Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 309 Academician Chen was shocked! Robotic surgery + Chen's anastomosis combined!

"Robotic Chen's anastomosis?"

"Promoted candidates must undergo half-year assessment in the operating room, and must have the same surgical capabilities after leaving the robot!"

Academician Chen was greatly shocked.

Are these initiatives something that a doctor who is obsessed with surgery and scientific research can accomplish?

When I looked at the promotion conditions at the back, I thought some crazy leader of the Health Commission had come up with it!

Who would have thought that the proposer turned out to be Xu Qiu.

This is the first time that this simple doctor, who is considered by Academician Chen to be unscrupulous, very pure, and focused on surgery, has implemented it for the first time!

This...isn't this right?

Xu Qiu, this guy, could be an old fox inside his handsome skin.

After a few minutes of pause, Academician Chen still felt incredible.

Especially robot + Chen's anastomosis.

This world-leading surgical procedure was created by Academician Chen himself. It is very difficult, but the clinical effect is also visibly excellent.

Not to mention improving it and applying it to robotic surgery.

Who would have thought that when Xu Qiu developed artificial blood vessels, he would also improve the Chen's anastomosis method, and really combine it with robotic surgery!

This is crazy...

Are you the founder of Chen's Anastomosis, or am I the founder?

Academician Chen is a little unbelieving.

He originally wanted to go back to Tongji Hospital, where he is based, to try combined surgery.

But now he is busy with projects at the Academy of Sciences and Research Institute in Tiandu and can't get away.

So I made a call to the director of the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department of Union Medical College, and an empty operating room was arranged that day.

Robotic equipment was also sent.

Academician Chen refused to accept his old age and performed a robot-assisted surgery overnight.

Until the next day, he walked out of the operating room with a face full of vicissitudes of life.

"Why is it so difficult?"

"How did Xu Qiu and he successfully combine!"

At this moment, Academician Chen was a little doubtful about life.

His understanding of Chen's anastomosis is absolutely unparalleled.

Even Xu Qiu, who mastered the master Chen's anastomosis technique, could not compare with him!

However, when combining the two, Xu Qiu, who is a decathlete, has a unique advantage.

What Academician Chen lacks is his ability to integrate technologies from different departments and categories.

This also made Academician Chen even more excited.

He is indeed a genius!

He can perform combined surgeries whenever he has the time. If he devotes himself to hepatobiliary surgery, the results will only be greater!

"It is indeed the right choice to hand over the first batch of pilot projects of robotic surgery to Linhai No. 1 Hospital..."

Academician Chen was deeply moved.

Xu Qiu's several operations allowed Academician Chen to see the foundation for minimally invasive liver cancer robotic surgery to take root in Daxia.

The first one is to promote combined surgery.

Of course, this requires further communication with Xu Qiu to see if he is willing to open up surgical teaching.

The second one is the promotion requirements.

Doctors who master robotic surgery are required to have medical skills equivalent to their professional titles after off-robot surgery. This detailed rule will also be added to the "Expert Consensus and Clinical Guidelines for Epione Surgical Robots in Hepatobiliary Surgery" in the future.

This can be regarded as the first edition of the regulations for this technology in Daxia.

A few days passed by in a hurry.

Xu Qiu checks in, completes tasks, and simulates operating room training every day.

At present, Xu Qiu can perform surgeries in four directions for small-caliber artificial blood vessels.

However, to be on the safe side, he often trained in simulated operating rooms.

The rating is not that high.

Basically all are "A" grade.

Even if Xu Qiu were to challenge some extremely dangerous surgical accidents, he might get a "B+" or even a "B" rating.

This is actually the norm.

Even a true master cannot guarantee that the operation can be completed 100% when faced with complex and changeable surgical patients and dangerous accidents that may occur at any time.

And Xu Qiu, through crazy practice, finally stabilized all surgeries at around "A" level.

As for the "S" class.

Xu Qiu predicted that he would have to wait until the master level reaches more than half of the upgrade progress bar, or reach the perfect level before he can get it stably.

"Dr. Xu, the list of subjects has been shortlisted and we have selected twenty symptomatic patients. You come here for the final check."

At this time, Director Zheng from the Department of Cardiac Surgery called and reported the matter.

After Xu Qiu hung up the phone, he planned to select the final human clinical trial subjects.

As he passed the public office, he paused.

A few days ago, Wang Fan admitted a patient with hyperlipidemia pancreatitis. I don't know what the current situation is.

Thinking of this, he walked inside.

"Doctor Xu!"

"Doctor Xu is here, do you want some snacks?"

"I heard that you are going to conduct human clinical trials of artificial blood vessels in our hospital. Is our hospital going to make history again?"

In the office, Yun Mei, Chen Jia and others were very excited when they saw Xu Qiu coming in.

Wang Fan stared at the computer screen and wrote something seriously.

Xu Qiu didn't even notice that she was behind him.

Chen Jia smiled and said: "Wang Fan was stimulated by Yun Mei and wanted to publish an article, so in addition to taking care of patients these days, he has been working on papers here."

Yunmei published several valuable papers in succession, which inspired many people in the emergency department.

After all, scientific research is the only way out for clinicians.


Xu Qiu felt a little sad when she heard this word.

To be honest, he didn't have many papers at hand.

On the evaluation of the efficacy of 3D printed titanium alloy prosthesis reconstruction in the field of bone reconstruction.

However, he has trained many master's and doctoral supervisors who write articles, as well as a large number of fresh blood in related majors.

Like Jin Yucheng, deputy director of neurosurgery, he will be promoted to director in the future, basically relying on the neurosurgery talent training base established by Xu Qiu.

When the 6mm small-caliber artificial blood vessels are launched, a large number of graduate students and doctoral students will emerge in this emerging field opened by Xu Qiu.

Papers and scientific research will follow closely.

In comparison, the number of papers written by Xu Qiu, the founder, is indeed pitiful.

When I have time, I can calm down and write more than a dozen high-level papers to contribute a little to the academic community.

After all.

Whether it is craniocerebral separation or small-caliber artificial blood vessels that have made considerable progress, Xu Qiu's knowledge reserves, ideological foresight, etc. are unmatched.

The papers he wrote, whether in terms of gold content or value, far exceed the students, doctors, etc. trained under his system.

Can the pioneer write his own words and the followers rack their brains to write documents?

"Let me see what Xiao Wang wrote."

Yunmei gathered her short hair and moved to Xu Qiu's side, looking at Wang Fan's computer screen with her hands behind her back.

But the next moment, her pupils shrank, and then her face became strange.

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