Once the hybrid operating room is launched, there will be no shortage of patients. Various brain tumor patients will fill the place in an instant.

This can be seen from the fact that the hybrid operating room of Greentown First Hospital has been scheduled for two months.

If it is in Linyi, the number of people may be even more exaggerated.

Therefore, it is useless to broaden the surgical indications. With the superiority of the hybrid operating room, it is impossible for it to have a vacancy period.

Another point is that the price will increase.

This idea was also directly rejected by Xu Qiu.

"Is there any other way?" Xu Qiu quickly flipped through the documents in his hand, looking for countermeasures.

A few hours later.

Xu Qiu's desk was full of various renovation plans, but he still couldn't find a feasible idea.

Just when he was in a state of panic, suddenly, Xu Qiu's movements paused, and his eyes fell on the design drawing.

In the picture, the space of the main operating room is very large, even a little too spacious, but the equipment room seems a little cramped, similar to the magnetic resonance imaging room of the imaging department.

This is normal. The main operating room is actually the configuration of an ordinary neurosurgery operating room, and the auxiliary operating room is similar to the MRI room.

The so-called hybrid operating room is a combination of a neurosurgery operating room and an MRI room, which is reasonable, except that magnetic field shielding doors, mobile ceiling rails and other technologies are added between the two.

"Reduce space?"

This is a way to reduce costs.

However, ordinary operating rooms are not expensive to begin with, and the total cost may only be 200,000 or 300,000 yuan. Even if the main operating room is reduced by half, it will not save tens of thousands of yuan.

Compared with 60 million, it is a drop in the bucket.

The auxiliary operating room is even more expensive. It needs to accommodate equipment and be equipped with auxiliary devices such as ceiling rails. It is difficult to reduce even a few square meters.

"No, reducing space is not feasible. Even if it is feasible, it will not help control costs." Xu Qiu shook his head.

He closed his eyes and entered the simulated operating room.

In the past few hours, in addition to studying the feasibility of the transformation, Xu Qiu was also trying to familiarize himself with the structure of the hybrid operating room.

Finally, he successfully simulated this double-room operating room that cost 60 million in his brain.

"System, simulate a patient with a huge meningioma at the base of the skull." Xu Qiu's voice resounded in the empty simulated operating room.

When in doubt, do an operation.


Three hours later, the first operation was completed.

Xu Qiu had a look of joy on his face and said, "It is indeed a 60 million operating room, which is much better than the ordinary minimally invasive operating room for neurosurgery!"

The advantages are simply too numerous to mention.

Not to mention other things, just the fact that the conversion between the operating room and the equipment can be completed in tens of seconds, and the navigation of cranial surgery can be completed without moving the patient during the whole operation is enough to stand out from the crowd.

"Moreover, intraoperative thermal imaging is also very fast. In this way, the patient does not even need to wait for reexamination to directly determine the treatment effect... Wait?! Thermal imaging?!"

Suddenly, Xu Qiu's expression froze, and he stood there in a daze.

Intraoperative thermal imaging...

Therapeutic effect...

At this moment, Xu Qiu had an idea and immediately said: "The 3.0T detector has a high-field strength and rich fast magnetic resonance imaging scanning sequence, which can fully achieve intraoperative thermal imaging!

"And this technology can instantly detect the treatment process and evaluate the efficacy, without waiting for reexamination after surgery!"

Xu Qiu seemed to have found the direction. He instantly broke away from the simulated operating room, bent over the desk, and quickly wrote and drew.


A few hours later, Xu Qiu unscrewed a bottle of energy potion, drank it casually, and continued to think at his desk without raising his head.

In the second half of the night.

Xu Qiu suddenly raised his head, he gently pressed the pen on the table, and lay back, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

He subconsciously dialed the number of the director of neurosurgery at Greentown First Hospital.

After waiting for a long time, the other side finally got through, and the other party yawned and said: "Doctor Xu, what are you doing? "

Xu Qiu said calmly: "I found a solution that can save at least 50 million yuan for high-field MRI interventional operating rooms."

"How much more?!"

The head of neurosurgery at Greentown First Hospital was suddenly awakened from his nap. He was a little angry, but at this moment he was completely dazed and even suspected that he was still dreaming!

"Fifty million!"

"Doctor Xu, are you telling the truth? Are you awake?" The head of neurosurgery looked confused and began to suspect that Xu Qiu was dreaming.

The high-field MRI interventional operating room costs 60 million yuan, saving 50 million yuan... What the hell is this?

Is the 3.0T detector free?

"The specific plan is too complicated to explain over the phone. When will you come to the clinic?" Xu Qiu said.

The head of neurosurgery immediately opened the air ticket booking interface, took a look and said: "Tomorrow at noon... No, today at noon!"

"Today at noon? "

Xu Qiu was stunned for a moment, he quickly looked at the time, and then he realized that it was past three in the morning.


Xu Qiu paused and said silently: "Sorry, I was too focused and ignored the time..."

"It's okay! Doctor Xu, this is 50 million, don't say you woke me up in the middle of the night, I'll lie in the coffin and you have to push me up with adrenaline!"

The director of neurosurgery laughed heartily, and then the sound of being beaten by his wife came from the other end of the phone.

Xu Qiu hung up the phone very tactfully.

"Finally I have an idea." He breathed a sigh of relief and said with satisfaction.

At this moment, the system also sounded a prompt.

"Congratulations! We have found an improved solution for high-field magnetic resonance interventional operating rooms. Master-level scientific research proficiency +1!"

Just a little?

Xu Qiu was a little disappointed, but considering that this was just a theory and had not been put into practice, it was reasonable.

"It should be stable now." Xu Qiu said with a smile.

The craniotomy machine of Barton's team and the high-field magnetic resonance interventional operating room of Greentown No. 1 Hospital. Couldn't they add up to the final nine points of proficiency?

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Xu Qiu's phone rang again.

He glanced at it and saw it was Barton calling.

It seems that not only Xu Qiu, but also Barton and others make phone calls regardless of occasion or time...

"Professor Barton?" Xu Qiu picked up.

Barton said excitedly: "Dr. Xu, we have designed the depth-of-cut device according to your idea and are about to conduct the first experiment. All members of our team have decided to invite you to witness it!"

For this group of technical geeks, this moment is similar to the announcement of the college entrance examination results...the success or failure of everything depends on this experiment.

Therefore, they solemnly invited Xu Qiu.

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour." Xu Qiu had just finished taking the energy potion and was full of energy, just in time to test the research results of himself and Barton's team these days.

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