Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 441: As long as you like it

When I went back that afternoon, Yannian took down the high-definition marriage certificate photo in the bedroom.

She changed into the one she was most satisfied with wearing a suit and crossing her legs.

Yannian really likes this black and white suit.

See how you like it.

Unspeakable heartfelt like.

"You like this one?"

Jiang Beiyuan unwrapped a jar of yogurt and handed the yogurt lid to Yannian.


Yan Nian took it and licked the lid, threw it into the trash can, and said with a smile, "I love it, I love +10086!"

Jiang Beiyuan looked at the big picture in front of him, took a sip of yogurt, and raised his eyebrows lightly. "This one looks like your shoulders are very wide, and your body proportions are a bit uncoordinated. Where does it look good?"

For Jiang Beiyuan, he likes the group of photos taken by Yannian wearing a white wedding dress and leaning against him.

He likes to watch Yannian wear a wedding dress, which is very beautiful and makes men very impulsive.

"It's not a question of good looks, you don't understand, I just like the feeling of sitting on an equal footing with you!"

Yannian turned around to face him, eyebrows crooked, clear and moving.

"Have you seen this picture? We are on the same contour line. It's like two big business men met. After signing the contract, we took photos as a memento, and we laughed at each other's eyes. Four points of carelessness, hahahaha sorry sorry, I think too much don’t mind!"

Yannian smiled and waved her hand. When she said this, she had the purest happiness and carelessness in her eyes.

Jiang Beiyuan has been watching her.

Yannian was looking at the photo.

Jiang Beiyuan freed a hand to touch her head, his thin lips fell on her forehead, and he kissed hard.

"As long as you like it."


Yan Nian spent two days at home with Jiang Beiyuan, and finally realized that he wanted to go back to work.

Now that Jiang Beiyuan has resigned, she did not resign. If he doesn't go to the company, she will still go to work.

For a job with a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, a fool just quit.


Neither she nor Jiang Beiyuan work, how did this money come from?

Who will support the family?

Who buys ham sausage for Yuli?

So Yannian is going to work.

After breakfast, Jiang Beiyuan drove her to Jiang's door.

Yan Nian: "The matter is resolved, are you really not coming back?"

Jiang Beiyuan touched her face, "I have a wife in the company, what shall I do when I go back."

In a word, she is a little warm.

It feels that the cart is really turning the cart before the horse. She has become a big woman outside, and he is the little husband in the family.

"Okay, then I'm going to work, I won't go back to eat at noon, you let Yuli eat with you!"


Yannian thought he was a little angry and she didn't go back to eat, and hurriedly said, "Or let Yuli and Xu Kuangjie partner with you to eat!"

"Not angry."

Jiang Beiyuan smiled and withdrew his generous and dry palm from her face.

"Go in, call your husband if you have something to do."

"Okay! By the way, if you are fine today, or go to the hospital for a checkup."


"My stomach hasn't moved, so I still have to do the checkup, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan wrinkled his eyebrows, "I didn't mean to let the flow go, why did you mention this again?"

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm still young, but you are almost thirty!"

"Your husband is also young and can afford to wait."


"Not going."

Seeing that she was still in the ink, Jiang Beiyuan simply interrupted her.

"Your husband will not do things that hurt a man's self-esteem."

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