Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 575 Appendix 1 will become Xu Qiu's inner demon!

Among the crowd, Director Zhu looked worried.

She could only watch the conspiracy happen, but could not provide any help to Xu Qiu.

Such a genius, a doctor who puts patients' lives first, was persecuted because of his kindness... Director Zhu had a troubled conscience.

She actually has a solution.

Attached to the brain surgery department, Director Zhu is the undisputed number one in terms of surgical ability and proficiency in operating the craniotomy machine.

Talent is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Chief Director, Director Liu, and other deputy directors all spend their time on establishing their own small groups, and they pay more attention to their professional titles and the division of various projects than on the division of various projects. The study of medical skills.

Director Zhu, on the other hand, relied on his skills to get to the top. He is incompatible with other directors of the brain surgery department and has different ideas from the senior director...

Coupled with her personality, she almost plunged into the medical field.

This also created Director Zhu’s status as the first brain surgeon.

Therefore, as long as Director Zhu did not go all out for this operation on Patient No. 1, I am afraid that even with the abilities of Director Zhu and others, he would not be able to save the patient.

If both patients died on the stage, Fuyi would not only not publicize it, but would do everything possible to prevent the matter from spreading, and the conspiracy against Xu Qiu would naturally be solved.

However, Director Zhu couldn't do it.

The word health is an oath firmly nailed in the head of every conscientious doctor. The heavy trust of patients and the eager begging of family members torture Director Zhu and make her always be cautious and take it seriously. Every patient.

Even if she could die to save a doctor who could bring hope to thousands of patients, she was not willing.

"Haha, after this time, the reputation of Fuyi will be even greater. And as our hospital takes the lead in craniotomy, other departments in the hospital can also follow suit..." Director Liu with a rectangular face His brows were full of pride.

Other doctors immediately responded:

"Then Xu Qiu's response this time is simply catastrophic. He even directly dismissed the doctors in our department... Then we can use this topic to read another book from him."

"He is too arrogant and will suffer losses sooner or later. What happened in our hospital this time was accidental and inevitable."

"Does Xu Qiu think that if he can do a craniotomy, he will be invincible in the world of brain surgery... In the medical field, various departments and different systems have deep barriers. Even a seemingly basic craniotomy has many problems. Be careful, he should have a better memory after this time.”

"I guess he will never dare to come to Fuyi again. We might become his inner demon!"


The chief director suppressed his excitement, but he could not hide the smile on his face: "Inform the Propaganda Department as soon as possible, and don't give Xu Qiu and the people behind him time to react."

Xu Qiu is not only a doctor, his relationship is too complicated. In the academic field, he is protected by various academicians, in the commercial field, he is protected by Linhai Small Vessel and related departments, and officially he is a medical representative launched by Baiyun Province...

Taking this into consideration, without a blitzkrieg, even if Fuyi has the best moves, he will not be able to make a move.

"Yes, I'll go down and make arrangements right away."

Director Liu took out his mobile phone with a smile and was just about to call the Propaganda Department when he saw the intensive bombardment of messages.

The most eye-catching one is the latest article published by Fuyi’s official account.

"Warmly welcome clinical doctor Dr. Xu Qiu and his delegation to visit our hospital for exchanges - the improvement and improvement of the thirteen craniotomy paths and automatic craniotomy machines. Dr. Xu Qiu's precise guidance will boost the development of our hospital's disciplines! 》

Director Liu's expression stiffened instantly.

"How is this going?"

His brain is a little hard to turn... We have just finished the operation, and it only took more than three hours to complete... Xu Qiu must still be in the operating room at this moment, or the patient may have died on the stage... ...Why did Fuyi suddenly develop a relationship with Xu Qiu and Linyi in just a short time?

"Xu Qiu's background is so profound?" The director took a glance and realized that the situation was not good.

He could see that this article was not intended to flatter and then add insult to injury, but to actually release goodwill to Xu Qiu... Even this release was a little cautious and humble, for fear that the other party would not accept it.

In the past, other hospitals and academicians talked to them politely. When did Affiliated One fall to this?

"The thirteen craniotomy paths proposed by Dr. Xu Qiu have provided important guidance for Fuyi to delve deeper and more thoroughly into craniotomy. I hope that in the future, Dr. Xu Qiu, clinical doctors and our hospital will strengthen the relationship Communicate and learn, and improve together..." Director Liu read the last words of the article in a low voice, feeling that everything was like a dream.

Didn't they just perform an operation? Why did the hospital's attitude completely change after they came out?

"Don't say anything, go back to the department." The chief director's face sank and he uttered these words heavily.

After saying that, he hurried to the dean's office.

A few minutes later.

The chief director knocked on the door, and after hearing the dean's answer, he pushed the door open and entered.

When he saw the solemn faces of all the senior officials in the room, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Dean, teachers, and all the vice deans..." The director's attitude was much more humble.

The deputy director who was promoted from brain surgery was his teacher. After the other party was promoted, this carrot hole was left to him.

"The article posted on our official account...was there pressure from above?"

The director thought about it and felt that this was the only reason.

The vice-dean looked at him deeply and said, "Have you read the content of that article?"

Chief Director: "After a few glances, there are thirteen types of craniotomy paths, and there are any improvements to the automatic craniotomy machine..."

Everyone stared at the chief director in silence. The latter's voice softened as he spoke. He paused and asked, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

The deputy dean looked a little indifferent and said: "Repeat your last sentence just now."

"The improvement of the automatic craniotomy machine, what's wrong...what?! Improvement of the automatic craniotomy machine!"

The director's pupils contracted violently.

He had just returned from a difficult surgery, and three hours of intense concentration had consumed his energy, so he didn't feel anything was wrong at first.

But at this moment, I suddenly woke up.

Improved craniotomy machine? !

Is it the improvement you imagined?

Xu Qiu said at that time that there was something more important than the thirteen craniotomy paths, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now that I think about it...could it be that the craniotomy machine has been improved?

How could it be a craniotomy machine!

The director's eyes were a little bloodshot. He figured it out in an instant and said: "So... he really improved the craniotomy machine and made you make a compromise?"

The vice president shook his head.

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