Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 641 Graduation defense! Academicians gathered!

In addition to the treatment of patients in the main operating room and the auxiliary equipment room, conventional high-field magnetic resonance intervention operating rooms also require a series of postoperative examinations and the most critical minimally invasive interventional treatment.

And minimally invasive intervention is almost a must for every patient.

Therefore, a high-field magnetic resonance intervention operating room is often followed by an interventional operating room opposite. Sometimes, when a patient is transported out of the hybrid operating room, he must be quickly sent to the minimally invasive intervention room for a series of treatments.

And Xu Qiu chose an extremely clever method.

It connects the equipment room with the minimally invasive treatment room, and transforms the equipment room that accommodates the 3.0T magnetic scanning detector stop area into an operating room for minimally invasive interventional treatment.

In other words, all interventional measures are transferred to the hybrid operating room.

What other detection equipment is more accurate and faster than the 3.0T magnetic scanning detector?


Because the detector has no radiation and can perform real-time navigation minimally invasive intervention operations more perfectly in a high spatial resolution environment, it is superior to an independent minimally invasive room!

"The original interventional operating room has a large number of detection equipment with radiation. Their imaging speed and accuracy are definitely not as good as the 3.0T magnetic scanning detector... and the price of these interventional detection equipment is not low!

"If it is integrated into the equipment room, there will be countless money left to purchase interventional detection equipment. All in all, it may really save 50 million!"

Director Lu took a deep breath and looked at Xu Qiu's sketch as if it were a treasure.

"Doctor Xu, can I... take it back?" He never thought that half a month ago, Greentown First Hospital sent a document, and it has only been a short time, and Xu Qiu has easily improved it!

Today, Greentown First Hospital has a total of two high-field strength magnetic resonance interventional operating rooms. Because this technology is extremely important, it may continue to expand in the future, increasing to about four.

Xu Qiu's plan can save them hundreds of millions of yuan!

"We won't take it for nothing. The high-field strength magnetic resonance interventional operating room of Linyi will be in charge of our Greentown First Hospital. We will contact the most experienced engineers and build it for Linyi for free! "Director Lu said excitedly.

Xu Qiu nodded.

To be honest, a plan that was thought out in half a night is worth tens of millions, which is already quite good.

My research on high-field strength magnetic resonance interventional operating rooms remains in theory. If I want to truly integrate the equipment room with the minimally invasive interventional operating room, I still need a lot of integration work. Instead of letting the clinical doctors slowly explore this, it is better to hand it over to the Greentown First Hospital, which has already had experience.

By the way, I can get a mature composite operating room for free from the other party...

"Doctor Xu, I have never seen a genius like you! "Director Lu shook Xu Qiu's hand excitedly.

This trip to Linyi was the right one!

Sure enough...Xu Qiu is the kind of person who will never let people down!


At about six o'clock in the afternoon, a young doctor from Greentown First Hospital landed in Linhai City by plane.

He took the sealed document from Director Lu, and then took the nearest flight back to Greentown City, Yudi.

The construction drawings of the high-field strength magnetic resonance interventional operating room were originally very precious. At the beginning, people from Baiyun Province personally went there to deliver them back.

Now, with the integration of the combined minimally invasive room improved by Xu Qiu, this thin document can directly bring economic benefits of hundreds of millions of yuan!

Moreover, it is very likely to be a huge milestone in minimally invasive treatment of tumors!

Most methods such as mailing are not safe enough, and only people can be trusted.

A few days later, Director Lu stayed in Linyi, and followed Director Lin, Director Zhu and others to select the construction site of the hybrid operating room, and started the work of the hybrid operating room without stopping.

Four days later.

"Ding! Master-level scientific research ability gains 4 points of proficiency! "

Xu Qiu suddenly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed from a simulated operating room full of precision surgical instruments to an office again.

"Teacher, are you awake?" Shi Lian was studying a surgical textbook not far away, and stretched out his hand to gesture in the air. When he saw Xu Qiu move, he immediately looked over.

Xu Qiu said: "Call Professor Barton and Director Lu to ask about the research progress."

Although Shi Lian didn't know what happened, he still did it.

"Professor Barton didn't answer the phone."

"Director Lu..."

Shi Lian hissed, covering his ears and said: "Director Lu is so noisy, it seems that something has succeeded... Doctor Xu, Director Lu asked me to give you the phone!"

As soon as Xu Qiu took it, Director Lu's joyful voice rang out: "Success! Xu Qiu, Greentown First Hospital has successfully found a way to reorganize the equipment room and the minimally invasive room. Now the No. 1 complex operating room has basically met the conditions for transformation. It will be completely completed in a few months, and the new operating room can be put into use! "

Sure enough...

These four proficiency points come from the success of Greentown First Hospital.

"Congratulations." Xu Qiu said sincerely.

Director Lu laughed.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lian was still a little dazed and said, "Teacher, do you have telepathy?"

Even though they were both in the office, Xu Qiu still gave people a feeling of being in control...

It's amazing.

"I guess so." Xu Qiu responded casually.

Seeing that the teacher was about to close his eyes and rest again, Shi Lian hurriedly said, "Teacher, the dean just sent me a message saying that Director Wang Ping is ready and can hold the graduate thesis defense at any time..."

"Has the provincial government agreed?"

Although Xu Qiu's ability and knowledge reserve have long surpassed the master's level, the necessary procedures must still be followed.

However, this is not the graduation season. If you want to graduate, you still have to apply for it. The Ministry of Medicine, the Ministry of Education, etc. have all reviewed and approved it before you can make an exception to defend it alone.

Shi Lian opened her big watery eyes and said, "Yes, I agree. In addition to Director He Hai of our hospital, there are four experts from the province."

After a pause, she said nervously, "These five are members of the defense committee, and 21 academicians will also be in attendance!"

For graduation defense, the supervisor cannot serve as a member of the defense committee, so He Hai took over.

Director He became a doctoral supervisor at the end of last year and is about to recruit the first batch of doctoral students.

And Xu Qiu just graduated, he begged the province to give him a list like crazy, and he was just thinking of accepting Xu Qiu as a doctoral student...

When Wang Ping accepted Xu Qiu, the most glorious achievement on his resume was no longer the dozens of SCI papers he published, how influential and accomplished he was in emergency medicine, but Xu Qiu, his apprentice.

He Hai also wanted to win this time!

"Twenty-one..." Xu Qi was stunned for a moment.

It was unheard of that an ordinary master's thesis defense could attract academicians to come and listen, but there were twenty-one this time?

There were not many academicians in the medical field in Baiyun Province, and I'm afraid many of them came from other provinces!

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