Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 96 Creating history, Xu Qiu's miracle

During the operation,

Xu Qiu made a Kawase quadrilateral and removed the surrounding bone.

Add the previous temporal lateral gap.

Now there are two places with defects.

After the operation, how to fill the defects?

Just when Director Lin was frowning, Jin Yiyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

He said in surprise: "Before the operation, Dr. Xu asked the family to sign an additional informed consent form...It was a resection of the outer thigh-could it be used here?!"

Director Lin's pupils shrank, and he figured it all out at once!

Sure enough,

After the tumor was removed, Xu Qiu took fat and myofascia from the outer thigh of the patient.

Fat was filled in the bone defect of the minimally invasive incision.

The surface was covered with myofascia.

The outermost layer was fixed with biological protein glue.

"Artificial dura mater." Xu Qiu's voice was like a heavenly sound.

As soon as the voice fell, the defect areas of the two minimally invasive incisions were tightly fitted with artificial dura mater.

He methodically repositioned and fixed the skull,

then sutured the scalp and bandaged it in turn...

"The operation is over."

Accompanied by Xu Qiu's tired voice--

Everyone just woke up from a dream, they stared at the big meatball blankly, still couldn't believe that this super difficult operation was over!

"Really did it?"

"The leader of Daxia's neurosurgery is Tiandu Tiantan Hospital, even they can't conquer the resection of the huge meningioma at the bottom of the middle cranial fossa?!"

"Doctor Xu has done it! Doctor Xu succeeded!"

"Make history! Doctor Xu is going to be on the news!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the operation came to an end.


Outside the operating room,

Xu's wife was sitting in the waiting chair with her child in her arms, waiting. She looked anxious and panicked. She looked at the time every few seconds, and she was on the verge of collapse.

Four old people, some stared at the operating channel in a daze,

and one old man paced back and forth and prayed, and slowly tears flowed from the deep eye sockets, crossing her vicissitudes of life face.


Suddenly, the door of the operating corridor was pushed open!

Everyone looked at the same time, with a pair of eyes full of expectation, fear, and helplessness...

Xu Qiu, who walked out of the operating room, had pale lips, a mask-shaped outline on his face, and his hair was wet with sweat.

The other doctors were the same, with a look of listlessness and embarrassment.

Full of unkempt ugliness.

Only Xu Qiu, despite his tired eyes, had a messy hairstyle that added a bit of ruffian spirit, with a dash of unruly ruffian handsomeness.


Xu Shun's wife rushed over with the child, her voice trembling.

The old people also staggered over, with a little tear flashing in their turbid eyes.

Facing these pairs of begging eyes,

Xu Qiu's tired face suddenly broke into a smile, and he said easily: "The operation was very successful, and the patient will be pushed back to the ward later. Don't visit the ward before the nurse allows it."

The family members were stunned for a moment.

Then they hugged each other and cried with joy.

"Thank you, doctor. I really don't know how our family can survive without my husband... You saved our family!"

"Quick, say thank you, doctor brother, thank the other doctors, uncles and grandfathers!"

"Buddha bless my son Xu Shun, Buddha bless my daughter-in-law... bless my grandson... bless my mother-in-law... Buddha bless Xu Qiu!"

At this moment, the old man who had been praying all the time, after saying all the family members, added the name Xu Qiu.

From this day on, there was a stranger among the family members she begged for blessings.



After the operation, all the people involved in the operation went to the barbecue restaurant in an orderly manner.

I'm afraid the owner of the barbecue restaurant would not have thought that the two tables in the corner today were occupied by big names in the medical field such as Academician Chen and Lin Xie!

Compared with these people,

Xu Qiu is more noteworthy.

At this moment,

the beautiful daughter of the barbecue restaurant owner had twinkling peach blossom eyes, supported her snow-white chin, and kept secretly glancing at the direction where Xu Qiu was sitting.

In order to avoid the alcohol, Director Lin condescended to get the wine. When he noticed the girl's gaze, he smiled knowingly and said, "Little girl, don't you think the two people sitting next to him are more elegant?"

That is a medical big shot that can only be seen in textbooks!

The girl shook her head and said, "I don't care, that brother looks more powerful!"

Director Lin wanted to refute.

But he suddenly thought that one day in the future, Xu Qiu's status will really far exceed that of Academician Chen and Lin Xie.

The latter two left a name in a certain medical field.

And Xu Qiu——

Maybe he can set up milestones in the human medical community!

"You are right, he will be more powerful in the future."

Director Lin took a few bottles of white wine and was about to go back.

But he suddenly noticed that there was a bottle of yogurt in the middle.

"I didn't order this." Director Lin was about to return it.

The girl's face flushed, and she said boldly: "I see that brother doesn't drink, I'll give him a bottle of yogurt, free!"

"Hahaha, OK, I'll help you convey it!"

Director Lin grabbed the yogurt, which was still warm.

The barbecue restaurant didn't have a microwave, and I didn't know where the girl heated it.

After a while, Director Lin returned to his seat.

The girl looked at him from a distance.

Xu Qiuping took the yogurt calmly, cast his eyes over here, and nodded slightly at her.

At this moment, the girl felt that spring had come.

At the dinner table.

Xu Qiu was always the core of the topic. After talking about interesting things in the department for a while, they would return to Xu Qiu.

"Too self-disciplined. To be honest, you are more like a neurosurgeon than us! In order to maintain the accuracy and stability of your hands, you don't drink a drop of wine. Brother Xu, I admire you!" Zhong Wen drank a few glasses and his face turned red.

"Brother Zhong, you are 29 years old. What's the point of calling Doctor Xu Brother Xu? Right, Mr. Xu!" Shen Shanyou, who was sitting at another table, raised his glass to salute.

After a while, everyone burst into laughter again.

After eating a few more rounds, Lin Xie and Dean Chen were a little restless.

Lin Xie took a big sip of wine, put down the wine glass and said:

"Xu Qiu, you make me embarrassed to speak now. You can do such a difficult neurosurgery. If I ask you to do bone reconstruction again, it would be a waste of your talent in neurosurgery!"

Academician Chen also took a sip of white wine, and took a deep breath because of the spiciness, and then said faintly:

"I would like you to follow me to do hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, but your extracerebral endoscopy is really inferior to me..."

Everyone quieted down and looked at Xu Qiu at the same time.

They really want to know how Xu Qiu will respond to the invitation of these two medical leaders!

These two are both influential figures that even the dean of Linhai First Hospital can't afford to offend!

Before Xu Qiu answered, Academician Chen stood up tremblingly, and said with the help of alcohol:

"Xu Qiu, I'm telling you the truth!"

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