Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 841: She vomited medicine

I don’t know how long it has been,

Yannian walked to the bathroom with no expression on her face, and spit out the little pill hidden under her tongue into the toilet...

With the sound of the toilet pumping, everything returned to its original calm.

The night is quiet.


At noon the next day.


Ding Baoyi put her cheek in one hand, looking at Yan Nian opposite.

It's been almost an hour. This person called her out at dinner, and didn't order a cup of coffee, so he ordered a cup of coffee and set it aside. Now the coffee has cooled down, and there is nothing to say.

"Hey me, are you meditating?" Ding Baoyi yawned and asked lazily with his eyes closed.

"You just meditate!"

Yannian opened his eyes, took the cold coffee in front of him, and drank it all.

"You are crazy, isn't your husband not letting you touch something cold!"

"I'm happy! Don't mention him to me, I am angry!"

"What's wrong, could it be the bath center thing?"

"Ang, he said he didn't apply for a membership card, I found it out of his pocket, and he didn't admit it! I did it once I did it, why lie to me? I hate that others lie to me!"

"Uh... how do you say, from my perspective, I think Jiang Beiyuan is not that kind of person."

Ding Baoyi said to herself.

She felt that Jiang Beiyuan would not apply for a card.

Secondly, she felt that Jiang Beiyuan would not deceive words because of such things.

There is no need, is it?

Yan Nian sneered, "He said that a woman hit him and put it in his pocket. I thought about it all night yesterday and thought it would be nice to go to the bathing center! Maybe I can find any clues!"

Ding Baoyi laughed as soon as the voice fell.

"That's right, you, now I don't need a sister to give you an idea, you already have an idea!"

"So I want you to go with me, and two of you can take care of it!"

"Well, I have nothing to do this afternoon,"

Ding Baoyi raised her wrist and looked at her watch. She had just returned from a business trip and was experiencing jet lag, so the boss gave her a vacation.

"Then let's go now, don't sit here and waste time!"


Ding Baoyi drove. Twenty minutes later, he followed the navigation to the Xianyu Bathing Center.

There were not many people in the bathing center in the morning, and the only car at the door was Ding Baoyi's own car.

The front desk has changed people. It is not the little girl from yesterday, but a middle-aged woman in her thirties with exquisite makeup. She smiled and asked if Yannian and Ding Baoyi needed any help.

Yannian's ears are pointed, or because she is involved in Jiang Beiyuan, she is extremely sensitive, and she can hear this woman's voice, the woman who called her yesterday morning!

"It was you yesterday, right? You said that my husband bought a membership card with you, recharge 1000 and get 500 back!"

"Excuse me, is your husband...?"

"Jiang Beiyuan." Ding Baoyi replied for Yannian.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang. That's right. Yesterday, Mr. Jiang applied for a membership card with us. The reserved is Mrs. Jiang's mobile phone number."

"Huh? Why did Jiang Beiyuan keep his wife's mobile phone number?" Ding Baoyi narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know about this either." The front desk was calm and still smiling decently.

The words and thoughts that were dazzled by jealousy and anger, pushed Ding Baoyi away, stood in front of Ding Baoyi, and stared at the front desk.

"I ask you, did Jiang Beiyuan have a massage with you yesterday?"

"That's Mrs. Jiang. Mr. Jiang was here with us yesterday afternoon and bought a set of massage packages with mandarin ducks playing in the water."

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