Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 506 You can bully me, but you can’t bully Xu Qiu!

Wang Fan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Xu Qiu.

I almost got beaten.

"Is there any abnormality in the patient's temperature?" Xu Qiu asked.

Liu Susu was a little surprised: "It's true, the highest body temperature is 39 degrees Celsius... Doctor Xu, do you know what the disease is?!"

Before she mentioned any information related to her illness, Xu Qiu immediately focused on the fever, which was a bit incredible.

But when I thought about Xu Qiu in front of me, it suddenly made sense again.

"Bah, Wang Fan, you should learn from Dr. Xu!" Liu Susu glared at Xiao Wang.

Wang Fan:......

Xu Qiu shook his head: "No, I just have some ideas. How can I make a diagnosis without seeing the patient?"

Liu Susu's eyebrows were filled with emotion: "How humble, Wang Fan, you can learn from our Dr. Xu!"

Wang Fan;? ? ?

I shouldn't be in the car, I should be under the car.

On the way to the observation room, Xu Qiu also got a general idea of ​​the patient's condition.

Wei Ding, 21 years old, a senior at school.

He claims to have suffered from depression and committed suicide, but there is no diagnosis or treatment of mental illness in the records of the school psychologist, the school doctor, or the patient himself...

Later, he used this as an excuse to ask for more living expenses from his parents.

The reason is that "I can feel a little rich materially and have the confidence to do anything, so as not to fall into the same trap of depression." This has allowed his living expenses to rise again from 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan a month.

This level of living far beyond what an ordinary working-class family should have.

Even many middle-class people may not necessarily provide their children with more than this amount of living expenses.

The monthly basic salary for graduate students at Union Medical College is only 1,800.

The real society is never like the Internet where you can earn 10,000 a month anytime and anywhere. Three thousand is ordinary and six thousand is a high salary. This is the truth of life.

“In the past year, the patient has been playing games in the dormitory, eating and drinking in bed, and would not leave the room even if he had diarrhea.

His parents were called here by the school to deal with his frequent absences from classes and failure in many subjects.

In addition, he was also doing some small business, and the dormitory was almost full of his goods. His roommates complained several times, and the building management and school counselors all talked to him, but to no avail.

When his parents were called to handle the withdrawal procedures for him, the counselor and his parents went to his dormitory and discovered something was wrong with him..."

After listening to Liu Susu's story, Xu Qiu nodded slightly.

Seeing a doctor is sometimes like deciding a case. Patients do not necessarily trust doctors. Some things concealed or ignored intentionally or unintentionally may be the root cause of the disease.

For example, Yuan Yu, who has diastasis rectus abdominis, has never noticed her antihypertensive medication.

At present, this Wei Ding is not cooperating with the treatment, and is making harsh remarks to his parents and medical staff. If he wants to make a diagnosis, he needs to look at many aspects.

I learned from Liu Susu that in addition to fever, the patient also had mild dyspnea and mild muscle weakness...

"Why are the difficult and complicated diseases I encounter always related to fever." Xu Qiu thought to herself.

With a few more, he can write a fever column to record various rare diseases related to fever.

"We're here." Liu Susu stopped.

Xu Qiu paused. No need to remind him, he guessed that this was the observation room.

The other wards were all quiet, but in this one, there were constant curses and the sound of angrily slapping the examination bed.

"Doctor Xu!"

Seeing Xu Qiu knocking on the door and entering, the doctor accompanying the car looked happy.

Jiang Mai's brows also relaxed, and he naturally took a step back and stood next to Xu Qiu.

After coming to the emergency department for so long, he has made great progress in all aspects of his abilities, but what he has learned best is his ability to hold his thighs...

A qualified clinical doctor, even if he knows nothing, must learn two things.

First, call your superiors.

If that doesn't work, call Dr. Xu.

"We will do more surgeries tomorrow." Xu Qiu noticed that Jiang Mai had even thought of relaxing, and gave him some pressure at the right time.

Joy flashed across Jiang Mai's face: "Is it with you, Dr. Xu?"

"With Dr. Wang Fan."


Jiang Mai lowered his head subconsciously, but he suddenly remembered that Wang Fan was still there and grinned again: "That's great, I can learn a lot from Dr. Wang!"

Wang Fan:......

Don't hurt me. Is this emergency department unable to operate?

"Is it you?! The god of learning with perfect scores in the postgraduate entrance examination!"

When Xu Qiu came to the hospital bed, the manic patient suddenly became quiet and looked at Xu Qiu steadily.

The parents who lowered their heads and were scolded were very surprised.

They knew that their son had always looked down on anyone.

People who can belittle even their biological parents as pigs and unabashedly insult them with the words "lower class of society" also have a very bad attitude towards outsiders.

There is no such thing as being strong on the outside and being incompetent on the inside. Wei Ding is indiscriminately hostile to and despises everyone.

Including several roommates who have passed graduate school to 985, and professors in the college.

"It will be easier if you know me. Please cooperate." Xu Qiu's face showed no expression.

"It's not like you're going to cooperate. I don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Wei Ding rolled his eyes and turned over to avoid Xu Qiu's gaze.

My father was breathing heavily with anger and his neck was red. My mother wiped her red and swollen eyes, but there was no more tears left in them.

Liu Susu, Jiang Mai and others were furious.

How dare you talk to Dr. Xu like that!

Even the first secretary Fu Qing had to show some courtesy to Xu Qiu!

Xu Qiu was not annoyed.

In the profession of doctors, even if one day they really become the best doctors in the country and their achievements are limitless, they will still not be very arrogant in front of patients.

In the eyes of patients, if they can cure diseases, it doesn't matter if they are interns.

If they can't cure diseases, even the miracle doctors recorded in history are just so-so.

Xu Qiu looked at the patient on the examination bed.

The other party's evasion has already explained a lot of things.

The so-called not caring about grades and not taking the postgraduate entrance examination is not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't have the ability...

"You should be able to feel that something is wrong with your body." Xu Qiu said.

Wei Ding closed his eyes, "So what, just prescribe some medicine for me quickly, I still have a lot of things to do, don't delay me."


Catching this word, the doctors present all twitched their mouths.

In front of Xu Qiu, say busy?

What can you do as a college student? Are you busy playing games, scolding your parents, or complaining about the world?

It is Xu Qiu's rest time. He has just completed several life-saving operations and has a paper to write. The Baiyun Medical Association also asked Xu Qiu for a medical science manuscript. They took time to come and diagnose, and they even complained that Dr. Xu wasted his time!

This time, the old bully Wang Fan was really angry.

You can bully me.

But who dares to bully my brother Xu? !

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