Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 615: Four departments meet to discuss! Dead end!

Although Xu Qiu did not speak, he was also satisfied with the efficiency of the Henan Municipal Supervision Bureau.

For a moment, he could not help but have an idea.

If Henan and Baiyun Province form an alliance and join the team to ban Gan An Ning, I wonder if it is feasible...

These days, in addition to giving lectures in various provinces, Xu Qiu also got a lot of signatures from the liver and gallbladder expert group. In addition, there is another thing, which is to represent Baiyun Province and confirm with other provinces whether there is a plan to advance and retreat with Baiyun Province.

But the result is not very good.

Now, the only province that can clearly support Baiyun Province is Hunan Province.

As for why it is Hunan Province... Because the previous director of the Health Department has fallen, the newly appointed Liu He is now the boss of the medical community in Hunan Province. He was originally the deputy director of the Health Department of Baiyun Province, so naturally he will not easily leave Baiyun Province.

The fall of Director Hu coincidentally facilitated this matter.

And now, Henan may be an ally that can be won over!

"Give it a try." Xu Qiu made a decision.

When Xu Qiu and others rushed to the hotel, the special task force of the Municipal Supervision Bureau also came to the Anti-Cancer Kitchen.

The kitchen owner was doing a live broadcast at this time. He looked at the camera of his mobile phone and lamented that social pressure was getting greater and greater, rent was getting higher and higher, and the cost of living was also rising...

The special task force was full of people, and they immediately heard that the boss's words revealed that the Anti-Cancer Kitchen could not hold on any longer, and hoped that fans would give gifts and donations.

"This is a big problem." The leader of the special task force frowned.


He knocked on the door unhappily, and the scattered customers in the Anti-Cancer Kitchen looked over. When they saw that it was from the Municipal Supervision Bureau, they were all a little nervous.

The volunteers in the store were not worried at all... In their view, the Anti-Cancer Kitchen is a social welfare undertaking and stands on the same front as the government.

"Boss, boss, someone from the Municipal Supervision Bureau is here." The tone of the volunteer was even a little excited.

Suddenly, the kitchen owner raised his head abruptly, and his expression changed several times, but he finally calmed down, hurriedly said to the fans to stop broadcasting, and turned off the phone.

"Dear leaders..." The boss came over with a smile on his face.

"The Market Supervision Bureau is inspecting, please show the relevant documents." The team leader didn't give a good look.

"Okay, please wait!"

The boss was obviously prepared. He slipped into the cashier counter and came back with a stack of documents after searching for a long time.

The staff of the task force took it and looked carefully, frowning slightly.

The anti-cancer kitchen was so well prepared that even the vegetable market in the store had a business license. From the scope of their market supervision bureau, the anti-cancer kitchen had no violations.

It was easy to find faults, but that would at most make the anti-cancer kitchen rectify for a few days without solving the actual problem.

When the leader of the task force was thinking about countermeasures, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. It turned out to be another team of people in uniform.

"From the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development?" The leader of the task force was a little surprised.

The smile on the kitchen owner's face froze slightly... The Municipal Supervision Bureau could not find any problems, but a kitchen with a large number of people must have many fire problems. After a set of inspections, the Anti-Cancer Kitchen may have to suspend business for rectification.

The most important thing is... If you want to reopen, you have to be reviewed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and re-issue the certificate of qualification.

And today, the Municipal Supervision Bureau, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments came to the door at the same time. There must be someone behind him targeting him... In this case, how can he reopen smoothly?

It is almost equivalent to an indefinite rectification!

"So many people?"

However, at this time, as if it was not lively enough, another group of people came in.

There were six people again, but this group was not wearing uniforms, all in plain clothes.

"You are..." The special task force of the Municipal Supervision Bureau and the staff of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development looked at the same time.

"Oh, we are from the Red Cross." Six people came in, and one of them took off the donation list posted on the wall.

"This... this, what are you doing!" The kitchen owner panicked.

This list is only deliberately revealed when he is live broadcasting, and it is usually covered up, the purpose is to stimulate fans to give gifts.

"Have you reported the private fundraising to the relevant departments?" the Red Cross staff questioned.

"This... this needs to be reported?"

"Someone reported you for illegally raising charity funds, is that true?"

"No, these are all gifts!"


You can emphasize the gifts and still say you don't understand the law?

The boss was sweating all over his face. He swallowed his saliva and took out his mobile phone. Just as he was about to send a message, he was controlled by the Red Cross and said, "Cooperate with the investigation first, and don't contact anyone during this period!"

The boss was a little terrified... Who did I offend? Why did three departments come to investigate!

"Why! You are not the police, what qualifications do you have to restrict my personal freedom?!" The boss broke free and was about to walk out.

He had to send the message and quickly let his wife activate the emergency plan.

He had transferred the donations on the card a long time ago, and the donated materials were also sent to a large supermarket under the name of his mother-in-law for sale...

If these people want to check, the funds will definitely not match, and large deposits and withdrawals must be booked a few days in advance.

But you can still find a way from various materials!

He had insisted on opening a supermarket in the first place just to guard against today... Even if there was an investigation, he could move a lot of supplies out of the supermarket to make up the number, and use the donations to buy all kinds of public welfare supplies, and no one would be able to say anything!

"I'm not a police officer, so I can't restrict your personal freedom?"

At this moment, the kitchen owner bumped into a group of people who were walking from outside. He was almost knocked down by the tall figure in front of him. When he steadied himself and took a closer look, his soul almost flew out.

Police uniform!

The last group of people were wearing police uniforms! !

Seven fifty.

Xu Qiu had just finished washing and reading the literature for more than ten minutes when the phone rang.

"Greentown Market Supervision Bureau"

Pretty fast.

Xu Qiu answered the phone, and the leader of the task force spoke calmly and convincingly: "Dr. Xu, after receiving your report, we immediately conducted an emergency review of the anti-cancer kitchen, and indeed found many non-compliances.

"For example, illegally soliciting donations; failing fire protection, etc..."

Xu Qiu was a little surprised when he heard the other party's name.

It seems that they already know their identity?

However, deeds don't matter... at least they are actually following the rules.

In this way, it was already time to get off work at this point, but Xu Qiu went a little too far and asked them to work overtime.

I don’t know if the Municipal Supervision Bureau is like clinical doctors. They have the opportunity to take paid time off after working overtime, and the overtime pay is very high...

"Thank you. Your Municipal Supervision Bureau actually found so many things?" Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

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