Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 8 Either amputation or death! Xu Qiu: No, there is another way

At this moment,

Chen Mengxuan suddenly screamed in the hospital bed!

Director Chen rushed over immediately.

He held his daughter's suddenly white face, his body trembling: "Daughter, daughter, what's wrong with you!"

The others no longer bothered to blame Xu Qiu, and rushed forward to check the situation.

"The pulse is thin, the skin is cold, and the pulse is also fast...a sign of shock!"

The director of the Department of Surgery quickly lifted the quilt and checked Chen Mengxuan's general condition.

As soon as he saw it, his expression changed.

"Heavy bleeding!"

At this time, a large amount of blood had accumulated in Chen Mengxuan's left lower limb.

Look at the degree of swelling,

And the reaction of Chen Mengxuan’s body,

The amount of bleeding is expected to be about 800 milliliters!

At the moment, the directors did not dare to neglect and stopped the bleeding on the spot.

The amount of blood loss is not much. If it is stopped in time and the blood volume is replenished in time, it will not be a serious problem.

"However... Ling Qianjin's toe has already shown symptoms of ischemia, and now the only option is amputation!"

The director of the emergency department discovered that Chen Mengxuan’s toes were black.

This represents ischemic necrosis.

Her leg should have been amputated a long time ago, and it is a miracle that she is still holding on until today.

Lin Xie came over to take a look, but also shook his head repeatedly and said: "Director Chen, there were some opportunities before, but now, the symptoms of necrosis have appeared...

This meant she had to remove the entire tibia and even have the bone rebuilt up to the femur!

This kind of surgery... is extremely rare not to mention domestically and internationally. "

Hearing this sentence,

Chen Mengxuan was breathing more and more rapidly on the hospital bed.

His expression became darker and darker, and he felt like the sky was falling.

"I can't dance anymore..." She held her father's hand, tears of despair sliding down her cheeks.

But at this moment, she seemed to remember something and suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Qiu in the corner of the conference room.

"He, he said he can rebuild bones, Dad, I want him to come!!" Chen Mengxuan said hoarsely.

Director Chen was worried a moment ago, but when he turned to look at Xu Qiu, his eyes immediately changed.

It was a look that wanted to kill.

It is a cruel thing to let your daughter accept the tragedy calmly.

Xu Qiu's words undoubtedly rubbed salt into his daughter's wounds.

As a father, how could he not be angry!

Is it possible that a doctor in his twenties is more capable than Lin Xie?

Before he gets angry,

Suddenly, the director of the Department of Surgery beside him said in a low voice: "The bleeding...can't stop!"

The director of the emergency department also stood there dryly.

The two of them tried various methods.

But...the bleeding point can't be found!

"I come!"

Lin Xie put on his gloves and took their place.

He glanced sideways at the other directors.

There was some disdain in my heart.

As expected, he is the top three in a small place...the director is only at this level.

But it's normal, otherwise how can he show his professionalism?

With this idea in mind, Lin Xie quickly carried out the hemostasis procedure.

After a while, the blood on the tibia surface became clean.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Stuffing a piece of gauze inside, he said at the same time: "Her wounds are severely damaged, and it's understandable that you didn't stop the bleeding..."

However, before he finished speaking, a little bit of red smeared out from under the white gauze.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a bloody gauze!

Don't stop!

Lin Xie's pupils dilated and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He quickly sucked up the congestion, explored again, and stopped the bleeding.

Lin Xie's face was sweating more and more.

There are more and more red gauze beside it.

It was still dark red congestion at first.

At the back, the gauze turned bright red...

"If the bleeding doesn't stop... just ampute it!" Lin Xie suddenly raised his head, and a drop of sweat slipped into the mask.

Director Chen was stunned.

Amputation and bone reconstruction are two completely different surgeries.

If you choose amputation, it means that it is basically impossible to reconstruct the bone later.

"It's not a matter of one leg now. If you don't amputate the leg and stop the bleeding once and for all, your life will be lost!" Lin Xie said solemnly.

Chen Mengxuan's heart gradually became cold.

She tilted her head feebly and looked at Xu Qiu again.

At this moment, a glimmer of hope suddenly sprouted in her heart, her haggard eyes widened, and her expression was full of pleading...

Seeing this scene, Xu Qiu finally couldn't sit still.

This time, he didn't say hello.

Chen Mengxuan couldn't make the decision in the hospital bed.

He made it clear in advance that he would inevitably be rejected.

So... I can only do it forcefully!

Facing Chen Mengxuan's delighted gaze,

Xu Qiu walked forward step by step, putting on her gloves.

After approaching Chen Mengxuan,

He turned sideways, squeezed in from beside Lin Xie, and then inserted one hand into Chen Mengxuan's dissected tibial wound...

Perfect manual hemostasis method!


Lin Xie's expression changed drastically and he was about to reprimand him.

On the other side, the nurse's voice suddenly sounded!

"Blood pressure...stabilized!"


Everyone looked at the monitor at the same time, their expressions full of disbelief.

"Expert Lin, don't touch him!"

At this moment, everyone's conversation changed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xu Qiu held down the culprit of the bleeding!

Otherwise, blood pressure cannot be stabilized immediately!

Lin Xie quickly raised his hands and took two steps back.

At this moment, no one dared to touch Xu Qiu.

Only a pair of surprised eyes were still looking at the young doctor.

At the same time, Chen Mengxuan weakly raised her head.

She stared at the handsome doctor with a focused expression, and her weak heartbeat suddenly accelerated a few points.

"Dad, I want him to do the operation." Chen Mengxuan's voice rang out in the silent conference room.

But people still felt it was absurd.

Although it was unclear how Xu Qiu stopped the bleeding with his bare hands,

but... hemostasis and bone reconstruction are not things of the same difficulty level at all.

Director Chen finally hesitated at this time.

Looking at his daughter's eyes that had regained their vitality, he deeply realized the significance of that leg to her life.

Director Chen turned his head to look at Lin Xie.

After a moment, Lin Xie sighed and said, "It's not impossible... I can try bone reconstruction, and if it fails, just amputate directly. But in that case, the range of resection may be larger, and the cost of the operation will be higher."


This time, Director Chen gave up the opportunity to make the decision.

Chen Mengxuan was surprised at first, but soon smiled and said, "Okay, I'm willing to take this risk."



The surgical plan was quickly determined.

Moreover, Chen Mengxuan had already completed chest CT, abdominal + pelvic enhanced CT, whole body bone scan, tibia and fibula enhanced CT and MRI and other examinations.

Therefore, when the surgery was decided, she could already be pushed onto the stage.

On the way to the operating room,

He Hai, the second-to-last position on the scene, re-reported the key information.

And Xu Qiu, acting as a human hemostatic device,

pressed Chen Mengxuan's tibial blood vessels, remained relatively still with the bed, and moved horizontally to the operating room.

Listening to He Hai's report, Xu Qiu's expression gradually showed a hint of surprise.

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