Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 834: Happy fourth anniversary, madam

Jiang Beiyuan was expressionless.

"Yu Lili."

"Well, what's wrong?"


He suddenly smiled.

The smile was not enough to catch the eye, but a sullen coldness spread from his body.

Yu Lili knew that he was angry, even extremely impatient, but still pretended to see nothing on his face, smiling and waiting for Jiang Beiyuan's later text.

"Rather than exhausting my brains to do so much, it's better to just find a way to sleep with me, this is the real skill."

Jiang Beiyuan copied it with one hand.

Yu Lili was stunned.

"You take this seriously?"

"You can try it."

"Well, that's what you said!"

Yu Lili left with excitement and pride.



Yan Nian returned to the office, slammed the door firmly, leaned behind the door, and exhaled heavily.

Just now the secretary told her that Jiang Beiyuan was here, and she happily went downstairs, thinking that she still hadn't forgotten her and his wedding anniversary!

But unexpectedly, I heard what Jiang Beiyuan said--

"It's better to find a way to sleep with me, this is the real skill."

I'm so mad at her! ! !

The ringtone of the mobile phone was particularly harsh at the moment.

Seeing the caller ID above, Yannian picked up the call impatiently.

Haven't waited for that end to open--

Yannian: "Get out!"

"Still angry?"

Yannian sneered: "Of course I am angry!!!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "Speaking so loudly, doesn't your throat hurt?"

"What's up with you! I love it!"

"Look down now." Jiang Beiyuan's voice was always soft.

"What do I look at! The floor is below! Could it be your head!"

"I want you to look under the window." Jiang Beiyuan sighed helplessly.

Such a temper is like taking gunpowder.

Yan Nian pursed the corner of her mouth, and walked to the window sill half-believingly.

Downstairs, a man holding a large bunch of red roses, a long jade, a radiant figure, the setting sun and sunset clouds fell on him, and the golden sunlight crowned him.

Being too far apart, Yan Nian couldn't see the expression on his face, but could feel the two burning gazes he delivered.

Three minutes later.


The man holding 521 roses brought the bouquet to her arms, his eyes were dark, like a star like a moon.

"Madam, happy fourth anniversary."

Jiang Beiyuan said.

Look at her alone while speaking.

Her voice is mellow and clean, and she always favors her.


Yannian took the flower and saw that the petals were all wilted and her mouth squashed, "When did you buy the flowers, the flowers are almost drying."

"I bought it in the morning, I don't know how to take care of it. Go back and get it."

"I see... so you haven't forgotten what day is today?"

"Don't dare to forget."

I didn't dare to forget a sentence, and the anger in Yannian's heart disappeared a little.

She carried the flowers in the car.

In fact, after waiting for him for a long time, he didn't call her. Ding Baoyi said that Jiang Qingchi was in her house, so she thought Jiang Beiyuan would come to pick her up, otherwise she would not send her son away.

He didn't come over until half past six, and he was still talking to Yu Lili.

How could she not be angry.

Jiang Beiyuan had booked the restaurant in advance, He Yannian got out of the car, and he took her hand and walked inside.

"You smell of tobacco, have you smoked?" Yannian brushed away his hand impatiently.

Jiang Beiyuan pursed his lips and came to hold her hand again.

"I didn't smoke. I went to see a client in the afternoon and he smoked."

"You don't care about company affairs now, why are you still going to see customers?"

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