Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 396: Surgery restricted area, a chance to survive!

The clinical doctor released the first message, and there was silence for more than half an hour.

During this period, domestic colleagues were impressed by the terrifying success rate of the surgery and the curative effect that far exceeded the industry average.

In fact, many foreign cardiac surgeons and even a large number of specialized hospitals have paid attention to it.

Including the top cardiac surgery hall, Levelland Medical Center, was also shocked by this set of data.

No one at home or abroad thought that this surgery, which they thought was an immature and temporary substitute, could be perfected to such an extent.

Some doctors who had originally planned to wait and see were now going crazy, trying their best to search for details of the operation.

However, how could the intellectual property rights, which were listed as key protected secrets by Baiyun Province and protected at the highest level in the province, be leaked out casually?

However, just half an hour later, when the discussion on the entire network reached its peak, Linyi posted again!


After careful consideration and respecting the wishes of Director Xu Qiu, our hospital will publish the Linhai Small Vessel Replacement and Implantation Surgery Teaching Manual in "Linhai Doctor"!

Starting today, subscriptions are open globally and will be officially released in a week!

Quantity is limited, first come first served! "

As soon as this news came out, the academic circle was once again shocked!

Countless people rushed to the subscription website like crazy, but the page couldn't be refreshed at all.

"Damn, there are too many people, I can't squeeze in!"

"I feel the despair again when it comes to college entrance examination scores and college course selection..."

"Why are these official websites so rubbish and like government websites? Can they be upgraded a little?"

"Fuck, I just clicked in to load the subscription information, but the card was refunded during the real-name registration!"

"It's crazy, it's crazy, you dare to open this operation to the public, the clinic is so grand!"

"Am I the only one who noticed that Dr. Xu has become Director Xu? And it seems that Director Xu requested it to be made public. Director Xu is so grand!!"


At this moment, Shen Hua's residence in Tiandu.

Several academicians looked at this news with unspeakable disbelief in their hearts.

"It's... made public?" Lin Xie was surprised.

Academician Chen also found it incredible: "Although the secret of this surgery will be leaked sooner or later, the supporting Linhai small blood vessels are still in the experimental stage and have not gone to clinical practice at all, so they took the initiative to disclose it so early!"

Shen Hua was very happy: "I really saw the right person. He is a doctor who truly cares about his patients."

The incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing.

The problem of large and medium-sized blood vessels can be easily solved. McCovi, Terumo, Gore, etc. have already provided corresponding artificial blood vessels as alternatives.

However, small blood vessels have always been a restricted area for surgery.

Medical device companies are unable to conduct research and development, and researchers, scholars, and scientists all believe that six millimeters is an insurmountable technical barrier.

Therefore, countless patients with coronary artery bypass grafting, hemodialysis, peripheral small vessel disease, and small vessel defects can only wait in vain until the end of their lives for an opportunity for surgery.

A chance to live.

The emergence of Linhai Small Vessel and Xu's Vascular Replacement Surgery gave them hope.

However, because vascular research and development technology and surgery are monopolized by clinical doctors and the four major hospitals, they have to travel long distances if they want treatment.

Most of the patients are not physically able to withstand the long journey, and may not be able to survive halfway through the transfer.

However, with Xu Qiu's complete public surgery, this problem will become a thing of the past!

Doctors across the country, and even around the world, can perform this life-saving surgery if they have Linhai's small blood vessel inventory!

"He deserves the special prize..." Academician Shen Hua said with emotion.

At that time, everyone thought that Xu Qiu had just created a one-stop industry, from medical equipment, surgery, to mass production.

But only now did they realize that what this young doctor wanted to do was to lead the entire industry forward.

At the same time, the clinical network department, network engineers, technicians, etc. were so busy that their eyes had red bloodshot eyes.

Wang Shengde personally took charge and knocked the chief engineer on the head.

"Expand capacity, expand capacity quickly!"

"If you wait a second, we will be scolded a lot more when we go to the hospital!"

The chief engineer covered his head and said, "Dean, I have worked very hard... The server can accommodate 100,000 people entering at the same time. Who knew the number of people would be so outrageous!"

Wang Shengde was overjoyed: "How many people have subscribed to the next issue now?"

The chief engineer called up the background data and said: "190,000..."

"How many?"

"One hundred and ninety thousand!"

Wang Shengde was shocked by this astonishing number.

The number of clinicians in the country is only over 4 million, and even more so when it comes to cardiac surgery.

However, in this case, it can still have nearly 200,000 subscriptions in half an hour!

"Linhai Doctor" is not expensive. Unlike SCI, Lancet and other open source journals that do not have paper versions, its main focus is physical publishing.

The price is only fifty yuan.

Compared to its content, the money is too low.

Even on the notorious CNKI, downloading various water-filled doctoral dissertations costs about 20 to 100 yuan a time.

"Linhai Doctor" only costs fifty, and you can get Xu's vascular surgery tutorial book, which also comes with seven professional papers of extremely high quality that can at least be published in SCI. It is extremely worth it.

"There is one more thing worth paying attention to..." the chief engineer said at this time.


"Among these 190,000 people, more than 30,000 are overseas IPs or identities..."

"So many?"

Wang Shengde was very surprised.

I didn't expect that foreign countries were also paying close attention to this news.

It seems that the final sales volume may reach a very terrifying number.


In the next few days, sales continued to rise.

It was not until three days later that the growth rate slowly slowed down.

At this time, the number of subscriptions had reached a terrifying 910,000.

Of these, 170,000 were from overseas.

And the director of the printing factory that Linyi cooperated with was almost grinning.

After finishing this order, I can lie flat this year.

However, the production capacity of one factory is far from enough.

In the entire Linhai City, all printing factories were requisitioned by the government to cooperate with the printing of "Linhai Great Doctor".

A few days later, Friday.

The day when Linyi officially launched the publication.

At this time, the number of subscriptions has exceeded one million, reaching a terrifying amount of 1.11 million.

There are more than 200,000 overseas orders alone.

Baiyun Province, Linhai City and other places had already made preparations in advance, mobilizing logistics workers from all over the province to temporarily set up a mailing center nearby to be responsible for the mailing of millions of publications.

8 o'clock in the morning.

A large truck drove from the factory and stopped at the temporary mailing center a few kilometers away from Linhai Hospital.


The drivers opened the door, and in the cargo compartment, brand new copies of "Linhai Great Doctor" were piled up into small mountains, still smelling of ink.

Wang Shengde, the head of the Propaganda Department, who came to the scene specially, was shocked by the scene before him.

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