Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 41 An accident happened! The patient had many twists and turns

On the CT film side, Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and frowned at the same time.

He was relieved because the brain CT showed that the patient had no signs of cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction.

Among the emergency patients, the most important thing to rule out is cerebral hemorrhage -

This is an acute and serious disease that can cause death in a short period of time!

If it is not treated in time, it may cause disability at the least and death at the worst.

He frowned because,

The most likely cerebral hemorrhage has been completely ruled out, and it will probably take some effort to confirm the real cause of the disease.

He looked at other films again.

Lung CT, a little infection.

It is worthless.

Then, Xu Qiu found something wrong on the abdominal CT.

The size of a normal human kidney is between 8 and 14 cm, but Shen Baocai's kidneys are only about 5 cm! ,

It is smaller than that of an average adult.

Xu Qiu quickly found the report of the blood routine test.

It shows: blood creatinine 365μmol/L!

Blood creatinine is a product of human muscle metabolism, and the normal value is between 30 and 110.

Most of these metabolites are excreted through the kidneys and urine.

Once abnormally increased, there is a high probability that there is something wrong with the kidneys!

"Hypertensive nephropathy?"

Xu Qiu was puzzled.

However, hypertensive nephropathy alone is not enough to explain coma.

If the real cause is not found, there will always be a time bomb hidden in the patient's body!

At this time, the old lady also came to the office.

Seeing Xu Qiu, she started crying again and asked, "Doctor, please save my son, what happened to him?"

Xu Qiu was not sure, so he could only say, "Wait for the results of further examinations."

The old lady did not entangle, found a place to sit down, wiped a tear from time to time, but was quiet throughout the whole process, just waiting for the results.

Seeing this, everyone did not say much.

This kind of family members are already very qualified.

More than ten minutes later.

The results from the electrocardiogram room were also fed back.

At the same time, myocardial enzymes were also produced.

"Sinus tachycardia".

No big problem.

Xu Qiu frowned and murmured, "It's not myocardial infarction either."

He picked up the brain CT film again, examined it carefully, and still focused his main energy on cerebral infarction.

"Cerebral infarction cannot be ruled out yet."

Acute cerebral infarction may not show any symptoms in the early stage.

The old lady saw that there was still no result, and fearing that she would lose her only remaining son, she cried and begged: "Doctor, we will do any examination, no matter how much it costs!"

Xu Qiu was a little soft-hearted and comforted: "If it is completely ruled out, either wait 24 hours and do another head CT. Or... do an MRI."

"Do, do an MRI!"

Xu Qiu shook his head, "There is no way. An MRI takes half an hour, and most people are tortured when they go in. The patient is in this situation now, and the risk of an MRI is extremely high!"

"What should I do..." The old lady's face was pale.

He Hai also came to the office and said, "I'll go and see again."

Xu Qiu stood up, "Director He, I'll go with you."


In the ward.

He Hai examined the patient again.

There was still no indication of nerve localization.

It still does not meet the symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction.

"It's not cerebral hemorrhage." He Hai shook his head.

He was also a little confused.

If it is really acute cerebral hemorrhage, then it should have responded anyway.

At the moment, he completely ruled out cerebral hemorrhage in his mind.

"Go back first and check the detailed medical records."

He Hai put his hands behind his back and prepared to leave.

The cause of this patient's illness is indeed complicated.

It seems that his whole body is full of diseases that can cause coma.

But after a real examination, it was found that every disease was just a cover, not the final cause.

Not long after the two left, the old lady's screams came from the ward.

Xu Qiu and He Hai looked at each other and ran back quickly.

Pushing open the door of the ward.

I saw that the old lady was holding a handful of tissues in her hand, and the tissues were all soaked with blood.

Looking again, the patient's nasal cavity was gushing blood!


He Hai's face changed immediately.

The patient's blood volume was originally relatively small, and he had experienced shock.

The overall condition is not optimistic!

If such a large amount of bleeding occurs at this moment...

One is that the respiratory tract is blocked and suffocated, and the large amount of blood volume is lost, which will further deteriorate the patient's condition and make the condition more critical!

"Clean the respiratory tract and stop the bleeding!"

Both are experienced doctors.

They immediately divided the work for rescue, and soon the nosebleed stopped.

He Hai was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and looked to the side inadvertently.

The face changed again.

"Gastric tube, there is blood too."

Dark red bloody liquid began to flow out of the patient's gastric tube.

"Hypertension, renal dysfunction, shock, pneumonia..."

He Hai recalled the abnormal items on the blood routine: "There is also an increase in white blood cells, mild anemia, and a decrease in platelet count..."

"What is the disease!" He Hai kept questioning himself.

There are so many problems, but there is no real cause!

If it is not treated in time, the patient will bleed frequently and for no reason, and there will be obstacles to blood clotting...

Even if there is no cerebral hemorrhage now, it will occur at any time~!

By then, it will be really over!

"Let's ask for an ICU consultation. If it doesn't work, transfer the patient there!" He Hai thought for a long time and made this decision.

The ICU is equipped with all kinds of life support equipment.

As long as you have money, even if your heart is gone or your lungs are broken, you can still survive for weeks or even months relying on ECMO and other equipment.

Shortly after.

Director Jiang from the ICU rushed over.

He also repeated a set of physical examination procedures and flipped through various examination reports.

In the end, Director Jiang was at his wits' end and said, "Everything I can think of has been ruled out by Xu Qiu. It's hard to say. It's really not possible. Go to the ICU first. At least your life is guaranteed, and the examination will be carried out slowly."

"Okay, but we have to see the opinions of the family members." He Hai nodded.

The old lady's eyes were filled with tears.

She heard that being sent to the ICU could save her life, so she signed the consent form without saying a word.

Therefore, the emergency department prepared to transfer the patient.

Liu Susu and several other nurses carefully moved Shen Baocai onto the mobile flat bed.


A crisp click sounded throughout the ward.

The other patients in the same ward were all frightened.

"Broken bones!"

"Oh my God, these nurses broke the patient's bones!"

He Hai heard the news and ran over quickly.

His expression was extremely different, and he was staring at Liu Susu and others, burning with anger.

The patient's condition is already bad, and now he suffers a fracture...

However, facing his family members, he still had to endure his anger and save his own people first, saying: "I'm sorry, as people get older, they are prone to osteoporosis, and accidents are inevitable when moving... We will invite the last Orthopedic surgeon, all related treatment costs are free!”

After He Hai finished speaking, he saw the old lady kneeling on the ground with a plop, slapping herself and kowtowing.

This...the plot is going wrong!

what happened?

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