Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 686: Knowledge Boundaries, Future Medicine


This is the patient who was diagnosed with CJD by Xu Qiu a year ago.

This is an incurable disease. Once infected, there is no other way except waiting to die.

Patients often die in about three to twelve months, and less than 5% survive for more than two years.

At that time, Xu Qiu's diagnosis and treatment opinion mentioned that the patient had about one year left to live.

Now, just one year has passed, and the god of death has finally come...

"Notify Dr. Xu!" Yang Yuen said immediately.

At the same time, she also rushed into the emergency room, and the patient had already stopped breathing.

"Prepare for resuscitation!"

Yang Yuen and Yunmei took action personally. As members of the rescue team, both of them have excellent rescue capabilities.

Shi Lian quickly flipped through the patient's test results.

Dyspnea - this is a common respiratory depression in CJD. Due to the damage of brainstem, respiratory center, hypothalamus, etc. caused by prion protein, respiratory system disorders are eventually caused.

Muscle rigidity and opisthotonos - this is also one of the typical manifestations of CJD in the middle and late stages.

"And liver and kidney function..." Shi Lian's pupils contracted. The patient's liver and kidneys had already failed!

"The lungs have also failed." Yang Yuen said with an ugly face... She and Yunmei tried many times and even started positive pressure ventilation, but the patient's blood oxygen level was still dropping sharply. There was no other more reasonable explanation except that the lungs had lost their function.

"Continue to rescue." Yunmei gritted her teeth and planned to make a final attempt.


When Xu Qiu arrived, the patient's body had completely cooled down.

"Teacher, the patient... was not saved." Shi Lian lowered his head, and Yang Yuen, Yunmei and others beside him were all sweaty, with a hint of self-blame.

Xu Qiu shook his head and said, "Don't blame you."

CJD is a terminal illness. Most patients die within a year, and no one has been cured.

Once infected, 100% of them die.

The patient has already developed to the terminal stage, with organ failure, and the central nervous system that is the main target of CJD has been completely damaged. Even if he can survive, it is only by relying on countless artificial organs.

Vegetative patients still have a complete brain, but CJD patients are much more miserable. The brain tissue is destroyed and they can no longer feel pain and death.

"Have you explained it to the family?" Xu Qiu asked.

Yunmei nodded quickly: "It has been explained. We resuscitated for half an hour, and the family agreed to give up treatment."

Yang Yuen sighed and said: "The family said that the patient couldn't get out of bed three or four months before he was sent to the hospital. He suddenly didn't recognize everyone in the past few weeks and was in a coma for more than 20 hours a day."

Loss of memory and deep coma, all of which indicate that the patient's central nervous system has been severely damaged, and no one can reverse the death of nerve cells.

"However, when we were resuscitating for more than ten minutes, the patient actually woke up once. Although it was only for more than a minute, he recognized his son waiting at the door of the emergency room." Shi Lian was a little surprised.

This is the so-called last glimmer of light.

Many people think that this is the brain predicting the arrival of death.

In fact, this is not the case. The so-called last glimmer of light is actually just a normal feedback from the body.

A large number of nerve cells in patients with CJD die, and the inhibition and interference of the nerve cells themselves disappear, just like a person who has an amputation will not feel foot pain.

In addition, the death of some cells may relieve the patient's brain swelling; when nerve cells are abnormal, abnormal discharges are generated, causing deep brain stimulation and awakening the patient's consciousness; moreover, the patient has been in a coma for several days and has completely stopped fasting. After the glucose level fluctuates significantly, it can stimulate neural activity...

Some scientists even find another way out.

Since the patient can regain consciousness after the brain cells are inhibited, can this mechanism be used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and save countless patients with senile dementia?

In today's medical community, there are indeed many teams conducting research in this area, but there is still a long way to go.


"Two." Xu Qiu whispered.

Qiu Qinghu, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patients, the number of death notices signed by him in the past few months has increased.

Modern medicine has developed to this day, but there are still too many areas where it is powerless, and there are countless unknown pathogenic mechanisms...

"This should be the meaning of the World Series."

Exploring the boundaries of human knowledge and finding the path to future medicine is qualified to be considered a World Series.

The Berry Country controls the competition, collecting the strengths of global medicine on the grounds of fully bearing the scientific research funds, and deepening its monopoly and dominance in the medical community. Compared with this, it is really a cliché.

"However, after this World Series, will the Berry Country still dare to play like this?" Xu Qiu suddenly smiled.

With the help of the god-level scientific research ability, Xu Qiu has too many choices in his mind. If all of them are put into practice, the entire Berry Country will not be able to cover the scientific research funds.

Moreover, I am afraid that Xu Qiu will not be able to research one-tenth of them in his lifetime.

After all, every step beyond the boundaries of knowledge is incredibly difficult.

The World Competition only lasts for six months, and ten scientific research projects are already the limit after Xu Qiu's consideration. Increasing the number will only reduce the value of each project, which is counterproductive.

I just don't know if Meiguo can afford the expenses of these ten scientific research projects...


In the next half month, Xu Qiu increased his workload again and quickly completed all the surgeries for the next month.

In the blink of an eye, the world competition is about to start.

Linyi specially held a farewell party for Xu Qiu.

It was not large in scale and was held in the auditorium, but all the people who came were big shots.

Such as the Minister of Health, the Director of the National Health Commission, and the First Secretary of Baiyun Province Fu Qing, the First Secretary of Henan Province, and others.

In the academic world, there are Academician Chen, Academician Shen Hua, Academician Dai, Lin Xie, etc., all of whom are leaders in their respective fields.

"I wish Dr. Xu good results!"

"Haha, those foreigners thought Dr. Xu had achieved so many achievements with the support of the country. Let's open their eyes this time!"

"Indeed! I heard a lot of rumors, saying that Dr. Xu is a representative promoted by our country, a fabricated medical genius... We must slap them in the face!"

"Linhai Small Blood Vessels and Seven Star Tablets are both top scientific research results comparable to the scientific research capabilities of a country. If Dr. Xu can come up with projects of the same weight, he may be able to compete with other countries!"

"Yes, I believe in Dr. Xu!"

The Minister of Health and the Director of the National Health Commission stood up, and others also stood up quickly, and all eyes were focused on Xu Qiu.

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