Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 751 Clues! Asymmetrical nails!

Lv Ruping immediately wiped away her tears and said hurriedly: "Doctor Xu, you say, I will cooperate!"

"Please hire two nurses, and you will leave the hospital in the next few days."

"This is..." Lv Ruping was surprised. She never thought that this was the way to cooperate.

Xu Qiu walked out of the ward. Lv Ruping also saw that he wanted to avoid talking to Xiang Kai, so she hurriedly followed him.

After leaving the room, Xu Qiu explained: "There is no good way to rule out the agency syndrome. The most effective one is the separation test.

"If you are separated from the patient, but the patient's symptoms do not improve at all, it means that his pain is not caused by you.

"On the contrary, it is the agency syndrome."

Lv Ruping understood.

She looked into the ward reluctantly. Xiang Kai had been staring at the door. When he saw his mother coming, he quickly looked back and forced a smile on his pale face.

This made Lv Ruping even more reluctant to leave.

Taking Xiang Kai to seek medical treatment all over the country was already very pitiful, and now she had to leave him alone in the hospital, she really couldn't bear it.

Xu Qiu didn't say much, just waited quietly.

After struggling for a few minutes, Lv Ruping finally made up her mind.

Her voice was filled with tears as soon as she spoke, and she said, "Okay, I will cooperate with you!"


In the next few days, Lv Ruping disappeared from the hospital as promised.

Two nurses replaced her work and took turns to take care of Xiang Kai day and night.

The separation test is very cruel for the mother, especially a mother who is under great pressure and on the verge of collapse.

But this is also the only way to definitely rule out the proxy syndrome.

However, other hospitals did not use this plan, which also shows that the separation test itself has a lot of defects.

For example, it is difficult to quantify.

The patient's high sensitivity and severe pain are actually in fluctuation and may change at any time.

Who can confirm whether the changes brought about by separating Lv Ruping and Xiang Kai are caused by the separation test or the patient's cyclical fluctuations?

Therefore, except Xu Qiu, although other doctors also thought of the separation test, they did not dare to practice it easily because they did not understand the agency syndrome.

The first day of the separation test.

Nurse Liu Susu came to summarize and report: the patient Xiang Kai's pain was relieved.

The second day.

The pain was reduced again.

The third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day, the pain was changing, but it was much lighter than when he was first admitted to the hospital.

When the sixth day was handed over in the morning, everyone in the emergency department saw this summary and couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression.

The results of the separation test showed that when Lv Ruping was not around, Xiang Kai's pain was indeed relieved... Could it be that Xu Qiu's speculation was wrong, and this was really a case of agency syndrome?

Xu Qiu was unmoved.

He repeatedly looked through the medical records.

It recorded all the physical examinations he had conducted on Xiang Kai in the five days since his admission, as well as the examination items, the drugs used, etc.

The other pile was the diagnosis records of thirteen hospitals.

Severe pain that can be triggered by a hair strand...

Extremely sensitive nerves...

Randomly fluctuating pain...

And, the sprained ankle two months ago.

All the information combined, combined with the medical experience and the relationship between mother and child, it is easy to piece together an image of a patient with proxy syndrome, but if this is the correct diagnosis, why can't you feel the seamless logical chain of the diagnosis and treatment process?

Suddenly, Xu Qiu was stunned.

He suddenly remembered the delayed pain that Xiang Kai felt when he lifted his calf, and then his eyes locked on the word "pain".


Xu Qiu quickly flipped through the information in his hand, his eyes quickly moving, searching for dense information.

Finally, he closed the thick diagnosis and treatment records, and a sense of sudden enlightenment appeared on his face.

They were all misled!

The problem lies in the "extremely sensitive nerves".

Almost all of the thirteen hospitals gave similar diagnoses such as "extremely sensitive to external stimuli" and "nerve sensitivity", but how did they define it?

Union Hospital: Resisting examination, and showing pain in various indirect contacts, such as rubbing clothes, fingertips twisting, etc.

West China: Hair falling on the body causes severe pain.

The other eleven hospitals are similar.

But they all mentioned a key point: pain, and severe pain.

"Get ready, go to the ward rounds." Xu Qiu immediately stood up, he wanted to verify his guess.

The people who had just finished the morning handover were just about to have a cup of coffee, and when they heard this, they hurried out.

"You..." Wang Ping, who had just made tea, stretched his neck... He had another teaching round by the director today, could he give him some face?

"Forget it."

However, when he thought of Xiang Kai's specialness, Wang Ping lost interest in drinking tea and rushed out.

If he was slower, he would not be able to grab the C position in the audience.


In the ward, Xu Qiu put on medical gloves and lifted Xiang Kai's calf again.

This time he did not exert force, but carefully observed the skin here.

It can be seen that the previously sprained ankle still has a certain degree of edema.

But the degree is very mild, and it is not noticeable unless compared with the other ankle.

"Does it hurt when you press it?" Xu Qiu pressed lightly with his index finger.

Xiang Kai closed his eyes in pain and gritted his teeth and said, "It hurts!"

It still hurts...Xu Qiu's face became more serious.

This is definitely not a normal sprain. It can last for more than two months. In addition, during the five days of hospitalization, he also gave non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to improve microcirculation.

Now it seems that these drugs are useless.

It can only mean two things, either this is not a simple sprain, or...the source of the pain is somewhere else.


Xu Qiu let go of Xiang Kai's hand and was about to get up when he was stunned again.


He asked Xiang Kai to stretch out his legs again, and this time he looked at his toenails instead of his ankles.

"You cut your nails at different times?" Xu Qiu asked immediately.

Xiang Kai was a little puzzled, and said while enduring the pain: "They are all the same. I cut them myself."

Cut them at the same time?

Xu Qiu's expression changed slightly...The length of Xiang Kai's nails on his two feet is completely different. The nails on the injured leg are about 2 mm, but the healthy nails on the other side are nearly four mm!

At this moment, Xu Qiu finally felt like he had seen the light after the fog had cleared.

He took a long breath, covered Xiang Kai with the quilt again, and told Shi Lian: "You can let Lu Ruping come back."

"Teacher, do you have an idea?" Shi Lian was a little surprised.

There was a commotion around, and the emergency doctors were also looking forward to it, looking at Xu Qiu one after another.

They were still confused at this moment.

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