirmed, then at least it can be reconnected.

As for whether the function can be restored... that is more complicated.

The sensory pathway of the penis starts from the sensory organs in the penis skin, glans penis, urethra and corpus cavernosum.

The nerve fibers sent out merge to form the dorsal nerve bundle of the penis, and together with other nerve fibers, they form the internal pudendal nerve, and then rise from the back of the sacral nerve to the spinal cord.

After the receptors are activated, they go up from the dorsal nerve and internal nerve, thereby initiating and maintaining the erection state.

Some male stars in action blockbusters will undergo dorsal nerve block surgery to achieve the effect of maximum combat power.

However, this complex awakening pathway is a big problem in the replantation surgery.

It is easy to reconnect.

If it can be used, it will test the doctor's level.

Because it was an emergency operation, the discussion lasted only about ten minutes and ended hastily.

"Since Dr. Xu said it can be done, then there is no problem!" The director of urology trusts Xu Qiu very much, but he is more curious about what standards the patient's replantation can reach.

Simply restore urination function.

Or... can even those neural pathways be rebuilt to get a brand new weapon?


In the emergency room, the patient's bleeding has been stopped, and after evaluation, he was pushed into the operating room.

Xu Qi came to the root removal that Wang Fan was in charge of to check the specific situation.

"How could this happen? Are you crazy!"

When the director of urology saw the pale and ischemic hideous little thing in the refrigerator, he was the first to shout.

Qin Qiyin's face also turned pale.


Brothers, the content of these two pictures is quite something. In order to pass the review, there are many deletions and revisions. There are some incoherent parts. Everyone, please deal with it! Fried Chicken has tried his best!

In addition, there should be a wave of additional activities in the next few days! It is expected that the outbreak will not be less than five chapters!

Please look forward to it!

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