Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 580: The Supervisory Group, a gnat trying to shake a tree!


Jing Yanwen chose to abstain!

This shows that he at least has a conscience and did not sign his name against his conscience for Huining's interests.

This is good news.

Xu Qiu turned back to the first page of the information, found Jing Yanwen's contact information, and called him directly.

After explaining his identity, the other party did not seem surprised.

The two agreed to meet the next afternoon.

"It went so smoothly?" Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

His identity is so useful?


Appendix 1, conference room.

All the senior hospital executives, including the dean, were present, and everyone's face was a little heavy.

"The craniotomy machine was given to Xu Qiu. With his ability, plus the support of Baiyun Province for Linyi, we will soon lose our advantage." Someone said.

Another senior executive said with some regret, "Xu Qiu has little negotiation experience. He was clearly sure to win, but he gave us so many benefits... Dean, you should have been tougher at the time. With his personality, I think he would have agreed."

"Yes, he looked non-aggressive, and we were fooled by his expressionless face. After all, he is just a talented doctor in medical skills, but he is not very good at negotiation..."

The dean also sighed slightly.

During the negotiation at that time, Xu Qiu seemed to control the rhythm throughout the whole process.

But thinking about it carefully, it was really the same as what these senior executives said. Xu Qiu was easy to talk to, and he didn't have any airs. He didn't even ask for the monopoly of the craniotomy machine by Linyi, which would cut off the root of the attachment.

If I had fought for it myself at that time, would the result be better? find Xu Qiu again and discuss it again?

Just then, the assistant to the dean hurriedly came from outside. Her face was pale, but she was hesitant to speak when she saw so many people in the meeting room.

"If it's official business, report directly." The dean said.

The assistant hurriedly said, "The director of the Provincial Health Department called. In half an hour, an expert group from the Medical Administration Department will come to investigate the operation performed by Dr. Xu."

The dean frowned.

An expert group from the Medical Administration Department of the Health Department came to check on the patient?

What else could be the reason except a medical dispute or an accident!

"What happened? Wasn't the patient saved by Xu Qiu?" The dean looked at the deputy dean with dissatisfaction.

The latter took a deep breath: "The neurosurgery department was delayed for some time..."

The dean immediately understood.

"Did Xu Qiu report it?" The dean looked at the assistant.

The assistant nodded: "Yes... They said Xu Qiu reported it in his real name."

"No wonder, when will you neurosurgeons grow some brains? You even do something that is easy to leave a handle?"

The dean was a little disappointed.

"Let's adjourn the meeting."

If it was an ordinary person who reported it, this matter could be covered up, but the reporter was Xu Qiu...

The senior executives stayed in the meeting room, and the deputy dean hurriedly got up and followed the dean to the office.

On the way, the dean pinched his eyebrows and said, "This matter may not be easy to handle. You should ask your student and the neurosurgery department to be prepared to bleed more."

The vice dean felt a little painful, but still nodded: "I understand. I'm sorry to bother you this time."

"Since Xu Qiu promised not to spread it within five years, then we still have at least five years for the First Affiliated Hospital. As for five years later, the dean and the vice dean are no longer you and me. What happens in the future has nothing to do with us - the most important thing now is to send Xu Qiu away quickly..."

After the dean finished speaking, he instructed the assistant: "Hold a banquet, and pick a few bottles of expensive wine from my office, and prepare a few boxes of tea to entertain the people from the Health Department."

The assistant seemed to be accustomed to it and replied: "I will do it right away."

The dean said again: "Call the director of neurosurgery and Director Liu."

"Yes, sir."


More than ten minutes later, the director and Director Liu hurried to the office.

The two of them still had a look of joy on their faces. From Xu Qiu, they had obtained thirteen craniotomy paths, improved drawings of craniotomy machines, and the location of brainstem safety zones, etc. Although the First Affiliated Hospital lost its monopoly on craniotomy machines, it didn't matter. It would be seven or eight years before craniotomy machines were introduced to the whole country. What would they have to do with them by then?

"Dean, teacher..."

As soon as he stepped into the office, the director was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right. He quickly put away his smile and his steps slowed down a lot.

"The inspection team is coming." The vice dean spoke in advance.

The director was his student. He would definitely do something to cause such trouble to the hospital... Besides, if the dean was asked to question him, the director's loss would probably be even greater!

"Inspection... Inspection team?!" The director was a little unbelievable.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Is it the patient Xu Qiu?"

The vice dean stared at the director coldly and said, "You still dare to say that... The handle is in Xu Qiu's hands, think about how to get out of it."

The director's face changed drastically, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

He doesn't care about reports from ordinary people, but if it's from a colleague, and a nationally renowned figure like Xu Qiu, then the nature of the matter is different.

"Teacher, Dean, it's my fault..."

Facing his own people, the chief director didn't quibble. If you look closely at this kind of thing, there will be some clues.

The vice-dean thought for a while and said, "There is a director in the medical administration department who is a relative of the dean. He likes to drink tea. You can go and send some tea leaves another day..."

He glanced at the dean, who was writing calligraphy on his desk and frowned at this moment.

The vice dean then quickly added: "Of course, this matter must be resolved by the dean. After all, it's the dean's face."

The director nodded hurriedly, as if he had accidentally seen a piece of calligraphy that the dean had just finished. His eyes lit up and he said: "The dean's calligraphy is really good. He is worthy of being a member of the Provincial Calligraphy Association... I have also been collecting various famous calligraphy and paintings recently. I wonder if the dean is willing to give me a calligraphy treasure?"

The dean patted the director's shoulder, once, twice, three times...

One pat, 100,000.

The director kept smiling, but his heart was bleeding. It was not until the sixth time that the dean stopped and looked at the director with a smile, saying, "Do you want to stamp it?"

The director gritted his teeth and nodded: "The dean's original work, of course it must be stamped."

The dean looked past him and looked at Director Liu who was hiding behind: "Director Liu, do you want to collect a copy too?"

Director Liu's face was twitching with laughter, and he said, "Of course, whoever can get a calligraphy from the dean is the supreme honor."

"Okay, step down, I'll call you to pick it up after a few days." The dean waved his hand.

The director and Director Liu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and left the office with a relaxed look.

It's only 600,000... As long as you are ruthless, you can earn it back in a few months. Spending money can avoid disasters...


At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Qiu had just finished his meal when he received a call from the Medical Administration Supervision Group, asking him to go to the dean's office to discuss specific matters.

"Dean's office?" Xu Qiu smiled softly.

He is willing to follow the rules with others, but the premise is that the other party must also be fair and just and follow the rules.

But judging from the meeting place, neither the supervisory group nor the senior management of the First Affiliated Hospital take him seriously.

Does he look like someone who is easy to fool?

"Doctor Xu, what...what are you going to do?" Tang Yunshu swallowed his saliva, feeling a little powerless.

The First Affiliated Hospital has been rooted in Hunan Province for a long time, and the relationship is as complicated as the roots of an old tree... Can Xu Qiu, who comes from another province, really change the First Affiliated Hospital?

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