Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 33 Lowering the score line just to admit Xu Qiu

Xu Qiu was a little confused as to what was going on.

Wang Fan explained: "Director Wang is a strict wife!

His wife was worried that he would be seduced by enchanting little nurses, beautiful medical representatives, and young female students, so he never attended dinner parties! "

Xu Qiu understood.

Rumor has it that medical students have four wives.

The first one was a classmate in college.

The second term was a nurse in the hospital.

The third one is a beautiful and sensible medical representative.

The last one was a female student whom I taught...

Of course, this is just a joke.

In fact, doctors generally do not marry medical representatives, only three.

"By the way, I heard that you went to visit Mr. Meng's surgery today? How about it? Are you scared?" Zhou Hua, a senior attending in the emergency department, joked.

Xu Qiu nodded.

Was frightened.

After chatting for a while, Xu Qiu packed up her things and left work, preparing to go out with Wang Ping for a meal.

Shortly after Xu Qiu left, Zhou Hua's phone rang.

When he saw it, he saw that it was his old classmate from the International Friendship Hospital.

The other party is doing better than me and is already the deputy director.

"What brought you here to call me?" Zhou Hua picked up and said.

The other party didn't say anything and asked eagerly: "What's going on with Xu Qiu in your department?"

"Xu Qiu? He just got off work. What's the matter?"

"Damn it! Have you experienced World War II? Why are you so calm?"

Zhou Hua suddenly realized that there was something in the other person's words.

He quickly asked: "What's going on?"

"You don't know yet?

Meng Yingan, you know, right? Something went wrong during Mr. Meng's surgery, and no one can take over!

Then Xu Qiu from your department came up and completed the operation directly, and he did it even better than Mr. Meng! "


Zhou Hua put down the phone and was stunned.

He remembered what he said to Xu Qiu.

He also asked the other party “Have you ever been frightened?”…

At this moment, Zhou Hua felt ashamed.

To be frightened is to be frightened, but it was Xu Qiu who frightened the others!

In the office, other people saw Zhou Hua's expression as if he had seen a ghost and hurriedly asked what was going on.

Zhou Hua recounted the incident.

The office, which was originally filled with the cheerful atmosphere of getting off work, suddenly fell silent.

"Damn, this is unreasonable..."

"Is Xu Qiu cheating?"

"Lin Xie, Meng Ying'an...Xu Qiu, are you going to kick the experts across the country and beat the originators of all kinds?"

"It's Xu Qiu, isn't that weird?"

"What's the end of the shift? I'm not getting off work. Hurry up and register, otherwise we won't even be as good as a resident doctor, wuwuwu..."

"I'm going to the operating room to practice operations..."

"I have to catch up on the article!"

Under the dazzling light of Xu Qiu,

Everyone suddenly realized how much of a noob they were.

As a result, everyone in the emergency department began to crazily write about medical skills, articles, and surgical procedures...

And this directly led to the emergence of several more SCI articles in the emergency department in the next month.

Around seven o'clock in the evening.

Xu Qiu sat on the sofa in Wang Ping's home.

Wang Ping, who is in charge of the entire department during the day,

At the moment, I am wearing an apron, chatting and laughing, washing vegetables and cooking with my wife.

Xu Qiu wanted to help.

Wang Ping said, "Don't disturb the world between me and my wife."

At half past seven, the food is served.

Xu Qiu waited for the couple to start picking up the food, and then started eating without being humble or overbearing.

Wang Ping was a little surprised.

This young doctor not only has excellent medical skills, but also has an impeccable manner in life, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Halfway through the meal.

Wang Ping stopped chatting and mentioned the real purpose of this time, saying: "Xu Qiu, I remember that your current academic degree should be a bachelor's degree, right?"

Xu Qiu nodded: "Yes. I didn't think about improving my academic qualifications before, I just indulged in practicing surgery."

"No wonder your current clinical level is so solid..."

After Wang Ping finished speaking, he was silenced by his own words.

More than just solid...

Which of the skills Xu Qiu possesses does not require decades of intensive study to accumulate?

Wang Ping was a little greedy.

Such a young doctor... is in demand wherever he goes!

He got straight to the point: "I wonder if you have any plans to continue to improve your academic qualifications?"

Xu Qiu thought about it.

If he continues to be stuck in the undergraduate program, his promotion will be greatly hindered.

For example, after graduating from a bachelor's degree, you need to be a resident doctor for at least four years before you can be promoted to an attending physician, and you need to be an attending physician for at least five years before you are eligible to be promoted to an associate professor.

However, if you switch to a master's degree, it only takes two years to be promoted to the next professional title!

Although Xu Qiu is likely to take the promotion path of special talents.

However, if you improve your academic qualifications first, you can avoid a lot of criticism.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu nodded: "I plan to get a master's degree."

Wang Ping's eyes immediately lit up, he put down his job and solemnly said: "Xu Qiu, let me introduce myself solemnly!

I graduated from Tiandu Union University and am currently the director of the emergency department of Linhai No. 1 Hospital, a professor at Linhai University School of Medicine, a doctoral supervisor, a member of the lung cancer group of the Daxia Medical Association, and the vice chairman of the pulmonary embolism group. Daxia...

As the fourth completer, I won the ‘First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award’…

I have published more than 80 research papers as the first and corresponding author..."

At the dinner table, listening to Wang Ping's eloquent self-introduction, his wife was stunned.

What's going on?

On weekdays, all kinds of directors and deans come to Wang Ping's door just to get on good terms with him and want him to accept a few students.

And in the province, if you want to do emergency medicine, Wang Ping is definitely the first choice.

Students always beg Wang Ping to accept them!

But today... he is actually introducing himself and begging students to choose him as a teacher!

His wife was shocked.

But she was very considerate and restrained her shock. She quickly took out the treasured good tea from the study and brewed it.

Poured a cup for Xu Qiu and Wang Ping respectively.

After pouring the tea, the two of them had almost finished chatting.

Xu Qiu did not refuse in the end.

Since he planned to work in Linhai First Hospital, choosing Wang Ping as a mentor is indeed the best choice.


Xu Qiu said: "Director Wang, I am now a social candidate. It will be a bit troublesome if I take the recommendation route."

Wang Ping nodded.

It's a bit of a headache indeed.

If you are a fresh graduate, you can get a recommendation without taking the test.

But it's much more complicated for graduates of previous years.

Although there is a channel for special talents, it requires various awards.

Xu Qiu is definitely a special talent.

However, the medical department only recognizes awards above the provincial level, so this path is not feasible.

Wang Ping took a sip of tea and said, "Don't worry about this, I'll help you find a way."

Xu Qiu thought for a while and said, "Director Wang, there's no need to be so troublesome, I'll take the exam again."

Wang Ping was stunned for a moment.

Yes, this is the most formal and convenient way!

"Are you sure?" Wang Ping asked.

The postgraduate examination is not easy for working doctors.

After doctors enter the clinic, they will definitely become more and more proficient and skilled in a certain department.

On the contrary, the knowledge of other departments will slowly fade away.

However, postgraduate examinations are all about medicine!

Clinical doctors may not score as high as those candidates when they take the exam...

He said: "We at Linhai University can set our own scores. If you are not sure, I will communicate with the university and directly lower the re-examination score by 180 points."

Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

Lowering the score line just to admit himself?

Looking at Wang Ping's serious expression, this is for real!

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