Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 346: The socially dead medical master, the doctor does not treat himself!

Feeling the puzzled looks of foreign friends, Director Zheng and others slowly calmed down.

It's floating...

If this operation were performed on anyone other than Xu Qiu, it would not be possible to say that Joseph's life could be saved.

They actually think it's too simple...

Sure enough, after staying with Xu Qiu for a long time, my vision has become higher!

However, those words before are also true.

If it was a crush injury from a car accident, the difficulty would actually be much more abnormal than it is now.

The mortality rate alone is as high as 80% to 90%, and the operation is extremely difficult.

Glass fragments fall into the stabbing category and are relatively easy to deal with.

But if it is a squeezing explosion caused by huge force, the crack will be very hidden and large, and the blood loss will be faster than now.

If that were the case, when the firefighters pulled Joseph out of the car, they could consider whether to return the whole body to the country or airlift the ashes in urns.

The operation lasted four hours.

With blood constantly pouring out of the surgical field, Xu Qiu used incredible speed and skill to perform a more difficult atrial repair surgery than Kong Huixia's.

In the eyes of others, Xu Qiu's every needle seemed to be pierced into the blood, but with every piercing of the curved needle, the amount of blood spurting from the heart became smaller.

As the last needle passed through the tear in the left atrial appendage, the raging blood flow finally stopped.

"It's done!"

Hope burst into everyone's eyes.

Until this moment, Joseph's life was completely saved.

The subsequent surgery was faster. Xu Qiu performed a steel plate internal fixation of the rib fracture as if it were double speed, and then completed the finishing work.

Finally, close the chest cavity.

Take inventory of the equipment!

"Report! 93 special instruments, 27 suture needles, 9 hemostatic forceps..."

"Input 2350 ml of plasma, 3100 ml of red blood cells, and 14.75 units of cryoprecipitate..."

Everyone was surprised to hear these data.

Especially the hemostats here.

Cardiac trauma is already the most serious and dangerous injury to the chest. Many tertiary hospitals cannot carry out extracorporeal circulation without the conditions for extracorporeal circulation. Many tertiary directors may only be able to successfully save three or four heart ruptures.

These are already considered top doctors in the industry.

Director Zheng, for example, has only saved three patients with heart ruptures in his career, so the risk is much less than that of Joseph now.

In conventional surgery, since bleeding must be stopped everywhere under the surgical field, the use of hemostats is very large. If a heart ruptures, twenty or thirty hemostats will be used at every turn.


Xu Qiu forcefully used ten fingers to replace the hemostatic forceps.

On the one hand, it saves the patient a lot of consumables. The key is that he can stop bleeding with his bare hands more thoroughly and effectively than with hemostats or electrosurgers!

Other doctors use compression and hemostatic forceps, but cannot use electrosurgery.

But with Xu Qiu here, the final measure to stop the bleeding becomes practical...

"Now let's see how long it takes to wake up."

After the operation, Director Zheng and others were relieved and began to worry about the aftermath.

Yang Chenxi was also a little worried.

Joseph's delivery was still too slow. Although the subsequent rescue and surgery have reached the theoretical fastest speed, the neurological function may still be damaged.

The sooner you wake up after surgery, the better.

However, strictly speaking, Joseph has actually passed the golden rescue time. It is hard to say whether he will wake up in the golden three days after the operation.

To everyone's surprise, Joseph woke up in a daze on the first night.

His consciousness was still stuck in the moment before the car accident.

What posture should I use to meet Xu Qiu?

Before he could figure it out, he heard the sound of the door opening, and then a handsome man in a white coat pushed the door open, followed by a large number of doctors who came in menacingly.

"Ward rounds."

Xu Qiu said succinctly.

Joseph suddenly opened his eyes and recognized Xu Qiu.

He wanted to move, but the severe pain in his chest and whole body prevented him from moving at all.

"woke up?"

Xu Qiu came over, played with Joseph, put on gloves after disinfection, pressed his hands on the suture opening of the chest, and squeezed gently.

Joseph's face was twisted in pain, and he inhaled frantically.

"Well, there is no bleeding or swelling, and the recovery is going well."

Xu Qiu commented and threw the gloves into the medical trash can.

Next comes a test for potential complications.

After cardiac repair, bleeding, cardiac tamponade, arrhythmia, pulmonary infection, etc. are prone to occur.

Check the patient's various indicators when he is in a coma.

It’s easier to wake up now, and the patient’s subjective feelings can often reveal many things.

Then, Xu Qiu checked Joseph's dizziness, nasal congestion, color of urine and feces, swelling of limbs, yellow-green vision, etc...

On the hospital bed, Joseph was lying on his back and doing anything, with a look of despair on his face.

He thought about the scene when he first met Xu Qiu countless times.

I even thought about whether to raise the airs a little higher.

Or ask for an operation from the cardiac surgery department to demonstrate your skills and impress the young doctor from the small hospital.

But why didn't he expect that he would lie on the hospital bed, become Xu Qiu's patient, and be at the mercy of others...

Before he even said anything, he had already exposed the hairs on his chest and the length of his urethra. How could he be a high-ranking international cardiac surgeon in the future?

Society is dead!

Where is that old face!

The most unacceptable thing is...

He is a top expert in cardiac surgery, but he actually had surgery in such a small hospital!

"Don't do chest expansion exercises within four to six weeks."

"Press the wound when you cough."

After completing the ward rounds, Xu Qiu carefully instructed.

He didn't have as many thoughts as Joseph. In his eyes, everyone lying on the bed was just a patient.

Therefore, Xu Qiu focused all his attention on the prognosis. He was relieved after the examination. Everything exceeded expectations and recovered very well.

Joseph said weakly: "I know, I know, I am also a cardiac surgeon..."


Xu Qiu nodded, and after confirming that he was fine, he led the doctors to evacuate.


Joseph suddenly called him.

Xu Qiu paused, "What's the matter?"

"Can you show me the operation records and medical records?"

"You want to treat yourself?"

What a mess! Doctors can't treat themselves!

Joseph's mouth twitched, "No, I just took a look. After all, this is my first time to have an operation in Daxia Hospital... to be operated on."

Joseph was invited to Daxia before, and his appearance fee was very high, tens of thousands of dollars per show.

Now he is here again.

However, this time he is the one lying on the operating table.

"Okay, I'll have someone send it over."

General patients will definitely not be given records.

But Joseph is special. He originally came here to learn and exchange. In terms of academic qualifications and seniority, the entire Linhai First Hospital is not enough for him.

After Xu Qiu and others left, Joseph sighed for a long time, his eyes were resentful, and he showed an expression of despair.

What the hell is this?

Am I here to learn, or to provide corpses for people to learn?

Shaking his head, Joseph was about to close his eyes and wait for a while to see where the medical level of Daxia is different from that of Meiguo, when his expression suddenly changed and his hands and feet immediately became cold.

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