Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 336: Outrageous! Is there really someone who doesn’t have a single broken blood vessel?

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

There are many doctors who rack their brains to avoid risks.

But it is very rare to truly practice the Hippocratic oath they made when they entered the medical field and put the patient's life and interests first.

Xu Qiu dared to formulate such an operation plan. His ability is one aspect, but more importantly, he has a sincere heart.

This is probably one of the things that some doctors need to hone their skills and lack the most at a time when medical technology is becoming more and more advanced and technological.

Yan Ziqiang's clinical research on the four artificial blood vessel subjects has not been completed, and Xu Qiu has ushered in a new difficult operation.

Tao Changhan began preoperative preparations under the attention of the whole hospital.

Shaved his head on the same day.

The night before the operation, enema and 0.1g of phenobarbital were given orally to ensure that the patient rested quietly.

Many cranial surgeries do not allow enema because a large proportion of patients have intracranial hypertension, which will worsen the condition.

But Tao Changhan's tumor was very small, and there was no space-occupying or pressurizing effect, so there was no concern in this regard.

Fasting on the morning of the operation.

One hour before the operation, give 0.1g of phenobarbital and 0.4mg of atropine.

"Dad, you must be well, otherwise I will give all your inheritance to your most hated Aunt He." Tao comforted her father and gave him the belief to live.

Tao Changhan glanced at his daughter indifferently. Although he had no emotion, the murderous intent in his eyes was quite obvious.

Liu Susu came to interrupt: "Say less, we are going to the operating table, don't make the patient emotional."

Wang Fan was very casual and said: "Don't worry, Brother Xu said that he is now mutist and can't get excited."

Liu Susu: "..."

Having said that, it was the first time she saw a family member who could joke with the patient so easily before the operation.

Soon, Tao Changhan was pushed onto the operating table.

Then the surgical team entered the operating room one after another.

Although the image cannot fully explore the whole picture of the tumor, the role of the imaging department in this operation is still quite huge.

Before the operation, a CT bone window ultra-thin scan was performed to understand the condition of the skull base and petrous apex bones. Then, the CTA and MRI examination images were integrated into the neuronavigation system for positioning, and important structures such as the internal carotid artery and the greater superficial petrosal nerve were marked in advance.

"The operation begins."

As Xu Qiu's voice fell, everyone's attention was focused to the extreme.

The first step is to open the skin.

This is already the basics of the basics. Xu Qiu took the knife and opened the skull from the right side. The scalp incision started from the external occipital protuberance, and after seven centimeters upward on the left side of the midline, it went horizontally for another eight centimeters. At this position, it was turned down and the end of the incision reached the mastoid.

Flip the flap.

A neat and beautiful scalp incision was revealed under the bright light.

"There is so little blood!"

"Is this cut by hand? It's more perfect than the procedure of robot surgery!"

Han Jinxing and others opened their eyes wide and felt unbelievable.

On the field, Wei An, like Jin Yucheng, also performed endoscopic robotic surgery.

This new-age surgery can connect the endoscope to the ROSA robotic arm, use the middle frontal gyrus approach, and operate under the endoscope to reduce the disturbance and impact on normal nerve tissue.

The advantages are very significant: for example, the stability of the endoscope is improved through force feedback, allowing rapid operation and fine-tuning; the robotic arm is not only the "main surgeon", but also an imaging device, and can perform neuronavigation at any time.

Therefore, it is widely used in transsphenoidal surgery, intraventricular tumor resection, and third ventriculostomy.

However, at this time, although Wei An has completed so many robotic surgeries, when he saw Xu Qiu's technique, he still inevitably dazed for a moment.

He couldn't understand why the stability and accuracy of a human holding a knife and a robot holding a knife are comparable!


On the other side, Xu Qiu did not give others time to buffer and continued the operation.

Four skull holes were drilled on the right side and two on the left side.

First, use a wire saw to saw between the holes.

Then, change the bone brooder to bite off the ancient bridge across the sagittal sinus.

After flipping the bone flap to the right, use the bone rongeurs to bite off the bone at the lower edge of the bone window to expose the upper edge of the transverse sinus.

"Cut the dura mater."

In the blink of an eye, it was the third step.

Make a triangular dura mater flap...

The snake-shaped fixed retractor pulls the occipital lobe upward and outward...

Reveal the free edge of the tentorium cerebellum...

Xu Qiu's operation was smooth and smooth. After cutting the cerebellar meninges on the right side, he hooked up the free edge of the cerebellar meninges without stopping and cut it quickly.

Next to him, Jin Yucheng always prepared bipolar electrocoagulation.

At this point in the general operation, it is easy to cause bleeding in the cerebellar meningeal blood vessels.

He stretched his neck and considered whether he should take the initiative to help Xu Qiu stop bleeding and show off his skills.

After all, Jin Yucheng has been working hard in the past few months, just waiting to surprise everyone when he helps Xu Qiu again.

"Hey, it's out!"

At this time, a cry came from the side.

Zhong Wen, the attending physician of neurosurgery, stared at the surgical field in horror.

In the bright head, the quadrigeminal cistern, the ambient cistern and the great cerebral vein suddenly appeared in front of him. Covered by the arachnoid membrane, they were like a girl who was reluctant but willing to accept, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Jin Yucheng suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the surgical field, looked at the bipolar coagulation, and then looked at the calm Xu Qiu, and suddenly became confused.

I'm waiting to stop the bleeding.

As a result, you didn't break a single blood vessel, and you succeeded?

This shouldn't be the case!

Is there really someone who doesn't need bipolar coagulation for cranial surgery? !

Jin Yucheng looked at Han Jinxing and asked, "Director Han, your Medical Oncology Hospital..."

Han Jinxing was silent for a few seconds: "Don't ask me, I haven't seen anyone who can avoid all blood vessels."

Jin Yucheng tilted his head: "Director Wei?"

Wei An stopped talking and stared at the operating area, but his slightly trembling hands still exposed his shock.


The operation is about to come to the most important step.

After cutting the skin, drilling the bone flap, cutting the dura mater, and separating various cranial structures, the next step is to break into the area where the tumor is located and find the tumor!

At this step, everyone was nervous and nervous.

A tumor that is difficult to detect even with images.

Multiple MRIs and reconstructions have not been able to obtain more accurate information.

And now is the closest moment to revealing its mystery.

Only craniotomy can observe the true face of this tumor.

"Be careful."

"Don't push, don't push."

"I guess it's black, I like black silk."

"I bet it should be flesh-colored. The tumor is so small, it is generally impossible to be necrotic, so it won't be black."

At this moment, Jin Yucheng, Han Jinxing and others were rubbing their hands, looking forward to it, but a little bit afraid to accept it.

It's like opening a blind box.

It's like lifting the red veil of a bride.

Full of caution, wanting to be rude, but restrained.

It's completely unlike Xu Qiu, whose knife skills are sharp, but when it falls on the patient's surgical area, it seems gentle and neat.

Tumor: Gentle? It's exchanged for life.

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