Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 823: Make the lame jade

"Um, Dad, I want to be black! I want to be black!"

"Get in the car. Didn't you hear?"

There were gusts of wind around him, and Jiang Beiyuan's voice was extremely low and dull.

Anyone who knows Jiang Beiyuan knows, don't let him repeat a sentence a third time, because two times already means that he is extremely angry.

"Let's go! Don't make your father angry!"

Yan Nian was a little impatient to say to her son. Now she and Jiang Beiyuan are in a cold war. If her son also has a temper with Jiang Beiyuan, this day will really be impossible.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingchi reluctantly let go of the **** in his arms.

Until he sat in the back seat of the car, Jiang Qingchi lay down at the window and looked out reluctantly.

"Big black……"

What is not available is always the best.

Can't get it, don't have it, so it's empty.

"Take your head back."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was harsh, Ochi squeezed his mouth and retracted his head, Jiang Beiyuan directly closed the windows and doors.

Back home, Yan Nian entered the flower room, Xu Tongtong told her at the dinner table that she wanted a bunch of cornflowers.

Jiang Qingchi wanted Jiang Beiyuan to hug him, but Jiang Beiyuan didn't even look at him, and went straight into the study. Before he left, he only left a sentence and asked him to change his clothes.

"Huh... bad father, bad mother, you all ignore me."

Jiang Qingchi sat down on the carpet, sulking with his cheek in one hand.

Yuli in the corner came over and licked the little master's hair.

"Go away!"

Jiang Qingchi directly pushed Yuli away and pointed his finger at Yuli.

"Blame you, dad is mad at me, dad ignores me, and mom scolds me for being disobedient. Blame you for blaming you..."

Looking at Yuli now, nowhere is pleasing to the eye.

"Why are you not Da Hei? Da Hei is a hundred times better than you, and I want Da Hei to be my dog! Huh huh!"


Yuli didn't speak, lying on the ground, looking left at the window and right at the wall, the black beads' eyes seemed to be covered with an unreal mist.

Jiang Qingchi turned his head away, both arms were still in his arms, his chin was raised, only his chest was up and down.

This posture is waiting for someone to come and coax him.

But Yuli can't speak, Jiang Beiyuan and Yannian are not in the living room now.

so annoying!

Only this annoying dog!

"Hey, listen, you go and pick up that ball!"

Jiang Qingchi pointed at his toy ball that rolled beside the trash can.

After receiving the instruction, Yuli hurriedly stopped lying on his stomach, limped over, held the toy ball with his mouth, happily placed it next to the little master, stuck out his tongue at him, and waited for his reward.


Jiang Qingchi, who did not give any reward, threw the ball to the balcony, pointed at the ball, and ordered Yuli:

"Hurry up and pick up the ball for me, or I will hate you all my life, hum."


Yuli limped over again.

This is a disability that fell on the day of Yannian's birth. It has been more than two years and I have not seen any better. Fortunately, Yuli doesn't go out very much, so he stays at home and relaxes, and he doesn't need to do strenuous activities.

Picking up the little master's ball and placing it at his feet, Yuli licked the back of Jiang Qingchi's instep.

"It's too slow! Hurry up! Shoo~~~"

This time, Jiang Qingchi threw the toy ball farther, pointed at Yuli, and asked it to hurry up.

After repeating this several times, Yuli was already tired and sweating profusely. As he walked, he was sweating with his tongue out.

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