Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 390 See through at a glance! Disguised patient!

Nine days is enough time for a two-year-old boy to go anywhere.

They may even be so damaged that they lose their memories.

If Zhang San doesn’t wake up, in a few months, I’m afraid the second baby will never be found again...

"Doctor Xu!"

Seeing Xu Qiu's arrival, the father and son stood up quickly.

Policewoman Yu Bingqing also said hello.

The golden time for post-operative recovery has passed, but Zhang San still hasn’t fully woken up... The police are actually close to giving up,

However, she felt a little sad.

It was finally rescued, but the suspect was unable to cooperate with the investigation!

Sure enough, the injury caused by the steel bar penetrating his head was still too serious, and even the rumored Xu Qiu was unable to do anything.

"Check the room."

Xu Qiu nodded in response and went directly into the ward.

Doctors also filed in.

Zhang San lives in a three-person ward. In addition to him, there are two others who are also Xu Qiu's patients.

However, the recovery situation of the other two is very optimistic.

Seeing Xu Qiu coming in, they both quickly climbed out of bed.

"Dr. Xu, thank you for saving my life!" The old lady with a strong northwest accent smiled with wrinkles on her face.

"Other hospitals said I was hopeless. Only Dr. Xu dared to operate on me and saved my life!" Another middle-aged man in his fifties said gratefully.

A smile appeared on Xu Qiu's face: "Grandma You, your condition is very stable. Your son can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"Uncle Li, please don't do strenuous exercise for half a year after the operation, but you can't move. You can consider being discharged after three or four days of observation."

"Thank you, Doctor Xu!" The two of them returned to the hospital bed obediently and got ready for the physical examination.

Xu Qiu checked it and found nothing serious.

Next, the focus was on Zhang San.

After waking up Zhang San from his sleep, the other party reacted blankly for a long time.

Xu Qiu took a Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological test battery.

This is an internationally commonly used neurology test scale with 269 subdivided items involving movement, rhythm, touch, vision and hearing, etc.

Due to time constraints, Xu Qiu simplified things a lot.

Zhang San cooperated in a daze.

"make a fist."

"Hold out your index finger."

Zhang San's clenched fist trembled for a long time, and finally he raised a middle finger.

Xu Qiu was quite calm and made a judgment: the finger could not be recognized.

After the test, the functional scale can be considered as a rough summary.

First, he had localized epilepsy, contralateral hemiplegia, and visual hallucinations.

In addition, there are symptoms such as loss of writing, miscalculation, inability to recognize fingers, and inability to tell left and right.

During the examination, there are often involuntary movements, and the muscles in some places are abnormally tight, while in other places they are loose and unable to mobilize muscle tone.

In line with previous judgments: parietal and frontal lobes were damaged, and there was also considerable damage to the brain tissue.

Xu Qiu also focused on the functional evaluation of memory.

This examination was outrageous. Whether it was picture memory, rhythm memory, gesture memory, word memory and other items, Zhang San's performance was extremely poor.

It stands to reason that such severe brain surgery will cause some memory loss to some extent.

However, all thirteen items including memory are abnormal, which is very rare.

Xu Qiu looked at Zhang San.

This situation is more like...disguise than damage.

After making a preliminary judgment in my mind, my master-level experience in locating craniocerebral function injuries is fully unleashed!

Scenes from the operation appeared in front of Xu Qiu's eyes.

At the same time, a brain was also rebuilt inside the brain, with a steel bar passing through it. The position, depth, etc. were exactly the same as Zhang San's at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Qiu began to dismantle the brain.

This is where the master-level feature positioning experience works perfectly.

As pieces of brain tissue were peeled apart like an onion,

The areas completely destroyed by the steel bars were also marked, and the surrounding brain areas affected by compression, infection, etc. also appeared one by one.

And in the middle part, the part rolled up by the temporal lobe, the hippocampus, striatum, etc., which are responsible for memory, are lying in it safely, clearly without any damage!

Opening his eyes, Xu Qiu withdrew his mind from the endless scenes.

He glanced at Yu Bingqing and said, "Let's interrogate him."

Yu Bingqing glanced at Xu Qiu in disbelief, and then looked at Zhang San.

The latter's body was trembling slightly and he looked extremely unconscious. Can he withstand the interrogation?

Besides, she and her colleagues have tried many times in the past few days. As long as he mentioned where the person was abducted, he would be in extreme pain, and it seemed that his memory of that period was completely missing.

Xu Qiu shook his head.

This is not a TV series, so there is no way to say that it hurts just thinking about certain memories.

If you remember, you remember. If you don't remember, you don't remember. Unless you have cerebrovascular disease, psychological factors are still at play.

Seeing that Xu Qiu was very determined, Yu Bingqing came to the bedside with doubts.

"Zhang San, if you now explain the whereabouts of your wife, son, and another two-year-old child, or provide the personal information of your contact person, this will be considered as making up for your fault, and you will be sentenced lightly when appropriate..."

Before she could finish her words, Zhang San on the bed screamed in pain.

"Look..." Yu Bingqing sighed, but there was still no progress at all.

Seeing this scene, the rough man who had just ignited a little hope in his eyes lowered his head again, his expression gloomy.

The doctors also sighed.

Is there still no way?

Only Xu Qiu's face did not change at all. He glanced at Zhang San lightly and said, "There is no damage to the memory, and there is no problem with language expression. Continue the interrogation."

Yu Bingqing widened her eyes in surprise.

What does it mean?

How dare this doctor Xu make such a conclusion!

The suspect has become like this, is he so confident in his surgery?

Wang Ping, who was hiding in the back and watching, also felt a little incredible.

In fact, any complications and sequelae of neurosurgery and brain surgery are uncontrollable.

Even the top neurosurgeons may not dare to determine whether a patient can wake up.

They can only say "high probability".

Because the central nervous system is too complicated, and the research on brain function and division is still a hot and difficult point until now.

Among them, one of the most difficult points is to accurately divide the boundary between damage and non-damage.

Many cranial surgeries will wake up the patient during the operation, asking him to sing, do math problems, or even play King of Glory. In fact, they all use EEG and other detection equipment to determine which brain areas are active and which are non-functional.

This will further determine the specific plan for brain surgery.

In some extreme cases, the entrance for surgery cannot be opened, and some brain tissues that have no brain electrical activity may even be cut off...

And Xu Qiu dared to conclude that Zhang San's memory and language expression were fine?

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