Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 475 He is here to subvert the entire medical community!

Although Wang Shengde's contribution is very limited, compared with the land that gave birth to palm and finger regeneration, his piece of land is too small, but it is enough to prove that his theory is completely correct, and he is still the talented hand surgery genius of the year!

It's just that he has lost the opportunity to pick up the scalpel forever...

"Maybe, it's me who is out of the clinic."

Academician Dai put down the paper in his hand, he thought deeply, and after a long time, he said: "Clinical doctors, especially those who do surgery, should put new surgical procedures into practice before making further judgments, but I just speculated on the feasibility of your theories, and didn't even move them to animal experiments."

Wang Shengde was silent.

This is the first time he has seen his teacher bow his head and give in in all these years.

He has worked so hard for so long, on the one hand, he really wants to bring something new to hand surgery and benefit patients; on the other hand, it is also to give back to Academician Dai for his cultivation of him, and want to make some achievements to tell his teacher that his vision is not a problem.

Wang Shengde has looked forward to this scene today countless times.

But it was not until they were both old, and even Wang Shengde had white hair on his temples, that Academician Dai finally recognized his talent and ability...

He waited too long, but the moment the stubborn old man said this, Wang Shengde felt that the knot in his heart for so many years was finally put down, and everything was worth it!

"Put aside the relationship between master and apprentice, you help me translate..." Noah was almost dying of anxiety.

Academician Dai came back to his senses and made a simple retelling of the above content.

Soon, Noah also fell into shock and self-doubt.

It's okay to create a new surgery, but it can be polished to such a maturity in three weeks. Is this something a human can do?

He has lived like a dog for more than 80 years? !

Joseph, Saito Ye and others are obviously experienced. They waved their hands: "It's really incredible, but if it was done by Xu Qiu, it's not surprising at all."

Academician Dai's hand holding the paper trembled a little.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Joseph, Noah and other world-famous medical masters were willing to stay in Linyi and respectfully called Xu Qiu "Doctor Xu". With such talent, it was only a matter of time for Xu Qiu to surpass everyone present!

Even his achievements in any field were enough to make many international famous doctors far behind.

Is he here to be a doctor?

He is clearly here to subvert the entire medical community!


On Xu Qiu's side, after the operation, it was more than seven o'clock in the evening. The Linyi Royal Printing Factory had rushed to produce 500 surgical course books and distributed them to every doctor in the training class.

That night, hundreds of people could not sleep at night, frantically absorbing surgical knowledge and experience.

The next morning, everyone was like chicken blood, looking at the patients with glowing eyes, especially those with broken fingers, like hungry wolves seeing little fat sheep, and they wanted to invite Xu Qiu to come and do palm and finger regeneration.

The director of hand surgery, Yue Pan, and others got what they wanted. Under Xu Qiu's observation and guidance, they began to try the mature version of palm and finger regeneration.

After reaching 100% proficiency, Xu Qiu's palm and finger regeneration has also reached the perfect level.

If he were to do those two operations again, the results would be even better.

In addition, the palm and finger regeneration has been optimized many times, the difficulty of the operation has been further reduced, and the postoperative recovery level has also been strengthened.

After several instructions from Xu Qiu, the perfect level of surgical control and experience also inspired the director of hand surgery, Yue Pan, and others, and they will be able to try independent surgery in a few days.

Noah and Academician Dai also quickly entered the state and grasped the tricks of the operation.

With the help of the surgical textbook, the doctors in the advanced class also made rapid progress.

The entire clinical hand surgery department is thriving, and the promotion and teaching of palm and finger regeneration is also in full swing.

At the same time, Xu Qiu turned his attention to the incontinent girl Xun Yu again.

As predicted at the beginning, since the patient had a neurogenic bladder with detrusor anergy, it was impossible to perform clinically proven effective blockade therapy.

Moreover, the use of medication was also very limited.

Like blockade therapy, most drug therapies, such as conventional M receptor blockers, are actually used to treat neurogenic detrusor hyperactivity, and their function is to inhibit the excessive activity of the detrusor...

And there is really no effective drug treatment for Xun Yu's type. At present, intermittent catheterization is still the first choice in clinical practice.

Therefore, Xu Qiu specifically taught the family two techniques.

One is the Crede technique for urination.

The steps are very simple. Place your hands above the pubic symphysis and the top of the bladder, and then slowly squeeze the bladder body from light to heavy, just like squeezing milk, to squeeze out the urine.

There is also a Valsalva method, which is self-sufficient. The patient increases the negative pressure by holding his breath and contracting his abdomen, thereby actively expelling urine.

With these methods, there is a certain chance of restoring a certain bladder reflex ability by constantly filling and emptying the bladder, but it has not been effective, and Xun Yu's incontinence rate is more frequent than before.

This means that non-surgical treatment has failed, and it is time to consider other methods.

Before that, Xu Qiu has to personally check the body to further confirm the plan.

After just a few days of not seeing each other, Xun Yu looks like a different person. The girl who was cautious and occasionally blushed now lies on the bed with a dull look, dodging and not daring to see people.

In order to preserve her self-esteem, her family specially changed her to a single ward.

But relying on 24-hour catheterization to solve the problem of urinary incontinence is not a long-term solution after all.

Is it possible that Xun Yu will stay in the ward forever?

Even if it is possible, long-term catheterization can easily cause repeated urinary tract infections. Coupled with Xun Yu's underlying disease, it is almost inevitable that it will affect the ascending urinary organs, such as kidney damage.

The core and most important point of neurogenic bladder is actually to protect kidney function. If the urinary catheter causes infection and then damages the kidney, it is better to let the patient be incontinent.

In addition, long-term catheterization will also cause the patient's bladder to be in an empty state for a long time. If you don't use it, you will lose it. Once the bladder atrophies, it will be truly incurable.

"Xiaoyu, Dr. Xu is here..." Xun's mother is no longer as elegant and calm as she was that day. Her tone is careful and cautious, for fear of breaking her daughter's calm mood.


Hearing that it was Xu Qiu, Xun Yu still gave some reaction.

During the usual ward rounds, doctors like Wang Fan and Yun Mei came, but she never even raised her head, and was unwilling to cooperate with many physical examinations.

Xun Yu's wariness and fear of doctors still existed, and became more serious after she suffered from this incurable disease.

Only Xu Qiu was an exception.

The white coat that covered her shame and embarrassment and preserved her dignity was forever engraved in the depths of her heart. The kindness and empathy that went with the flow was a salvation for a person in despair!

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