Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 43 Xu Qiu, how many things have you hidden?

The patient sent this time was Shen Baocai.

That night, when the old lady wiped his body, she caused another pathological fracture.

This time he was not so lucky.

The fracture caused a blood clot, and the thrombus broke off and flowed into the pulmonary blood vessels with the blood, causing pulmonary embolism.

This time, Xu Qiu was not in the hospital.

Wang Ping was also off work.

In the emergency department, no one was sure to save the life of the patient with pulmonary embolism, so he was immediately sent to the ICU.

Director Jiang immediately discussed with the old lady.

"The startup fee of ECMO is 110,000 yuan. In addition, it costs at least 13,000 yuan to maintain operation every day.

There are other life equipment, this one is 3,000, this one is 8,000..."

In front of the ICU, money is really just a number.

Spending millions a month is definitely not an exaggeration!

Especially equipment such as ECMO.

Because its pipeline is a disposable consumable and is used by a dedicated person, even if it is only used for a few minutes, it has to pay 110,000 yuan in material costs.


Before Director Jiang finished his introduction,

the old lady with scattered hair interrupted him and said, "Save him, no matter how much it costs. As long as he is saved, I will donate all the money I have saved over the years to the Buddha."

Everyone was speechless.

What does it mean that the doctor saved him and you donate to the Buddha?

But they did not express their opinions. After getting the permission and signature of the family members, they quickly started the rescue.

Deputy Director Qiu transferred Shen Baocai's medical records and started to formulate a radiotherapy and chemotherapy plan.

After reading the medical records, Wan Huaiwen hesitated and said, "The patient's condition is very complicated. If he is treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy... it will cause great damage. It is difficult to formulate a plan."

Deputy Director Qiu frowned.

Soon after, He Hai came and asked about the follow-up treatment plan.

Deputy Director Qiu shook his head: "It's difficult! Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are too difficult. It's better to wait for a bone marrow transplant and try your luck."

He Hai smiled helplessly.

Bone marrow transplant?

There are tens of thousands of people waiting for bone marrow transplants across the country, but the number of bone marrows available is pitiful.

There are even fewer people who can match Shen Baocai.

It is better to just say that you are waiting for death than waiting for a bone marrow transplant.

"By the way, Director He, why don't you ask Xu Qiu from your department to come and take a look?" Director Qiu's eyes suddenly lit up and said.

He Hai was stunned and said, "Why do you ask Xu Qiu to do something about your oncology department? He doesn't understand radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

Now it was Director Qiu's turn to be stunned. He said, "Xu Qiu doesn't understand? He is better at the target area than me!"

He Hai was stunned.

Did that kid secretly leak something in the oncology department again?

Not long after, Xu Qiu was invited to define the target area for Shen Baocai.

And confirmed the chemotherapy plan: bortezomib, combined with thalidomide, lenalidomide, etc., plus long-acting glucocorticoids.

Deputy Director Qiu and Wan Huaiwen were full of astonishment.

It was like having an Olympiad math problem in front of them.

If they were asked to solve it, they couldn't think of the idea, let alone how to proceed.

But when they saw the answer, they would suddenly realize it again - that's how it was!

At this moment, the plan given by Xu Qiu was exactly the standard answer.

He Hai was stunned, staring at Xu Qiu blankly, and said: "How many tricks do you have..."



A few days later, with the money, Shen Baocai was transferred back to the general ward.

And began to implement the radiotherapy and chemotherapy plan formulated by Xu Qiu.

The first course of treatment was particularly effective.

This surprised the people in the oncology department, and Director Qiu was more determined to invite Xu Qiu to give a lesson.

And these days, Xu Qiu has been doing surgeries and signing in non-stop.

Master-level hysterectomy.

Master-level parotid mixed tumor resection.

Master-level incisional hernia repair, etc.

His surgical experience is getting richer and richer, and his proficiency in different surgeries is also soaring.

This day.

Everyone in the office talked about Shen Baocai again.

While admiring Xu Qiu's all-around ability, Wang Fan sighed, "I heard that the old lady went to a nearby temple and donated 800,000 yuan in incense money."

Zhou Hua's heart skipped a beat, "Oh my god, is it the Jinchen Temple where the abbot was exposed to drive a Mercedes-Benz?"

Someone said with regret, "800,000 yuan... It's better to leave it to our emergency department, and it can help many patients who have no money to pay for medical expenses!"

Everyone was a little indignant.

In particular, they felt even more uncomfortable after knowing that the money was accumulated by the black clinic.

However, this is money in other people's pockets after all.

They just talked about it, and then continued to work.

During the afternoon work, Li Xue from the obstetrics and gynecology department suddenly came to the department.

"Doctor Xu!"

She held a case in front of her chest.

This case is very soft and big.

"What's wrong?" Xu Qiu asked.

"We have a patient with stage 1 cervical cancer. I want you to help me see if the surgery needs to be combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy!"

Xu Qiu raised his eyebrows.

Has his reputation spread to the obstetrics and gynecology department?

He did not refuse and opened the case.

This is a case of cervical cancer, stage IA, the tumor is still confined to the cervix, and has not spread to the vagina or other organs.

At this stage, surgery is still possible.

However, most people recommend a total hysterectomy.

That is, the entire uterus with the tumor is removed to completely eliminate future problems.

After all - without a uterus, cervical cancer is less likely to recur.

Li Xue said in embarrassment: "But the patient wants a second child and has a strong desire to preserve the uterus... So please take a look at how the operation should be carried out and how to cooperate with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the later stage."

Xu Qiu nodded and bent over the desk to study.

Li Xue sat next to him, propping up her snow-white chin, and looked at Xu Qiu's profile openly.

As she looked at him, an aunt's smile appeared on her face.

So handsome...

Really so handsome!

More than ten minutes later,

Xu Qiu handed the plan to Li Xue.

He said: "According to the area I have demarcated, perform a hysterectomy. In addition, a pelvic lymph node dissection.

After the operation, the TP plan is the first choice, with paclitaxel and cisplatin as the main ingredients.

If the patient is financially well-off, use bevacizumab."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes.

Li Xue nodded frequently and praised from time to time, just like a student listening to the lecture.

After the end, she only felt that the operation was clear and unprecedentedly simple.

"Doctor Xu, I'll treat you to dinner tonight as a thank you, okay?" Li Xue mustered up the courage to say.

Xu Qiu waved his hand: "You're welcome."

Li Xue nodded disappointedly and had to leave.

Before leaving, she suddenly remembered something, stopped at the door, knocked on the door, and said gently:

"Doctor Xu, I have one more thing..."

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