Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 838: Contraceptives, don't take them!

Jiang Qingchi rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his double eyelids turned into third eyelids when he rubbed them. This was inherited from his father.

"Mom... is home?"

"No, I'm in the hospital, your dad is looking for me for something."

Yannian put on her son's coat, then bent over and carried him out so as not to catch a cold.

The little guy was very sleepy and went on to sleep on Yannian's shoulder.

Yannian took her son to the elevator.

Jiang Beiyuan’s lounge and consultation room are on the eighth floor.

The man leaning on the wall at that time had a loose white coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

After seeing Yan Nian coming out of the elevator, he walked over and took the child to the back room of the lounge.

The bed in Jiang Beiyuan’s lounge was very soft, and the little guy was covered with a quilt, so he came out and sat on the sofa outside with Yannian.

"Eat this."

He passed a glass of warm water and a small white pill.

Yannian squinted slightly and didn't take the medicine.

"what is this?"

"Vitamins." Jiang Beiyuan said lightly without looking at her eyes.

"You lie! This is a contraceptive pill, right!"

She has never eaten pork, and she has seen pigs run somehow, so the vitamins are not so small.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't expect her to be so smart this time. He looked down at her, "I'm sorry, I forgot to take measures last night. I just remembered that you were in danger this morning."

"Oh, I don't take birth control pills anyway!"

Yannian held her arms and put her head aside.

"This medicine is bad for women's health, don't you know it! So you lie to me not to tell me and let me take medicine that is bad for my health, Jiang Beiyuan, are you trying to kill me!"

"I just let you eat it because I was afraid you would die."

Jiang Beiyuan pursed his lip line and sat down.

Compared to Yannian's violent mood, he appeared gentle. It was true that he had forgotten his mistake last night. He has been very careful in the past few years. It may be that after returning home from the restaurant yesterday, he drank a little red wine and he was a little drunk.

He will occasionally make mistakes.

"I asked the gynecologist that this is the contraceptive with the least side effects. Taking it once or twice will not have any effect on the body. I will go to Aunt Qiao to grab some herbal supplements for you this afternoon. It will be fine."

"What if there are side effects?!"

"That's better than you having a dystocia and dying on the operating table." Jiang Beiyuan said every word, his voice was heavy.

"I don't know how to eat. I was pregnant when I was pregnant. You know I always wanted a second child."

"Don't make trouble with me, you have to eat!"

Jiang Beiyuan's voice suddenly rose.

"I won't eat it!! If you are pregnant with this child, it is God's will. If you are not pregnant, it will be just as you wished!"

Not to be outdone.

She has never been the one to be submissive.

"Niannian, are you obedient?"

Jiang Beiyuan lowered his voice, patiently.

"I'm worried about your body, and I feel sorry for the suffering you suffered when giving birth!"

"I am not afraid of suffering, just stay with me."

Yannian's voice was dull, and she sniffed.

"As long as you still love me, don't deceive me and hide anything from me."

Jiang Beiyuan is a very smart man. Hearing this, he knew that Yannian had something in it.

"What am I hiding from you?"

"Where did you go yesterday afternoon?"

"Why ask this suddenly?"

"Nothing, just ask casually!"

"Go and negotiate business with a boss, but I didn't make a deal." Jiang Beiyuan told the truth.

"Where did you talk about it?" Yannian said again.

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