Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 810: "Daddy, you have dumplings!"


Jiang Beiyuan's mood was dull, not obvious, but Jiang Qingchi discovered it.

Back in his room, Jiang Beiyuan asked him to change his clothes, but the little guy grabbed his father's sleeve and prevented him from leaving.

"Dad, you have eaten dumplings, right!"


"You are jealous!" The little guy smiled slyly.

It may be that the expression on his son's face is so rich that Jiang Beiyuan is rarely interested in him.

He put his hands on the bed, condescendingly looking at his copy.

"How did you get it?"

"No, I smell it! The air smells sour!"

"It has a dog nose."

Jiang Beiyuan raised his hand and pinched his son's nose.

"Did the father eat dumplings?"

"Well, I eat it."

"Then continue eating now?"

What a clever ghost.

Follow the **** weirdness.

Jiang Beiyuan stretched his brows, personally changed his son's clothes, and then picked him up again.

"Stop eating, go out and eat your mother's meal."


The next day, Jiang Beiyuan drove Yannian to her company.

Today Jiang Beiyuan took the child, Jiang Qingchi was sitting in the back seat of the car, and Yannian was sitting in the passenger seat.

I have to say that Jiang Beiyuan is really much more diligent than her on weekdays, like the number of days with children, Jiang Beiyuan accounts for more than half.

As a result, most of the doctors in the central hospital now know Jiang Qingchi this cub.

Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the company.

"Ochi, look for a flying saucer outside!"

When Jiang Qingchi turned to look out the window, Yannian hurriedly took Jiang Beiyuan's face and kissed him.

Against his forehead, her clear eyes were a bit pleased, "If you are fine at noon, please come to me for dinner, okay?"


"I don't think you can accompany me."


A certain Meng Sao gentleman hooked his mouth, his eyebrows were warm, like a spring breeze.

Seeing him smile, Yannian was also relieved.

It's really hard to coax, the older you are, the more you look like a child, just because of the appearance of a Gong Jun, a man who has not been jealous for two years becomes so angry.

"Mom, you lie! There is no flying saucer at all!"

"Ah, I should have read it wrong!"

Yannian scratched her neck and got out of the car, only to glance at her son last.

"Listen to your dad obediently, don't make a fuss, you know, I will buy you toys tonight!"

"There are enough toys at home~"

The little guy waved his hand, indicating that Yannian can leave without talking nonsense.

He wants to enjoy the two-person world with his father.

Saying: "..."

Yan Nian returned to the office and got busy.

Two years ago, she participated in an international flower art competition and won the second prize, which is considered to be well-known. Since then, many international suppliers have looked to her for cooperation. There is no shortage of markets and contacts.

She was also suffering during that time.

She didn't know if Jiang Beiyuan helped her secretly, but it was not easy to write plans, sign contracts, and make detailed outlines every night.

Thinking about this, she felt that Jiang Beiyuan was right to be a doctor.

Because I don’t need two presidents at home, it’s too busy.

She was thinking that she should give birth to a daughter as soon as possible, and then teach her how to arrange flower arrangements, and give her the company to her in the future. This is really the best ending.

But thinking about the stubborn donkey at home makes Yan Nian a headache.

Regarding the second child, Jiang Beiyuan would not agree at all.


The knock on the door brought back Yannian's thoughts.

She turned around and said softly "Come in."

The assistant who entered was standing in front of Yannian: "Mr. Yan, there is a man who wants to see you, saying that it is your old friend."

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