Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 54 In despair, only Xu Qiu can help

On the hospital bed, Kong Huixia was already unconscious.

cold sweat,


Thin pulse...

A large number of typical indications point to a dangerous emergency - hemorrhagic shock.

Director Zheng immediately said: "Speed ​​up the infusion speed, don't worry about whether your body can tolerate it!"

The nurse quickly increased the speed.

Director Zheng closed his eyes silently, feeling that he had a narrow escape from death.

When she was pushed onto the operating table, Kong Huixia's detailed diagnosis also came out.

Traumatic shock.

Traumatic cardiac tamponade.

There was a skin contusion on the left chest and a penetrating injury to the right lung.

There is also left hemopneumothorax, etc...

The equipment nurse reported Kong Huixia’s arterial blood gas analysis results:

"Na+136 mmol/L, Ca2+1.23mmol/L, K+5.4 mmol/L, Hct 47%, pH 7.170, Hb 153 g/L, PaCO2 35mm Hg, PaO2 51 mm Hg, BE-12 mmol/L , SaO2 79%”

At this time, the anesthesia director had formulated the minimum dose and safest anesthesia induction plan based on Kong Huixia's condition.

"Dexamethasone 10 mg."

"Midazolam 2 mg."

"Rocuronium 50 mg, etomidate 12 mg, fentanyl 0.1 mg quickly induce intubation!"

Soon, tracheal intubation was completed, and Kong Huixia’s breathing was completely taken over by the ventilator.

Immediately afterwards, the anesthesia director gave 500 μg of phenylephrine, 20 mg of ephedrine, and 80 μg of epinephrine in batches according to the values ​​on the monitor...


When everything was ready, Director Zheng gave the order: "The operation begins."

With the support of autologous blood transfusion, extracorporeal circulation support and other technologies, the heart rupture repair surgery began without stopping the heart!

As Director of Thoracic Surgery, Director Zheng naturally assumes the responsibility of the chief surgeon.

five minutes later.

Director Zheng continued to extend the incision made by Xu Qiu.

A midline chest incision was made.

The four chambers of the heart, as well as the ascending aorta, pulmonary artery, etc. are perfectly exposed.

At this time, everyone saw the shape of Xu Qiu's palm.

Everyone was stunned.

Xu Qiu's five fingers twisted and pressed on Kong Huixia's heart in a strange manner.

They blocked the pulmonary artery, left paracardium, left heart and various small bleeding ports respectively!

Director Zheng also showed a look of astonishment.

Is this... really something that humans can accomplish to stop bleeding?

He forced himself to calm down and said, "Doctor Xu, the rest depends on our cooperation."

He planned to let Xu Qiu let go, hold the ruptured heart by himself, and then start suturing.

Director Zheng: "Let it go."

The moment Xu Qiu released a finger, Director Zheng immediately pressed it.

But the next moment, his expression became extremely ugly.

He could feel the blood dripping out from between his fingers, turning the field of surgery red again in the blink of an eye.

" can it be so difficult!"

Director Zheng was confused.

Only now did he realize how exquisite Xu Qiu's compressions were.

He couldn't even stop a rupture!

"I come."

Xu Qiu gently opened Director Zheng's fingers and covered them again.

The blood stopped again.

Seeing this scene, all the doctors in the operating room fell silent.

They looked at Xu Qiu blankly.

Director Zheng collapsed a little and said, "There's no way to sew it!"

When sewing, you must hold it down by yourself and use both hands to sew together.

If one person stops the bleeding and another person sutures...

Blocking the stitching angle is one thing, and the cooperation cannot be tacit!

In this case, the blood loss will be even greater!

On the other side, the director of anesthesia reminded with a stern face: "Hurry, it will take one hour at most, there is no time for you to hesitate."

All the values ​​on the life monitor are not good.

Basically, he was forced to undergo surgery on the verge of death.

This is no longer robbing someone on the line between life and death.

He rushed directly into the Palace of the King of Hell and forcibly tampered with the Book of Life and Death in front of the King of Hell!

The atmosphere in the operating room was extremely solemn.

Director Zheng looked ugly.

There is only one incision on the heart, and the operation may take up to two hours.

And now, on Kong Huixia's heart, there are three spots visible to the naked eye...

How could it be done in one hour? !

Not to mention Director Zheng, it wouldn’t work if he were replaced by a nationally renowned cardiothoracic surgeon!

At this moment, a voice fell into everyone's ears.

Xu Qiu said: "Director Zheng, let me do it."

"You coming? Are you kidding me?"

Xu Qiu moved his right hand.

In my mind, "master-class heart rupture repair surgery" is particularly dazzling.

"Director Zheng, if you delay any longer, Director Kong will be in danger." Xu Qiu stretched out her hand with a calm look.

Director Zheng was stunned for a moment, and was actually frightened by Xu Qiu.

At this time, the director of respiratory surgery beside the operating table shouted: "Old Zheng, give it to him, he might be able to do it!"

That esophagotracheal fistula surgery, Xu Qiu’s legacy was truly magnificent.

The skill of the surgery is so shocking!

So much so that at this desperate moment, the director of respiratory surgery subconsciously placed his hope in him.

While Director Zheng was stunned, the needle was already in Xu Qiu's hand.

His aura changed instantly!

The operating room seemed to be Xu Qiu's battlefield.

He pressed with his left hand specifically to free up his right hand for this moment...


The needle made a slight sound.

In an instant, it flew through Xu Qiu's hands.

Before everyone could react, the 3-0 non-invasive suture with a pad had already passed through the laceration.

One stitch.

Two stitches.

Three stitches...

In a few seconds, the needle seemed to have pressed the fast-forward button in Xu Qiu's hand.

The moment it stopped,

On the beating heart, there were already traces of full-thickness mattress sutures of the myocardium.

After doing all this, Xu Qiu's fingertips moved down, exposing the upper end of the laceration.

Director Zheng immediately came to his senses and quickly became an assistant, stepping forward to tie the knot.

At this time, he noticed that as he finished tying the knot, the laceration was healed tightly, without any cavity or tension!

"What a perfect mattress suture..." Director Zheng couldn't help but say.

All the directors were also dumbfounded.

"Is it done?"

"It took me only a blink of an eye!"

"Too fast, is this the rumored Dr. Xu?"


Everyone was completely impressed.

No one questioned whether Xu Qiu was capable of completing this operation.


As the operation progressed, everyone discovered that Kong Huixia's heart rupture was more serious than they had imagined.

In addition to what was mentioned before.

There were two ruptures from Kong Huixia's superior vena cava to the right atrium, and blood was seen gushing out.

There were also scattered punctate bleeding spots on the surface of the right ventricle.

And all of these were pressed down by Xu Qiu's bare hands.

During the operation,

Xu Qiu let go, revealing a hemostasis point, which shocked everyone once.

The rapid completion of the suture was an even greater shock.

Deep suture of the coronary artery...

Temporary closure of the non-invasive vascular clamp, suture repair of the left atrial appendage...

Different suture techniques were used freely by Xu Qiu.


In the 40th minute of the operation, all bleeding holes were sutured.

Xu Qiu pulled his left hand out of the chest cavity, only to feel his fingers sore and almost completely stiff.

"Check." Xu Qiu said calmly.

Director Zheng quickly checked the heart ultrasound.

However, the results of the examination shocked everyone!

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