Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 77 The young couple was frightened and cried on the spot

She was wondering if Dr. Huang was sick!

Before the surgery, he looked indifferent, but now he is so excited that he and his wife have given birth to seven children, all of whom are wearing clothes of different colors.

Huang Hui tried her best to keep her eyes open.

From her perspective, Dr. Huang's eyes were shining strangely, like a perverted murderer.

She quickly rolled her eyes, and when her eyes fell back on Xu Qiu's face, her heart became gentle again.

"So handsome."

"Maybe these are the butcher and the prince..."

Half an hour later, the root canal treatment came to an end.

Dr. Huang was amazed: "It's amazing. Normally this operation takes an hour. Dr. Xu is so fast."

Xu Qiu said while operating:

"After scraping the bone surface, cover it with a layer of Bio-Gide membrane."

Bio-Gide membrane is a double-layer structure.

Its dense layer blocks the growth of non-osteoblasts into the bone graft area while allowing fibroblasts to attach along the collagen fibers.

On the other layer, the porous network-like arrangement of collagen fibers facilitates the integration of osteoblasts into the three-dimensional framework structure, thereby supporting bone regeneration.

To understand it simply, it can be compared to a grape trellis.

The weeds won't come up.

Grape vines, on the other hand, can climb and grow smoothly.

This is also a commonly used treatment measure when bone defects are large.

After completing the covering, Xu Qiu sutured it with 6-0 surgical sutures.

Stitch after stitch...

Every time a needle falls, Dr. Huang's heart trembles.

He was too greedy.

Why does an emergency doctor have better oral suturing skills than he does?

Each department is proficient in exclusive sutures.

In orthopedics, titanium screws are often used for fixation, and commonly used are Kessler suture, Bunnell buried suture, etc...

In the Department of Dentistry, the methods of tension reduction and in-situ suturing of wounds are mostly used.

It focuses on the integrity of healing, and less attention is paid to aspects such as scarring.

In otolaryngology, the opposite is true. The wound is in a conspicuous place, so patients are particularly concerned about "traceless".

Needless to say, neurology and hand surgery are top departments in suturing.


Emergency physicians are often not optimistic about suturing.

Even the urology department has to sew the foreskin, but what about the emergency department?

The first priority is to save your life!

Even if there is a bleeding hole on the body, the emergency doctor is busy rescuing it. The wound is quickly pierced and pulled. If there is no bleeding, it is the gold standard.

Therefore, emergency doctors do not have a particularly representative suture, only one word: fast.

Whether it’s good or not is another matter, it’s almost over!

But at this moment...

Dr. Huang was completely shocked by Xu Qiu's fast and accurate hands.

He can see,

Xu Qiu did not have much experience in oral suturing before.

However, Xu Qiu has strong basic suturing skills.

So much so that even if he dabbled in oral suturing, which he was not familiar with, he was still very good at it, surpassing Dr. Huang by more than half.

"Prepare for minimally invasive repair." Xu Qiu's voice sounded again.

Dr. Huang finally recovered from his intoxication, and he reluctantly said: "Ah, is it over?"

Xu Qiu nodded.

Before Dr. Huang could speak, he began to perform minimally invasive dental repairs.

Before the operation, he assessed the thickness of the dental tissue in Huang Hui's neck and the amount of remaining dental tissue in advance, and clarified the repair plan.

If you do it now, it will be very fast.

The surgery uses VitaEnamic, a CAD/CAM composite material.

This is a new material that has emerged in recent years.

Compared with traditional resin inlays and ceramic inlays, VitaEnamic is easy to cut, has an elastic modulus similar to composite resin, and has the strength and wear resistance of ceramic materials. It can be regarded as an upstart in dental restoration today.

Another ten minutes passed, the repair was completed, and the operation entered the final stage.

Xu Qiu is methodical.

First, rinse the root canal with 17% EDTA for 30 seconds.

Then, rinse with physiological saline for 40 seconds.

Then rinse with 3% sodium hypochlorite for 30 seconds.

Finally, ultrasonic cleaning was performed.

After completing this series of operations, Xu Qiu used sterile paper to twist and dry the root canal, and finally sealed it with calcium hydroxide paste——

"The operation is over." Xu Qiu said calmly.

This is something only the surgeon is qualified to say.

Doctor Huang withdrew his gaze from Huang Hui's mouth and looked at Xu Qiu blankly.

Xu Qiu walked out and said: "The face is bandaged to prevent edema after the operation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are given appropriately, and the patient's sutures will be removed after two or three days - there are some other matters that you should be familiar with, right?"

Dr. Huang trotted over, nodding his head and saying, "I know, I know..."

He originally wanted to say that we are professionals.

However, when he looked up and saw Xu Qiu's calm expression, he suddenly lost his confidence.

Shortly after returning to the emergency department, Xu Qiu received the news that the mission was completed as expected.

“Congratulations on completing a difficult task: a heartfelt thank you from the patient!”

"You gain: Primary Affinity!"

Primary affinity: People are more willing to get close to you and touch you. And they tend to open up to you faster.

Xu Qiu understood.

Affinity is easy to understand.

Some people look ferocious, like devils and muscular men.

This kind of person, even if he becomes a doctor, will still be regarded as a butcher, and the patient will be so frightened that he even revealed the secret of spying on his neighbor's sister taking a bath when he was eight years old.

And doctors who have affinity,

Just a few short exchanges can make the other party trust you and ask about the condition more easily.

It's not that Xu Qiu has never encountered difficult patients.

They are often hostile to doctors and like to refute them with information searched on Baidu.

However, after gaining affinity, it should be easier to deal with such patients again.


Xu Qiu is studying the rewards given by the system.

In the emergency department, everyone's heart suddenly jumped.

I just felt a breeze blowing from Xu Qiu, and in an instant, everyone's mood of being overwhelmed by medical records was relieved a little, just like a window suddenly opened in a stuffy house, and everyone felt refreshed.


Wang Fan took a deep breath and felt the smell of 84 disinfectant in the hospital.

The beautiful female doctor Chen Jia,

the beautiful female doctor Yun Mei,

the ordinary female doctor 1234, all looked at Xu Qiu at the same time:

that serious expression, the golden hair reflected by the sunlight outside the window——

it's simply the face of the male protagonist in a medical TV series.

Everyone was worried:

"Doctor Xu seems to be more handsome~~"


After this day, the effect of the advanced energy potion ended.

Xu Qiu also went home for a long time and slept.

The next day, the sign-in reward was delivered.

"You have completed the sign-in at Linhai First Hospital!"

"Your impact factor is 6.0, and the reward has been greatly increased, and the reward is generous*6.0!"

"Congratulations on obtaining: Master-level pancreatitis debridement and drainage!"

"Ding! Since you already have a master-level cleaning technique, the master-level pancreatitis debridement and drainage technique is automatically upgraded to the perfect-level pancreatitis debridement and drainage technique!"

Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

This system also has fusion?

After the sign-in reward was collected, the daily tasks were also refreshed.

"Simple task: suture 10 patients."

"General task: suture 50 patients."

"Difficult task: suture 50."

Xu Qiu's expression was slightly solemn.

Today is a suture day...

After reading the task, Xu Qiu went to the outpatient clinic.

The first person to come in was a college student with a pale face and slow reaction.

He was accompanied by his girlfriend.

His girlfriend looked radiant.

After the consultation, Xu Qiu said something that made the young couple cry on the spot.

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